Which is precisely why we spend 7 Import mitigating those risks!
Indeed; the nature of Distortion means we should buy maximum safety, and maximizing gains on that probably means going cheap (subdermal armor) or going big (mutate our brain mutations into a reflection of our subconscious).
Uh. That probably won't
cure Dreamless, actually.
[X] Cerebrospinal Refinement [Takes 2 Refinements]
[X] Distortion; 7 Import
[X] Organ Refinement - Choose a specific organ to enhance in a more focused manner:
-[X] Face
[X] Organ Refinement - Choose a specific organ to enhance in a more focused manner:
-[X] All organs related to singing
[X] Organ Refinement - Choose a specific organ to enhance in a more focused manner:
-[X] Eyes
[X] Muscular and Osseous Refinement
[X] Hardness of Iron
[X] Distortion; 3.5 Import
-[X] Craft and wear
The Taurean first, with the goal of replacing our lost power armor
(It should be noted that the connection of Masks to faces is more practical than fundamental; even a consistent online persona can qualify as a Mask under the right circumstances (per discord), so the system is fundamentally about your identity, the world, and concealing the former from the latter, not about placing objects between the front of your head and most nearby locations at head-height.)
Huh. I thought Masks were a lot more closely tied to the face-as-communicative-organ, not just face-as-personal-identifier. That implies that a properly prepared makeup kit - or uniform, or handpuppet, or even
vocal persona - could be used the way Masks are.
I really want to try the Muppet thing now - it sounds very relevant to my background project of figuring out parallel masking.
@Birdsie, does Drethir have ventriloquists? Do their powers change based on current puppet? I'd expect yes to both, though not
necessarily in a way easily distinguished from a mask that, like, switches powers based on the environment.