yo, how the fuck do you subscribe,
also this is awesome
Go to the top of the thread, hit 'Watch', pick whether you want to watch the whole thread or just the author's posts, and hit 'confirm'.
Actually, by default, posting in a thread automatically makes you a watcher of said thread (that can be changed in the preferences, if memory serves me right). Which, in a sense, makes the query its own answer.
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Actually, by default, posting in a thread automatically makes you a watcher of said thread (that can be changed in the preferences, if memory serves me right). Which, in a sense, makes the query its own answer.

Right, forgot about that. Always annoying to have to go to the top, unwatch the thread, and then watch it again, only this time setting it to only OP posts.
You can also directly set the little checkboxes per thread from the advanced reply page. ;) Click "More options" when replying...
Gekkou *waves fluffy tails and yawns*

This has been surprisingly fun to read for me. Also, kinda curious what went through Amy's mind and how she approaches Divinity.
Also curious to see how Taylor's divinity has affected her, since we already know that Vicky is suddenly curvier, with fox ears and tail.
Unless, she suddenly has a greater affinity for Agriculture. That would be nice. :)

Still, looking forwards to seeing more in, like, a month or two. See ya then! :]
She was napping after spending the day teaching Taylor the foundations of how to think with portals. The incident with the ghost pepper pockets wasn't until the next day.
There are still two factors preventing Inari from being Lisa's rescuer.

First is the fact that Inari has only one tail, where Lisa's rescuer has seven.

Second is this line.
"Hmm, you seem to have had a bit of trouble. Behind my shop no less. Lucky for you." The woman said, her tone measured, but possibly sympathetic.
Inari has been either in the celestial realm or with Taylor for the duration of this fic. Unless Magical Spirit Guide Inari-Chan can use the Shadow Clone Jutsu, it would be impossible for her to be the owner of a shop right now.
There are still two factors preventing Inari from being Lisa's rescuer.

First is the fact that Inari has only one tail, where Lisa's rescuer has seven.

Second is this line.

Inari has been either in the celestial realm or with Taylor for the duration of this fic. Unless Magical Spirit Guide Inari-Chan can use the Shadow Clone Jutsu, it would be impossible for her to be the owner of a shop right now.
Parian with level 7 fluff (seven tails)? not sure if she has been mentioned yet, if she has, I missed it, if she hasn't, it's a possibility.
IMO the most obvious conclusion for them should be that the Trident is another of Taylor's autonomous projections, that it's semi-sentient, and wants to rejoin its mistress.

Given Taylor's resilience and regeneration, they should have at least considered testing the hypothesis to see if it also rejected her; instead they chose to hold an idiot ball and waste time and resources while risking their tinkertech against 'something' possibly created by someone who already showed to be nonsensical or even destructive to said tech. That is not even including the possible breach of confidence from someone whose psych evaluation already says has trust problems, and for whom their superiors very clearly ordered to bend backwards to accommodate.

This makes absolutely no sense, and Piggot should be - at least - reprimanded for it once Rebecca hears of it.

They're not hiding it from her. She knows about it and has decided that she doesn't have the mental energy to think about it right now.
If I autopsy her, will she survive?
On the vivisection question (autopsy or dissection of a living creature); either Taylor or Inari will smite you, and then you will be charged with crimes against humanity (cause that's Mengele level villainy). A minor biopsy? survival is almost certain. Full on vivisection, likely only slightly better than a normal human... allowing for her brute rating.

That presumes that her body has anything to do with her being alive. Maybe it does, but if I had to guess I would think that her flesh is now nothing more than a raiment for her. Something that she can put on and off and reshape at her will and it's only her leftover mortal preconceptions that is preventing her from realizing this.
At some point in time the romans basically hijacked pretty much all of the greek religion and then filed the serial numbers off and re-branded it to make it look like that was their home religion.

No they didn't. A huge chunk of the Roman heart land was populated by people who spoke Greek as their first language and so Greek culture was hugely influential in Roman society because it was one of the founding parts of Roman society. On top of that the latin speakers were already religiously and culturally similar to one another because they were closely related branches of the Indo-European people groups and as a result their cultures never diverged as much from one another before syncretizing again.
You do realize Corentine sounds just like quarantine, and Coren like corn/Karen?

What were they thinking?

I think these comparisons are grossly overstated in the comments.
Parian is mid-eastern in ethnicity, so our mystery 7-tails face and accent are all wrong. Unless Grounders10 is going way, Way AU for the setting of course.

Given Kitsune propensity for trickery, I don't think we can trust things like accent or appearance.
I don't see how Parian as the other kitsune is any more likely than Mr. Gladly (kitsune trickery, remember ;)). It's a completely random instance of totally picking a name out of a hat, based on "who here is a named character?" and I don't see any compelling reason to think it needs to be a canon Worm character at all.
I don't see how Parian as the other kitsune is any more likely than Mr. Gladly (kitsune trickery, remember ;)). It's a completely random instance of totally picking a name out of a hat, based on "who here is a named character?" and I don't see any compelling reason to think it needs to be a canon Worm character at all.
It's not. However, her appearance rules nothing out.