Yeah. I just did.
The upcoming major events includes:
Damocles Gulf Crusade
Rynn's World , with Snagrod bleeds the Crimson Fists
And the big one, Hive Fleet Kraken, which will be preceded by a flood of Genestealer rebellions.
The smaller ones, still worth mentioning are
- Calgar was maimed fighting a Behemoth splinter, Hive Fleet Perseus, which then later drift outside the galaxy to never seen again.
- Cadian 8th ( and Creed ) gained a major series of victory .
- St. Celestine appears and saves a victory for Salamanders and the Ebon Chalice against the Black Legion
- Ragnar Blackmane assume the rank of Wolf Lord after avenging the predeccessor
- Helbretch officially becomes Black Templar High Marshal, opening campaign is declare a crusade against Cythor Fiends in the Ghoul Stars ( which imo kid of a waste and should have more use elsewhere )
- Lamas Campaign, 15 years war between the Imperium and Biel-tan, with participation of Assasinorum agents.
- Blood Angels recieved intel about DAOT genetech libraries on the Planet Pandrax III, and then, seeking a hint to cure the gene-flaws clashed with the Alaitoc Eldar . The war ends when the Eldar Farseer blew up the data library rather than let it fall into human hands