The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

@Vagabond422 @Gideon020 @Semi-Autogyro @Kensai and @Dariusprime. Time to do the job you were send north for - one last chance to say good bye, to order your thinks or the loose the rest of your wages to the engineers. Please tell me what you will do before we start into the combat segment~
Go over the plan one last time with the flight (If I have to sit through boring meetings retreading old ground so do you.) and have a light meal before going up. No alcohol needs her senses sharp for this.
@Vagabond422 @Gideon020 @Semi-Autogyro @Kensai and @Dariusprime. Time to do the job you were send north for - one last chance to say good bye, to order your thinks or the loose the rest of your wages to the engineers. Please tell me what you will do before we start into the combat segment~

Dawson will check his belongings one last time and write letters home. The work is as much to keep him busy as finishing up actual errands.

All that amidst that last agonizing meeting. ;)
Mavis is going to pop into the chapel to say some private words to the Lady, have a smoke and a glass of wine in the pilots lounge, then finally winding up singing in her cage ( forward observation lounge) as she watches the green ocean pass by underneath.
Now we're talking action!

I'm assuming his survival kit includes a flashlight. If not I will edit the post accordingly.

Initiative: Mind +1, Awareness +1, +5 = 7
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Initiative Total: 5
5 5
Mavis is headed towards the closest armory so the people with her that do not have weapons can pick one up (maybe snag herself something heavier than a pistol as well). Then she intends to goto the hangers (with any other NPCs/PCs that want to tag along) so she can hopefully jump into her plane to try and shoot down the attackers.

Safety in numbers and all that.
Rolling for attack on the Dryad in the dumbwaiter. (I don't think I need to but, I will anyways.)
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Knife attack +3 Knack Total: 8
6 6 2 2
So, I don't really like doing this - I am sure no one does. But Kensai and Gideon we have to talk.
For the last... more than three months at this point, neither of you has posted anything in the IC thread and while I know that you both are busy and have other problems, I think I have to do the painful thing and ask if you think you can still dedicate some time to taking part in this game or not, because you are kinda slowing everything down for everyone else and I don't think its fair for everyone else if I don't say anything because I am afraid of insulting either of you. I really don't want that, but at the same time we need to decide where we are going to go from here.
So, I don't really like doing this - I am sure no one does. But Kensai and Gideon we have to talk.
For the last... more than three months at this point, neither of you has posted anything in the IC thread and while I know that you both are busy and have other problems, I think I have to do the painful thing and ask if you think you can still dedicate some time to taking part in this game or not, because you are kinda slowing everything down for everyone else and I don't think its fair for everyone else if I don't say anything because I am afraid of insulting either of you. I really don't want that, but at the same time we need to decide where we are going to go from here.

Completely fair, and really it's nobody's fault but mine. Just been busy with work, kids and the like, and my motivation for this RP has been lacking. Again, not your fault as GM - you've done really well in keeping things going - just that I'm not feeling my character the way I did when we began. So rather than being a drag on the game, perhaps it's best you write me out of it. My apologies.
Ok so we are going for this 3 attacks on 3 dryads with a -3 to the attacks meaning no modifier, let's roll the dice.

All three hit thank you knack.
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Attack on Dryad A Total: 7
6 6 1 1
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Attack on Dryad B Total: 7
4 4 3 3
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Attack on Dryad C Total: 5
2 2 3 3
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[928927, member: 6118"]
You do that now - then you find out that you and Semi-Autogyro successfully made me plan a SW Sector Ranger campaign~

Some people would call me an enabler, and yes, it's true. I have wanted to see Simpli's sublime skills as a GM unleashed on one of my favorite franchises for a while now.
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