... Kabuto could kill us both easily 2 weeks of measly training will not make up for it.????????
The idea here is that she'll be forced to train us to the level that we can handle someone like kabuto with her. She'll have to wait.
Oh hell no.????????
The idea here is that she'll be forced to train us to the level that we can handle someone like kabuto with her. She'll have to wait.
... Kabuto could kill us both easily 2 weeks of measly training will not make up for it.
Going after the sand guy riskes everything going to hell.
Oh hell no.
We need training for the exams and the finals.
We don't need to send her off hunting Kabuto.
And we don't want to fight Kabuto ourselves unless we have no other choice IE he comes after us and we can't run the fuck away.
A-class shinobi are no fucking joke. Even for an E3 Solar.
You're talking combat-specced Dragonblood equivalents here who are much harder to mote-tap.
What I'm concerned about is that she won't train us if we don't tell her. How about we asked her to take us with her when she does the revenge deed?
Then I rather not get training now then utterly fuck everything for a raging female.
Also this.
We NEED a Melee tutor so we can get through the last week of training before the Finals.
Ergo we need a stunt that puts us on a little more friendly level than Stoneface.
The idea here is that she'll be forced to train us to the level that we can handle someone like kabuto with her. She'll have to wait.
Guy's you've got a little bit of tunnel vision here. We have already secured or promotion, the only thing we need to do in the tournament is make sure the Leaf looks good, that's all. To that end let's not blow our promotion and get blacklisted or arrested because we decided to ignore the hokage's orders on this. What we should be focusing on is making sure our fight with Shikamaru makes the Leaf look good. Hell if I thought it could votes I'd suggest going and talking to him to see if we couldn't plan the fight ahead of time (There isn't a rule saying that we can't do this), because remember we don't need to win the tournament, because that isn't our goal, and we've already secured our promotion. Our objective should be making the Leaf look good so that way it gets more missions and revenue. Even if we end up losing the fight to Shikamaru (Highly unlikely) as long as it made the Leaf look good, then we can safely say that we achieved our objective. So don't get tunnel vision on training (Although I'm not against getting stronger and honing our skills), remember to focus on the bigger picture. Not to mention the invasion.... Kabuto could kill us both easily 2 weeks of measly training will not make up for it.
Going after the sand guy riskes everything going to hell.
We're ordered not to by the Hokage, and this could set her on course of revenge so telling is a dumb idea. Not only does it risk our promotion, it also risks the villages safety.... Are we aware of the impending invasion? I dont remember. I want to say we should tell her and also say something more, something to delay her. It's one thing to tell her who to kill, it's another thing to do that but also convince her not to be rash about it.
[] I'll tell you, but I need you to promise me that you'll be smart about it. I mean, maybe it's silly of me, I'm a genin, but... I don't think you'd have much success alone. And if I tell you, and you get killed because I told you, then what kind of person does that make me, that I wasn't able to help him and I went on to get his lover killed?
Eh, just a thought.
That's actually a really good one.[X] I'll be honest. I put those names into the report and was ordered not to talk about it. Can you honestly swear to me that you won't go after them jeopordizing whatever plans Hokage made for them? If yes (first awareness excellency and Sagacious Reading of Intent to see if she's trying to deceive you), then I'll give you the name. If no, I have to look after my comrades, and wont violate orders that might get them killed in whatever is coming. Sorry.
Suitably creepy! +2XP (though obviously non-canon). Fun fact, I was considering doing an Infernal Quest, set after the Chunin Exams with Tenten, though I ultimately decided to go for Solar Tenten out of personal preference.
How the hell is she going to be forced to take us? Even if we demand that she promise she'll take us in exchange for giving names, we have absolutely no way to enforce that and there are plenty of entirely legitimate reasons for us not to be involved.
Mayhaps we should talk to someone (cough Gai cough) who might know a good tutor? By no means are we restricted to getting help from someone who uses a sword (and Yuugao is far from our only option for those); someone who uses a staff (most Akimichi, apparently) or knives (Asuma) would be equally appropriate.We NEED a Melee tutor so we can get through the last week of training before the Finals.
Ok, sure.I like @Yog's but we didn't exactly write a report so much as were interrogated. Wording correction?