The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

More often than I would think? More than once per sentence? I am impressed at a safe distance.

Also, this thing is perfect where do I find more.
It's from this person's DeviantArt page. They also have motivational posters of Bonesaw ("Remember Kids: Don't Swear!"), Jack Slash ("The Slaughterhouse 9 want you! Change the World now!") and Shatterbird ("Sing until you reach the world") and a lot of other things. I think they are also the one who made the ponified S9.
It's from this person's DeviantArt page. They also have motivational posters of Bonesaw ("Remember Kids: Don't Swear!"), Jack Slash ("The Slaughterhouse 9 want you! Change the World now!") and Shatterbird ("Sing until you reach the world") and a lot of other things. I think they are also the one who made the ponified S9.
If only deviant art wasn´t sucha nightmare to navigate. I know what I want, but I feel it might be easier to battle a sphinx for it. (I of course assume I fail the riddle.)

Turns out they also made the childbringer picture!
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...isn't this exactly what :V is there for?
Generally speaking I found :V to be more fitting as a rough equivalent to /s, but that may just be me.
That being said, if anyone starts persuading Bonesaw to run for mayor anywhere, I am getting the hell out of the universe.
Missy is clearly the better option in comparison.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten

Missy knew that if she wanted to nab Kenta and his partner, Lee, she would need to be very convincing. That was true of anyone if she was being honest, but she had to be extra convincing if they were actual pillars of their community. They'd probably heard it all before but, unfortunately, she wasn't quite sure where to start. Politics were a somewhat complicated subject.

"I... yes." She stood up straight. Not that she'd been slouching before, but her posture could have been better. "Right now, I'm running a campaign that promises to be tough on crime," Missy said. She then raised a fist up to head height and shook it about a little. Rabble rabble. "Brockton Bay has been plagued by criminal scum since before I was born... long before I was born. It's high time that someone does something about it! That I do something about it!"

Missy felt Taylor nodding behind her, but neither of the men before her seemed all that impressed.

She just needed to try harder then.

"Aren't you tired of the filthy Empire Eighty-Eight harassing and assaulting you? Of racists and sexists telling you how to live? I am. I am, and I aim to make their lives as miserable as they can possibly be through any means necessary. If that means giving more money to the police and, and uh…" she paused, "funding things that stop those sorts of people in their tracks, then so be it."

That had been a seven out of ten right there. Maybe an eight. It had been good enough to put a spark in Kenta's eyes and make him sit up, the extended legs of his sofa creaking as they bent down and folded under his seat. "You plan on attacking the Empire?" he asked.

"Of course I do. They're nazis." Missy huffed. "I'm an American."

"Aren't most of these nazis also American?" Kenta prodded.

Missy worked her jaw. "Well, they're not very good at it."

"I see," he said. "I happen to be a very big employer in the Asian community. Many people obey me. I even have many young women working in my establishments. The Empire is a large problem for us. If you keep true with your promises to curb the Empire, or even just make a lot of noise and humiliate them, then I think I could assist you."

"Really?" Missy said, surprised. This was going a lot better than she'd thought. "I'm not really looking for assistance yet, we're trying to run a very... economical, grassroots sort of campaign, but any help would be appreciated."

"The Empire has been a thorn in my side for a long time. If you are a thorn in theirs then I will gladly watch them writhe."

Missy could imagine. The E88 held protests against homosexuality, encouraged people to fire openly gay people and in general were just a bunch of asshats. "I can't imagine how much you must have suffered, Mister Kenta," Missy said. She stepped over to him and patted him on the arm. "Don't worry. We'll do something about it. We'll stand in solidarity with you!"

Kenta blinked and shifted a bit on his couch so that he wasn't quite so close to her. "Right," he said.

Missy backed away. She was probably making him uncomfortable and all, what with being a girl. Or maybe he just wasn't the touchy-feely type. She'd been a little forward, hadn't she?

"Well, um, it was a pleasure meeting you Mister Kenta, and your partner, Mister Lee." Missy put her hands behind her back. "Unfortunately we have a bunch more homes to visit today and we need to spread our message across the entire city."

Kenta nodded and made a dismissive gesture with his hand. "Go. You are dismissed. Do well by me and I'll see you rewarded."

"Cool," Missy said. She flashed Taylor a giddy grin and got a thumbs-up in response.

"Lee, go escort them to the door. Then call the fools in this part of my territory. Tell them to make sure nothing happens to the children."

"Yes, my dragon. I shall return to your side as soon as I can."

Missy felt a bit of a blush springing onto her cheeks. She had never really been into the whole... boys love things, but some of the girls in school raved about it. Looking at the way Kenta and Lee interacted she could almost understand the appeal.


"Well, we're off!" she said.

They were led out by Lee who wished them a good day with a polite bow before he shut the door behind them.

What a nice couple.

Misys waited until she and Taylor were on the sidewalk and on their way before piping up. "That went well," she said.

"Yeah, really." Taylor nodded.

"So, they were gay, right?" Missy asked. "Because it might have been just me and I didn't want to be the only one thinking that."

"Um. I'm not the best at social things," Taylor admitted. "But yeah, super gay."

"Okay, good," Missy said with relief. "You know, I never gave it much thought, but there are a lot of little communities like that in Brockton Bay, and they're not treated really well by most. We should totally help them out."

"And get them to vote for us at the same time," Taylor said.

"Exactly!" Missy said. "We need to get those minorities working for us. Then we can kick the nazis to the curb."

Taylor blinked a few times. Flies buzzed. "You might not want to say it like that."

"We'll be extra careful when writing speeches and such," Missy agreed. "Not sounding like an asshole is harder than it looks."

Taylor coughed, and that was that.


Give Marchenblanc, the co-author of this piece, some hugs too!

Wanted to give a shout-out to Eli who made the bad grammar go away.
....welll shit i bet missy will hate herself when she realises that kenta is lung and when he was saying " I even have many young women working in my establishments" he meant his rape farms where he prostitutes young american children for petty cash

its the thing that pisses me off about the worm fandom saying that lung is some honorable warrior type, he isnt he is a yakuza thug that got lucky to have a powerfull ability and the help of couldron who want to use him for his powers
....welll shit i bet missy will hate herself when she realises that kenta is lung and when he was saying " I even have many young women working in my establishments" he meant his rape farms where he prostitutes young american children for petty cash

its the thing that pisses me off about the worm fandom saying that lung is some honorable warrior type, he isnt he is a yakuza thug that got lucky to have a powerfull ability and the help of couldron who want to use him for his powers
Those people know that. They just want him to be different, so they write him different. Same original feeling, different reactions.
Those people know that. They just want him to be different, so they write him different. Same original feeling, different reactions.
yeah i get author fiat is a thing and they can remake characters all they want, i think its just me reading way too much of the fanfiction comunity and getting a bit tired of the "honorable Japanese dragon" thing people try to push on him...i might be a bit burned out on worm fanfics tbh
young american children
Is the nationality really relevant?

its the thing that pisses me off about the worm fandom saying that lung is some honorable warrior type, he isnt he is a yakuza thug that got lucky to have a powerfull ability and the help of couldron who want to use him for his powers
Except that it´s usually an AU element and makes for a far more interesting chracter? Worm has more than enough "crime for the crime god" type gangstars, making Lung an honorable warrior is way more fun than the canon alternative.
Is the nationality really relevant?

Except that it´s usually an AU element and makes for a far more interesting chracter? Worm has more than enough "crime for the crime god" type gangstars, making Lung an honorable warrior is way more fun than the canon alternative.
nah the nationality is completely incidental considering i bet he does it to asian kids as well

and on the "au element" thing yeah i get that i think i might be just a bit burned out on it considerin it might as well be a trope at this point especially when in those au fanfics it never says anything about him not doing the rape farm thing so it stands to reason that he is still doing it even as the mc is having big glorious battle with him and then either lets him go or never confronts him on it even when it works naratively to pull him up on it
and on the "au element" thing yeah i get that i think i might be just a bit burned out on it considerin it might as well be a trope at this point especially when in those au fanfics it never says anything about him not doing the rape farm thing so it stands to reason that he is still doing it even as the mc is having big glorious battle with him and then either lets him go or never confronts him on it even when it works naratively to pull him up on it
Well, while you're not wrong on the Lung stuff, sometimes you just have to admit a fic like this is going for the crack or comedy angle. In this case, both the author and the readers are here for Mayor Missy shenanigans, and so probably don't want the story to be pulled down by the weight of "btw rape farms". Whether that's for you as a reader or not is up to you; I've certainly dropped stories in the past because they diverged too far into crack territory for my taste, or because they tried to be both full comedy but also address these issues leading to too much tonal whiplash.
Well, while you're not wrong on the Lung stuff, sometimes you just have to admit a fic like this is going for the crack or comedy angle. In this case, both the author and the readers are here for Mayor Missy shenanigans, and so probably don't want the story to be pulled down by the weight of "btw rape farms". Whether that's for you as a reader or not is up to you; I've certainly dropped stories in the past because they diverged too far into crack territory for my taste, or because they tried to be both full comedy but also address these issues leading to too much tonal whiplash.
yeah i get you i am just sorta gonna try and enjoy the story regardless of the part that got to me i just hope that lung and lee arent a recurring feature

...btw here is a thought, did missy and taylor seriously not get that they where oni lee and lung? one of them was called lee and he kept referring to the other as "my dragon"....unsure if a plot hole or just the crack fic at work because otherwise its just two intelligent characters being turned into massive morons
In addition, we don't actually have any canon proof that he does have rape camps/enforces prostitution. All we have is literally a single, vague line from a random gangbanger and that's it.

For how much fanfiction uses Lung, I think that he was barely a speedbump in canon?
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...btw here is a thought, did missy and taylor seriously not get that they where oni lee and lung? one of them was called lee and he kept referring to the other as "my dragon"....unsure if a plot hole or just the crack fic at work because otherwise its just two intelligent characters being turned into massive morons
Missy took her missy-understanding ;) and ran with it. She has no idea, because it's funnier that way. We have no idea what Taylor is thinking, but I think it's funnier that she knew from the beginning whose house that was and now goes "Just as planned..."
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In addition, we don't actually have any canon proof that he does have rape camps/enforces prostitution. All we have is literally a single, vague line from a random gangbanger and that's it.
if that is the case i will just defer to your greater knowledge as it has been years since i read the canon story and i cannot be bothered to reread it at this point
...btw here is a thought, did missy and taylor seriously not get that they where oni lee and lung? one of them was called lee and he kept referring to the other as "my dragon"....unsure if a plot hole or just the crack fic at work because otherwise its just two intelligent characters being turned into massive morons

Missy took her missy-understand ;) and ran with it. She has no idea, because it's funnier that way. We have no idea what Taylor is thinking, but I think it's funnier that she knew from the beginning whose house that was and now goes "Just as planned..."

Gentle reminder to all, that Taylor is explicitly operating on anime logic: The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

RavensDagger on SpaceBattles said:
Marche's idea, but we both love it. Taylor's operating on Anime logic, Missy isn't.