Proof that all the M&M shippers were right and wrong. They're not lovers: they skipped straight from friends, past dating, past fiances, past marriage, straight to being one of those old couples who've been married for 25+ years who finish each others' sentences and have their adult child come home whenever she's having problems, knowing that they'll always be there for her."Just come back alive," she told you with quiet inevitability. "Even if you scare me, or everyone else, or keeping making people think that LiFE might be right." You muffled a groan at that. That was one that that you weren't looking forward to dealing with in the least. Mary's arms tightened around you in a hug, and you tilted your head sleepily to see her looking across at you.
Waiting, you realised, for an answer. You nodded slowly. "I'll do everything I can." It was all you could give.
She smiled, slipping down to rest her head on your shoulder. "That's all I could ever ask," she murmured, the needs of stress and emotional exhaustion pulling her too towards sleep. "And all I ever will."
Words easily spoken, on decades of trust, and in the same mind as your own. That this now was all that mattered. It was a comforting thought, you realised, as you drifted off. To know that your duty had been done. And though it would not wait forever, it could wait long enough.
"Good night, love."
Possibly; I'd say even likely. The other possibility is that they're older than the Shiplords, and underwent their ascension ritual back during the pre-Shiplord era.
That was one hell of a read. Looking forward to the next one. Can you leave a link here when it is created?
The other possibility is that they're older than the Shiplords, and underwent their ascension ritual back during the pre-Shiplord era.
I'm only sorry for not being as involved as usual these past few weeks from a combination of my own quest taking up a lot of time and RL stuff taking up more.
Hey, you take care of your own things, man. I hope all is still going well there.
You know, I think I'll spend a coupon on this. It sounds amusing.Alas, they are not an omake coupon. I believe @Baughn, @Coda and @DragonParadox still have theirs, though. Coda has two, if I remember right.