This reminded him of occultism. The most banal and useless trapping of national socialism. As much as he aped their traditions to rise in power and appeal to their less rational supporters the occult had never not earned his derision. He had stamped out the small occultist group that his father and sister had maintained. They were a pointless waste of money, time, and manpower that was better spent securing their grip on Brockton Bay.
Kaiser might be 100% materialist Will-to-Power, but what about the Gesellshaft? Do any of their leaders have occultist leanings? What will they think when they hear about what Victor has done? Will they accept that Kaiser keeps control of Victors experiments, and any possible rewards? Or will they demand that Kaiser send Victor to them "So that he can get the support he deserves, more than what a single gang in a single city can provide"? And will the Gesellshaft capes in E88 obey Kaiser or the Gesellshaft?
The long knives may come out for Kaiser...

(edit, screwed attribution again. fixed I hope)
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That's probably going to cause some significant infighting at Central Committee (or whatever they'd call it) level, because the occultist faction have always been grudgingly tolerated fringe weirdos even by other fash. Even if some of the brighter ones would have to admit that it's not like parahuman powers make any more sense.
Kaiser might be 100% materialist Will-to-Power, but what about the Gesellshaft? Do any of their leaders have occultist leanings? What will they think when they hear about what Victor has done? Will they accept that Kaiser keeps control of Victors experiments, and any possible rewards? Or will they demand that Kaiser send Victor to them "So that he can get the support he deserves, more than what a single gang in a single city can provide"? And will the Gesellshaft capes in E88 obey Kaiser or the Gesellshaft?
The long knives may come out for Kaiser...

(edit, screwed attribution again. fixed I hope)

That's probably going to cause some significant infighting at Central Committee (or whatever they'd call it) level, because the occultist faction have always been grudgingly tolerated fringe weirdos even by other fash. Even if some of the brighter ones would have to admit that it's not like parahuman powers make any more sense.

Why are you guys talking about a possible nazi civil war like it is a bad thing, I think it is a very good thing that nazi may be about to murderise each other.
because the occultist faction have always been grudgingly tolerated fringe weirdos even by other fash.
IRL yes. But would it be the same in Worm where supernatural powers are demonstrably real? Like Merlin and Glastig Ulaine (spelling?) it wouldn't be far fetched for a Gesselshafter to believe their powers "really" came from their pre-trigger beliefs:

(with a nod to Spartan, imagine the following said in a Monty Pythonesque manner, because that is how I hear it in my mind:)

"My Power comes from the Spirit of The German People!"

"That's a strange way of saying 'Corona Pollentia'"

"The Corona Pollentia is a Bolshevik plot!!"

Why are you guys talking about a possible nazi civil war like it is a bad thing, I think it is a very good thing that nazi may be about to murderise each other.
Apparently its not only irony, but also hopeful anticipation that doesn't come across in text :)
Why are you guys talking about a possible nazi civil war like it is a bad thing, I think it is a very good thing that nazi may be about to murderise each other.
I wasn't intending to sound like that at all. Although it might not be an unqualified win for anyone caught in the crossfire if it escalates to Night of the Long Knives level.
Why are you guys talking about a possible nazi civil war like it is a bad thing, I think it is a very good thing that nazi may be about to murderise each other.
I don't know about anyone else, but, civil wars are always nasty, and they are guaranteed to spread the misery to anyone in range. Guess who is in range, in this specific situation?

If your answer is a large part of the world, congratulations, you realized that Gesellschaft is an international organization, and one that will happily use their own internal disorder to damage their enemies too, not accidentally, but intentionally.

Even if the nazis are careful about keeping things more under cover, which I doubt they'd do, Brockton Bay is most definitely going to be one of the battlegrounds.

This would be worse than a hot war between the gangs, though eventually it would be that too.

You want the Empire to be weaker before they start to consume themselves in a self destructive cycle.

Or, and I know this is a bizarre idea, deradicalize them and peel their manpower from them via convincing them that the faction is stupid and self destructive. Even the limited measures Purity took would make things less bad, if enough of the Empire took to them. Don't close every possible path to redemption unless you want them to fight to the death.

Unfortunately, Gesellschaft is a different problem in that context.
(in character) huh well this looks interesting. Let's hope for more wordz in the future. :)
A huge update just in time for my vacation... :D was a good chance to re-read the story (more than once).

Early in the story I feared that this would become a "stomp fic", but the story does not focus on combat (yet?), so it was totally fine... I especially enjoyed the difference between Taylors combat experience and the description PHO got from the fight... "foxgirl just steamrolled Hookwolf/Stormtiger"... the two of them might even agree to this, but would never admit it (Maybe Stormtiger should rebrand to 'slightly-windy-kitten'?)

Looking forward to read how the current fluffy endings will progress.

The different instances of "FLUFFY" got me thinking... is this just multiple instances of Shards being unable to process Taylors divinity? The tinkertech scanners, Amys and Lisas shard, even the Simurgh might just be shard subsystems outputting stupid things. Amys shard expects DNA and protein data and get fox pictures... Lisas shard is lucky that it can also work on perception data from Lisa, but still gets bad answers from some parts. And Ziz might just have discoverted that its pre-/postcognition module cannot handle gods... which threw its decision engine into a loop (until saved by a timeout? :D )... what do you think?
If your answer is a large part of the world, congratulations, you realized that Gesellschaft is an international organization, and one that will happily use their own internal disorder to damage their enemies too, not accidentally, but intentionally.
Also that invites a bunch of other players to get involved to weaken all sides of those civil warring and adds to the chaos. Not to mention any power vacuums after the dust settles.
(out of character) Why do I feel like this taylor should meet one of The Family? I don't know but the more I think about it the more I want it.:whistle:
Meh. At most, the Family might pop around to say hi to the new Deities in the Multiverse.

Varga would never let the youngsters interfere though; it's terribly rude to play around in another pantheon's playground, after all.
So, while I like this story, there is one question I have about it. So Taylor can understand Tinkertech, specifically that it's not functioning according to the normal laws of reality, all well and good, easily explained. But how does she know what changes would be necessary in order to make the stuff work on conventional physics? Does her Industry domain come with knowledge on that, or is she somehow tapping into some sort of collective unconsciousness for the answers? Or maybe some third thing?
So far Taylor's long on enemies and short on friends, in her weight-class at least.

Hopefully Sophia's able to get that warning to the Queen of the Sea in short order rather than bureaucratic malfeasance dooming the world.

Double-hopefully, Emma isn't morally pretzel'd into being an antagonist, because that would be plain tragic if her desperation to reclaim the innocence she's lost lead her into conflict with the local divinities. Were this in the style of the old fables she'd probably end up dying by Victoria's hand in that scenario.