We are spending personal time with Mary and Vega next time. Above and beyond any commitments we've already chosen. This is not something that can be put off.
... Damnit...

Okay, we definitely need to take some time with Vega without work expectations the first chance we get.
So...just a minor point l. I was planning on leaving this until tomorrow, but this post convinced me otherwise. In Pantheon, I mentioned that Mary grew up here. Think about that for a moment. It is not necessarily a positive.
*hugs Mary*
*summons Neppy from Jeb's quest to be cute at her* gleep?

Sadly, history and the banning of the Second Secret make Cute Shoulder Dragons(TM) not really a possible thing in this quest. At least, biological ones.

Mars - Ooh, shiny.
Mary - *hugging intensifies*
Vega - *dope-slap intensifies*
Harmonic Circle - naptime
Harmonic Circle, that went far beyond
Either remove the comma or change "that" to "which"

eight primary Conversion Towers
seven primary Conversion Towers
Disagreement in number. If the latter is meant to call out the central tower separately then the sentence needs reworded.

Colleges function on its own
on their own

Mary - *hugging intensifies*
Not so sure about that. Mary probably can't decide whether to hug Amanda or run away sobbing.
other seven primary Conversion Towers, including the central point of the network
The problem is that "including" means that the thing you're describing is already counted among the group that precedes it. You probably want something like "the central point of the Conversion Tower network and the other seven primary towers" or "the seven primary Conversion Towers and the central point of the network".
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The problem is that "including" means that the thing you're describing is already counted among the group that precedes it. You probably want something like "the central point of the Conversion Tower network and the other seven primary towers" or "the seven primary Conversion Towers and the central point of the network".

Ah, no. The problem here is that the Red Tower was one of the points of the network. I'm probably just going to have to rewrite the section slightly to make that come through. Probably will do that tomorrow, though, I'm sleepy. I also want to get a proper start on the Family Christmas interlude that rounds out the year, but I suspect that might not be on the cards for tonight. We'll see. Still very much appreciated though.
Ah, no. The problem here is that the Red Tower was one of the points of the network. I'm probably just going to have to rewrite the section slightly to make that come through. Probably will do that tomorrow, though, I'm sleepy. I also want to get a proper start on the Family Christmas interlude that rounds out the year, but I suspect that might not be on the cards for tonight. We'll see. Still very much appreciated though.
Which means you should just say eight. :p
I don't suppose it's a coincidence that the acronym for their name is LiFE?

It wasn't initially intended on my part, but I noticed after writing the In Fire Enfolded section of this turn and just couldn't stop myself from including it. As for in universe? Heh. Let's go with a rather loud and forceful 'no', shall we?
I was halfway expecting a final line along the lines of, "-and the streets are full of people."

Hrmmm, perhaps that might be related to the Shiplords abducting, mulching, and digesting most of their victims instead of simply killing them on site...
Or it could be the verified existence of souls. Restoring the bodies wouldn't restore their life.
Though I feel like I should point out that this particular city wasn't harvested, it was incinerated.

Hence why reincarnation was plausible.

Though, given the Shiplord insistence that they are ultimately benevolent, perhaps it is the tributes who are being preserved and everybody else being collateral damage. After all, do we know that the biological components are not made from the Shiplords themselves in lieu of tribute? The crew certainly seem to hold themselves in the esteem of such a charge.
Though, given the Shiplord insistence that they are ultimately benevolent, perhaps it is the tributes who are being preserved and everybody else being collateral damage. After all, do we know that the biological components are not made from the Shiplords themselves in lieu of tribute? The crew certainly seem to hold themselves in the esteem of such a charge.
Insight and the research after the second battle of sol indicate that yes, tribute is partially used to make bioships.
Though, given the Shiplord insistence that they are ultimately benevolent, perhaps it is the tributes who are being preserved and everybody else being collateral damage. After all, do we know that the biological components are not made from the Shiplords themselves in lieu of tribute? The crew certainly seem to hold themselves in the esteem of such a charge.
Insight and the research after the second battle of sol indicate that yes, tribute is partially used to make bioships.
This, plus we saw from that interlude with the Sixth Secret aliens that the Shiplords have no issue with cutting short a first assessment, ignoring their own RoE when they're bored or whatever and just wiping out a species with KKVs to go party or something. They're invested in tributes in a way that makes me think Tribute Fleets are religious or religious-like (something entrusted to them by an ancestor or creator species perhaps?), thus subject to all the variance and occasional casual hypocrisy of a religious movement, rather than something that must be adhered to in order for their own species to survive.
Wouldn't wonder if the SL we see are the rejects of their race when these became Uninvolved.