The Incarnadine Craft
You've decided to set off boldly into the realm of flesh-crafting.
Any fleshcrafter beyond a novice notices certain limitations within the art. As Viscerality is powered by one's emotion and harnesses feelings to induce alterations of flesh and mind, anyone with sufficient time to consider the matter eventually tries to create a hormonal node, to induce intense emotions within oneself. Those who attempt this stratagem find themselves hitting disappointingly diminishing returns the more this method is used, the induced emotions somehow losing salience; a property easily mistaken for meaning. It also tends to run roughshod over the Visceralist's motivational structure, potentially turning them into pleasure zombies or dull, ashen depressives.
There are other signs of odd limitation: mutations tend to revert unless sufficient time and cathexis are afforded them, mass creation of clones is difficult and imperfect, and more in that vein. Anyone who traces the art's limitations into the scarlet-splattered code of their genes shall find this out: these are not accidents or properties emergent from some vexatious quirk in natural magical interaction. These are deliberately installed safeguards, emplaced there purposefully to forestall degeneracy. Wherever Viscerality originated, whoever its original master was, they didn't wish its future users to reach immediate transcendence.
Concerning and curious signs of deliberate and intelligent design aside, a fleshcrafter with the passion, will, and time to invest can still aim to ascend.
You've cultivated - an impressive Three (3) Refinements
You can furthermore choose to attempt to Distort a maximum of one option. You can choose to pay out a variable amount of Import from its current (7.8) amount to reduce the odds of a bad result; about 7 Import suffices to reduce odds of an undesirable outcome to about 0%; even if a bad result occurs, this can reduce its severity
You can also choose to pay five (5) Import for an extra Refinement, if you wish
[ ] Good Looks - The unsophisticated and uninitiated scoff at the value of beauty, as well as the difficulty of its attainment. Without the vanity of a peacock, resculpting one's facial features into attractive symmetry and airbrushing one's skin to perfect softness is an involved, complex, and delicate Visceral process. One which you'll undertake.
Although never a frowzy schlub to begin with, Dorian's natural handsomeness is elevated to that of a top model, and then even further optimized. Great sculpted abs, a perfectly chiseled face, clear skin, optimal proportions, and even a more innately pleasant body scent. This becomes his default, true state. Watch the ladies come flocking.
*There are substantial differences in relative aesthetic preferences, even among human beings, let alone the sorts of creatures you may encounter out in the many worlds. However, certain general traits are near-universally considered attractive, and those are the ones Dorian will aim to maximize.
*Makes Visceral emotional influence easier and more powerful. When someone's already attracted to you, or receptive to your arguments because of how compelling and neat you appear, each Visceral push is that much easier and more impactful.
*Combined with Crimson King's supernaturally influential enhanced charisma, a conversation with you counts as a low-grade cognitohazard.
*Do not discount the doors this procedure can open; people are nicer to nice-looking people.
*For better or worse, Japhris' crush might intensify a bit.
-[ ] Distortion
*Apply Gamaliel Contamination Protocol to your appearance, while you work Viscerally.
*Enrich each cell with pluripotent chaos, driving out the fundament of beauty from each of them, transmitting that as a broadband wave on reality.
*Ideal and desired result: strive towards an objectively attractive appearance, rather than one with mere mass appeal.
*Potential negative (?) results: eldritch forms of beauty, freakishness.
[ ] Muscular and Osseous Refinement - Endless red strength in crimson flesh and bone that refuses to crack. What are our bodies, if not machines? And what is the destination of a machine, if not to be stress-tested by life? You must prepare yourself and make sure you are fit to render judgment on the world instead.
*Reweave the inner matrix of muscle. The art of Viscerality allows you to attack the problem of augmentation from two directions: where masks and other influences can allow supernatural, magical strength, the incarnadine craft allows you to transform the substrate itself into something worthwhile.
*About +6 Strength, Constitution, and Agility. A sizeable +30% bonus to the worth of these stats.
*Increases Dorian's durability as well. All his tissues are much harder to break, heal faster and more cleanly, and so on. This is especially relevant to his skeleton and more critical organs; he'll surround them in an organic muscle mesh and reinforce all elements. The yellow-shard bullets of Veronica's soldiers would've been far less effective.
-[ ] Distortion
*Apply Gamaliel Contamination Protocol to all muscular and skeletal structures in your body.
*Ideal and desired result: a form made of enduring superorganics, with muscle strands that could individually tear off a man's head or be used as cutting monofilaments.
*Potential negative (?) results: bizarre fleshy or skeletal mutations, potentially subsapient limbs.
*The Import added to decrease negative results here is only half as efficacious.
[ ] Hardness of Iron - An admittedly experimental idea. Why not incorporate the strength of the world outside into your physiology? There are compounds your body struggles to produce, so why don't you supply them yourself?
*Eat raw iron and other metals, dissolve them with enhanced Visceral super-enzymes, and use them to form all sorts of armor, reinforcement to individual muscles strands, and so on. This has some synergy with your Crimson King mask, and potentially other masks you could devise as well?
*Greatly enhances strength and durability. +8 Strength and Constitution, +40% bonus to their worth; moderately diminishes speed as a consequence of added weight, but otherwise doesn't affect your Agility.
*Renders you magnetic, allowing you to design great combat combo moves with Dr. Musorov!
*Renders you magnetic, making you vulnerable to magnetism. It'll take you a second session to eliminate this weakness.
*Become the Man of Steel, or something.
*Doesn't necessarily have any external tells.
-[ ] Distortion
*Distort the metals themselves before eating, aiming to create metamaterials capable of interesting and useful effect. Even greater resilience will be conferred, and you can make the magnetism vulnerability selective, at minimum.
*As a result of not applying Gamaliel directly, much safer! Import spent here counts double to ensure safety of procedure.
*If you fail, you might eat a brick of metal giga-arsenic and die, though.
[ ] Organ Refinement - Choose a specific organ to enhance in a more focused manner:
-[ ] Kidneys
-[ ] Lungs
-[ ] Liver
-[ ] Eyes
-[ ] Ears
-[ ] Other (write-in)
*About 33-66% expected efficacy increase, depending on the organ's size and nature, although it can sometimes be higher or even lower; no matter what, it'll be noticeable. Can make the organs better at hormone production, toxin filtering, sensory acuity, and other natural functions depending on what they normally do.
*You can try to enhance multiple organs simultaneously, dividing focus; perhaps even meld or interrelate their functions. Viscerality is an art that welcomes experimentation; unorthodox ideas could very well be worth testing!
*You can also choose to grow a new organ. This means you'll have to grow slightly larger to make space.
-[ ] Universal Refinement - Cultivate the entirety of your body without any specific focus. Minor strides in virtually every department. Makes you much better as a biological machine in nearly every conceivable way, but only a little bit.
--[ ] Distortion
*Results vary wildly depending on what's selected. However, as expected of most Gamaliel contamination, the potential boons are often commensurate with the risks. With Gamaliel-blasted eyes, you may well develop some manner of magical vision!
[ ] Cerebrospinal Refinement [Takes 2 Refinements] - A more risky and ambitious procedure. Aim to replace and refine sections of the brain and central nervous system, as well as grow them out, in order to attain a variety of improvements.
*Replacement of sections of ependymal cells, the cerebrum, cerebellum, hippocampus, and central nervous system will have wondrous results. You'll become far more emotionally balanced, focused, coordinated, and better at learning. Minor qualitative intellect boost, vast augmentation to thought speed and perception. Raw competence!
*You'll become noticeably faster at learning virtually all sorts of new skills, accelerate the training of ones you already possess, and become far better at retaining them even while not training. This includes languages, which should, in short order, transform you into a natural and talented polyglot. Near-eidetic memory, too!
*A decentralized, almost insect-like nervous system means strikes to your brain aren't quite as discombobulating or potentially lethal. You could even plausibly survive a headshot or two with a firearm, if you were still fully vulnerable to them. Severing your spine likewise causes only modest impairment.
*Although bypassing Dreamless with this alone is difficult, you could form small-order axon circuits that re-iterate actions according to both top-down and bottom-up processing models to attain a strange combination of: great predictive capability, 'simulated' creativity, and awesome resistance to both hallucinations and schizophrenia.
*Has a moderately high chance to 'fail' or at least produce a novel result you hadn't considered. As Viscerality naturally avoids outcomes that'd be tragic and deadly for its users, this isn't likely to result in death, but might alter Dorian's personality in an unpredictable manner.
*Haven't you learned your lesson, man?
-[ ] Distortion
*Who the fuck knows, really?
*You sure you're this brave?
*Might cure Dreamless?
*Or make it worse?
[ ] Write-in - You can aim for a customized refinement, no stronger than any of the above!