the trick is I've used to getting a good shade of black is to very lightly add in shades of navy or very dark purple/red as an undertone, then putting an extremely dark grey and a really dark brown on top. At least, that works well with a lot of physical mediums. Don't know how well it would work for digital coloring, though.
I can't make black hair look good, no matter what I tried so I settled for something lighter.

For black hair to look good in 2D digital art it requires a shine to it, so use white to show reflections where appropriate from your intended light source. Or whatever color is appropriate for your intended lighting. Case in point in thread and this very page, @Crazael's avatar is a good example. Note the refraction of light off the hair, it brings out the color properly.
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I can't make black hair look good, no matter what I tried so I settled for something lighter.
Black is a pain in the arse to properly use when it comes to digital art to the point some people have started to use blues and purples as high/low lights among the black to lighten it but still try and keep the black look *shrugs* mind you I have no clue on the colour shades nor the digital art programs used
The thing with using Black and White in any art medium, is that they are very high contrast absences. Not colors, absences. No one actually uses black for "Black" or white for "white" because the contrast required to get them to properly blend with other colors is too stark, so instead, as others have pointed out, artists will use very dark blues or reds with small bits of grey mixed in for blacks, or extremely pale yellows, blues or pinks instead of pure white. Whatever best allows the artist to blend or contrast the "white" or "black" section of the piece against the rest of it. Shades of grey are also sometimes used, but usually only if the colors they're trying to contrast against are more muted themselves, or if the artist is going for a higher contrast in the piece.
I personally think its Amy's inevitable Foxification and her reaction to how a few sweets taste really different to her but that's just me.
Peanut butter? I mean I know foxes have a thing for apples, sunflowers seeds and apparently especially love persimmons which isn't something I would have thought of anymore than wolves having a things for apples, blueberries and pears but peanut butter?
Peanut butter? I mean I know foxes have a thing for apples, sunflowers seeds and apparently especially love persimmons which isn't something I would have thought of anymore than wolves having a things for apples, blueberries and pears but peanut butter?
As far as I know anything even close to canine loves peanut butter.
Peanut butter is basically pure salt and fat with a bit of protein on the side; pretty much any and every mammalian carnivore\omnivore (and quite a few herbivores) thinks that peanut butter is The Best Thing To Ever Happen.

That it is also sticky and gloopy and therefore can be licked at for hours is an added bonus.

(In fact this applies to almost any nut paste, but peanut butter is by far the most common one, so that's the one that gets used. Plants don't go to such incredible lengths to protect their nuts in elaborate shells without good reason; everybody and their dog wants dem nuts.)
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Ok, this is the... fourth(?) Worm fic I've binge-read this week despite not liking Worm. And I definitely love how OCP this Taylor is. *Destroyer Leader yoinks Inari for fluff cuddles*
Ok, this is the... fourth(?) Worm fic I've binge-read this week despite not liking Worm. And I definitely love how OCP this Taylor is. *Destroyer Leader yoinks Inari for fluff cuddles*
Wasn't expecting the overly aggressive midget destroyer to pop up here...

Another story I'd recommend is It Gets Worse... it's very fun and lighthearted, in spite of the title.

And I'd be a fool not to recommend Constellations. Oh my doG, that's a good one.

And a personal favorite of mine is Scaling Up, where Taylor becomes a red-gold dragon hybrid thanks to Bahamut and Tiamat.
Constellations is great, have not read it gets worse, i personally did not get into Scaled Up, but lot of other people seem to like it so give it a go?
Taylor is DOOMed i could not get into, mainly due to depiction of Danny.
Taylor Varga is good though.
Luck of the Draw is also good (Worm/MtG crossover), as is Hive Keeper (worm/dungeon keeper/war for the overworld crossover).

Meh. Meh, I say. Anything related to Taylor Varga is dead to me.