Trailblazer Sidebar
To avoid slowing down the flow of things further, it's been recommended that I write out a small sidebar on the options available to you at the Consolat homeworld, specifically related to what you could deploy, where you could deploy it, and the relevant pros and cons. The deployment of any Seed will cost 1 AP, and deplete the mass reservoir of the Adamant until it can harvest more material. Harvest operations occur automatically, and have been what have kept your bunkers at maximum over the course of your mission so far.

AP spent on constructing or expanding a Seed will rarely involve a roll. These templates were designed for covert operations against Shiplord systems, and would only trigger a roll when facing challenges outside of that baseline.

Recommended Seed Options
Given the needs of operations on the world, any viable Seed for your work on the Consolat homeworld must be able to support secure telepresence to the Adamant to pursue other matters. They must have living quarters for a biological component, facilities to support planetary exploration, and stealth systems sufficient to hide themselves from Shiplord sensors. Whilst there are many Seeds available to you, only two of them meet these criteria. Each will consume 10% of the Adamant's mass bunker.

The Magi template was created to support research operations on hostile worlds. It would provide a secure network link to the Adamant, but the primary focus of the template lies in its extensive laboratory setup. This would match or potentially exceed the capabilities of the Adamant's own labs.
Research Focus.

The Yume template was designed for scenarios where extensive analysis of a system might be required, specifically where the sensors of a starship were insufficient to the task. Its more limited labs are supplemented with an incredibly delicate, distributed sensor suite, supporting fine-grain analysis of an entire star system.
Investigation Focus

Seed templates were designed to be modular, and can be easily expanded with sections from other templates or specific expansion layouts. This requires additional space, however, and building too large will inevitably threaten the stealth profile of the outpost.

Recommended Locations
These are, despite the size of the planet, quite limited. There are few enough areas that fit the combination of criteria required for safe deployment of a more complex Seed. And as with all decisions, there are tradeoffs. Access and convenience to the sites here is mentioned as a result of suspicions that those traits may prove useful down the line. It does not restrict you from visiting the sites at all, or level maluses on doing so.

The first is roughly equidistant between three points of interest; the forest, Consolat archive and former academic centre. It's highly convenient to all of them, and not far from the Spire either, but could only safely fit one Seed template due to its proximity to the Shiplord presence on the planet.

Second, there is the option of using a random spot of virgin wilderness, providing a combination of high security and expansion potential at the cost of a severe barrier of entry to access.

The third is close to the Spire, in the outskirts of the abandoned city around it. Very close to the spire, reasonably convenient to the other interest points, and enough space for some expansions to the Seed template.

Finally there is a somewhat similar, but more spacious option on the other side of the odd forest, granting significant development potential but accessing the other sites would require short shuttle flights. The second-farthest site from any planetary Shiplord presence.
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