[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.

The Hearth guard watches over the sorrows rather then the normal military which means that any response to practice that slips out would be different then the normal military response. As for the blatant use of practice if it isn't noticed by the others is isn't a problem and if it is well hopefully the person we are convincing is important enough to let us flee without violence.
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
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[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
The SL know about Practice (perhaps not this person, but in general). And since Practice is of the soul, I think showing her this way will show her a) it's a truth and b) we are ready to trust, even after all they did to us. And if diplomacy should have any chance, we need to convince, and that won't work by lying to masters of subterfuge.
I'm guessing either "post-facto remote viewing," "information theory," or some form of entropy reversal that can, by extension, be applied to information and computation. Putting about 40/50/10 odds on each of the three possibilities.
If it were something along the lines of 'remote viewing/history imprint', that would mean Amanda used this secret when she had the vision of the Uninvolved and its reasoning.
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[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
If it were something along the lines of 'remote viewing/history imprint', that would mean Amanda used this secret when she had the vision of the Uninvolved and its reasoning.
Possibly, but if Seventh Secret mastery made it feasible to hear the Uninvolved clearly, then the Shiplords wouldn't be in this situation, they'd be in a different one.

On the other hand, esoteric anti-Uninvolved weaponry is probably based on some Secret, and the Seventh is as likely as any, so it may just be a matter of brute force versus finesse somehow.
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
If you want these two to connect instead of be separate votes, you need to add a '-' before the second line. I've edited the quote to show you what that should look like. Line based voting will either separate or ignore your addition entirely if it remains as written.
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
-[X] Tell her what we are doing beforehand, and the sensor tripping risk, and if she refuses switch to Truth (Projection)
"You know something," Kicha stated. "Something about what happened here, somthing that you think I don't.
Amanda: And how do I explain how they never found it?
Kalilah: I'm just going to be over here. Ready to glass the continent.
What is it about Practice that doesn't mesh well with Shiplords? Why the extreme wariness?

Or is it something we are trying to hide from them?
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.

Let her experience it the same way we did
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
-[X] Tell her what we are doing beforehand, and the sensor tripping risk, and if she refuses switch to Truth (Projection)

Best choice, we shouldn't be using Practice on people without their informed consent
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
-[X] Tell her what we are doing beforehand, and the sensor tripping risk, and if she refuses switch to Truth (Projection)

This just seems like such an Amanda thing to do. She can be subtle, but she rarely is, and I'm extremely curious what Kicha's response might be. Oh yes I am.

Bapper no bap.
[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
[X] Ask her if she'd prefer to Witness or to Remember.
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What is it about Practice that doesn't mesh well with Shiplords? Why the extreme wariness?

Or is it something we are trying to hide from them?
The last time you used Practice within direct, personal view of a Shiplord they absolutely lost their shit about your surviving the process, came rather close to killing you, and then committed suicide.

You have absolutely no idea how Kicha will respond to that, let alone how she'll react to being shown the Hjivin feeding billions of (unwilling) souls into a planetary scale death blender to build their Uninvolved.
The last time you used Practice within direct, personal view of a Shiplord they absolutely lost their shit about your surviving the process, came rather close to killing you, and then committed suicide.

You have absolutely no idea how Kicha will respond to that, let alone how she'll react to being shown the Hjivin feeding billions of (unwilling) souls into a planetary scale death blender to build their Uninvolved.
But there's only one way to find out!
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
Welp - apparently "Shiplords cannot into diplomacy" was exactly what happened, only the diplomacy in question wasn't so much between the Shiplords and the Hjivin (which they also failed, but with less impact) but the diplomacy between the Shiplords and the Uninvolved about why the Uninvolved got involved.

"You built a way to watch them," you said slowly, eyes widening in horrified realisation. "You forged swords, to strike them down if it looked like they'd ever do it again."

"But did you listen?" Vega broke in aghast, the Harmonial racing ahead of your own thoughts. Finding the links, even before you did. "Did you understand what they tried to tell you? Your history says that the Hjivin were trying to create an Uninvolved, but do you have any idea how they were doing it?"

Kicha had stilled as you asked more questions. She froze into nigh-immobility as Vega asked the last one. There was horror in the Shiplords every facet, but something more, too. Disbelief.

And quite frankly, "racial trauma stops them from considering better solutions to the problem of preserving life in the galaxy from existential Secret-abusing threats" is a MUCH less repugnant, non-bullying solution to this problem than "they just dispassionately did the math from their own weirdly reasonable if alien axioms and decided it was the right thing to do."
Maybe it is to you, but subjective opinions on what's more or less repugnant aren't what's important here - what's important is that neither of these are solutions rather than answers as to what's motivating the Shiplords to do what they do. The solutions are instead what needs to be done to get the Shiplords to stop, and that's where the key difference comes in.

If the issue is stemming from cultural trauma then that means that the solution is to heal that trauma (because they will continue to refuse to consider better solutions otherwise), whereas if the issue is that the Shiplords are doing the best (based on their morals) they can from the information they have then the solution is to change the information they have available (or to drastically change their morals, which is close enough to healing cultural trauma to be treated equivalently). Personally, I think that the text leans more towards the second option. I'm not going to go back and find all of the cites re; Shiplord characters, but the way that Kicha is responding to Amanda and co's actions here, specifically with a general sense of 'you found a way?' and 'why didn't we think of that?' rather than "that's not actually a solution because of (insert reasons related to one of the Sorrows/cultural trauma)" is, in my opinion, indicative.

I also feel that the second tack puts much less of an emphasis on humanity in that the realization of where the Shiplords went wrong/a better way than the Tribute system has very little to do with Practice. It's not that Practice/Amanda is directly responsible for solving things but instead merely an enabling factor that lets humanity withstand the Shiplords long enough to point out the flaws in the Shiplords' thinking, with the implication that some other hypothetical species who managed to withstand the Shiplords could also have pointed out the flaws. On the other hand, if the way things shake out is that humanity resolves some cultural trauma then that pretty much has to be a result of Amanda and her Mending focus (with support from others in the 223/people with Practice) using Practice bullshit to wipe away the Shiplords' trauma, which could only happen if a group that can use Practice (so far only humanity) showed up.

[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
[X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
-[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.

[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
-[X] Tell her what we are doing beforehand, and the sensor tripping risk, and if she refuses switch to Truth (Projection)

[X] Ask her if she'd prefer to Witness or to Remember.
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[X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
-[X] Tell her what we are doing beforehand, and the sensor tripping risk, and if she refuses switch to Truth (Projection)
Quick tally for y'all. Still all to play for.
Adhoc vote count started by Snowfire on Aug 4, 2021 at 3:54 PM, finished with 49 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.
    -[X] Inform her (beforehand) we can also use Practice to share the memory on a much more profound level, but if nothing else, it's likely to trip off sensors.
    [X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
    [X] The Truth(Reverie) - You learnt from the Marionette Observer during Second Contact that it was possible to share memories between races. This could be an extremely blatant use of Practice, but it would make the point impossibly clear.
    -[X] Tell her what we are doing beforehand, and the sensor tripping risk, and if she refuses switch to Truth (Projection)
    [X] The Truth(Projection) - Show Kicha what you found on the other world, a memory left seared into the world by the actions of the Uninvolved. Use the projection systems of the room to do so.