The Erudite's Court
As the court neared Senumrah, done interrogating the dervishes, Doctor Musorov - spurred perhaps by the swift, efficient and dissembling manner in which Dorian had dealt with their interlocutors - started up a conversation, the two of them a couple of footpaces ahead of the rest of the team, as they'd decided to make this final leg of the journey at a more sedate pace, to observe the city completely on approach and perhaps to avoid unsettling its guards. The sun was kinder out here, its rays not quite so scorching, so there was not as much hurry as when they'd been down south. Dorian had already laid out the broad strokes of his plans in Senumrah, regarding the Caliph.
"You've changed, Mr. Croft."
"I have," Dorian affirmed, seeing no reason to play coy.
"You've become more determined," noted the doctor. "Setting out so suddenly, acting with such confidence. Even the idea of retaking Surirah - something I would've doubted were achievable a month ago, now seems... not so fanciful." There was an implication of balanced respect there. He was impressed.
"It's as you've said," Dorian answered. "I've rested on my laurels, content to luxuriate."
"What triggered this? Your Viscerality?"
"Rest assured, I didn't plunge myself into some altered mindstate out of guilt," Dorian said - a nine-tenths truth, one-tenths white lie. The guilt was in fact there, an almost unhealthy amount of it, but it'd come after the emergence of the new mental state. "When I meditated and reworked my neurology, I simply... well, I suppose the best way to explain what happened is that I felt clarified. I carefully re-examined the contents of my life and realized I did not wish to live it were certain basic assumptions untrue."
"And those assumptions are?"
"Chiefly, that the Empire of Drethir - the tyrannic reign of my birth - continues to stand." A flash of anger even now, quelled to mere irritation within a moment, at its mere name. "I assure you, my righteous rage is well-contained within a shell of rationality. I am admittedly on a quest for vengeance, and a part of me is indeed consumed by it as you suspect, but I won't let it consume you or the others. And I'll rest, once Drethir is replaced by something better. Hopefully that reassures you?"
"Perspicacious," said Andrei. "You've indeed attained a heightened mental state, so easily dissecting my intention. Well... I won't quibble over it."
"Are you unhappy with my decision?"
"A little," admitted the doctor. Dorian was about to speak, when the doctor interrupted him abruptly, finger raised, "But make no mistake! I owe you my presence on the Street. Furthermore, I owe you for your loyalty. Even though it would've been safer, saner, and more profitable to you personally - you came back and saved me, Dorian."
For a moment, Dorian ceased walking, to stare at the confidently grinning man. There was a veil of bravado about him, an impression strengthened by the world as if Barakah itself could sense the significance of this moment if perhaps not entirely understand its context. As Dorian stopped, Andrei walked a couple of feet back and wrapped his arms around the shoulders of Japhris and Linneas, bringing them closer together with a slight stumble.
"What sort of ingrate would I be, Mr. Croft, not to support a friend indeed to the hilt? You were there for me when I was hopeless. You were there for me when I was fallen. So I shall be there when my talents are needed! You've earned my respect, uttermost regard, and gratitude besides!" he declared, lifting his chin with confidence and a smile. "I am sure Linneas and Japhris agree. Your homeworld, if it is indeed as terrible as you say, deserves a sweeping change! And we'll do it together, good sir."
Linneas hummed and offered a deep nod, bordering on a bow. "My loyalty to you continues to be zealously unswerving, my liege." When his eyes turned to her, Japhris simply grinned at Dorian, as if concurring with the others.
"Hear hear! I'll go along with governmental overthrow as long as I'm paid!" agreed the Nameless Mask, its hands resting on the back of its head as it stretched. One of the Lions licked the back of its arm, a tenor of faint but inattentive consensus - an unspoken, 'Yes, yes, whatever, Drethir. Mhm.'
That... was touching. His entire life, Dorian had countless battle comrades and allies of convenience; united in ideology and ultimate goal of overthrowing the Empire. Rarely if ever did he have true friends, people who could be relied on to stay and help even when everything went to hell.
He smiled and removed his mask. This called for that.
"Thank you all," he said. "I'll endeavor to make this work. I am not a King in truth yet, not a ruler or master of anything - I merely wear the guise."
"You wear it well, my liege. Even now I am fooled," Linneas quipped deadpan. Dorian snorted.
"Even so," Dorian continued, "You have my word, I won't abandon you or cast you aside. We'll take the Empire of Drethir down together."
He wondered if the Barakah was the reason he felt so compelled to make this meaningful moment so sappy, or if this was all natural feelings. The truth, as with most things, most likely lay somewhere in between. However, at that moment, Dorian didn't truly care. He smiled and replaced his mask. "Let's go, friends. Our future awaits."
Ahead of them stood ancient Senumrah, the Caliphate's capital. Even with his fortified strength of mind, Dorian felt shock and awe at its appearance, the sheer opulence and welfare of its citizens. Here, each man, even the most uncouth swain, had the Barakah of at least a dozen men. Gilding adorned the city's walls, marking scenes out of legend, and soaring steeples peeked over them, each with a watchman on top. Great courtyard houses on rising streets concluded in roundabouts with crystal-clear fountains. Masterful glazed tilework and geometric mosaics interspersed with statues between vaulted alcoves filled every iwan and caravanserai.
It was something out of a storybook, a miraculous location. This was not the mindless excess of Drethir's nobles; the wealth flowed constantly outwards: caravans setting out to enrich the rest of the Caliphate, a slow exaltation. It could take the Caliphate years or decades; centuries, even; and it'd face setbacks, but with his oracular mask, Dorian saw how the narratives of this holy site wished to burgeon outwards, to deliver auspicious providence to all the lands surrounding. This was a bit nicer than he'd expected.
After securing proper lodgings, it was decided they'd spent a week scoping out the most optimal location to enact their plan, as well as laying down preparations. They needed to make inquiries with the authorities, to learn how business was legally conducted within the area. Throughout this time, Dorian crafted masks, focused above all else on quantity, variety, and immediate usefulness to both the city's denizens and traveling adventurers, not bothering to craft masterworks. Meanwhile, the doctor tinkered with metal and refined rubber he'd made from various compounds bought from an alchemist's laboratory, which Dorian was occasionally tasked with distorting.
Japhris found a spot about three miles outside of the city, a small oasis with a roadside hamlet nearby, where the outward current of Barakah from the capital was strong enough to latch onto and manipulate. Her Arcanism struggled to produce anything aside from straightforward opulence and fateweaving, but after thinking on the matter, Dorian decided this was maybe to their advantage.
Linneas left on an expedition on Lionback and returned with a clumped-together orb of sand from the southern desert, and they heated and moulded that sand into a crystal ball, into which Japhris poured the Caliphate's narrative of splendor and grandeur, as well as all other threads of Barakah she managed to pluck. Eventually, the crystal ball became its own lesser relic and bonded itself with her - a useful tool for soothsaying.
Above all, the most useful property they could exert at the moment was the ability to control the course of their own narrative. As rather relative unknowns, their Barakah had great plasticity. This was a gift not to be wasted. On Al-Ahad - the first day of the week - they made their debut in the city's most prominent and sizeable bazaar, a location where thousands of goods changed hands every day, where the civilizational lifeblood of commerce and gold flowed like blood through a heart's chambers.
Linneas stood before a gathered crowd and spoke, a voice like a knife cutting the silken hubbub, cords Viscerally treated for strength and bass, "People of the Caliphate!"
At eight-score fates according to a moirometer reading - moderately greater than even the destiny-empowered citizens of the capital - his Barakah, that of an unrivaled frontman and assistant, caused the tenor of his action to draw the attention of almost everyone in the bazaar's crowd; a nearly tangible wave of glorious influence, captivating with the potential of what he was about to unveil, rather than his great charisma. Even one of the city's infamously incorruptible and unswerving watchmen briefly failed in diligence, peering over in their direction with palpable curiosity, before quickly regaining his wits and scanning the crowd for crime or trouble.
His voice boomed as he continued over the now-silenced crowd.
"Today! Providence itself! Has awarded you, a celestial gift! We've come here, from so far away, to bestow on you the miracles of other worlds!" This final sentence caused a murmur of curiosity to run through the crowd. He raised an arm and spun half to the side. "Presenting - the one, the only, the true and inimitable - Crimson King!"
And Dorian stepped out on stage, dressed in a crimson robe that glittered with fine golden trimmings and colorful gemstones. It would've been garish, were its craftsmanship not a step beyond excellence; the best cloth that money could acquire, further elevated by near-supernal craftsmanship and infusions of arcanely-driven Barakah. His own destiny reached out and met the hearts of the crowd, confirming the truth of his declared title within their minds; an assertion of rulership and monarchy. He flared Viscerality as lightly as an artist's brush putting a minor smudge of detail on a fine work, an impetus of primal majesty, as if he were a rank predator standing above prey.
He magnanimously spread his arms to bask in some of the applause, allowing himself to briefly enjoy the distraction.
However, another part of Dorian's mind was assessing the faces in the crowd. There were a couple of heroes standing among the sea of commoners; about a dozen men and women with over a thousand fates each, at minimum; one of them shone especially bright like a beacon, a paragon of well over twenty, maybe thirty thousand. It was curious to Dorian to consider the Caliph's power in this enlightening context; that paragon whose name Dorian didn't know could've most likely set out to eliminate Dorian and all his friends and managed so with only moderate difficulty; yet to the Caliph himself, this incredible hero was a gnat; even less than a fully fateless individual was to Dorian.
What a terrifying singularity of fate. The Son of Destiny indeed, the Caliphate had created with its training program. This entire miraculous otherworlder show would not even be a ripple within the placid waters of the capital's events, from its sovereign's perspective. They'd have to work assiduously to merit the attention of Misrashan's ruler.
Then Dorian spoke, voice under colossal Visceral distortion, hitting the ears of listeners as heavily as a hammer, commanding attention with eminent authority and a subtle, prickling thrill of danger as if there were an undercurrent of infinite might to each word.
"I extend to you my warm thanks, citizens of Misrashan and travelers from abroad! Your welcome, so open and amenable, has been most splendid!" he started, gradually silencing the crowd and allowing himself to launch into a more protracted speech. Control the narrative. "Most of you have already heard the tale of the Voyaging King, who over two thousand years ago descended on boreal wings like a comet from the heavens, to deliver revolutionary inventions to Providence and her people."
Truthfully, Dorian had only very recently intercepted the details of that particular story, but found it made for a nice mythopoeic comparison and foundation for his own. Stories tended to rhyme after all, and archetypes to recur. Who exactly the Voyaging King had been, Dorian didn't know. But he was grateful for the man's existence still.
"And I, the Crimson King, aim to follow exactly in my ancient fellow's tracks. Even if I am of perhaps more humble stature and power than my predecessor - rest assured, my ambitions aim as high as his own! With us, we bring the fruit and inventions of other worlds! Medicines, miracles, technologies! Come and witness... our Erudite Menagerie!"
Already, Barakah swelled around Dorian and his court's members - the mere proclamation of all this over the crowd had raised their Barakah by almost half again as much. He felt almost emotionally lightheaded from the constant infusion of legend, wondering how much further it'd extend, what heights of myth it'd deliver them to. Within, the flickering flame of Kingship swelled equally as much, at the marvel of this change, the world-turning potential within their proclamations and workings; like a seed pod about to burst and release its contents, finally unleashing the power it'd stored so long.
On Dorian's mark, Linneas dropped the tarp and uncovered the multitude of workings they'd been preparing. An entire stand with masks arrayed in dozens of rows, each with its own style, composition, and color scheme; which Linneas was tasked with peddling. On the side, Japhris stood readied with her crystal ball, to issue divination that'd aid prospective heroes in finding the best ways to increase the might of their destiny, or ways around pesky curses, and so on. There was also doctor's science station, where he was ready to regale customers with technological gadgets such as radios, miniature generators, lightbulbs, and showy tesla coils to attract attention. They'd decided it was mildly unethical to introduce futuristic weapons to Providence, so that was missing from the selection. Finally, Dorian stood at his post, where he'd offer healing.
Curious shoppers flocked to them instantly, a clamor of questions ringing high overhead. The demand for off-world services and goods was immediate and immense, practically an order of magnitude too much for their small grouping to satisfy within a reasonable time. As business strategies went, this was heavily subpar. However, Dorian wasn't chasing after profits; at least not monetary profits. His bottom line lay in harvesting a dross of Barakah, as well as drawing enough attention the Caliph would call for him. Fortunately, their work was efficient and soon proved its worth in the eyes of the citizens; as word spread, more illustrious clientele would come.
And the legend would spread like a memetic virus.
Dorian smiled under his mask, healing a man's leprosy with a grandiose wave of the hand. He collapsed, thankful, clinging onto the Crimson King's robe.
All was going according to plan.
You've achieved tremendous success on virtually every front! All according to alkhuta. (Translator's Note: alkhuta means plan.)
Note that everything going according to plan doesn't mean it went completely flawlessly. There are some conspiracy theories and people wary of submitting themselves to Visceral contact, even with someone who obviously isn't a vampire. There are also a couple of skeptics and curmudgeonly old veterans who claim you're some kind of Tanumisian patsy because you're carting Lion bodyguards around. Oh well, you can't make literally everyone happy. At least, not yet.
That said, all of these factors are well within the margins of error you've predicted.
Here are a couple of relevant factors for post-Erudite consideration:
*Dorian's Dreamless Condition's effectively almost half-cured by the week's end. Combined with your earlier cognitive improvements, this actually renders it rather bearable.
Crimson King [155 Potential]
*Elevation of all corporeal Attributes as well as one's Charisma and force of personality. +60 Strength, Constitution, and Agility, as well as +25% to their worth. +30 Wits and +15 Charisma. +15% to their worth as well. Grants a hundred fates' worth of Barakah to its wearer, concerned with concepts such as secret knowledge and 'miracles.'
*Instead of a dull brute hemokinesis, the life-dominion of the King is conceptual and indirect, wielding power over vitality and genes, but it synergizes well with the fleshcrafting aspect of Viscerality. It can raise the parameters of others in a limited but permanent fashion.
*Grants enhanced healing in proximity of those who've sworn loyalty or friendship to you. The number of companions, as well as salience of the bond, accelerates recovery. This effect is stronger and more conceptual than casual Visceral healing or hemokinetic absorption, and can even aid you from recovering from various Conditions.
*Grants, while worn, supernal skill: Taming [7.225].
*As long as the Mask is donned, your Viscerality's an effective 1.25 tiers higher in execution [2.0 - Apprentice -> 3.25 - Journeyman, etc]. Your Viscerality also improves noticeably faster, as if you were practicing the craft or pursuing interests twice as much and half again as ardently.
Barakah Statistics
Dorian - 1,300 fates: miracles, knowledge, rulership, grandeur, blood, healing, the color red
*Grants disciplined self-control, the ability to put on masks (literal and metaphorical) with incredible speed and finesse.
*Moderate resistance to all forms of mental influence.
*Grants the ability to 'grant miracles.' Better conceptualized as 'suspension of disbelief.' When declaring you can do something explicitly and literally incredible and unbelievable, the narrative of the world supports you more. However, you mustn't overreach, or else you might face a crushing failure as the price of hubris.
*The stature of a leader and grandiose showman, captivating attention easily and capable of semi-casually convincing others of your own importance.
*It seems you're attributed some 'influence' over the color red. Interesting, if too esoteric and broad to be applicably useful.
Japhris - 1,200 fates; prediction, future-seeing, oracular acts, trickery (note: while your fame is much greater, she's actually on a track to slowly exceed you in raw Barakah)
*Has unusual ability to 'read into' various omens, especially the 'mists' of her crystal ball.
*Has coincidentally learned palmistry and other arts typical of a medium or fortune-teller.
*Incredible mundane prediction. Effective short-term danger sense and precognition. Can sometimes even surprise you by managing to predict what you're about to say. So far, has mostly used this for slight mischief and to tease you.
Andrei - 1,180 fates; science, research, genius, lightning, brightness
*Terrifying aptitude in research and application of phenomena and technologies.
*Has apparently had some positive impact on his Fulminant control. Also, his strength of personality and sheer affable magnetism has somewhat 'shocked' interlocutors.
*Has become more upbeat and, somehow, even more quick-witted than before.
Linneas - 1,000 fates; a competent second-in-command, bravery, ingenuity
*Enhances competence as a lieutenant, especially the ability to either draw or deflect attention from your own activities.
*Your respective fates are slightly more interrelated, allowing you to bolster each other especially well.
*That's it, albeit his competence as a lieutenant really is rather remarkable.
Lions - 680 fates; warrior, endurance, pride, beauty, team mascot
*All same as before, simply enhanced a degree further.
The Nameless Mask's gathered facetime doesn't translate well into Barakah, but its various faces have gained some variable amount of power as well, mostly via setting up this entire affair in the background, greasing the correct pockets, etc. You're paying them back with a modest royalty of your already modest earnings. After all, your work here's charitable!
Your Kingship's taken several steps further! Choose additional attainments for each of your Pawns and remember that Pawn advancements are most often concerned with self-buffing and self-empowerment, and tend to be weaker in other forms.
Unless otherwise indicated, an advancement can be selected multiple times. You can also write-in your own, albeit they shouldn't be more than about 80% the strength and versatility of those advancements below; even less if not chiefly concerned with some form of self-enhancement for the Pawn themselves.
Pawn [Rank IV] - Linneas of the Argent Kingdom
Choose two:
[ ] Able Pawn - Grants Linneas an even better ability to support your own actions. It hasn't failed you so far.
[ ] Agility - Linneas has 'complained' (read: politely raised to your attention) that most of the tasks you've had him doing recently would've been easier and more efficient if he was able to move around faster. You've already taken some minor steps towards mitigating that problem with Visceral enhancement. This could be the nail in the coffin.
[ ] Efficiency - A modest cogmentation, increasing quantitative thought and bureaucratic talent. Linneas claims he doesn't need it, but you think it could be useful in the more distant future once you've actually settled some land and have a population. Someone needs to run the government, after all, and you'll be too busy wreaking vengeance.
Pawn [Rank III] - Japhris
Choose two:
[ ] Arcane - Enhance Japhris' Arcanism a minor amount by increasing the degree of her own mana saturation, allowing her to act as a stronger anchor of reality currents. Dorian doesn't believe this is especially likely to be relevant in the near-future, as her current Arcanism is good enough for their purposes, but who knows? That said, you certainly won't Burgeon or Diminish anything without taking this at least a couple of times (or finding some other workaround, or a really good Arcanism-compatible world) so if you intend to do either of those things, it's best to invest early on.
[ ] Auratic - Increase Japhris' Auratic Investiture, an ability closely related to Arcanism. Essentially, grants modestly superhuman statistics boosted whenever she feels especially strong emotion, or channels her determination and willpower. Currently, it's so anemic you hadn't noticed she'd had such a power.
[ ] Memories of the Time Before - An abnormal potential slumbering within Japhris that Dorian managed to spot. How strange, but he doesn't have much of an idea what this could do. Increases Japhris' appearance in a manner moderately orthogonal to what most humans consider attractive; almost too noble and cold to be deemed traditionally beautiful. Renders her more charismatic in a similar fashion, as well as better at plotting and concealing her own emotions. Has to be invested into multiple times for the effect to be noticeable. Eventually, if more is invested, unlocks a rare form of Heterodox Promotion into a... Tomb Piece?
Pawn [Rank II] - Leo Uno and Duo
Choose one:
[ ] Lionization - Increases all of the Lion's natural abilities evenly, including a minor investment of Barakah.
[ ] Beast Incarnadine - Grants auto-biokinesis to the Lion, about one-seventh as powerful and one-tenth as fast as Dorian's current Visceral refinement. Grants the Lion a fiery-red mane and crimson fur, although biokinesis permits change from this.
[ ] Savannah Prowler - Ancestral might and predator's instincts; the Lion develops a hunting skill of near-supernal potency. It does not develop beyond that on its own, unless further Ranks as a Pawn are attained. This is still a tremendously helpful faculty to have; decades of training condensed into one power package.
- Dorian's 'suspension of disbelief,' should be especially useful in convincing the Caliph to aid him and bless him, in regards to liberating Surirah.
- 1,200+ fates is enough you should be able to contest and consistently win in most encounters with non-fated, even ones where before you would've stumbled, especially situations supported by the nature of your legend. Had you this much fate when dealing with Veronica, it would've been only a moderately difficult (albeit far from trivial) encounter for you to resolve on your own. This includes even the Forest's own attack on Veronica's men after Japhris and the Mask tugged on its attention.
- Dorian's largely unaware of what Memories of the Time Before do. All he knows is it's the 'elevation' of some strange potential or value within Japhris, which she possesses, but most people do not. She'll consent to him choosing it as her power, as she's curious herself when this is explained to her. It seems to do more than its description states, but it's really difficult to determine any kind of details.