[x] No
-[x] "People in mourning often display compromised judgement in certain situations. Your choices are your own, but I think we'll all be better off if I don't answer that right now. Ask me again in 3 months time."
Does that mean she ignores it or that we straight up didn't state it, because Tenten is the type to actually say that
Tenten says "I wish I could, Yugao. I wish that I could."

In true ninja fashion, this means several different things. On one level, it means exactly what it sounds like: Tenten wishes she could tell Yugao what she's asking. Tenten might be concerned about eavesdroppers, even with the sealwork laid into the teashop; it's not paranoia if your opponent is a highly-trained assassin and espionage agent. Tenten might be operating under orders not to bruit any of the information she has about. Tenten might be wishing she knew what Yugao was asking about, that the information she had would be of any use.

Or, as is actually the case and is hidden about 12 layers too deep for Yugao to ferret out easily, Tenten could mean that she wishes Yugao could do anything, or that she could grant Yugao the closure she so desperately wants.

"I wish I could" means so many different things on so many different levels. It's a truly ninja-like phrase.

EDIT: @Crilltic I have to ask, did you take inspiration for this restaurant from Deja vu no Jutsu? It's a wonderfully written story that I only recently read, and I really liked the idea it had of ANBU having particular places that they frequented, either because of secret entrances or because the privacy work was well done.
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[X] I'll be honest. Those should be in the report and I was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopardizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the names. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and won't violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.

[X] Spend Time with Someone?
-[X] Naruto
--[X] Even if it's very unlikely that he'll win against Neji, unexpected things like food poisoning happen, and you need to warn him about Gaara. And get introduced to Jiraya of course.
Slowly, you blink.

You know what she wants. She wants a name, a target, someone or something to pin her lover's death on so that she can get closure in the only way shinobi know. A year, a month, hell, two weeks ago, you would have told her your suspicions immediately, with no reservations.

But there's something different, now. You have your orders, and those are a powerful shield, but there's something more that stays your tongue: a bone-deep certainty that, should she pursue this vendetta, not only will she most likely die, she will jeopardize not just the village you love, but possibly the world itself. Somehow you can feel that the Elemental Nations are sitting on a precipice and that any force from any direction will send it tumbling down blindly into a valley of war and death and that, while that tumble is inevitable and there will be casualties...there are better paths than letting her start it.

The phrase is so simple, but it carries so much weight. Wrapping your words in hidden meaning, you finally respond to her question. "I wish I could, Yugao. I wish that I could."

I have direct orders not to tell anyone what you've asked, is what she hears.

I cannot let you make this mistake, comrade, is what she doesn't.

[X] No
I like most of this stunt except the bit near the end where Tenten blows it by lying. We don't need to lie her, what we should do is tell her the reasons why we telling her no. Lying to her about knowing the identities of the killers is stupid. Tenten knows who Kabuto is, and she Knows that Baki is the Jounin sensei of the sand team. Saying she doesn't know who the killers are is a lie especially when she saw them. If you could rework that bit so that Tenten didn't lie that would make the stunt better.
She doesn't lie.

She says she knows who was there (she does), but can't name names (she probably shouldn't), and didn't see the fight (she didn't).

In the bit you've underlined, she says she doesn't know for sure which of the ninja killed him (she doesn't).
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[X] Only one (Kabuto)
Kabuto is a fugitive at current, Baki is still active and Yugao seeking revenge on him would break cover; she seems emotionally compromised at the moment and presents a mission risk, revealing Kabuto is a non-issue in this vein.
Oh wow, this seems to have generated some controversy, and discussion. Always nice to see that. Not going to comment on that, because I want to see where it goes.

Oh hell no.

We need training for the exams and the finals.
We don't need to send her off hunting Kabuto.
And we don't want to fight Kabuto ourselves unless we have no other choice IE he comes after us and we can't run the fuck away.

A-class shinobi are no fucking joke. Even for an E3 Solar.
You're talking combat-specced Dragonblood equivalents here who are much harder to mote-tap.
Yeah, Tenten couldn't take Kabuto right now. Though she'd likely be able to survive and escape by pulling a perfect out of her ass and spamming that until she can run away. Probably also involve all of the explosive tags.
... Are we aware of the impending invasion? I dont remember. I want to say we should tell her and also say something more, something to delay her. It's one thing to tell her who to kill, it's another thing to do that but also convince her not to be rash about it.

[] I'll tell you, but I need you to promise me that you'll be smart about it. I mean, maybe it's silly of me, I'm a genin, but... I don't think you'd have much success alone. And if I tell you, and you get killed because I told you, then what kind of person does that make me, that I wasn't able to help him and I went on to get his lover killed?

Eh, just a thought.
Tenten doesn't know that Sound and Sand are coordinating an Invasion (just that they're colluding). The wider village does though.
Thanks! Yeah, there's a lot of potential in exploring the other exaltations that could have happened. I'd been up for more then twenty four hours do to a bad bout of insomnia when I wrote that and had made a list of omake ideas that I may or may not flesh out.

As for the experience could you put that towards Occult 3?
My only regret was I didn't post the Infernal snippet I have half written as an April Fool's joke.

And done.
[X] I'll be honest. I put those names into the report and was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopardizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the names. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and won't violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.
[X] Spend Time with Someone?
-[X] Naruto
-[X] See if you can get him to introduce you to Jiraiya so he can introduce you to Tsunade.
[X] I'll be honest. I put those names into the report and was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopardizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the names. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and won't violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.
[X] Spend Time with Someone?
-[X] Naruto
-[X] See if you can get him to introduce you to Jiraiya so he can introduce you to Tsunade.
[X] I'll be honest. I put those names into the report and was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopardizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the names. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and won't violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.
[X] I'll be honest. I put those names into the report and was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopardizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the names. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and won't violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.
[X] Spend Time with Someone?
-[X] Naruto
-[X] See if you can get him to introduce you to Jiraiya so he can introduce you to Tsunade.
Orders are for lesser people.
That's the kinda thinking that causes some quest to go to shit. Tenten is essentially in the military, she has superiors, and she receives orders. You're essentially saying lol nope we're a solar now we don't have to listen. In which case I'll point out that ninjas in this world are the equivalent of Dragon Blood exalts, and Tenten is a brand new baby solar, which means that they can and will kick our ass or kill us for going rogue. If you don't like it then go play another quest, but don't shit up this one because you don't like having to follow orders.
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That's the kinda thinking that causes some quest to go to shit. Tenten is essentially in the military, she has superiors, and she receives orders. You're essentially saying lol nope we're a solar now we don't have to listen. In which case I'll point out that ninjas in this world are the equivalent of Dragon Blood exalts, and Tenten is a brand new baby solar, which means that they can and will kick our ass or kill us for going rogue. If you don't like it then go play another quest, but don't shit up this one because you don't like having to follow orders.
Wait until we are S class like everybody else does. That is why there are so many S rank missing nin.
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[X] No

Slowly, you blink.

You know what she wants. She wants a name, a target, someone or something to pin her lover's death on so that she can get closure in the only way shinobi know. A year, a month, hell, two weeks ago, you would have told her your suspicions immediately, with no reservations.

But there's something different, now. You have your orders, and those are a powerful shield, but there's something more that stays your tongue: a bone-deep certainty that, should she pursue this vendetta, not only will she most likely die, she will jeopardize not just the village you love, but possibly the world itself. Somehow you can feel that the Elemental Nations are sitting on a precipice and that any force from any direction will send it tumbling down blindly into a valley of war and death and that, while that tumble is inevitable and there will be casualties...there are better paths than letting her start it.

The phrase is so simple, but it carries so much weight. Wrapping your words in hidden meaning, you finally respond to her question. "I wish I could, Yugao. I wish that I could."

I have direct orders not to tell anyone what you've asked, is what she hears.

I cannot let you make this mistake, comrade, is what she doesn't.
[X] I'll be honest. I put those names into the report and was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopardizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the names. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and won't violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.
[X] Spend Time with Someone?
-[X] Naruto
-[X] See if you can get him to introduce you to Jiraiya so he can introduce you to Tsunade.
Still better than the manga where her only goal in life seems to be to get Lee out of his leotard.

And feminism marches on.
Well, her manga portrayal had to make do with a single panel, so there wasn't a whole lot of room to do anything. I do vastly prefer the two episodes she got in the Anime though, even if they raise all sorts of questions. (like, "how did she manage to keep her memories" and "if this is her fantasy why didn't she know what was going on like everyone else?")
You actually have one (and I stress one). A wazikashi that Tenten bought for herself the first time she managed to beat Gai in a spar. It's currently hanging on her wall, and she doesn't use it much because A) she can't channel chakra and B) it doesn't really fit with her normal fighting style.

OMAKE: Treat Yourself
Today was a good day.
For the first time ever, you'd beaten Gai-sensei in a fight.
Admittedly, he had spotted you a handicap-if you counted multiple weights, a movement prohibition and only using one arm as a handicap- and you were allowed to break out your entire arsenal of weapons.

Still counts, though, as proof, to yourself, if no one else, that you were making progress towards your dream.
Even if Neji disagreed. Stupid Hyuga.

But for the moment, you had to content yourself with small victories. And so you were going to treat yourself.
The thoughts buoyed you as you walked in the entrance of Kureji Rippa's Arms Emporioum, the dry air of the outside replaced by the familiar smell of weapons oil and leather as you step it into a veritable shrine to melee weaponry.

You walk past the serried ranks of black shuriken and kunai, past the senbon aisle, until you end up in the specialty weapons section.
Today, you were looking for something special.

You stare at a black-hafted naginata in a display case before dismissing it as entirely too long for you.
You stop at a rack of studded tetsubos, half-lifting one before carefully sliding it back into it's stand; you don't have the upper arm strength to wield one of those anyway. You pause to linger over a display case featuring a set of throwing chakram from Wave, admiring the play of light over the rainbow sheen of the metal before regretfully moving on; they cost too much to be throwaway, and you lack the ninjutsu to recall them to your hand.

Someday, maybe, you'll get some.
No you do not have a problem with regards to hoarding collecting weaponry, okay?
It's perfectly reasonable to want at least one of everything.
Stupid Lee.

Then you see it.
Behind the glass of a display case, under it's own lights, you see an unsheathed wakizashi lying on a bed of some sort of fabric.
And it calls to you.

Unabashedly you press your nose against the glass.
Your hand itches to trace the twin dragons on it's blade.

"It's beautiful" you breathe.
"It is, isn't it?" A voice behind you agrees with a note of satisfaction in his voice.
Turning, you see a middle-aged man in pince nez and caftan, brilliant smile splitting his full, luxuriant beard.
You recognize his face as the proprietor, from the weapons license on the wall next to the main entrance, as mandated for every Konoha weapons dealer.
Kureji Hassan.

Mutely you produce and present your identity card; whenever you forgot to wear your hitai-ate, you always had to deal with the indignity of being carded before service. You'd think they'd know your face by now.
Surprisingly, the proprietor waved it off with a "Maito-san's team right? I know who you are."

"What do you think?" He says, motioning to the display case.
"Period wakizashi from the Warring Clans Period, is what it looks like from here, Kureji-san"you opine. " At least fifty years old, though I'd love to know how you've kept it so pristine."

He shakes his head, silver-plated canine flashing in his smile. "Less than six years actually. It's custom work; the person who originally requested it wanted something special for his daughter's birthday. Note the patterning; Sumimoto's the only one I know who can work quite that much detail into chakra metal."

"So why is this beauty still here? She outgrew it?"
His face darkens for a moment. "She never claimed it. The family were Uchiha."

You stare through the glass for a few moments more, and then turn to look at him. No doubt in your mind now; you have to have this.
"How much?"
He smiles, and in that moment he resembles nothing so much as a wolf.
A bespectacled wolf, but a wolf nonetheless.

He goes on for a minute about how he's loathe to let the sword go, that it's a reminder of an old customer, and finally quotes a number that makes you blanch. But if you throw in your genin graduation bonus on top of most of your savings...

Kureji stares at you. "You're terrible at this aren't you." In very put out tones.
You look at the merchant in honest confusion. "Terrible at what?"
He sighs. "Never mind."

A quick trip to a bank later, you leave the shop sans most of your savings, but bearing a bill of sale, some weapon oil, two scrolls of shuriken and a case containing the sword and a dragon-entwined scabbard. You aren't sure why Kureji pushed a quarter of the bills you produced back at you, or why he threw in the scrolls of shuriken for free, but given the rate at which you ran through projectiles, you weren't going to turn away free weapons.

He did blush when you hugged him though.

You spend the latter part of the day reading the instructions for care, and -gingerly! carefully!-putting the sword through a few elementary forms. It handled like the dream you thought it would, and the twin dragons on it's surface react to your chakra, changing shades.
You look forward to showing it off to Gai-sensei at training tomorrow.

Only as you turn in to sleep does it actually occur to you:
You don't know how to use chakra flow.

That's done.
Still need to find another 4XP to finish off Master of Small Manners, but I can hopefully get that done by weekend.
Now to worry about stunting.

Spot the reference, if you can; it's fairly obvious I think.
Yeah, Tenten couldn't take Kabuto right now. Though she'd likely be able to survive and escape by pulling a perfect out of her ass and spamming that until she can run away. Probably also involve all of the explosive tags.
I actually doubt she can get away as things currently stand; no Athletics or Stealth charms.
She can stand him off till the commotion draws reinforcements, but if no one comes, she's gonna die.
Unless he is as careless as he was with Naruto.

Tenten doesn't know that Sound and Sand are coordinating an Invasion (just that they're colluding). The wider village does though.
Ino probably has some idea.
Again, intel specialist.

Still better than the manga where her only goal in life seems to be to get Lee out of his leotard.
Dude, phrasing!
I actually doubt she can get away as things currently stand; no Athletics or Stealth charms.
She can stand him off till the commotion draws reinforcements, but if no one comes, she's gonna die.
Unless he is as careless as he was with Naruto.
No Athletics or Stealth Charms, but she does have Shunshin and I specified pulling a Perfect out of her ass for a reason.

Edit: I'll get to reading your omake in a bit, right now I left (a) paper(s) to the last minute again :V