That assumption is likely to be incorrect, or at best an over-simplification. I mean, you literally quoted WoG in your own post: "In truth, on a tactical scale Vega is expected to be less important fighting the War Fleet than Marcus."
Literally the next set of WoG says, and I quote:
Unmatched does not mean that there aren't replacements available, to be fair. It's simply that there are rather more skilled Harmonials available to you than there are highly skilled internal-Focus Gateway Focused. Neither Marcus or Vega are seen as tactical necessities - if they were, you'd not be able to select them. They've just got more experience than the next-best candidates.
There's a reason I left the Harmonials alone.
Between them and the remaining
It comes down to whether you believe that the defense of Earth in what will soon to be Fourth Sol is a foregone conclusion, and that nobody on the list of possible crewmembers for the Adamant could make a difference. I believe that Vega and Marcus in particular have the potential to be hugely important for Earth at Fourth Sol. I don't think that either one will make the difference between Amanda returning to find Earth unchanged versus being an expanding cloud of vapor, but there's a vast gulf of results between "zero casualties" and "total defeat", and Marcus and Vega in particular are well-placed to make out-sized contributions on the home front, whereas I can't see them being equally or more useful as members of the Adamant crew.
I believe that the decade-long preparation for Fourth Sol did not revolve around any one person.
That they have been building redundancies and staffing contingencies since Second Sol.

Even the Unisonbound are not built around Amanda and her Heart Circle, powerful as they are.
We are not freaking out that the 223 will go out into combat and collapse because their entire command element, from Kalilah to Amanda, are being sent to do secret squirrel stuff.

We have personally invested a lot of time and effort in making sure Amanda does not need to hold anyone's hands.
I don't think it's unreasonable to think that people like our former Minister of Security, or the woman who led and guided the First Miracle have done much the same thing.
and Marcus and Vega in particular are well-placed to make out-sized contributions on the home front, whereas I can't see them being equally or more useful as members of the Adamant crew.
And so could Amanda. More than both of them combined in fact, judging from previous performance.
But we voted to send her off before Fourth Sol in the belief that her absence will not result in outsize casualties among Earth's defenders. That her investments in training and upteching everyone else will matter.

It seems reasonable to assume that none of these people would have their names on the list if they weren't similarly confident about their underlings and associates. They do know what's at stake, and they have family here, blood or otherwise.
Vega was well aware that she'd be leaving Phoebe behind if she volunteered. Veda has an entire Circle. And so on.
Alright then. Going to give this a whirl, and then get into answering questions. Sorry for the delay, had some things I needed to deal with this morning. I'm going to break this down into the three main sections, and then give you what a rundown of the candidates involved in as brief a pros/cons manner as I can. Hopefully it works.

Adamant Systems
This choice represents the additional systems that you can have added to the Adamant to supplement its capabilities. All of these rooms open up options or increase the chances of success in their relevant fields. Some also grant rerolls. Briefly:
  • Expanded labs.
    • Pros: Significant bonus to research rolls in that a field and lets you reroll failures.
    • Cons: You already have labs, this just increases the bonus. Supplies no further options.
    • Synergy: Multiple expanded labs will generate synergy between them. There are also opportunities for synergy with research outposts that a Trailblazer Forge could construct.
  • Lagless Computing Matrix
    • Pros: Bonus to network based actions and rerolls when predictive circuits would apply. This bonus essentially lifts the processing capacity limit that Iris would normally be running under.
    • Cons: Of limited use when presented with non-virtual problems, or threats humanity has never encountered before.
    • Synergy: Little direct synergy, but increased processing power is rarely (if ever) a bad thing.
  • Advanced Cyberwarfare Suite
    • Pros: Opens full infowar options for use, and provides a bonus on those rolls.
    • Cons: Single-issue system, that requires the Lagless Matrix to install.
    • Synergy: If Marcus Romero is chosen as a Specialist, grants esoteric cyberwarfare techniques.
  • Focusing Choir
    • Pros: Allows the Adamant to carry a Potential Working Group.
    • Cons: Potential Working Groups are rarely subtle - expect in the case of an Insight Circle.
    • Synergy: Depends entirely on the Working Group chosen. See below.
  • Trailblazer Nanoforge
    • Pros: Removes maintenance concerns. Allows for the construction of Outposts on worlds of interest. Outposts can add considerable bonuses.
    • Cons: Requires the construction of Outposts to be truly effective. Each Outpost will create a minor risk of detection.
    • Synergy: Research actions, especially if time is invested into Outpost construction.
  • Upgraded Defensive Systems
    • Pros: Adds a bonus to escape and physical security engagement rolls.
    • Cons: Highly limited functionality, most useful if the mission is already blown.
    • Synergy: Advanced Cyberwarfare Suite. Kalilah Mishra.

A Note on Potential Choices: All options on these lists are available because it is believed that humanity can survive without them. This doesn't meant that there won't be consequences, but Adriana is not someone who would ever offer up humanity's means to survive its next encounter with the Shiplords. Now yes, there are different meanings to the word survive. But there are also very limited ways in which a Potential, even a Unisonbound, can directly fight a War Fleet. This is the reason that Marcus is placed as more important to the defences than Vega.

The Harmonial who will act as the core of the Adamant's stealth systems. Required for the ship to use its Fifth Secret drive without being instantly detected. Once in a secure orbit, the Harmonic will be able to aid in other tasks.
  • Vega Cant
    • Pros: Will supply superlative stealth. Elite Unisonbound and skilled Speaker.
    • Cons: Leaves Sol reliant on Vega's Seconds. Selecting her for this position leaves her chained to the Adamant during covert insertions.
    • Synergy: Lowers Practice Trance and Miracle breakpoints. Minor bonus to all synergy effects. Will provide Heartcircle synergy.
  • Gennadiy Aleksov
    • Pros: At minimum a match to a notable specialist. Means that Vega is present for the Fourth Battle of Sol.
    • Cons: Not as experienced in some matters as either of the other candidates. A Harmonial above anything else.
    • Synergy: Minor bonus to all synergy effects.
  • Notable Specialist
    • Pros: Trained operator. Ensures that any Harmonial Specialist chosen for this mission will be accessible at all times.
    • Cons: Will lack the depth of experience of Vega or Gennadiy. Primary focus will always be on the stealth systems.
    • Synergy: Roll-based chance of Harmonic bonuses.
An Insight Focused that works alongside the Harmonic to avoid active sensor systems that could risk the Adamant's detection.
  • Veda
    • Pros: Provides major bonus to all stealth and counter-detection rolls. Supernal analyst.
    • Cons: Selecting her for this position leaves her chained to the Adamant during covert insertions.
    • Synergy: Research, exploration and infowarfare rolls.
  • Elil Acharya
    • Pros: Provides signficant bonus to all stealth and counter-detection rolls. Elite Unisonbound.
    • Cons: Seeker usage restriction, as Veda.
    • Synergy: Extreme synergy with Vega Cant if she is selected as Harmonic. Research and exploration rolls. Will provide Heartcircle synergy.
  • Notable Specialist
    • Pros: Trained operator. Ensures that any Insight Specialist chosen for this mission will be accessible at all times.
    • Cons: Will lack the depth of experience of Veda or Elil. Primary focus will always be on the stealth systems.
    • Synergy: Roll-based chance of Insight bonuses.
Working Group
The various Potential Working Groups available for selection if the Focusing Choir system is selected. All open up different decision paths for mission completion.
  • Harmonic Accord
    • Pros: Lowers Practice Trance and Miracle breakpoints. Massive expansion in the scale of Miracles conducted by the Adamant. Allows the Adamant to maintain an active drive field with the Harmonic not aboard.
    • Cons: Rarely capable of being subtle. Most effective when supporting a singular, focused working.
    • Synergy: Yes.
  • Insight Circle
    • Pros: Peerless analysis and decryption capabilities. Will allow the Adamant to maintain full stealth capacity without the Seeker aboard.
    • Cons: Removes one of the Insight Groups from Sol, potentially weakening the backup measure if the Orrery proves ineffective.
    • Synergy: Research and infowarfare rolls. All Insight Focused.
  • Speaking Chorus
    • Pros: Opens more extensive Speaking options. Increases effectiveness of Speaking.
    • Cons: Active use of a Speaking Circle when boosting a Speaker will be nearly impossible to conceal.
    • Synergy: All Speakers.
Specialist Candidates
Potentials Specialists. These will either add to rolls, or open up options. None of these choices are bad ones, they just do different things.
  • Aya Yuuki
    • Pros: May be able to access or manipulate racial soul-structures in a way that no other can. Amanda's Apprentice.
    • Cons: Taking a half-trained Potential into the middle of a potentially lethal combat scenario.
    • Synergy: Unknown. Further development required. Likely to be considerable.
  • Alvar Gudrun
    • Pros: Well-Trained Speaker. Extremely versatile for the creation of options.
    • Cons: None of great consequence.
    • Synergy: May be able to create synergy effects. Roll dependent.
  • Elil Acharya
    • Pros: Elite Unisonbound and a skilled analyst - if not of Veda's calibre.
    • Cons: None of great consequence.
    • Synergy: Research and exploration rolls. Will provide Heartcircle synergy.
  • Kalilah Mishra
    • Pros: Elite Unisonbound. Provides a massive bonus to overcoming physical security measures.
    • Cons: Single-issue choice. Highly limited applicability outside of conflict scenarios.
    • Synergy: Provides Heartcircle synergy.
  • Lea Halwood
    • Pros: Elite Unisonbound. Skilled Mender. Provides a useful counterpoint to Amanda.
    • Cons: None of great consequence.
    • Synergy: Maintenance (if applicable), repair and physical conflict rolls. Will provide Heartcircle synergy.
  • Marcus Romero
    • Pros: Peerless infowarfare asset. Skill in covert infiltration.
    • Cons: Leaves Sol reliant on Marcus' Seconds. Limited applicability outside of infowarfare scenarios.
    • Synergy: Infowarfare and (minor) analysis.
  • Mir Hayes
    • Pros: Skilled Speaker. Focus of Peace may allow for bypass of certain conflict points. Skilled Unisonbound.
    • Cons: None of great consequence.
    • Synergy: Conflict avoidance/resolution rolls. Will provide Heartcircle synergy.
  • Veda
    • Pros: Supernal analyst. Will provide major bonuses to research and discovery operations.
    • Cons: None of major major consequence.
    • Synergy: Research, exploration and infowarfare rolls.
  • Vega
    • Pros: Elite Unisonbound. Skilled Speaker. Matchless skill as a Harmonial.
    • Cons: Leaves Sol reliant on Vega's Seconds.
    • Synergy: Lowers Practice Trance and Miracle breakpoints. Bonus to all synergy effects. Will provide Heartcircle synergy.
A Note on Heartcircle Synergy
The Heartcircles are the squad analogues of the Unisonbound, Potentials paired with artificial intelligences born from an imprint on their own souls, and possessing incredible personal and Practiced capabilities. the Unisonbound were leading factors in humanity's victories over the Shiplords, and work best when in their Heartcircles. Splitting Heartcircles is possible, but doing so reduce synergy between the components of the group, and make them less than they necessarily could be in situations were they need to move as one.

Full Heartcircle Synergy is a considerable bonus, but it requires equally considerable sacrifices by a plan to access it. The only way to do so permanently is to select a Working Group that allows the Harmonic or Seeker candidate to act freely, and then select Heartcircle members as all four Specialist candidates.

For the Faithful steed, our Adamant, I chose thusly:
[] Expanded Laboratory Complex [Archeology, Xenolinguistics]
[] Upgraded Defensive Systems

Basically, if Shiplords see us, and more importantly, figure out where we are headed it is WAY too easy for them to ambush us. And I don't trust we can survive War Fleet to the face without an Orrey to see them coming. And Humanity's Orray is back at home. No to the shiny TrailBlazing out a path for humanity to follow! Not when the Past is what we want and are going to need quite a good amount of.

If you want to put forward this plan, please use the format described in Future Proof - it's at the very bottom.

Could you include my write in for Aya Yuuki in your outline?

That's important, because as we've seen at both Second and Third Sol, there is a large amount of Practice power that gets directed at the leaders that the masses can see and identify with. Not only is Vega well-positioned to receive a lot of that power, as a member of Amanda's Heartcircle and a Potential who has had a clear role at the center of Humanity's defense system, but as a Harmonial with Speaking experience she is also well-positioned to use that power to devastating effect, something we may need of the Orrery doesn't quite match up to its expectations.

Not so much anymore, on the first point. Practice is now getting directed through the Circles, at this point, and they've worked out how to do so in a way that you just need to be able to connect properly to access it. Vega and Amanda are certainly the ones with the most experience doing this, but they're far from the only one capable of doing so. More, the ability of Speaking against a War Fleet is rather limited if you can't actually aim properly. This is why Earthgov places a higher priority on Marcus and Insight Focused than Vega for the Fourth Battle of Sol.

The other reason I opted not to take Vega as our Harmonial driver in particular is because, to the best of my knowledge, she hasn't been part of the stealth program; she is not "a notable specialist". When it comes to the people running our stealth system, I don't want a powerful novice who's been given a crash course on how to drive over the course of a couple of months; I want someone who's been doing it for years, and knows the ins and outs of the system. Nightmare Red crams novices into both the Harmonic and Seeker positions in an attempt to cram as many "big names" onto the ship as possible, without regard for what their actual role is supposed to be. That means we're probably trading away the Adamant's stealth for these extras, which could really come back to bite us.

This really doesn't matter as much as you think it does. The stealth systems available are designed to interface with the Focus of the Potential using them, but all they really require is that component. Deeper training with the system helps, yes, but the sheer skill of Vega as a Harmonial (or Veda as an Insight Focused) will win out. If it would trade away stealth, they wouldn't be candidates. I don't believe in offering trap options, especially when there's absolutely no sense to them existing - like this scenario.

I'm assuming no one on the list is essential to Earth's defense.
Else they wouldn't be on it.

This is true. Some would certainly be much more useful, but no one is essential. Humanity isn't that stupid.

The one thing I'm really unhappy about is leaving Lea behind.
It's a long distance trip behind enemy lines with no backup; you don't want a situation where you have only one personnel option for critical roles like Mending. And I suspect that having a full Circle conveys non-obvious benefits.

But I can't think of who we can afford to leave behind in order to squeeze her in.

See the section on Heartcircle Synergy above. I deliberately made it difficult to access that.

Has Marcus picked up a Unison Platform?

Not as yet, no. He could attempt the process - any Potential chosen for this will - but there's no guarantee of success. In his case, it's actually pretty low. The way his Focus works makes that sort of connection...complicated.

I have to go work now. Any futher questions will be answered this evening. Hope this all helps.
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So, after staring at the big block of vote options for a while, a thought occurred to me. And now that @Snowfire has confirmed it is a thing, I might as well post it.

-[X] System 1: Lagless Computing Matrix
-[X] System 2: Focusing Choir
-[X] System 3: Trailblazer Forge
-[X] Harmonic: Vega Cant
-[X] Seeker: Elil Acharya
-[X] Working Group: Harmonic Accord
-[X] Specialist 1: Kalilah Mishra
-[X] Specialist 2: Lea Halwood
-[X] Specialist 3: Mir Hayes
-[X] Specialist 4: Veda

Everyone else has made really good arguments for their plans, and I'm not really up to the task of countering those. So I'll instead just advocate for bringing the whole Heartcircle together on the grounds that the greatest synergies will occur when they're all together, as we've seen in TBOS.

There's also the more meta aspect that while the defense of Earth is indeed vital and the whole purpose of this expedition to begin with, it is by undertaking this expedition that the fundamental questions of this universe will be answered, thereby achieving our purpose. It thus behooves us to pursue all avenues to maximize the success of this expedition.
[X] Plan Maximum Research
-[X] Expanded Laboratory Complex (Archaeology)
-[X] Expanded Laboratory Complex (The Secrets)
-[X] Expanded Laboratory Complex (Xenolinguistics)
-[X] Harmonial: Gennadiy Aleksov
-[X] Seeker: One of the Trailblazer candidates.
-[X] Working Group (if allowed)
-[X] Lea Halwood
-[X] Mir Hayes
-[X] Veda
-[X] Elil Acharya

Rationale: By synergizing all the research options, we are almost guaranteed to acquire results relevant to humanity. I avoid selecting Vega due to benefits to Sol. Veda+Elil combine to provide maximum research, while Lea, Mir and Amanda combine to resolve most potential conflict points.

The Adamant is about as invincible as it can get anyway, between crazy armor and infinite jumps.

Heartcircle Synergy: 4 (Elil, Amanda, Mir, Lea)
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[X] Plan Battering Ram Heart
-[X] System 1: Lagless Computing Matrix
-[X] System 2: Focusing Choir
-[X] System 3: Upgraded Defensive Systems
-[X] Harmonic: Vega Cant
-[X] Seeker: Elil Acharya
-[X] Working Group: Speaking Chorus
-[X] Specialist 1: Aya Yuuki
-[X] Specialist 2: Kalilah Mishra
-[X] Specialist 3: Lea Halwood
-[X] Specialist 4: Mir Hayes

OK now that @Snowfire has explained what each of the choices brings I'm changing my plan to this because Trailblazer Nanoforge is not as impressive as I thought and Upgraded Defensive Systems benefit from Kalilah being there since she is the one who can break the Shiplord Soulnets and as such a system that gives her synergy is going to be useful for better breaking in options. Or do you guys think that Soulnets won't need to be broken into? On top of that a complete Heartcircle of Amanda's combined with a Speaking Choir can compensate for a lot of the other option especially since we are bringing Iris and Mary on this mission. So turning the Adamant into a Practice Battering Ram to break into (whether by stealth or by force) the locations guarded by the Shiplords is my plan.

Edit: Also taking Aya over Veda for extra info options (Access to soul workings including racial memories instead of access to the truth of events from analysis) since after the explanation it is Veda who is the Focused we can't afford to take with us since her Focus of Truth will make a difference in the workings of the Orrery. Especially for the first time it will be used.

Practice is the biggest cheat available.

No Speaking is the biggest cheat available.
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Elil is a member of our Heartcircle too, and in your plan would not be able to leave the ship without dropping stealth.

Can we pick two Working Groups if we take two Focusing Choirs?
If we take a Harmonic/Seeker candidate with us as a Specialist, could they sub for the person chosen for that position?
Would it be safe to deploy the Harmonic in hostile space, leaving the ship without a drive field but with stealth on? Especially if the away team is made up of unisonbound who do not need to be delivered right to the target.
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Okay, thinking about this again with that in mind... I mostly agree with Maximum Friendship but it has Veda and Elil backwards for purposes of full heartcircle synergy, and the nanoforge is redundant with two menders along unless we intend to make outposts, which takes time, so...

[x] Plan Heartcircle Synergy
-[X] System 1: Lagless Computing Matrix
-[X] System 2: Focusing Choir
-[X] System 3: Upgraded Defensive Systems
-[X] Harmonic: Vega Cant
-[X] Seeker: Veda
-[X] Working Group: Harmonic Accord
-[X] Specialist 1: Kalilah Mishra
-[X] Specialist 2: Lea Halwood
-[X] Specialist 3: Mir Hayes
-[X] Specialist 4: Elil Acharya

This does lose out on the synergy from Vega as Harmonic and Elil as Seeker, though. If it turns out we can swap them out for ground missions, Maximum Friendship might be better, for all I like having the panic button from the UDS.

The main things I feel like we're losing for going for heartcircle synergy is possible benefits from Alvar, and needing to take Vega and a Harmonic Accord, which does have a risk -- but Adrianna doesn't think Vega is critical to the defense, and presumably the Accord doesn't include Vega's Seconds or we would be warned about that. (Obviously, we also lose out on taking Marcus, but I'm inclined to think that's a bad idea anyway, so that doesn't bother me as much.)
...I don't know how long @Snowfire will keep this vote open, but I don't know if continuing to come up with unique new plans is likely to succeed. The leading options already have several votes apiece, and it's a winner-take-all vote.

I think we should maybe concentrate on trying to pick the best of what's already there.
Elil is a member of our Heartcircle too, and in your plan would not be able to leave the ship without dropping stealth.

Once the Adamant is in a safe orbit, they'll be able to leave. But until then, yes - unless you want to risk stealth dropping.

presumably the Accord doesn't include Vega's Seconds or we would be warned about that.

You absolutely would be warned, yes. Vega's Second aren't part of any Accords, though they know how to lead them.

...I don't know how long @Snowfire will keep this vote open, but I don't know if continuing to come up with unique new plans is likely to succeed. The leading options already have several votes apiece, and it's a winner-take-all vote.

I think we should maybe concentrate on trying to pick the best of what's already there.

I am probably going to do vote-mergers between highly similar plans. I'll let people know what form that takes when it comes to it.
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Do not ask me how this was missed when I answered the other question relevant to it. I don't know.

Can we pick two Working Groups if we take two Focusing Choirs?
If we take a Harmonic/Seeker candidate with us as a Specialist, could they sub for the person chosen for that position?
Would it be safe to deploy the Harmonic in hostile space, leaving the ship without a drive field but with stealth on? Especially if the away team is made up of unisonbound who do not need to be delivered right to the target.
  1. I'm afraid you cannot.
  2. Yes? Though it would be easier to just pick the Seeker you want.
  3. Absolutely, yes.
[X] Plan MAXIMUM Friendly Insight
-[X] System 1: Lagless Computing Matrix
-[X] System 2: Focusing Choir
-[X] System 3: Trailblazer Forge
-[X] Harmonic: Vega Cant
-[X] Seeker: Elil Acharya
-[X] Working Group: Insight Circle
-[X] Specialist 1: Kalilah Mishra
-[X] Specialist 2: Lea Halwood
-[X] Specialist 3: Mir Hayes
-[X] Specialist 4: Veda

A simple modification of MAXIMUM FRIENDSHIP, with Working Group changed for Insight. This is to allow our entire Heartcircle to deploy without breaking Adamant stealth. Also the greater focus on information gathering, which is what our mission is about, is nice.

@Tayta Malikai any chance of you changing your plans Working Group for Insight?
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[X] Plan MAXIMUM Friendly Insight
-[X] System 1: Lagless Computing Matrix
-[X] System 2: Focusing Choir
-[X] System 3: Trailblazer Forge
-[X] Harmonic: Vega Cant
-[X] Seeker: Elil Acharya
-[X] Working Group: Insight Circle
-[X] Specialist 1: Kalilah Mishra
-[X] Specialist 2: Lea Halwood
-[X] Specialist 3: Mir Hayes
-[X] Specialist 4: Veda

A simple modification of MAXIMUM FRIENDSHIP, which Working Group changed for Insight. This is to allow our entire Heartcircle to deploy without breaking Adamant stealth. Also the greater focus on information gathering, which is what our mission is about, is nice.

@Tayta Malikai any chance of you changing your plans Working Group for Insight?
Hmm, well, I suppose I could. You do make a good point about being able to rely on using the full Heartcircle at once. The main concern I had was that both versions of this option emphasised that it would remove this group from Sol... but by my own logic, that shouldn't matter as much. And I guess the vote as it currently stands already has something of a secondary research focus?

On the other hand, Miracles are love and life in this setting, and more of them is always awesome.

I'll go sleep on it for a bit.
Seems like this plan should work after looking through the pro/con/synergies, but it does have some infowarfare relative weaknesses (well, taking Marcus seems like a bad idea anyway so...). Are we planning on using the Harmonic Circle to help with outpost building? (Stealth is apparently a moderate problem with Harmonic Circle, and so we need to be careful since we didn't choose any evac/ship firepower options)
Edit: Harmonics are good at blending in, and we did take Vega + Harmonic Circle so that seems like less of a concern.
But revealing that its humans that are over there digging at stuff is apparently a really Bad Idea, and opsec breaches gradually increase the DC of stuff...
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Cool. Guess we don't need to worry in that direction then. Question: What is Shiplord expected response should our cover be blown (short and long term)? (IC knowledge of us and Uninvolved anyways)