The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer)

You may want to change the Traits tab. It says we have all the possible traits, which is bad since it caps all our stats points at 20. Where is the update for the completed quests? I don't see the update.

No it doesn't? has different headings for owned traits and purchasable traits. Further, you didn't complete the quest, and when you do it will be in the update itself, not the character page. You just advanced quest, which is in the quests tab having revealed(most of) the next step in that quest. The actual bit about that happening will be in the next update.
No it doesn't? has different headings for owned traits and purchasable traits. Further, you didn't complete the quest, and when you do it will be in the update itself, not the character page. You just advanced quest, which is in the quests tab having revealed(most of) the next step in that quest. The actual bit about that happening will be in the next update.

Hmm Must be my browser I am not seeing it. I am switching to another browser.

[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class but study other things if you're not learning anything
[X] Agree
[X] Politely asked for it back thanking him for finding it. While politely ignoring his threats and commenting how lucky you are someone of his station wouldn't resort to theft
[X] Draco Malfoy (2)
[X] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)
[X] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)
[X] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)
[X] Ask him after class if he has any additional book recommendations for Potions, or even other subjects.

I don't think we should ask him during class if he's got more book recommendations. That's Teacher's Pet ammo right there, and we do not want people thinking we're Teacher's Pet to Snape of all people.
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As you're looking from the timetable to the High Table to match faces and names to when you have what classes you notices that Professor Snape is giving you odd looks for some reason.

[+10 relationship with Severus Snape]

He's hardly the only one. Most the teachers are. But while theirs are curious and somewhat excited, his is just a bit confused.
???? What did we do that made him like us some more? This is very surprising. Did we actually talk about our eagerness for potions, and he over heard us? Because that would be a bit surprising, given the distance, unless he was using magic to eaves-drop on us.

A spell costs 5 MP per level(Or equivalent level) for initial cast, and 1MP/minute per level(or equivalent) for certain sustained effect spells(Like a patronus.)
Oh, nice. That means we can definitely afford to have Detect Evil on continuously. Do we need to actually vote for Harry to do that?
@Halpo133 is it possible to buy more traits later? Or do we need to find a skill or technique to do so? If it is the latter I am in favor of a transhuman, magitech path.
???? What did we do that made him like us some more? This is very surprising. Did we actually talk about our eagerness for potions, and he over heard us? Because that would be a bit surprising, given the distance, unless he was using magic to eaves-drop on us.

Presumably he heard about Pettigrew. It was previously pointed that capturing the person who betrayed Lily would impress him.

EDIT: Actually, should Harry not be pretty curious about this? Should we perhaps add something about visiting Dumbledore to ask questions about the whole thing? I mean its a pretty major deal, so it would make sense for us to want to know what happened to the Death Eater we captured?

If we ignore the whole thing, things might go worse and it might all just get buried, Pettigrew might be silently exectured and Sirius might remain imprisoned.
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@FireAsh, @Godogma, @Arimai - you have extra spaces in the brackets for your votes. Remove them or they won't be counted by the tally program.

[X] Susan Bones

Neville and Hermione will be fine here, and this is a good chance to spend time with one of our friends outside of our house.

[X] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class.
-[X] Also use the opportunity to see if you can get your Mage Sight to activate wordlessly, close and navigate windows with your thoughts, and things like that. You don't want people thinking you're a loon, and being able to do things like that silently is to your advantage. If you manage to figure it out, grind Mage Sight during this class.
[X] Agree

Grind int, and visit Hagrid. EDIT - adding in a bit to use this opportunity to practice our Mage Sight and silent use of menus.

[X] Politely asked for it back thanking him for finding it while politely ignoring his threats and commenting how lucky you are someone of his station wouldn't resort to theft.

Makes sense. Appeal to his pride.

[X] Draco Malfoy(2)

Sure, why the hell not. It's a class we share, and it'll help us not be enemies with him. I would pick Neville as he could use the help in potions, but he's got Hermione with him and we can just feed him books to up his skill.

[X] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)
[X] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)
[X] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)

I considered sandbagging on the last one, but this should lead to house points.

[X] Ask him after class if he has any additional book recommendations for Potions, or even other subjects.

I don't think we should ask him during class if he's got more book recommendations. That's Teacher's Pet ammo right there, and we do not want people thinking we're Teacher's Pet to Snape of all people.

[X] Cast Detect Evil surreptitiously, refreshing when needed until we have scanned the entire population of the school. Then when Evil is detected request a meeting with Dumbledore and Moody on the sly.

Adding this as it makes sense.
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???? What did we do that made him like us some more? This is very surprising. Did we actually talk about our eagerness for potions, and he over heard us? Because that would be a bit surprising, given the distance, unless he was using magic to eaves-drop on us.

That was the result of him being told about Pettigrew being captured.

Oh, nice. That means we can definitely afford to have Detect Evil on continuously. Do we need to actually vote for Harry to do that?

Yes. As well as any conditions, as keeping it active constantly would be a fair drain on your MP, and could make eventual combat situations dicey. Sure, it's only 5MP every x amount of time. But that adds up. Especially at your current level. Your MP regen can help there, but I would have to do the math to figure out if you can have it up constantly for free. I'm not going to stop you if you can, it's just a case of figuring out the math for it and all.

With your current wisdom you can't cast for more than 18 MP every 10 minutes without a drain on your MP.
@Enjou Okay then count this one only.
[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class but study other things if you're not learning anything
[X] Agree
[X] Politely asked for it back thanking him for finding it. While politely ignoring his threats and commenting how lucky you are someone of his station wouldn't resort to theft
[X] Draco Malfoy (2) We need to start cultivating contacts and laying the foundation of our future endeavors. This is the reason for the existence of upper class boarding schools. To make contacts for use later on in life. Its one of the methods the class use to stay upper class.
[X] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)
[X] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)
[X] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)
[X] Ask him after class if he has any additional book recommendations for Potions, or even other subjects.

I don't think we should ask him during class if he's got more book recommendations. That's Teacher's Pet ammo right there, and we do not want people thinking we're Teacher's Pet to Snape of all people. Not only that but Snape's personality is very antithetical to brown nosing, asskissers.

[X] Cast Detect Evil surreptitiously, refreshing when needed until we have scanned the entire population of the school. Then when Evil is detected request a meeting with Dumbledore and Moody on the sly.

No one can know what we. Nor can they know it is by our hand that they fell. Not until we become transhuman Elminster.
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Yes. As well as any conditions, as keeping it active constantly would be a fair drain on your MP, and could make eventual combat situations dicey. Sure, it's only 5MP every x amount of time. But that adds up. Especially at your current level. Your MP regen can help there, but I would have to do the math to figure out if you can have it up constantly for free. I'm not going to stop you if you can, it's just a case of figuring out the math for it and all.
1 turn is 10 minutes. We gain 18 mana every 10 mintues. So even at level 1, where Detect Evil lasts only 1 turn (we get a extra half turn every level), we make enough.
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Yes. As well as any conditions, as keeping it active constantly would be a fair drain on your MP, and could make eventual combat situations dicey. Sure, it's only 5MP every x amount of time. But that adds up. Especially at your current level. Your MP regen can help there, but I would have to do the math to figure out if you can have it up constantly for free. I'm not going to stop you if you can, it's just a case of figuring out the math for it and all.

With your current wisdom you can't cast for more than 18 MP every 10 minutes without a drain on your MP.

Is there a reason why we can't activate it briefly each time we enter the presence of lots of new people? I mean it helped us capture Pettigrew, so not using it more after it served us so well seems frankly odd to me. I would have expected Harry to subtly use it in each class, and during dinner to observe everyone at school.
[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class.

[X] Write-in: Daphne Greengrass
[X] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)
[X] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)
[X] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)
@Halpo133 is it possible to buy more traits later? Or do we need to find a skill or technique to do so? If it is the latter I am in favor of a transhuman, magitech path.

You can buy traits right now, provided they don't cost more than 3 trait points(which you have) or 3+an amount of points granted by buying a negative trait.

Further you'll gain traits as quest rewards or the like later on.

If you mean is it possible for you to get access to traits that aren't on the list of traits you can buy, sure. Those are just the ones I've thought of off the top of my head. More can be added through suggestions, or by finding and devouring books or other media that would make sense to offer those traits as options from.
[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class but study other things if you're not learning anything

We may actually learn something. Besides we are the gamer. We probably will gain an increase to INT.

[X] Agree

I don't see why not.

[X] Politely asked for it back thanking him for finding it. While politely ignoring his threats and commenting how lucky you are someone of his station wouldn't resort to theft


[X] Draco Malfoy (2)


[X] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)
[X] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)
[X] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)
[X] Ask him after class if he has any additional book recommendations for Potions, or even other subjects.

Nothing but the truth.
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Is there a reason why we can't activate it briefly each time we enter the presence of lots of new people? I mean it helped us capture Pettigrew, so not using it more after it served us so well seems frankly odd to me. I would have expected Harry to subtly use it in each class, and during dinner to observe everyone at school.

1) There hasn't been a vote to do so. Yes, I haven't offered the option, but for some things like that, I won't. That's the sort of thing you'll have to write in about, because I'm not going to pad out updates with repeated suboptions of
-[ ] Cast x spell
-[ ] Cast y spell
-[ ] cast z spell

And so on.

2) Detect Evil doesn't work in short quick activations. It's a spell(and not like the patronus or Potterverse shield spell where you turn it on or off for x amount of mana per x amount of time), not an activated ability. You cast it, it lasts for a set duration, then fades.
[X] Neville Longbottom

[X] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class.

[X] Agree

[X] Politely asked for it back.

[X] Neville Longbottom (2)

[X] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)

[X] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)

[X] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)

[X] Ask him after class if he has any additional book recommendations for Potions, or even other subjects.
A note for you lads voting to ask Snape his recommendation in class. Snape's personality would force him to slap you down for an ass kisser. We need to use discretion in our dealings with him until we build enough rapport for true friendship. Even then we still need to be discreet.
Lets use Detect Evil on everyone in the castle (mostly to find out about Dark Mark and/or Quirrell). It worked on Pettigrew, so we have totally valid IC reason to be paranoid, and its a cheap spell.
Lets use Detect Evil on everyone in the castle (mostly to find out about Dark Mark and/or Quirrell). It worked on Pettigrew, so we have totally valid IC reason to be paranoid, and its a cheap spell.
Where is the spell tab? I can't find the stats on the spells.
We can only afford to use Detect evil every 3 minutes, even then we are going to be using most of the mana bar
[ X ] Neville Longbottom
[ X ] Stay awake and take notes. It may be dull, but it's still a class but study other things if you're not learning anything
[ X ] Agree
[ X ] Politely asked for it back thanking him for finding it while politely ignoring his threats and commenting how lucky you are someone of his station wouldn't resort to theft
[ X ] Hermione Granger(2)
[ X ] The Draught of Living Death(Answer Correctly, requires 10 or more int)
[ X ] The stomach of a goat(Correct answer, requires 12 int)
[ X ] They are different parts of the same plant, which is also known as aconite(Correct answer in detain, requires 20 int)
[ X ] Comment that you read the book he recommended and ask if he can recommend a more advance one
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BTW, after this option is done, how many would be willing to switch our title?

As of now, we have a bonus/malus from "boy-who-lived", bonuses and losses counting double their worth.

If we change our title to "first year student", we gain better ability point gains instead, without the risk of relationship-plosion we are moving through right now. IT should be prudent to keep the "boy-who-lived"-title until the next options have gone through (so Snape lessens the sniping) but afterwards, mayhaps we should focus on the ability-point gains?
We can only afford to use Detect evil every 3 minutes, even then we are going to be using most of the mana bar
What are you talking about?
Spells cost 5 mana per level. Detect Evil is a 1st level spell, thus 5 mana.
Detect evil lasts 1 turn + .5 turns per caster level
1 turn is 10 minutes
Every 10 minutes we gain 18 mana
We can totally afford it.