Ok, this is the Editor, on the whole "Pagen Gods not being Gods" thing? Have you not Read The Ten Commandments?
I guess I've read them a whole lot more thoroughly than you did? 🤷‍♂️ Because that's not actually true,
Aaaactually, at the risk of a derail, the Bibile DOES
I'd be very happy to debate this, but I really don't think this, or any thread in User Fiction section is the right place. Please let me know if you start a suitable thread.
The question is if they're a god of DEATH or a god of THE DEAD.

Regarding the god of death convo a couple of pages back the term you're looking for is "psychopomp".

A psychopomp is a god/spirit/deity/random-thing who's job is to collect the souls of the dead and carry them to the afterlife. Generally, it's not that they actually kill people, mortality manages to take care of that, they just clean up after it's happened.

Some examples would be Anubis (Egyptian), Thanatos ((Greek), not thanos), Valkyries (Norse), Shinigami ((Japanese), I think not sure about them), the grim reaper ((western/European) changes depending on characterisation)

It's a distinctly separate thing from gods that rule over the afterlife (the place) such as hades (greek), pluto (roman), Osiris (Egyptian)

Also of note is that actually judging the souls of the dead is often done by something other than the gods. Rather than being dependent on the random, changeable whims of a deity (because would you trust Zeus to take that seriously) they often had some kind of solid mechanism or process to it. Makes it easier to know and follow the rules I suppose.

Egyptians weighed your heart against a feather with evil deeds weighing your heart down, the greeks had a panel of historical figures who determined where you ended up, not sure for the Norse (much of it is vague because we don't really have any good pre-Christian sources) though I believe it has something to do with where and how you die

I can't see Taylor ending up with ruling the underworld as a domain, a common trend with them is that they're kinda stuck there ruling their domain, but I suppose we could end up with foxes in a psychopomp role. Get into an accident only to have a cute fox pop up and inform you that you're dead and lead you to the afterlife.
Regarding the god of death convo a couple of pages back the term you're looking for is "psychopomp".

A psychopomp is a god/spirit/deity/random-thing who's job is to collect the souls of the dead and carry them to the afterlife. Generally, it's not that they actually kill people, mortality manages to take care of that, they just clean up after it's happened.

Some examples would be Anubis (Egyptian), Thanatos ((Greek), not thanos), Valkyries (Norse), Shinigami ((Japanese), I think not sure about them), the grim reaper ((western/European) changes depending on characterisation)

It's a distinctly separate thing from gods that rule over the afterlife (the place) such as hades (greek), pluto (roman), Osiris (Egyptian)

Also of note is that actually judging the souls of the dead is often done by something other than the gods. Rather than being dependent on the random, changeable whims of a deity (because would you trust Zeus to take that seriously) they often had some kind of solid mechanism or process to it. Makes it easier to know and follow the rules I suppose.

Egyptians weighed your heart against a feather with evil deeds weighing your heart down, the greeks had a panel of historical figures who determined where you ended up, not sure for the Norse (much of it is vague because we don't really have any good pre-Christian sources) though I believe it has something to do with where and how you die

I can't see Taylor ending up with ruling the underworld as a domain, a common trend with them is that they're kinda stuck there ruling their domain, but I suppose we could end up with foxes in a psychopomp role. Get into an accident only to have a cute fox pop up and inform you that you're dead and lead you to the afterlife.

Norse myth had two "afterlives" one ruled by Odin was for warriors who died in battle where they could drink and party until Ragnarök when they would fight the last fight, Norse heaven, the other was Hel or Helheim ruled by Hela and was for everyone else, split like the Greek underworld for how you lived and died.
Enjoying the story, but I'm incredibly sceptical of what appears to be Shaper giving Vicky even just slightly divine physiology. Shaper shouldn't be able to comprehend divine physiology, much less actually reproduce it.

Can you clarify (eventually) is Shaper truly is that OP or if part of this is Taylor's fault or something?
Norse myth had two "afterlives" one ruled by Odin was for warriors who died in battle where they could drink and party until Ragnarök when they would fight the last fight, Norse heaven, the other was Hel or Helheim ruled by Hela and was for everyone else, split like the Greek underworld for how you lived and died.
There was actually at least one more, run by Freya, which supposedly took half the people who die in battle. Valhalla only getting the other half. Based on the descriptions of them, I imagine the method of picking who went to which might have involved asking them whether they wanted to fight in Ragnarok or whether they just wanted to chillax after a job well done.

Based on a quick wiki walk, there was also some stuff about how people who went to Hel would have a special kind of bread to feed the dog that guarded the gates if they helped those poorer than themselves in life, so he would let them pass. It's kind of unclear as to what would happen if they didn't have any to feed him; maybe he would devour their souls, maybe he only guarded the entrance to the nice parts of Helheim, or maybe they got stuck as wandering spirits. It does leave implication that there was more afterlife possibilities, or at least subtleties to the existing ones than "die in battle, get the good afterlife. Die of old age, eat the suck," though. Including that at least part of Hel was probably pretty decent. Might even imply that for a lot of people, going out in a fight was only more attractive because they weren't certain they were nice enough people to get the Hel-cake to feed the doggo.
Enjoying the story, but I'm incredibly sceptical of what appears to be Shaper giving Vicky even just slightly divine physiology. Shaper shouldn't be able to comprehend divine physiology, much less actually reproduce it.

Can you clarify (eventually) is Shaper truly is that OP or if part of this is Taylor's fault or something?
I imagine that's intended to be a plot point eventually. If I were to guess though, I would say that Shaper tried and completely botched the attempt, with a tiny bit of divinity only leaking into Vicky to fill the gaps and patch the holes it left afterwards because the world is looking for people to turn into deities anyways.
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Egyptians weighed your heart against a feather with evil deeds weighing your heart down, the greeks had a panel of historical figures who determined where you ended up, not sure for the Norse (much of it is vague because we don't really have any good pre-Christian sources) though I believe it has something to do with where and how you die
So the Norse had two different happy afterlives, one kinda bad one, and one really bad one. The happy one everyone knows about is Valhalla of course, but that was only for warriors who died in battle (and women who died in childbirth). Their main heaven however was the Hall of Frey, located in Vanaheim, Frey being their god of Summer, harvests, healing, etc. If you lived a good life, but didn't die in battle, this is where you ended up. If you lived a less than good life, you went to Hel in Niflheim, the hall of Loki's daughter Hella. Despite the name, Hel isn't really that bad, just depressing. There's no torture or anything, it's just oppressively gloomy. Most people end up here. If you were truly wicked you got tossed into Muspelheim instead, which is probably the inspiration for the modern concept of hell, being a realm of fire and agony.
Can you guys stop talking about the gods, the mods already told us to stop so how about we get back to talking about the story please. I really like this story and I don't want to risk it getting taken off. Thank you!!!
Probably League of Legends. Not many games have a kitsune as a major character (insomuch as any character in League can be considered "major"), and Leet's got plenty of options to pick from for his infamously finnicky tinkertech.
Counterpoint: Okami. Amusingly, several of the enemies that are encountered would be ideal fodder for Leet to play off.
However, I'd guess they'll go with a game that uses a fox as a prominent foe rather than as the main character; easier to find those, after all. (Though not much easier)
Counterpoint: Okami. Amusingly, several of the enemies that are encountered would be ideal fodder for Leet to play off.
However, I'd guess they'll go with a game that uses a fox as a prominent foe rather than as the main character; easier to find those, after all. (Though not much easier)
So, either Sly Cooper with Taylor in the role of Carmelita, or Pokemon, with her as a Ninetales they try to "capture" (probably just some sort of containment bubble to contain her while they do whatever it is they're Actually trying to accomplish).
Can you guys stop talking about the gods, the mods already told us to stop so how about we get back to talking about the story please. I really like this story and I don't want to risk it getting taken off. Thank you!!!
They were specific about Abrahamic gods which is where *my* concerns are. Less modern pantheons are fair game for discussion as far as I'm concerned especially since Greek, Norse, and Shinto have already shown up in the story.
Probably League of Legends. Not many games have a kitsune as a major character (insomuch as any character in League can be considered "major"), and Leet's got plenty of options to pick from for his infamously finnicky tinkertech.
LoL is too new for them. Their thing is mostly retro games, and as of the time of the story, LoL is just barely a year old, and not nearly the force it is today. Furthermore, Ahri isn't in the game yet and won't be until December. And, finally, it's unlikely LoL even exists in Earth Bet.

Remember, Worm is set in 2011. Actually, wait, wasn't this an AU with things happening earlier? If so, all the more reason they wouldn't use LoL.
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Can you guys stop talking about the gods, the mods already told us to stop so how about we get back to talking about the story please. I really like this story and I don't want to risk it getting taken off. Thank you!!!
They did not; read the modpost again please. Unlike the derail that they addressed, general mythology is at least tangentially relevant to the story. We should be trying to not stray too far into it without specifically coming back to how the specific thing we are talking about ties in more directly, true. Such as in regards to various afterlives that we are discussing, how such things are going to end up working with the new generation of deities and how those people who already went to afterlives belonging to the old ones will be sorted out or transferred. That being two ways they tie in just off the top of my head. We don't have to be doing so in every single post however. That would just be silly.

EDIT: Ninja'd by author
To try and bring things a bit closer to on topic, what do you think the Realm of the gods will be like? A classical palace/fortress where the gods lived, or is there more to it than that?
Remember, the Euthyphro dilemma is something to help us not worry about good and evil.

Enjoying the story, but I'm incredibly sceptical of what appears to be Shaper giving Vicky even just slightly divine physiology. Shaper shouldn't be able to comprehend divine physiology, much less actually reproduce it.

Can you clarify (eventually) is Shaper truly is that OP or if part of this is Taylor's fault or something?

I think it is more it saw the changes, saw how it is "better biology", and tried to use it as a new baseline from its limited understanding.

Victoria's blood was not fully golden.
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Also of note is that the Entities are what killed the previous generation of deities in the first place. Their shards may not be having such a hard time understanding divinity as it seems.
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Also of note is that the Entities are what killed the previous generation of deities in the first place. Their shards may not be having such a hard time understanding divinity as it seems.
Nope. The entities didn't kill the previous generation of deities, the deities mythological enemies and the deities destroyed each other with some help from the Entities.
Without the entities that was a very evenly matched battle, with them weighing in on one side the gods lost, but still managed to destroy their enemies. Any Entity or shard that was involved in that fight was destroyed.

Entities vs. a fully mature and trained Panatheon of gods wouldn't be a contest, the problem is it's Entity vs. newborn goddess just figuring out her powers.
I imagine that's intended to be a plot point eventually. If I were to guess though, I would say that Shaper tried and completely botched the attempt, with a tiny bit of divinity only leaking into Vicky to fill the gaps and patch the holes it left afterwards because the world is looking for people to turn into deities anyways.

That's a fair point. I hope the explanation ends up being something like that.

I think it is more it saw the changes, saw how it is "better biology", and tried to use it as a new baseline from its limited understanding.

Victoria's blood was not fully golden.

Shaper granting even a sliver of divinty is nonsense, in my opinion. That Amy spaced when using her power on Vicky suggests it's actual divinty (albeit only a little) rather than a mundane biological augmentation by Shaper.
It is amusing how much people miss, I will give a hint. What Happened that day, with Taylor and Amy. What is the way a few Divinities are Born.
Shaper granting even a sliver of divinty is nonsense, in my opinion. That Amy spaced when using her power on Vicky suggests it's actual divinty (albeit only a little) rather than a mundane biological augmentation by Shaper.
I was at least trying to say that it qaa just copying what was good.

Unless it is actually divine

Who says gods can't hijack shards?
That's a fair point. I hope the explanation ends up being something like that.

Shaper granting even a sliver of divinty is nonsense, in my opinion. That Amy spaced when using her power on Vicky suggests it's actual divinty (albeit only a little) rather than a mundane biological augmentation by Shaper.
This is an AU, remember. The existence of gods may not be the limit of that; the entities are already The Enemy, that took out the previous generation of gods in this round of I-Can't-Believe-it's-Not-Ragnarok. What I said there might be the explanation, true, but even if the truly supernatural is utterly foreign to shards in canon, that may not be the case here. The one having trouble and spacing out might just be Amy; her shard might be parsing divinity just fine, or at least actually making progress towards such, and it be mostly just Amy herself whom is unable to comprehend the info it's telling her.

If that's the case, Shaper getting contact with Taylor and making progress in understanding Divinity as part of the shard network might be a Very Bad Thing™ that is actually happening, and most of us are just missing it because we're too confident in the idea that shards won't be able to understand such things.
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To try and bring things a bit closer to on topic, what do you think the Realm of the gods will be like? A classical palace/fortress where the gods lived, or is there more to it than that?
I think it will be an empty field, probably coastal and with an eternal storm on the horizon (subject to change as more gods are created and begin to influence the Realm). And it'll be up to Taylor and her fellow new gods to figure out what kind of structures it should have.
Shaper (amy) accidentally copying taylor is the only explanation the prt has, and through them the dallons and Taylor. It's more likely Taylor accidentally did it than the shards themselves. Shaper (amy) is the only explanation they'd accept as they dont know about/believe Taylor's story about the gods.