The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

There are a lot of powers in Worm where they are "strong" but I would never want them because of the drawbacks, and the stronger the shard the more it affects you according to a reddit post by Wildbow I read. Uber has a skill that I would find useful, has more applications than just imma gunna kill stuff and is applicable to life. While being able to shoot lava out of my hands or turn into a giant rage dragon when provoked would be awesome they tend to not be very practical outside violent circumstances.

TL;DR: I think rather than a super amazing power Uber has an all purpose useful one.

Now that I got the rant out of the way, my actual question. Has Lisa been snapped up by coil yet? I am never 100% sure on the timeline.
In Brockton Bay the only Tinkers are Squealer (who would force Leet into the Merchants or more likely just shoot him because he's an annoying asshole) and members of the Protectorate (who would arrest his useless ass long before they worked with him).
...and Bakuda, which in retrospect explains why they hooked up with her in canon.
tinkertech maintenance require a breaker power that allows you to maintain what the shards did to the materials to make it so that the tinkers could build the advanced tech without planet spanning inferstructure.
Depends on the tinkertech. Given the definition of "Tinker" in canon there can't be a single rule that applies to all tinkertech.

he wouldn't be weak if he was competent.
Yup. I never argued that Uber and Leed wern't incompetent idiots, just that the issue is them being incompetent idiots not what power they had.
Depends on the tinkertech. Given the definition of "Tinker" in canon there can't be a single rule that applies to all tinkertech.
It is true that the effect isn't 100% consistent in how strong she is for different tinkers, some are the only ones who can use their tech, and the tinker 15's tech not only doesn't need maintenance but is actively self improving.

But it is safe to say a regular person, no matter how skilled, can't really maintain it, especially as he doesn't understand what he needs to do, and in Uber's case, what technique to ask for even if it theoretically possible, he can't ask to know of natural laws humans don't know of, otherwise he will be filthy rich.
But it is safe to say a regular person, no matter how skilled, can't really maintain it, especially as he doesn't understand what he needs to do, and in Uber's case, what technique to ask for even if it theoretically possible, he can't ask to know of natural laws humans don't know of, otherwise he will be filthy rich.
A regular person? Debetable, but you're probably right. Uber? Only for those Tinkertech which require things that are impossible for people other than the Tinker who made it to do.

"Tinker" is any cape who makes tools beyond normal, not all tinkertech requiresmaintenance, and not all tinkertech that requires maintenance needs abilities beyond human to do so.
"Tinker" is any cape who makes tools beyond normal, not all tinkertech requiresmaintenance, and not all tinkertech that requires maintenance needs abilities beyond human to do so.
Actually, the only examples of tinkertech that don't require maintenance are either Dragon, who is basically a code (although, considering what her power is that might still be debatable) and stuff that were created by the tinker 15, whose stuff outright self improve.

At no point did tinkertech not require maintenance, biological ones possibly also don't need it, but that was never given as something beyond those rules, tinker tech requires maintenance because otherwise every rich person would have power armor and super guns, as they won't need a tinker to keep maintaining it, maintenance is such a problem that even tinker's teammates don't get it usually.
Actually, the only examples of tinkertech that don't require maintenance are either Dragon, who is basically a code (although, considering what her power is that might still be debatable) and stuff that were created by the tinker 15, whose stuff outright self improve.
And Bakuda's stuff, and Taylor's armor etc...

Any way this is very thoroughly off topic so if you want to continue this we should move the discussion to Worm canon disscussion
I don't have much to say about the topic of the thread (uber and leet's powers), but I do like the story that somebody crammed in by mistake. The premise is both amusing and intriguing. I don't think I've seen something like it before, particularly not in the Worm fandom.
Uber has a skill that I would find useful, has more applications than just imma gunna kill stuff and is applicable to life. While being able to shoot lava out of my hands or turn into a giant rage dragon when provoked would be awesome they tend to not be very practical outside violent circumstances.
Uber can also use his powers as a civilian without drawing attention, and even if he did get found out, nobody is likely to try kidnapping him (unlike Tinkers, or Thinkers like Dinah or Lisa).
Chapter Five
Chapter Five

Taylor announced her arrival with a thud.

Missy looked up from her PRT-issued smartphone (hey, free data was free data) and took in the thick stack of papers on the table before her as well as the absolutely, insanely smug look on her new friend's face.

The fact that they were in a library and that the loud noise would probably not be appreciated didn't seem to faze Taylor in the least. That was good. Missy was going to need that sort of audacity to get this campaign off the ground. With only the two of them, they needed all the help they could get. "Hey Taylor," Missy said, "What's all that?"

"These," Taylor said, "are advertisements."

Missy perked up a single eyebrow and slid the first page off the top of the stack.

Vote Missy Biron 2011!

Youngest candidate in Brockton Bay History!

A vote for Missy is a Vote you can't Miss!

Missy's other eyebrow joined the first, high on her forehead as she took in all the Microsoft Paint style swirly designs. The slightly over-pixelated parts at the bottom right, and the rather awful school picture of Missy that had been taken last year when she was twelve and had lost one of her front teeth in a fight against some mugger jerkface.

… Missy didn't remember handing that one over. At all.

"This is, ah," Missy said as she searched for words. Curse her bleeding heart and trusting nature. "Creative?"

Nailed it.

"Isn't it great?" Taylor asked. "I printed them at my school's office because they never reset the password and I used my bugs to make sure no one was around."


"Wait, you stole these?" Missy asked.

"What? No, of course not," Taylor said, her eyes not shifting away from Missy's own for even a second. "The administration let me. They owe me a favour or two."

"Oh. Okay. You scared me," Missy said as she calmed herself down. That was an actual relief. Paper or not, theft was theft. Getting caught up in… in a paper smuggling scandal thanks to her campaign manager wouldn't be a good start to anything. "Well, they're not bad. At least they're in colour. It costs way more to print something nice than just something in black and white."

Maybe. She didn't know. Once again, not her department, but that sounded about right. They wouldn't have made all of the Wards toys several shades of Barney's vomit if it didn't do something for sales though.

Same difference.

"The last few aren't as nice," Taylor admitted sullenly as she thoughtfully eyed the ancient ink-spewing monstrosity next to the librarian's desk. At ten cents a paper, Missy had given that up as a bad job from the start. She wasn't made of money. "The printer was running out of colour ink I think. But no worries, I can break in once they refill their printers."

Missy looked at her new friend, at the beaming and tentatively proud smile on her kind of plain face, and decided not to ask any questions that she didn't want answered. Taylor had problems with phrasing, she'd noticed. "Okay then, let's go put up some signs. Where to?"

Taylor nodded eagerly and pulled out a sheet that had a map of the Bay on it. That was some initiative. "I highlighted the sections with the most people in them," she said as she placed it down. "The more people, the more likely one of them will vote for us. It's simple statistics."

Missy, who was all ready to get going at what Taylor had just said, took a moment to pause and look at the map first. Her plan had been to kind of just... wander around some more. Maybe get some more cookies from that old lady she'd met last time. Having an actual plan was better though. Totally.

Then again, her unfortunately-memorized PRT maps were quick to move to the front from the back of her mind to screw up the very pretty picture Taylor had made.

"Taylor." Missy tapped the map repeatedly. Once for every spot bigger than a dime. She stopped counting at ten. "Those are all gang hotspots."

"Really? But that's where most of the people in the Bay live," Taylor pointed out with a frown, making Missy shift uncomfortably in her seat. "I didn't know it was this bad."

That hit Missy somewhere tender.

It would be far, far safer to just pick a route in the nicer neighbourhoods of the Bay, but Taylor's observation had pricked Missy's pride. Keeping to the sections that she knew because… because they were the places she knew wasn't right.

Her platform was Justice, damn it, and weren't these people her con...kun… fuck it, her voters? Weren't they the people that needed her the most?

Hadn't she been complaining about how she wasn't allowed to patrol outside of the good parts of town just a little while ago? It was time to put her money where her mouth was or shut the hell up.

"Fuck me," Missy groaned.

That wasn't a choice at all.

"What?" Taylor asked, taken aback.

"I said…" Missy grumbled. "Nevermind what I wanted to say, you're right. You win the vote by having the most voters."

And the ability to instil a vicious amount of guilt with a couple of words, it seemed.

"Unless the city is divided into unfairly segregated districts in order to maximize the value of a select portion of the votebase," Taylor said. "But I'm sure that's not something we have to worry about."

"Right," Missy agreed with a nod as she wondered just what the hell Taylor was talking about. Segregated districts? She was going to have to crack the law books open again, wasn't she? "So, do we walk or take the bus?" she asked.

"I don't, ah, have much for bus fare," Taylor admitted with a grimace and a pat of a grimy pocket. "I kind of jogged here…"

"Good idea." Missy nodded appreciatively. Everyone should take care of themselves when they could, physically and fiscally, in her opinion. Even with the occasional hiccup, Taylor just continued to impress. "We can walk and save some money for the rest of the campaign then. Add a, uh, 'go green' thing to our platform maybe…" Shaking that idea off, she stood. "Anyway, if you stand really close to me we can move a whole lot faster."

Her new friend's eyes lit up at that and Missy would have been lying if she said she wasn't eager to show off a little of what her power could do. It was, after all, a very neat power. A new and attentive audience that wasn't your average tagger on their way to community service was an attractive prospect.

Gathering everything up with all the haste and energy a pair of teenaged girls could muster, they exited the library and ran down the steps before aiming themselves towards the worst parts of town.

"So, we start off near the docks, then circle around," Taylor began as she twirled a finger. "It's pretty simple after that. One sign per telephone pole?"

"That sounds alright, yeah... Is it legal to post things on the poles?"

Taylor shrugged. "People do it all the time for lost pets and garage sales. Even if it isn't, no one will care… and you can always change the law after."

That was a fair point. "I like the way you think, Taylor."

Taylor beamed, nearly blinding Missy when a turn of her head caused her glasses to give off an eye-melting glare…. It wasn't even that bright out here. Weird. "Oh, then you'll love my ideas for bugvertisements."

Missy worked her jaw for a second. "Does, ah, does that mean what I think it means?"

She supposed that some street shows could help...

"Huge swarms of insects that take the shape of your face in the sky and buzz at people to vote for you? I'm making some pretty good progress there, I think," Taylor tried as she shuffled her stack of posters higher up on her chest. "Was that what you were thinking of?"

No. Not even close. What? That hadn't even crossed her mind, Christ, no. That was a terrible idea.

Missy didn't sigh, because she didn't want to cripple her friend's creativity, but she did think about it very hard. She just took a slightly longer breath in, that was all…. The taller girl had just made it clear that there was such a thing as too much enthusiasm. Missy was going to have to tread lightly around them, wasn't she? "Let's put that down as plan B."



Give Marchenblanc, the co-author of this piece, some hugs too!

Wanted to give a shout-out to Eli who made the bad grammar go away.

Hey guys, do I look like the type of person that would beg on hands and knees for you to read his weird original fiction? Exactly! Check out Cinnamon Bun on Royal Roads! (Pretty please!)
Your new friend Palpatine. .. I mean Taylor is very talented. And creative. And adorkable.
You should be happy, you are doomed to win.
That chill what you sensed when she told you about her plan.... you shouldn't worry about it. Dark Side isn't real, aren't it?
"So, when you said you were dropping flyers around the city..."

"Yup, I used every flier I could find. I even made sure to use the cute ones like butterflies and bumblebees at first, but I ran out too quick, so then I had to use the hornets and flies and everything else. I managed to cover the whole city!"
Missy looked up from her PRT-issued smartphone (hey, free data was free data)
With how expensive I am sure plans are in 2011 Earth Bet?
Heck yeah!

the absolutely, insanely smug look on her new friend's face.
...that doesn't sound like Taylor.
The fact that they were in a library and that the loud noise would probably not be appreciated didn't seem to faze Taylor in the least. That was good. Missy was going to need that sort of audacity to get this campaign off the ground.
...Well, your not.. wrong.

With only the two of them, they needed all the help they could get.
Once again, most definitely not wrong.

Vote Missy Biron 2011!

Youngest candidate in Brockton Bay History!

A vote for Missy is a Vote you can't Miss!
Missy's other eyebrow joined the first, high on her forehead as she took in all the Microsoft Paint style swirly designs. The slightly over-pixelated parts at the bottom right, and the rather awful school picture of Missy that had been taken last year when she was twelve and had lost one of her front teeth in a fight against some mugger jerkface.
If she had a bit of shiner to go along with the missing tooth?
That would, no exaggeration, be one of the best Ads I have seen in decades.

… Missy didn't remember handing that one over. At all.
...Dammit Taylor. This is NOT how you start your new career in politics!
NO! I don't care that all the other politicians are doing so or worse! Don't give in to peer pressure!
Your supposed to be better than them!

"This is, ah," Missy said as she searched for words. Curse her bleeding heart and trusting nature. "Creative?"
Nailed it!

"Isn't it great?" Taylor asked. "I printed them at my school's office because they never reset the password and I used my bugs to make sure no one was around."
Dammit! What did I JUST say Taylor!

"What? No, of course not," Taylor said, her eyes not shifting away from Missy's own for even a second. "The administration let me. They owe me a favour or two."
...Okay, I will grant you that one.
You know what, so long as it is Winslow, have fun.
Find some way to make the smoke from its burning wreckage spell out 'Vote Missy' for all that I care.

"Oh. Okay. You scared me," Missy said as she calmed herself down. That was an actual relief. Paper or not, theft was theft. Getting caught up in… in a paper smuggling scandal thanks to her campaign manager wouldn't be a good start to anything. "Well, they're not bad. At least they're in colour. It costs way more to print something nice than just something in black and white."
One, that kind of scandal sounds hilarious... until the Eco nutjubs get involved, then it doesn't... Your right, stay away from that.
Also, yes, Colour Ink is expensive as shit.

"The printer was running out of colour ink I think. But no worries, I can break in once they refill their printers."
Once again, Winslow? Me okay with.

Missy looked at her new friend, at the beaming and tentatively proud smile on her kind of plain face, and decided not to ask any questions that she didn't want answered. Taylor had problems with phrasing, she'd noticed.
...yeah. That's.. TOTALLY the problem.
Okay, to be fair, Taylor DOES have a problem with phrasing. Comes hand in hand with her social situation for the last two years.

Taylor nodded eagerly and pulled out a sheet that had a map of the Bay on it. That was some initiative. "I highlighted the sections with the most people in them," she said as she placed it down. "The more people, the more likely one of them will vote for us. It's simple statistics."

Missy, who was all ready to get going at what Taylor had just said, took a moment to pause and look at the map first. Her plan had been to kind of just... wander around some more. Maybe get some more cookies from that old lady she'd met last time. Having an actual plan was better though. Totally.
Missy, meet your new Assistant. She is knows for ESCALATION. Always appropriate to the situation though, of course.

"Really? But that's where most of the people in the Bay live," Taylor pointed out with a frown, making Missy shift uncomfortably in her seat. "I didn't know it was this bad."
Ooof! Right in the gut!

That hit Missy somewhere tender.
I feel you Missy. When she isn't being the Abyss-Given-Form, she is definitely the Wooby.

It would be far, far safer to just pick a route in the nicer neighbourhoods of the Bay, but Taylor's observation had pricked Missy's pride. Keeping to the sections that she knew because… because they were the places she knew wasn't right.

Her platform was Justice, damn it, and weren't these people her con...kun… fuck it, her voters? Weren't they the people that needed her the most?

Hadn't she been complaining about how she wasn't allowed to patrol outside of the good parts of town just a little while ago? It was time to put her money where her mouth was or shut the hell up.

"Fuck me," Missy groaned.

That wasn't a choice at all.

"What?" Taylor asked, taken aback.

"I said…" Missy grumbled. "Nevermind what I wanted to say, you're right. You win the vote by having the most voters."

And the ability to instil a vicious amount of guilt with a couple of words, it seemed.
Funny how Taylor always seems to convince people to follow her way or views.
I swear that QA heard that the smug bastard Broadcast was doing something like this and decided to get in on it.

"Good idea." Missy nodded appreciatively. Everyone should take care of themselves when they could, physically and fiscally, in her opinion. Even with the occasional hiccup, Taylor just continued to impress. "We can walk and save some money for the rest of the campaign then. Add a, uh, 'go green' thing to our platform maybe…" Shaking that idea off, she stood. "Anyway, if you stand really close to me we can move a whole lot faster."
It was this moment that sinched it for me that Missy Biron, is synonymous with Tanya Degurechaff.

Her new friend's eyes lit up at that and Missy would have been lying if she said she wasn't eager to show off a little of what her power could do. It was, after all, a very neat power. A new and attentive audience that wasn't your average tagger on their way to community service was an attractive prospect.
Missy doesn't give a rat's tooth about being an open cape, does she?

Taylor shrugged. "People do it all the time for lost pets and garage sales. Even if it isn't, no one will care… and you can always change the law after."
...No. That is NOT how laws work Taylor.
No matter that other politicians seem to think it does, I already told you not to give in to peer pressure Taylor!

That was a fair point. "I like the way you think, Taylor."
NO! MISSY NO! Your supposed to be the stabilizing SANE one in the relationship!
Don't agree to her when she is clearly wrong!

Taylor beamed, nearly blinding Missy when a turn of her head caused her glasses to give off an eye-melting glare…. It wasn't even that bright out here. Weird.
Oh shit... Move over Calvert, we got the real mastermind archetype here.

"Oh, then you'll love my ideas for bugvertisements."

Missy worked her jaw for a second. "Does, ah, does that mean what I think it means?"

She supposed that some street shows could help...
...DO either of you CARE about secret identities... AT ALL!?!?

"Huge swarms of insects that take the shape of your face in the sky and buzz at people to vote for you? I'm making some pretty good progress there, I think," Taylor tried as she shuffled her stack of posters higher up on her chest. "Was that what you were thinking of?"
Oh sweet salty Christ on a cracker, what the fuck Taylor!?!?
I know the SB folk had ideas like that... but they're the SB folk!
That's like Greg version Tres Point Vier!!

No. Not even close. What? That hadn't even crossed her mind, Christ, no. That was a terrible idea.

Missy didn't sigh, because she didn't want to cripple her friend's creativity, but she did think about it very hard. She just took a slightly longer breath in, that was all…. The taller girl had just made it clear that there was such a thing as too much enthusiasm. Missy was going to have to tread lightly around them, wasn't she? "Let's put that down as plan B."

Oh thank the great and powerful Kirby, you still have SOME stabilizing factor Missy.
Keep at it.

Interesting that Taylor knows of gerrymandering.
Daughter of the guy constantly fighting City Hall for the Ferry and more Jobs.
I am SURE it came up at SOME point. It doesn't seem possible NOT to.
ESPECIALLY in a City with a sizable NAZI POPULATION and their Asian Counterparts.

Dammit, Taylor. Even when you're trying to be charming and helpful, you're terrifying.
I know it's a joke that's been thrown around at lot, but is Kirby being actual God Canon or Fanon?
Sorta both?
See initially it was Fanon, because Kirby is an Eldritch Abomination that is regularly seen EATING ACTUAL FUCKING GODS.
Including some Great Old Ones shits. I mean seriously, Dark Matter was said to lay waste to GALAXIES, and Kirby fucks him over.

So we treat Kirby as is right to do so, and call him a God. What kind depends on who you speak to of course.

Then it seems that Smash Bros went and officially made him to be an actual god. I haven't actually PLAYED the latest one that supposedly does this, so I CANNOT confirm this to be true.
ESPECIALLY as I keep getting different answers from different people.
All agree that he is an all powerful Cosmic Entity (Which as far as I am concerned has ALWAYS BEEN CANON whether they said so or not [See above at him EATING FUCKING GODS]), and possibly linked to the Destroyer of Worlds.
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I think what next step in campaign would be to obtain financial backer
Who might it be?
All agree that he is an all powerful Cosmic Entity (Which as far as I am concerned has ALWAYS BEEN CANON whether they said so or not [See above at him EATING FUCKING GODS]), and possibly linked to the Destroyer of Worlds.
So... I saw some similarities remembered some comics and my mind jumped to conclusion what Kirby might be either Galaktus in disguise or more successful Bro of Galaktus