The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

@Simpli To clarify: Dawson can see inside the space in the column. He can see the ladder rungs. Can he actually access the space and go down the ladder? Thanks!
@Dariusprime do you have a starting point to this foxhunt? It is after all a quite giant mall with three main entrances and who knows how many side entrances for the staff~?
That is the problem I have been contemplating. All I can think of at the moment is going down a level, finding the same column, and assessing the situation from there. Continue downward another level if no exit from the column is found. Otherwise look for anything (or anyone) suspicious. Ask employees if we have too. Check for building exits, etc.

We really don't have the people to cover all the exits, and organizing people to do so, I suspect, will be difficult. Directly following the assassin is the best bet. Dawson is thinking that if they move fast enough, Al's plan to pincher the assassin can work. Dawson will take point down the stairs, drawing attention, and perhaps flushing out the assassin.

So in summary, directly chasing/tracking the assassin is the plan.
@Simpli Does Dawson know anything about Madam Vesand that could lead to such an attack? Someone unhappy with her marrying a down-on-his-luck noble? Maybe his own family? Someone she slighted? A business rival? Heck, the Loomis family's connection?

I will also roll whatever is necessary for Dawson to recall details. Thanks! :)
Making a couple of academic rolls and a fun one (just realized that Mavis, does have a rank of investigation. Probably from all those penny dreadfuls and dime novels instead of stuffy classics), just for information that Mavis might know. Looking for some more info on them, aka what she'd recall about the assassins or the poison.

Academics Check 1 - A familiar taste of poison?
d6 (3) + Stat [Mind] (+0) + Skill [Academics] (+2) = 5

Academics Check 2 - Secret Assassin Cabal?
d6 (5) + Stat [Mind] (+0) + Skill [Academics] (+2) = 7

Investigation? [Using spirit as she's piecing all this together she's deduced from reading people]
d6 (4) + Stat [Spirit] (+3) + Skill [Investigation] (+1) = 8
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Academics Check 1 Total: 3
3 3
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Academics Check 2 Total: 5
5 5
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Investigation Total: 4
4 4
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@Simpli Does Dawson know anything about Madam Vesand that could lead to such an attack? Someone unhappy with her marrying a down-on-his-luck noble? Maybe his own family? Someone she slighted? A business rival? Heck, the Loomis family's connection?

I will also roll whatever is necessary for Dawson to recall details. Thanks! :)

There are a few good natured jokes from Dawsons Grandma about how his Great-Grandfather had always favoured Madam Vesand as a young girl and everyone had thought she would marry into the Loomis Family - before said Great-Grandfather instead helped arrange the marriage into a noble family that allowed the then Vesand and Loomis families to pull ahead before the other textile families as they now had a seat in the high assembly. Think that 30 years further and there are enough who bear her ill will for marrying above her station, for helping her family and the Loomis-Clan to dominate textile production for the last decades and so on and on - aka being known as the puppet that bound a noble influence to Loomis Money.

Academics Check 1 - A familiar taste of poison?
d6 (3) + Stat [Mind] (+0) + Skill [Academics] (+2) = 5

You have very, very, very faint memories of a founding day play in school, that involved treacherous nobles choking on Sin and something about a scorpion of some kind.

Academics Check 2 - Secret Assassin Cabal?
d6 (5) + Stat [Mind] (+0) + Skill [Academics] (+2) = 7

You can blame it all on the penny-dreadfuls or the overly dramatic patriotic theatre - but there are wildly unrealistic tales about a secret order of once Imperial Assassins that entered the service of the Duchess when they fled to this very island. Their roles fall into the silent but shady protector - or the dark skinned and dark haired warrior that frees damsels and kills Stratocracy Bojars in their sleeps to safeguard the Duchy. They are mostly a historical phenomena by now and who knows whats the truth when it comes to the Legacy of Scorpions?

Investigation? [Using spirit as she's piecing all this together she's deduced from reading people]
d6 (4) + Stat [Spirit] (+3) + Skill [Investigation] (+1) = 8

By your own reading of the room when it happened, there was complete surprise in the faces and voices of all the nobles - not even the ex-fiancee seemed to have felt anything but shock when Arty collapsed. With the business partner its harder because Dawson and Al ran into him first, but the anger he's feeling is genuine, just like his respect towards Madam Vesand. But they still seem to be the grandest personalities on the floor right now. The Grandmother herself is hard to read, presenting an unyielding mask to the gathered nobility even or especially in face of tragedy.
Thank you so much for the information. We have a look to think about.

Another quick question: how did Madam Vesand's son die? Thanks!
@Vagabond422 @Semi-Autogyro @Dariusprime

Well, I have heard the wish to go back to being pilots and I am fully ready to throw you lot onto the waves next. Alas I am now wondering just how far you want to jump, do you want another little briefing session at the patrols base or because this is mostly being on retainer for various needs, shall I wrap that up in an recap on what Al had to get told, before putting you three down at the harbour ready to board~?
I'm up for jumping to the briefing session. that way we can all get a post in to explain the however long time skip and what we did in the interm. Then we can ask questions about the current job, which will likely happen. Even if it's just 'fly to a place and show the flag'.
XP Assigned (Attempted Murder Mystery at the Mall)
+2 Medicine (Reward) → Medicine: 1 [2/4] XP to next Rank
+5 Free
+2 Medicine → Medicine: 2 "Hello Nurse!" - Animanics
+1 Persuade → Persuade: 2 [2/6] XP to next Rank "I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him." - Mark Twain
+2 Shooting → Shooting: 2 [2/6] XP to next Rank "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk!" - Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez
Semi has asked me what kind of bling you can wear to the party- leading to me making a first outline of potential medals, ribbons and rockers. Any thoughts or anything I am missing?
That is a good list, Simpli. Thank you. I may make a modification or two, but I will note them here for possible inclusion. Thanks again.
Okay, I added a Scout adjective for the Aviator Badge, expanded the Airship Pins to include any served aboard, and made up the Airtrooper Stripe. I will note any others that I think of. Thanks!

My xp and updated character sheet should be along soon.
Skills: 5/5 xp

Free: 1 xp Publicity +1 (3/4)
1 xp: Publicity +2 (0/6) Like water off a duck's back.
1 xp: Close Combat +1 (0/4) Learning that sweet science.
1 xp: Athletics +2 (3/6) Nothing like a good hike.
1 xp: Shooting +2 (3/6) Blowing off some steam.
1 xp: Awareness +3 (3/8) The All-Seeing Eye.
Mavis chooses to defer to the wing leaders leadership in this matter~

Awareness Check: I spy from behind blue eyes...

d6 (6) + Stat [Mind] (+0) + Skill [Awareness] (+2) = 8
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Perusing with peepers Total: 6
6 6
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@Simpli Depends does it look like the sighting is within Radio Range? If it is outside 10km then we'll need to launch all together

d6 (6) + Stat [Mind] (+1) + Skill [Awareness] (+2) = 9
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: My Danger Since is tingling Total: 6
6 6