Whew, that was close.

But that's what makes it fun! I'm most of the way into what truly will be the penultimate section of the turn now, and if I'm lucky I'll have it with you all tonight. The last part will actually be @Jeboboid's omake coupon award, and I hope she won't object to me using it to round out the turn. And it will also be the last narrative section of the year, in temporal terms. She asked for some family time between Amanda, Mary and Iris. So you're getting to see...well, I'm not going to say it's what we call Christmas, but I'm going to use the term anyway. To avoid confusion, if nothing else.
Turn 15 - Mending
June 22nd ​2120

There was a single instant before the opportunity was lost, that lengthened impossibly as Sidra ramped your perception acceleration all the way up to combat levels. Time slowed to a crawl, single motes of dust hovering in the air beyond the clear windows of the platform. Your fingers twitched, the motion catching the rope of quickening power in quite non-physical hands. And the choice filled the world around you, washing away everything under its enormity. A chance to change what was in front of you, and reject the loss that the Shiplords had inflicted on you half a century past. The sad reality you'd dedicated years of your youth to overcoming, and that called to you still. Mytikas had stood at the heart of human progress before the Sorrows, and its fall had wounded those left behind in ways you'd never be able to fully understand. You couldn't wipe away those scars, but you just might be able to erase the loss that caused them. There was enough power in the blazing network of light the Harmonic Circle had created for that.

And yet, for all that Vega was offering you this, did you really want to take it? What her Circle had made here, it was more than she'd ever expected. Could you justify taking that away, even if she was giving you the chance. If this wasn't conscious it wouldn't be happening, you knew that as easily as breathing. But the question remained. You'd laid down your responsibilities only six months ago, and you knew that Vega could carry through on what she'd begun. She knew it too, a flicker of emotion across the link between you said. But there was a difference.

The Miracle of Skylark had been incredible, and she would do far more than just repeat that today. What you could do, however? As a Speaker, Vega was still much your junior in skill, and her Focus was ill-suited to such a sweeping expansion of what had been planned to be a far simpler working. The Word she was reaching for didn't lie within her Focus, and the only time she'd done that before now had been with you Speaking next to her. You wished you could do that now, it would have made this so much easier. Unfortunately, the link to her and the Harmonic Circle wasn't bound tight enough. Either you stepped back, or you Spoke. There wasn't a middle ground.

The ribbon of prismatic lightning flickered, for the second time, and you swore mentally.

:Sidra,: you began, only for them to respond over your abortive continuation.

:I don't know, Amanda. Let it pass and Vega could learn a great deal. Take the chance, and we could increase the effects of the working beyond anything Practice has ever done. Even Skylark.: Further profanity flickered across your mind. Exactly the same as your reading of the situation, but it wouldn't be fair to expect more. They'd pulled so much from who you were, after all.

A shiver ran through you, a clear sign that the moment was on the crux of fading. Too little time. Not enough to think, or plan. Only enough to act. Possibilities whirled across your mind, of what could and might be, but there were too many to organise, let alone sort through. But something in that last chain of thought caught you. Something in the words, what had it be-


Hands not of flesh clenched around the link the Circle had extended to you, and you felt your Aegis blossom into reality around you in a wave of iridescent power. Energy raced across it, but a thought pushed it back down into the Harmonials below. The core of their working couldn't change, not without changing what it would do. Practice wasn't a thing that cared for many of reality's laws, but the location of a working was one of the few things where it did. Especially this one, where a Miracle had been born of more than just chance, but concentration.

You couldn't move that Miracle, or change what it had been called into being to do. But you could direct its power. Where Vega would have called out a Word of Harmony, you could Speak one of your own Focus. For at the end of all things, you were a mender. A healer. And to walk away from this gift of a chance was not in you. Your Concert Set moulded warmly around your ears, and you stretched out senses that were only half there. The melody that you sought was right in front of you, but there was more to Speaking than knowing the tune, or the Word to put to it. You had to have the right timing.

To Speak the Word: 85 + 32 (Practice) + 10 (Concert Set) + 10 (Sympathetic Harmony) + 30 (Knower of Words) + 40 (Unisonbound Master) = 207 vs DC ??? Highest Degree Success.

The world rang around you, in tones only you could hear. A symphony of gentle notes, on the cusp of crescendo. If you'd waited a moment longer… It mattered little. You hadn't. A Word rose from your chest, but it was pitched differently than you could remember. Thousands of meanings flickered within it, all the different ways that you had seen it change the world, and every one of them for the better. Such a simple word, but one that meant so much. A word you'd first Spoken in part almost a decade ago, as a woman reduced to a crying girl clutching the broken pieces of the most important physical memory of your mother.

A Word that had defined you in the hearts of billions long before the Second Battle of Sol had brought Purify to your lips. A Word you could never imagine hesitating to call out into the world. And a Word…oh that beautiful, delicate word, that lay at the very heart of your soul. It sang in your throat, the purest manifestation of who you were, and not just to the world. Your Focus.


You felt Mary turn as the second syllable fell from your lips, accepting the shock that she would feel at the sight of your Aegis fully extended, and rippling with a faint light. But you'd done what you needed to do, and without moving any of the Harmonic Circle's working. You were pretty sure that would count for something, eventually. For now, your Aegis faded back from existence as swiftly as it had come, leaving you staring at the confused face of your dearest friend.

"Amanda," you shook your head gently, feeling the Word falling still, down into the ring of light. You already knew the question.

"I was given a chance," you whispered, "to set this right."

"What do you m-" another tiny headshake stopped her. She trusted you so much, but only because you did to.

"I'll explain later." Your world shook as the Word splashed down across Vega, and the triangle of light held by three other Harmonials shifted. "But I think you'll understand before it's over."

"What's over?" Was what she almost said, but the eruption of blinding light through the viewscreens and far below stopped her halfway.

"Mending." You repeated, nodding at the wider view of ruins of Mytikas.

Colour raced out from the outer ring along paths already traced to the other pairs of the Circle. And the glow of Practice rose to the same blinding pitch as the light pouring from Vega. Echoes of flame raced down the hastily reconstructed bones of the old Towers, and the world warped at their touch. Walls flickered, between what was and something much older. Mary gasped, her mind making the connections so much faster than you could without Sidra to help.

For on the wider view again, the two rings above Mytikas had joined into one. A dome of shimmering colour eighty kilometres across rose above the city, and your vision blurred as the Word you'd Spoken catalysed the Harmonic Circle's Miracle. Practice beat down on the ruins below them, and at their touch the broken buildings were washed away. Streets replaced them, fading to more mundane colours as the touch of dream and Miracle passed. Shining walls, reaching endlessly towards the sky. Parks, houses, schools and halls. Every piece of the city pouring back into creation, like a faded watercolour running in reverse.

Your friend's breath hitched as the smaller spires of the Olympus Colleges rose from crumbled ruin, but you barely heard it, entranced by the Miracle singing through your veins. Something flickered across your vision, and atmospheric readings chimed as the conversion towers woke from sixty years of slumber in nonexistence. You felt a hum that reached to your bones from Vega's ears, as generators and power supplies roared to life.

Skylark had been a single city torn back from death. Vigil and the Elder's Vault again, a single place. But this had been more. More than had been planned, and then had ever been hoped for.
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I may have stretched the truth slightly when I said this was the penultimate piece, in that there will probably be a small Sidestory section in the same manner as Unforgotten's 'Aftermath' section to explain a bit more of what happened here, but I'll get that done tomorrow. Something this big really isn't something you can hide, after all. To hit the high points as they stand:

  • Mytikas is Restored.
    • Mytikas was, as has been said, a city that housed well over two hundred million people within the city alone. It was one of the greatest losses in terms of knowledge and life that humanity suffered before the Week of Sorrows was ended by the sacrifice of billions.
  • The Olympus Colleges are Restored.
    • Note: this does not mean everything you might think it will, please wait for the Aftermath interlude before making assumptions.
  • All seven of the remaining primary Conversion Towers outside of the Red Tower that supplies(d) atmosphere to Skylark have been Restored, including the central point of the entire system, the Mytikas Spire.
  • Amanda's part in this event is highly unlikely to become known to the general public.

I'm sure I'm missing at least something that you'll consider a high point here, but that's what the Aftermath interlude for this event will cover. To be blunt, trying to roll the event and the aftermath into one post just…didn't feel reasonable. This is an event that I think deserves to stand on its own, like Unforgotten. And Purify. Even if it won't to the rest of the world. There are going to be…several options opened next year as a result of this occurrence. Some you might expect, but some might surprise you. We'll see – you do seem to like to surprise me, after all.

Hope this was worth the extension on an already lengthy turn process, and that you'll enjoy the final narrative section when it's done! I'm aiming to have us into Turn 16 by Christmas, and I've been doing some tuning work on the turn structure to help them move a bit faster – a month and a half for a single turn feels like a bit much.
Mytikas is Restored.
  • Mytikas was, as has been said, a city that housed well over two hundred million people within the city alone. It was one of the greatest losses in terms of knowledge and life that humanity suffered before the Week of Sorrows was ended by the sacrifice of billions.
*ties bow on it*
*offers to Mary*
"Here. Is gift."

*flees, giggling*

More seriously, that was wonderful. Offering up the knowledge of Amanda's focus as a catalyst for the Harmonials to build upon... They might have learned more from not jumping in, but this is likely to teach them a lot by doing, regardless.
The city might be restored now, but I get the feeling that even Amanda's full power couldn't bring back the millions lost here. Now instead of fuzzy memories, Mary gets to see her old home in perfect clarity yet devoid of the life that made it her community.

Sometimes, getting something back reminds you of just how much you lost.
It would be a fun plot twist if one of the alien diplomat ships arrived just in time to see the bullshit lightshow.

That said, all that restoration is going to be super fucking risky to deal with considering there must be bits of 2nd Secret knowledge scattered everywhere
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As one of the people who occasionally beta, I am unsure of how much I can say. However, if people don't go for a specific option next turn, you'll earn my unending ire.
Honestly, I have to hope the details regsrding things like the university are good. Because other than symbolic change, restoring a city is kind of meh considering we've got a planet in the process of being converted into a nanoforge.

Also, Amanda was wrong about practice being locationbound: Insight spits on that regularly.

Speaking of whom, I feel like we really should start looking into Harmonizing the less material focuses.
Also, Amanda was wrong about practice being locationbound: Insight spits on that regularly.
Really now? The physical locations and emergency cutoffs that saved lives were in one place still.

Amanda, like them, sent the manifestation of her Practice, her contribution, away from her physical location. But in both cases the origination point of the Miracle was not moved.
Go back and read the description of a Thoughtcast. They send out an Insight probe that travels through practice-space to get to other places. It's not just "use power, now you can see over there".
Check out 'torroar, Karak Ungor'. That was also 'only one turn'. Kind of.

Technically that was an Event Chain, but you make a fair point :p Kinda what happens when you make an event the crux point of at least fifteen different plot threads. Not including the ones by Tzeentch.

Aftermath interlude this afternoon/evening.
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@Snowfire - for people not knowing that Amanda had her fingers in the miracle - who knows of her presence on Mars at that point in time? Who knows that a Word was spoken?
Turn 15, Mending - Aftermath
This MOR was filed on the 20th​ of August 2120

The event that restored the city Mytikas to existence was planned out heavily in advance, the reconstruction of the Conversion Towers throughout the first half of the year at the order of President Thera is only the most obvious example. She saw a great opportunity in the Harmonic Circle, which went far beyond the singular restoration of the Elder's Vault. If Practice could return things to what they'd been, then Miracles like the one which had brought Skylark back into being should be replicable. The Harmonic Circle, led as it was by the Proven Miracle who'd been at the heart of both restorations, was the perfect focus for such an experiment.

The intent had been to start small, in bringing back the systems that had allowed human life to flourish on Mars without the use of environment suits, biodomes, and sealed structures. The eight primary Conversion Towers had formed the heart of a network stretching out from Mytikas, spreading a breathable atmosphere at pleasant temperatures across millions of square kilometres. Restoring that system would allow humanity to rebuild the lost cities, and begin a full recolonization. For all the strength that Practice had shown in the past, enacting a working on such a scale had been expected to be at the very limits of what the new group of associated Potentials would be capable of. What happened on the 22nd​ of June 2120 went far beyond even the wildest hopes of its planners.

Although the full specifics of the matter remain undecipherable, Home Office survey reports have given us a cursory accounting of its results. The list composes three primary points, with numerous secondaries, and then a short section of associated follow-up plans.

  1. The other seven primary Conversion Towers, including the central point of the network, have been returned to full functionality. Atmospheric conditions across multiple percentage points of the Martian surface are now approaching the habitable levels they were at before the Sorrows.
    1. With the return to existence of the Mytikas Spire, humanity is in a far better position to begin the process of understanding the science behind the Conversion Towers. As the central point of the system, it contains major data archives on the matter.
    2. Although initially believed to be locked, the Spire's network links were also repaired by the action of the Harmonic Circle. When contact was re-established with the Red Tower, the permissions created by former Minister Mary D'reve were transferred and accepted by the Spire's operating system.
  2. The city of Mytikas has been entirely Restored. Analysis of the street model and physical inspection (in as much is possible) has confirmed this beyond any doubt. Pre-Sorrows files on the city's plans, left behind by the Shiplords, have been used to confirm room plans and associated construction elements.
    1. Full consideration has been given to ensure that these restored structures do not contain obvious Second Secret based systems. A full survey of all Martian assets has been promised in the coming year to ensure that no minor systems remain.
    2. As with Skylark, all obvious Second Secret systems have been replaced with artefacts of Practice that serve the same purpose.
    3. The Mytikas Restoration, as it is being called, has returned Mars to the centre of humanity's focus just as attention was beginning to fade after the Second Battle of Sol. The opportunities presented by this attention should be self-evident. It is expected that President Thera will pursue an aggressive policy of recolonization.
    4. A Presidential Decree has been issued on the matter of personal properties in Mytikas where members of the owning family survived the Sorrows. They will be returned pending the results of next year's in-depth survey.
  3. Finally, the Olympus Colleges have been fully Restored, and access to their student archives has confirmed the hopes that the data held within that towering institute was recovered by the Restoration. Unfortunately, the Colleges function on their own permissions system explicit of the Spire, and further work will be needed to access the secured archives. Vision has been asked to set aside cycle-time in the coming year to focus on this matter.
    1. Some thought has been given to requesting the aid of former Minister D'reve, but the reaction of President Thera has been strongly negative. If she wishes to travel to Mytikas, the offer will be made available, but it will not be asked of her.
    2. The student archive listing appears curiously void of any mention of Second Secret technology, a known speciality of the Olympus Colleges. The reasons for this remain unknown.
At present, it is unknown as to how the Harmonic Circle's working expanded to such depth, and they have appeared curiously unsure as to the answer themselves. Although some network groups have proposed theoretical involvement of Amanda Hawk in the process, as she was present on one of the observation platforms, no proof of this exists. A formal statement from the Lady in Fire Enfolded has stated the need for evidence before any addition is made to their chronicle. Given the current desire of Miss Hawk for some level of privacy at this time, this is being treated as a net positive.

The general reshuffling of longer term plans has been stressful for those involved, but it's hoped that the over-time gains of a focus on Mytikas will offset this. Even if some knowledge within the Olympus Colleges has been lost, or not fully recovered, they were also a primary centre for further Secrets research before the Sorrows. The excess expenditure in time and material is highly likely to pay off. A complete sweep of Martian assets has been an option since the Miracle of Skylark, and though this will now require more in the way of support, ensuring that no Second Secret devices remain after the Restoration is to the benefit of the entire species. Not least with the Contact Fleet expected soon.

All involved Ministries intend to commit resources to the charting of this new discovery, and everything behind it. The Harmonic Circle will, sadly, not be available for workings next year however. They need time to contemplate the events of June, and adapt their group methods. It is unfortunate that the scale of the working did not pass on an equal level of understanding.
- Martian Oversight Report 371a: The Mytikas Restoration.

----------------------------***Secure Reporting: Cabinet Members Only***----------------------------

After private meetings with Vega and Amanda, they've confirmed that they interacted on some level to create the Mytikas Restoration. Amanda gave the Word that stands as her Focus to catalyse the Miracle, which explains the flicker in feed coverage aboard the primary observation platform. Both have been quick to state that this wasn't something taken; Vega offered the opportunity through a link they'd never thought would have been opened. There's some tension between the two at present, but I don't think it's related to this matter.

This limits our ability to properly investigate the phenomenon, but I feel it's highly likely that it will be one of Arcadia's first research projects. On that note, with the mending of the Olympus Colleges, I'd like to raise the possibility of relocating that Institute to the facilities now on Mars. The current construction could be repurposed to serve as a normal Institute, moving us forward on our wider education priorities. And it will place our most effective research group in a place full of secrets for them to unlock.
- Amended September 5th​ 2120 by Adriana Thera
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And there we go, all done. Hopefully this answers your initial questions, and if you have more I am more than happy to answer them. As several of you have addressed in your own ways, there are going to be several options relating to the Mytikas Restoration next turn. Adriana is also currently willing to cover for you, mainly as it wouldn't really serve a purpose to 'expose' your involvement. That you're a friend also helps, but it's not the primary reason. This is actually a good thing, in case you were unsure.

The Harmonic Circle have come out of this a bit shaken, and with considerably less understanding of what they did than would have happened if you'd stepped back. This is recoverable, but it will take some effort that means they won't be available at all next year. And it's quite likely to screw with your access to Arcadia's external Practice allocation that was going to rely on them. Consequences exist, and this is the most likely one to really hurt in the short term.

On the flip side, you may have the opportunity to relocate Arcadia to the Olympus Colleges themselves. Then again, this might not be entirely a good thing either. Oh, and Adriana is finally getting around to running the Streetwise action that you neglected for more than a decade. She has a…considerably larger reason than you ever had to push for it. Final interlude (and it will be the final one, I've no intention of having a vote in it) in the next day or two, although I might direct some more attention to the interlude @Tayta Malikai asked me for several pages back in exchange for their omake coupon.

Then your Answer, even though I think I've give a lot of it in the narrative sections over the year, and then Turn 16. As I said, I'd like to have the vote on that done before Christmas rolls around. Would make things easier. For those who have pre-Christmas finals, I hope you're all surviving and best of luck for any exams still to come.
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