There's plenty of space well inside the jumpline.
The problem is the planets are so goddamn valuable and they present such a large attack surface. If we have to fight in their vicinity we benefit from their strength but we will take species level damage and the Shiplords will be able to make forcing moves by threatening them.
We could really do with the firepower of miracle level fortresses. We can't force the Shiplords to fight us at a location of our choosing but we can try to draw them there if we have a strongpoint to draw them to.
The entire population of Mars is living inside a single practiced miracle city with an active defense shield and defense network. What they don't have is miracle-level fortresses or enough ground-to-orbit weaponry to keep the Shiplords from getting close to it. It's also a target we know they consider a priority.
Frankly, I don't care about the Mars population, anyway. I care about the incredible treasure horde of pre-fall research data we haven't unlocked. If it would secure the research data I would cheerfully slit their throats myself.
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