What is the probability of us dieing a horrible death if we summon without a contract?
Or would our atoms be randomly streamed across the universe?
Edo Tensei, and to a greater extent Rinne Tensei, are very, very scary from an Exalted POV. In Exalted, resurrection is only possible by placing your very existence in the hands of insane titans, most of whom have every reason to loathe you. This is not the case in Naruto.

Well, considering the existence of the shinigami and Kaguya, that might still be the case. I mean for all we know, Edo Tensai is less resurrection jutsu and more, "Make a sacrifice to the ancient gods to achieve this result."
What is the probability of us dieing a horrible death if we summon without a contract?
Or would our atoms be randomly streamed across the universe?
Anime-verse, it takes you to your most appropriate summon animal. Manga-verse, it's never elaborated on as far as I'm aware. Here? Who knows?
My, so I see something happened last night. Mod intervention and all. Remember to keep it civil guys.
Okay, this is the word that caused me the sufferings.

A romantic relationship with Kin would be a KISMESIS.

Badness, really.

Characterized by the emotional vulnerability.

The following romance is, in Alternia terms, the result of a morails with flushed feelings.
I have no idea what these words mean.
Japanese romance is weird, and I wanted to see how Hayate effected his friends.

One Day

Click. Clack. Click

It would have been cute if she didn't know exactly what he was trying to do.

"Hey Sticky."

She flicked her dango stick at his glasses, not caring one bit that she was only giving credence to his nickname for her.

"Whatcha doing birdie?" She closed the door behind her. She had a real bad feeling about this...

"I was feeling a bit stressed. So, how did your talk with Yugao go?"

"Just peachy."

He shifted uncomfortably at the bite in her words, and she told herself to calm down. He was just worried. That's what he always did. She liked it, but she was letting it all go to her damn-.


He was pouring her some tea. How nice. She sat down across from him at their dinner table, annoyed that he got the one up.

"She's a frickin mess Aoba."

His nervousness heightened at the confirmation.

"His mother and sister are dealing with it as well as they can. I talked to them for a bit, but I didn't have to hunt them down…"

They both sipped at once. They both knew that this situation was more fucked up than they had ever imagined having to deal with in their own kami damned village. This was all supposed to be pleasant busywork. Only one of them would admit how much it terrified them first.

"I'm scared, Anko."

They both sipped "Lemon balm?" "Yeah." at once.

"Things are pretty fucked up dude." It didn't have to be said, but it was, and it may have been part of the reason why she was caught so off guard by his next sentence

"I arranged a spar with Asuma and Kurenai. For the both of us," he said softly, meeting her eyes.

Her gut twisted

"Making my decisions for me now, huh?" She knew he was worried, and it was sweet and nice, but -.

"Anko I just can't-" his voice broke. "I don't want to lose-."

"Shut up."



"Hiya Haya. Guess what I've been hearing~"

Gekko Hayate fell flat on his back, legs still swinging on the edge of his roof. His eyes rolled up so that he could see the extent of her shit eating grin.

"I think I could guess."

"C'mon." She sat down cross legged across from him, her smile splitting her face. "Give me all the juicy details!"

"It wasn't that much Anko. We were training kenjutsu. I took a chance. And it all just worked out. Maybe you should try it sometime."

"Kind of reckless, don't you think?"

He scoffed.

"Maybe to you. I want to be a super cool uncle before I die Anko. The bachelors sure aren't going to give me nieces and nephews. You're my best shot you know."

He would treasure the gobsmacked expression on his younger friends face until the shinigami took him.

"I need an inhaler just to survive the atmosphere your house."

"Was the real Hayate always such a jerk? Mind if I stab you for a second to confirm?"

"Anko, trust me on this. It's not even a risk. If Aoba rejects you, I'll kill the imposter myself."

Mitarashi Anko fumed quietly at getting the tables turned on her so quickly. She was supposed to be the one messing with him damn it!

A couple minutes passed of uninterrupted silence, as Hayate gazed at the clouds and Anko mulled.

"Do you really think he loves me?"

Amaterasu give him strength.


She was such a coward. That was the sole thought running through her head as she held him closer.

"I…" She had to say it. Had to make it real.

"I love you."

She would say it to him one day, while he was awake. She just had to listen to...Hayate. Yeah.

One day she'll do it. One day. One day. One day...
Cool! +1 XP added to your running total.
What is the probability of us dieing a horrible death if we summon without a contract?
Or would our atoms be randomly streamed across the universe?
Anime-verse, it takes you to your most appropriate summon animal. Manga-verse, it's never elaborated on as far as I'm aware. Here? Who knows?
It's a very dumb idea, that while functions sorta similar to how it works in the Anime verse is insanely dangerous. Because most summon animals either live in climates inhospitable to humans (fish et. al.), are not friendly (snakes) or both (sharks). Most people who try it don't come back.
Shed Skin is great.
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And now i have the image of an Orochimaru who is utterly oblivious to how creepy he appears.
And whose secret life goal is to figure out why mothers hug their children extra close when he passes by. He currently suspects it's because his magnificence inspires them to understand the value of their loved ones.
This, of course, assumes that in Narutoverse death exists the same way it exists in Exalted. How is "Death" defined?
Its an MS Paint Adventure concept apparently. The sexual attraction you have to someone you hate.
Or at least thats what google tells me.
Oh, well then. :V That runs into a bit of a stick that Kin A) doesn't hate Tenten and B) that's like the opposite reason a hypothetical relationship would be toxic.
This, of course, assumes that in Narutoverse death exists the same way it exists in Exalted. How is "Death" defined?
Very much depends on who you're asking about.
If I was a guy, the way I would sum it up is not all wai-fus get the pipe-oo.
(You are completely allowed to murder me for this.)
Goddamn this shit is why I fucking hate playing female PCs. Is it really so damn hard for female PC to be straight and have her female friends just be female friends?
Oh hey look, it's a "skip ahead to the most recent page" flag.
And whose secret life goal is to figure out why mothers hug their children extra close when he passes by. He currently suspects it's because his magnificence inspires them to understand the value of their loved ones.
This sounds like an Emerald Ashes fic.

... Now I want to read that. Damn you.
In exalted, true resurrection is impossible. Yet there are clearly immaterial beings. So, how is "death" defined in exalted, where death is the state recovering from which is impossible?
Well, Rinne Tensei is true Resurrection, as is the Kishō Tensei (but that's a 1 for 1 trade). In Naruto, there's really no point where you couldn't conceivably bring someone back provided you have sufficiently powerful techniques (and you were also willing to probably die in the attempt).
It's a very dumb idea, that while functions sorta similar to how it works in the Anime verse is insanely dangerous. Because most summon animals either live in climates inhospitable to humans (fish et. al.), are not friendly (snakes) or both (sharks). Most people who try it don't come back.
Shed Skin is great.

What your saying is we need that one environmental charm that lets us laugh off environmental hazards. At which point we can live perfectly happy in a volcano let alone the ocean.
For death, in Naruto i would have said the point where your soul departs to the pure world, but theres problems with that, including that afterlife crossroads, and that with that definition the fourth hokage didnt die (since his soul was sealed elsewhere). If you just try for soul leaves the body, you run into other problems, including that spirit release technique. And then you have people like orochimaru who leave bits of their soul lieing around, which also makes a mess of many definition.

In the end, in naruto it may not be possible to draw a truly clear line what is death and what is not, and in theory it can be reversed without limit given enough power and knowledge.

In exalted, the problem is different. There, by the fundamental mechanics of the universe, something is either alive or dead/undead, and truly reversing it is likely impossible without tearing up all creation (not necessarily effectively reversing it with enough exalted bullshit, but whatever result would still be "(un)dead" in the natural order sense, even if you put them back into a living body and soul-surgery them back to having positive life force). There are probably means to just look at something and see if its alive or dead by examining its place in the natural order.
However, where that line is exactly isnt necessarily easy to nail down either, although some being in Yu shan would likely know perfectly.
What your saying is we need that one environmental charm that lets us laugh off environmental hazards. At which point we can live perfectly happy in a volcano let alone the ocean.
That is actually a combination of two charms, one of which we need Survival 5 to get.
Cost: 10m
Mins: Survival 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
The wilderness cannot subdue the heroes of the dawn. This Charm negates any environmental external penalties to Survival rolls made for the Solar. This means that the coldest glacier and the hottest desert are no more deadly for the Solar than the gentlest rolling plain. She can find food and water easily, she ignores inclement weather even when lightly dressed, and she does not suffer undue blisters, bug bites or plant poison even walking barefoot through the Far East. This Charm does not protect against environmental damage, however, so if the environment is deadly enough to force regular Resistance rolls, the Solar needs Element-Resisting Prana to endure it.
Cost: —
Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit
This Charm enhances the character's Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit. When using that Charm, the character now becomes immune to environmental hazards. She can survive in a bonfire, underwater, in a volcano's caldera or in a pool of boiling acid, all with ease. She takes damage or suffers Poison, Crippling or Sickness effects only when directly inflicted upon her by some character's action.
Environmental damage inflicted via Charms, spells, etc. are replicating natural environmental damage, but it isn't actually natural. These are supernatural assaults that are directly inflicted upon characters. So, for example, Dragon Vortex Attack would, in fact, be able to inflict damage to someone under the aegis of Element-Resisting Prana.
So sadly out of our reach for a while, and not something that will probably be prioritized for its low short-term utility.
(Unless we want to try for Steadfast Elemental Emperor Stance, I guess, which would make us invulnerable to an incredible amount of elemental, combination and kekkei genkai jutsu.)
Steadfast Elemental Emperor Stance
: —
Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Surviving the Sunlit Lands)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Element-Resisting Prana
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, removing the clause for other characters' deliberate actions.
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In exalted, true resurrection is impossible. Yet there are clearly immaterial beings. So, how is "death" defined in exalted, where death is the state recovering from which is impossible?
Pretty much immediately. *Shrug* Exalted souls are made of two parts, Hun and Po, the one that represents the conscious mind or whatever gets stuck in the underworld and the other one gets thrown into the cycle of reincarnation again.

True Resurrection is impossible in Exalted because as soon as the person dies you're missing a good half of their soul. Naruto Resurrection wouldn't change that either.

Now that it's in the Naruto-verse? Tenten/any Solar could design a method for True Resurrection.
A Ninja's Friend

The air of the forge beat against Umeru's face, its heat a physical force. His spine popped as he stood, drawing the glowing bar from the furnace and over to his anvil. He set the hammer running with a kick at the pedal below, squinting through sparks as it began to pound away at the steel, flattening and stretching. It was decent stuff, a shipment from Wind Country, and the price had been a pleasant surprise. Wind's economy wasn't doing so well, it seemed.

Well, bad news for the Kazekage was good news for Umeru Saya, and he could look forward to a nice fat margin on the latest Academy order.

Soon the metal had been drawn out into a lumpy triangle, and Umeru began beating a thin handle into shape at the flat, fat end. He'd mill the finger ring in later, then get the knife over to the grinder. He checked the dull blade, flipping it in his hand to check the weight. Yeah. Wouldn't waste too much material getting it sharp and balanced. Ready to go.

Sure, it wasn't going to be the next White Fang or Kusanagi, but it was solid work for a training kunai.


The voice came from the doorway to his workshop, and he whipped around, kunai held in fingers like burned sausages. A blunt, lumpy kunai without so much as a proper handle, but still. It counted.

...it had been a while since his ninja days.

The intruder was a girl in a pink jacket, hair tied into buns. Fresh from the Academy, if the shiny forehead protector was any indication. She'd probably been there a while, watching him work. Not the most interesting of sights, he was sure. He'd have drifted off himself, if not for the machine hammer smashing away next to him.

"Sorry to interrupt", she continued. "This is a ninja smith, right?"

Umeru looked at the ninja girl in a ninja village, then let his gaze move, silently and without condemnation, up to the ninja forehead protector hanging over the furnace, down to the ninja knife in his hand, and then past her, to the racks of ninja weapons and tools sitting out in his storefront. He turned his stare back to her, scratching his thick beard. Her face coloured in slow embarrasment.

"Well, anyway, my jounin-sensei said I should come talk to a ninja smith, so..."

"Aye?" His own voice surprised him. It had been a while. Rough and low, like a rusty sword scraping on cobblestones. "And I'm the closest to your parents' house, am I?"

"Uh? No!" She blinked. "You've got a good reputation for quality, and you're right in the middle of the list for price. Plus I asked a few chuunin, and three of them mentioned you as a good choice." She paused. "You're about the second from my house, not counting places that are just weapon stores."

Hm. That was flattering, at least.

"Well, if you're looking for forged goods, I sell pretty much anything a genin could need. Leave the money on the counter. I'll trust your forehead protector."

"Thank you, but I was-"

"After something more specialist? Puppet parts? Spare wire? I won't sell syringe darts if you don't have a medic-nin license."

"No! I mean, yes, maybe, those sound cool, but... I can't requisition gear yet, and I don't get supplies from the Academy any more, and I don't have a clan to foot the bill. I don't want to borrow money from Gai-sensei, and honestly, it seems like we're going to spend more time doing physical conditioning than E-ranks. So... I was wondering about a discount?" Seeing his expression, she waved her hands frantically. "A bulk discount! I'm going to need a lot of weapons, after all. Gai-sensei says he's going to train me as a tool user."

"A weaponsmaster? Hm. Big words, even from a pupil of the Green Beast." He tossed the rough kunai into a tray, ignoring her mutters, and cast about for another bar to heat. He'd grind them all together. "Well, maybe I'll consider it once you've actually made a name for yourself. Right now I'm busy with this order of-"

"Academy training kunai, right?"

The blacksmith paused, squinting at her from beneath his bushy eyebrows, then set the bar down.

"...I haven't finished it yet."

"No... but unless you're planning on grinding it down to a senbon, it's way too small and thin to be a standard kunai." She paused for a moment, then pushed on. "And the ring's wide enough for an explosive tag, but with such a light blade even just a bit of paper would throw the balance off. So it's just small and easy to spin. Academy-grade."

"...hrm." Umeru rubbed his beard again. "Alright. Fast talk for a green ninja. Stick around while I finish off this batch, and maybe I'll look at getting you a tab. Once we're done, though, you need to get a move on. This isn't a playground."

A few hours later, the kunai had been tempered, and the talk had been concluded. That was a while ago. The girl was still in the workshop.

"And that is one of Iou's old ideas. Unfortunately, he forgot to leave room for a handle. Shame, that. I kept it as a souvenir, of sorts."

"What about this one?"

"Oh, that's something from my own days in the research division. Turns out most ninja prefer using a sword or a bow, instead of a sword that turns into a bow. Besides, bows aren't the fashion among ninja these days."

"Huh." She twisted the slide on the hilt to and fro, watching it segment and twist from curved blade to dangerous-looking bowshaft and back. Carefully, but not gingerly, she returned it to its place on the wall. "So how about..."
Alright, so I made a slight adjustment to Tenten's character sheet, because I felt some of the decisions I made when I originally made it weren't exactly valid anymore. So in short, Tenten now has an additional Dodge pip and two additional Craft pips.

A Ninja's Friend

The air of the forge beat against Umeru's face, its heat a physical force. His spine popped as he stood, drawing the glowing bar from the furnace and over to his anvil. He set the hammer running with a kick at the pedal below, squinting through sparks as it began to pound away at the steel, flattening and stretching. It was decent stuff, a shipment from Wind Country, and the price had been a pleasant surprise. Wind's economy wasn't doing so well, it seemed.

Well, bad news for the Kazekage was good news for Umeru Saya, and he could look forward to a nice fat margin on the latest Academy order.

Soon the metal had been drawn out into a lumpy triangle, and Umeru began beating a thin handle into shape at the flat, fat end. He'd mill the finger ring in later, then get the knife over to the grinder. He checked the dull blade, flipping it in his hand to check the weight. Yeah. Wouldn't waste too much material getting it sharp and balanced. Ready to go.

Sure, it wasn't going to be the next White Fang or Kusanagi, but it was solid work for a training kunai.


The voice came from the doorway to his workshop, and he whipped around, kunai held in fingers like burned sausages. A blunt, lumpy kunai without so much as a proper handle, but still. It counted.

...it had been a while since his ninja days.

The intruder was a girl in a pink jacket, hair tied into buns. Fresh from the Academy, if the shiny forehead protector was any indication. She'd probably been there a while, watching him work. Not the most interesting of sights, he was sure. He'd have drifted off himself, if not for the machine hammer smashing away next to him.

"Sorry to interrupt", she continued. "This is a ninja smith, right?"

Umeru looked at the ninja girl in a ninja village, then let his gaze move, silently and without condemnation, up to the ninja forehead protector hanging over the furnace, down to the ninja knife in his hand, and then past her, to the racks of ninja weapons and tools sitting out in his storefront. He turned his stare back to her, scratching his thick beard. Her face coloured in slow embarrasment.

"Well, anyway, my jounin-sensei said I should come talk to a ninja smith, so..."

"Aye?" His own voice surprised him. It had been a while. Rough and low, like a rusty sword scraping on cobblestones. "And I'm the closest to your parents' house, am I?"

"Uh? No!" She blinked. "You've got a good reputation for quality, and you're right in the middle of the list for price. Plus I asked a few chuunin, and three of them mentioned you as a good choice." She paused. "You're about the second from my house, not counting places that are just weapon stores."

Hm. That was flattering, at least.

"Well, if you're looking for forged goods, I sell pretty much anything a genin could need. Leave the money on the counter. I'll trust your forehead protector."

"Thank you, but I was-"

"After something more specialist? Puppet parts? Spare wire? I won't sell syringe darts if you don't have a medic-nin license."

"No! I mean, yes, maybe, those sound cool, but... I can't requisition gear yet, and I don't get supplies from the Academy any more, and I don't have a clan to foot the bill. I don't want to borrow money from Gai-sensei, and honestly, it seems like we're going to spend more time doing physical conditioning than E-ranks. So... I was wondering about a discount?" Seeing his expression, she waved her hands frantically. "A bulk discount! I'm going to need a lot of weapons, after all. Gai-sensei says he's going to train me as a tool user."

"A weaponsmaster? Hm. Big words, even from a pupil of the Green Beast." He tossed the rough kunai into a tray, ignoring her mutters, and cast about for another bar to heat. He'd grind them all together. "Well, maybe I'll consider it once you've actually made a name for yourself. Right now I'm busy with this order of-"

"Academy training kunai, right?"

The blacksmith paused, squinting at her from beneath his bushy eyebrows, then set the bar down.

"...I haven't finished it yet."

"No... but unless you're planning on grinding it down to a senbon, it's way too small and thin to be a standard kunai." She paused for a moment, then pushed on. "And the ring's wide enough for an explosive tag, but with such a light blade even just a bit of paper would throw the balance off. So it's just small and easy to spin. Academy-grade."

"...hrm." Umeru rubbed his beard again. "Alright. Fast talk for a green ninja. Stick around while I finish off this batch, and maybe I'll look at getting you a tab. Once we're done, though, you need to get a move on. This isn't a playground."

A few hours later, the kunai had been tempered, and the talk had been concluded. That was a while ago. The girl was still in the workshop.

"And that is one of Iou's old ideas. Unfortunately, he forgot to leave room for a handle. Shame, that. I kept it as a souvenir, of sorts."

"What about this one?"

"Oh, that's something from my own days in the research division. Turns out most ninja prefer using a sword or a bow, instead of a sword that turns into a bow. Besides, bows aren't the fashion among ninja these days."

"Huh." She twisted the slide on the hilt to and fro, watching it segment and twist from curved blade to dangerous-looking bowshaft and back. Carefully, but not gingerly, she returned it to its place on the wall. "So how about..."
Excellent! +2XP to your total.
As I can only associate pip with a baby chick, could someone explain?

E: dictionary tells me it's a small hard seed???

1010 u ok?
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Alright, so I made a slight adjustment to Tenten's character sheet, because I felt some of the decisions I made when I originally made it weren't exactly valid anymore. So in short, Tenten now has an additional Dodge pip and two additional Craft pips.
Yessss. RST here we go.

As I can only associate pip with a baby chick, could someone explain?
They're the little dots on the character sheet that represent our abilities. This means Crilltic granted us one extra point in Dodge and two in Craft.
As I can only associate pip with a baby chick, could someone explain?

E: dictionary tells me it's a small hard seed???
I probably should have said dots because that's the Exalted terminology, but I've been playing way too much EUIV lately. (For those who don't have that context, commander stats in EUIV are called "pips" as slang)

Edit: Also, can people who have outstanding XP please assign it? It makes it kind of hard to plan around unassigned XP. I'm not going to like mass-ping people because I'm not that guy, but if you see this please do so.
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