[X] From the Field: You are alone amidst the Shiplord fleet, with no safe place to find harbour. If there is an unknown threat coming, it is simple sanity to seek allies. Return to First Fleet, and only then seek the truth. This will allow the carriers to recover and rebuild a drone shell. Also carries the risk of alerting the Shiplords to your ability to see further into things than those not gifted with Practice should.
-[X] Upon Wings of Fire: Of course, you could attempt to hide that awareness by engaging the carriers on your way. Assault the heavy carriers that you have been keeping at bay, aiming to remove as many of them from the battle as possible in a single firing pass. Will reduce the effectiveness of any reformed drone shell, and the chance that the Shiplords will recognise your actions as reactive.

Sometimes boldness is necessary but so is caution sometimes. This is essentially sticking your hand into the heat to see what happens. And we don't know if it's just a hot stove or lava.
I wouldn't call this entirely fair. Into the Deep is certainly curiosity, but From the Field is prioritizing survival over an immediate return. The intent there is to retreat to a safe location before you go looking. Creating a time gap and leaving the carriers to regenerate, but putting you in a safer place when whatever's coming hits you.
That was actually tongue-in-cheek. I voted for the "Bravely Run Away" option after all. ;P
I don't see "Into the Deep" as really the curiosity option. To me it looks like mission-critical information gathering: there's a trap, and we have to find it before it becomes a bigger problem.
I have been playing with fine-tuning GPT2 against Practice War, and the results are intriguing. I'll be posting some of the most amusing results over time, but that may take a week or two for training the larger dataset without a suitable GPU. Meanwhile, here's something to set the tone.

Which option would you choose?

It was not quite the same, however. The facility was far less comfortable then what had been expected. You found a few parts of it that you'd preferred not to. Although there had been one piece in particular that you did find unpleasant, and which was the one you were going to need to repair before you arrived on the Moon. It was part of the facility that you had been training as an intelligence officer for a few years, but it'd changed as you tried to maintain peace with them at such a small scale in the past, and the need to repair the damage that had been done to your humanity in their pursuit.

[] [Start now. Until the end.]
[] Start now.
[] [] []
[Unlocking a door is unlocked after unlocking the door itself. You will need the Secret Diary in c
ase of an emergency.]

[] []
[] []
[] [This option requires an Elder' Vision.]
[] [] [Training starts. You will need at least one Vision.)

[You do not need a Vision and are locked until you unlock your door.]

[] [/Training starts and you are locked until you unlock your door.]
[] []
[] []
[] []
[] []
[] [] [You need at least one Vision and you are locked until you unlock your door.]
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Alright, that's a wrap. Vote Closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Snowfire on Sep 17, 2019 at 12:52 PM, finished with 124 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Into the Deep: The Shiplords have brought…something with them. Elil believes it is not more ships, and you are inclined to believe him. But if not ships, what? And why would it be focused on the Unisonbound? You need answers, and there is only one way to get them. Dive into the Shiplord web, and seek the truth. A success will require a save vs Reaction Shock, but you will be rolling with a significant bonus.
    [X] From the Field: You are alone amidst the Shiplord fleet, with no safe place to find harbour. If there is an unknown threat coming, it is simple sanity to seek allies. Return to First Fleet, and only then seek the truth. This will allow the carriers to recover and rebuild a drone shell. Also carries the risk of alerting the Shiplords to your ability to see further into things than those not gifted with Practice should.
    -[X] Upon Wings of Fire: Of course, you could attempt to hide that awareness by engaging the carriers on your way. Assault the heavy carriers that you have been keeping at bay, aiming to remove as many of them from the battle as possible in a single firing pass. Will reduce the effectiveness of any reformed drone shell, and the chance that the Shiplords will recognise your actions as reactive.
    [X] Unbowed We Stand: You know something is coming. You know that it's coming for you. A final FTL capable FSN fleet remains unengaged, and the true breadth of the Two Twenty Three's capabilities remains unused. Let yourself be bait, and when the trap closes, spring your own. Means facing an unknown threat, without knowing any details of it, but will not risk them realising that you'd become aware of it until it is already engaged. If chosen, pick one of the following options as your offensive focus.
    -[X] Shattering Everest: Why waste time with carriers or escorts, when First Fleet is bleeding. Strike at the heart of the Shiplord formation, their heavy capital assets. Remove those, and First Fleet will be able to crush anything that remains.
Diaries of a Chuuni Kid
Diaries of a chuuni kid

Diary of Neptune, Age 1130

Hello, diary!

"Hello, Neptune."

Amazing! Mom seems to have found me a talking diary. It even knows my secret name. I had a dream last night. In it, the shiplords arrived… but I swept them away with a single stroke of my sword! Everyone was cheering.

Okay, okay, it's not that big a secret. Let me introduce myself. My name is Neptune, sometimes called Michiru, and I'm eleven hundred years old. And a half. I look much younger, but that's because I'm actually a half-goddess. My special skill is transformation!

I have two best friends, my little sister and Noire. Um, and Noire doesn't really have any other friends, so I try really hard to be there. She's a bit of a loner. And my little sister is, um, I sometimes took her too much for granted. ...but Aya talked me through that, and Dad, so I don't do that anymore. Sarah is the best sister I could ask for, and I want to make sure she knows that.

Mom threatened to stuff an eggplant in my mouth if I don't stop saying it all the time, so I mostly do so by hugging her.

Names, names. I know a lot of people. Apart from my bestest friends, I know Uni — she's Noire's little sister. That's the nickname I gave her, 'cause she's on her own a lot. Er, it sounds bad when I say it that way, but I've never done so, and she likes it. Actually, I almost forgot. Actually, she's right downstairs watching a movie with Sarah. She's not really on her own that much anymore.

Then there's Iffy, 'cause her clothing style is iffy. She's my bodyguard. She's a mercenary, and will do anything for food, even fight monsters.

I know, diary. I suck at names.


Can you make someone a friend if they drop a car-load of snow on you? Because that happened today. It was cold. And heavy. And it actually hurt a little. And it was very unfair, since I was about to defeat Aya and Nei once and for all!

They made a new friend too. Her name is Iris.


That Iris.

...she's kinda mean. I think she's evil.

Diary of Neptune, Age 1134

Dear diary. Two weeks Four years have passed since my last entry.

This may be my final entry.

The balance of power has broken, and the world now teeters on the brink of destruction. Iris has come upon us. My continued hope is that all the snow will melt, as surely not even divinity can condense snowballs from thin air.

She also makes awfully good cookies, so I guess she's not evil after all. Tomorrow I'm gonna show her around!

Diary of Neptune, Age 1403

Peashy's here~!

Dear, diary, I guess I should explain. Peashy is my cousin, she's ten, and unlike Sarah she has the good sense not to be taller than me. (Little sis is now officially the Tallest. She got so sorry about that, I had to spend the day comforting her with snacks and games. What's with that? Ah, but 'twas fun. Mom says I'm okay, I'm just growing like she did, but li'l sis is growing like Dad.)

Peach stops by pretty often, I just haven't written about it before. Her mom died during second Sol… so…

I guess she was too young to remember, though.

She's a good girl. Full of life, I guess I should say. A bit too eager to punch people— I've got to get her out of that habit, she's strong enough that it's starting to hurt.

I took her out to play with Noire and the others, and when we were tired we stopped by Aya's place. Nei dotes on Peashy— she's really good with kids. Me, I'm, um, I sometimes get into fights with her if we're both tired. I've been trying really hard not to do that. If I don't mention it again, then maybe I succeeded.

I never told you, diary, but keeping one was Aya's idea. She thought it would help if I write down what I'm doing. I read the first couple of entries again yesterday, and wow.

Anyway, turns out Iris was visiting. That's, what, the fourth time this week? I think they're cooking something up. I'm sure I'll find out what it is later.

She took Peashy flying.

Since when can Iris fly?

Diary of Neptune, Age 1404
They turned the entire hill into an underground labyrinth! There is a minotaur! There's no way Iris and Nei did this on their own!

Diary of Neptune, Age 1405
I'm more tired than I've ever been in my life, and I can't stop grinning. Getting Peashy to sleep will be impossible.

Diary of Neptune, Age 1406
We defeated the minotaur! I slid between its legs and stabbed it from behind, and then Noire cut its throat, and it sort of fell onto Peashy's punch. Turns out it, uh, was Iris all along. But she was a party member! What.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, Iris is bullshit, but I think I love her. Best summer ever.

Michiru's Diary

This might be my final entry.

How am I supposed to seriously write a line like that? Even though it's true, who will believe me? I've used it before! If you've read my diary then I hope you're me, future me, and that you're just as awesome as I always hoped you'd be, or… no. Nonononono. We're not doing this. I hope that you're alive.

The Shiplords arrive today.

My name is Michiru Kaioh. I'm sixteen, and I can't help at all. For the longest time, I wanted so badly to think I could. I told myself, "I'm special," or "Somewhere else, I'm really a goddess," or even just that I'd become a Potential. Maybe. Someday. If I just believed hard enough—is that the bargaining phase? It didn't happen.

Delusions? Sure. I told everyone, I knew I was making it up. That I was just playing. I'm not Neptune, she's just a girl from a game. One I made up based on my dreams. One I've still got to program. And, I did know. I'm not crazy, no matter what Noire said

No matter what Sandra says. I'm sorry.

I just hoped, because hope was all I had. I'm not a Potential, like Aya. I'm not as smart as my little sister. Heck, I'm not even tall and strong like her. I'm not a great warrior, or a poet, or even dedicated to schoolwork like my best friend and, and I knew I could be, but time slipped and I didn't want to not have fun and I wanted something magic to happen and… here we are, I guess. Koharu says writing sometimes makes her cry, so maybe I can be a writer? I just can't see myself spending all my time cooped up the way she does.

Nei is on Mars, stopping there from being a fourth Sol. Knowing her, I'm sure she's in the lab right now. Iris is… Iris is fighting. My hands shake when I think about that. At least Peashy's dad is pretty safe, but Iris isn't, no matter what she says. I never told her how much I liked being her friend.

Time's slipping away. I should comfort my sister, but she's got Uni and I'd be in the way. Who do I have?

You know… if I had time, this would be when I'd crumple up the paper. It's all so overwrought. We'll be fine… right? Iris said so, Aya and Nei said so, and they wouldn't lie. My family won't die. It's just, they'll be fine despite me.

What can I do? What could I have done?

Nothing I can think of.

There's one last thing I can do. I'm going to hug Sandra, and I'll tell her why, and I won't let her go. I won't tease her, either. I'll tell her that. I'll tell her I never really meant to. It's not much, but it's something I should have told her a long time ago.

And I'll see you later, diary.
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Please see above for a most excellent omake from @Baughn that nets him another Omake coupon.

Now, can I get five people to each roll me a d100, please?
Hah! This time I get to roll.

Oh, and A/N: The above omake was titled entirely by considering which title would make her the most embarrassed. We're literally seeing Michiru's dirty laundry here, people.
Baughn threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 27
27 27
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I have a feeling that I'm going to be digging deep on the rerolls this turn. Depending on the Shiplord's rolls...reroll generators and static rerolls.
A neural network architecture, and weightings thereof, specialized to generating human language. It was trained on basically all of Reddit, but it can be "fine-tuned", which lets it generate text more like some particular source.

You can see a lot more of it on aiweirdness.com.
Most of halfway into the update and heading for sleep now. I have a PF game to run tomorrow, but I also don't have classes on Friday so I can stay up a bit later. Will aim to have the next update out by Friday night at the latest. This one is going to be...I'm honestly not sure i have the right word. You were fortunate in several of your rerolls. But the Shiplords didn't have a bad time of things on their end, either. I'm not saying more, otherwise I will spoil things.
If there was ever a time for delusions to become truth, this would be it. Turns out that dreaming doesn't make it real. No matter how realistic they are, or how much you wish it would. I'm sorry.
This one is going to be...I'm honestly not sure i have the right word. You were fortunate in several of your rerolls. But the Shiplords didn't have a bad time of things on their end, either. I'm not saying more, otherwise I will spoil things.
If there was ever a time for delusions to become truth, this would be it. Turns out that dreaming doesn't make it real. No matter how realistic they are, or how much you wish it would. I'm sorry.
Yeah, well.
Ive never really had that blase confidence in the dice.
Here's hoping we dont all die.
One bad turn isn't enough to kill all of the 223, but with all the cautionary language I would be pleasently surprised if everyone in the 223 survived.
I don't expect it to kill everyone either. :V
But yeah,same here.

I think my words from the SBOS hold water here again. My mechanics aren't so poorly balanced that a few bad rolls will spell doom for everything you've worked for. That would be the height of terrible system design.

This turn will hurt, yes. Be the end? Not a chance.