The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

Missy nodded and wondered how she'd set up team-building exercises with her budget… Netflix? Netflix sounded good. "Anytime."
My first thought:
Missy always heard Dennis and Chris talking about Dean inviting Vicky over for "Netflix and chill", and him saying she wouldn't go for it. It'd made her happy at the time, and seeing an opportunity she'd invited him to her home while her parents were away, since they'd no doubt ruin her mood, to do the same. She'd been less than pleased by the look of utter horror that crossed his face before he quickly fled, nor how he had none-to-subtly been avoiding being alone in the Wards TV room with her since.

"How does Netflix and chill sound?" Missy decided to risk it, worst come to worse she could play it off as a joke and maybe get her to spill why everyone reacted weird when she asked unlike Dennis. Laugh at her, will he...

She started to fear the worse when Taylor just stared at her blankly in uncomfortable silence before a wide smile broke across her face.

"Sounds great!" Missy was surprised she wasn't blinded by just how much the girl brightened up, "Ah, but it's been a while, and I think I wasn't doing it right back then too since my old... friend was always upset by the end of the movie."

"Hey, it's fine. We all have to start somewhere, I'll show you the ropes!" With feigned confidence Missy puffed up her chest and patted her friend's shoulder. Quickly undoing her power she ignored Taylors confused look at her shoulder, "How about this weekend you come over to my place? My parents won't be in and we can Netflix and Chill, and maybe have some coffee."

Coffee sounded really adult, she remembered something about putting it in a video game made it adults only.

"But I thought it was Netflix and chill how does hot coffee fit into that?"

Crap, she had a point. Thinking quickly Missy searched for an excuse.

"We can have cold coffee-"

"There's cold coffee!?" Oh the poor girl, Missy felt her heart go out to Taylor, who no doubt had only ever had experience with gross instant coffee.

"Yup, we can sip Iced Mochas and watch spend the whole night watching movies."

"Like a sleep over?"

"Totes," She smiled as her new friend gave her a hug, Taylor being happy enough to either not notice or care that Missy had used her powers to even their heights again to avoid inevitably swept off her feet.

Ha, suck it Dennis! she thought to herself with smug satisfaction. She couldn't wait until tomorrow so she could rub this in his face. He'd always said he was jealous of Dean since he could have a girl over to netflix and chill. Well she was having her new girl friend over to stay the night for netflix and chill. And they'd be having coffee too! Let's see if you laugh at me now!
My first thought:
Missy always heard Dennis and Chris talking about Dean inviting Vicky over for "Netflix and chill", and him saying she wouldn't go for it. It'd made her happy at the time, and seeing an opportunity she'd invited him to her home while her parents were away, since they'd no doubt ruin her mood, to do the same. She'd been less than pleased by the look of utter horror that crossed his face before he quickly fled, nor how he had none-to-subtly been avoiding being alone in the Wards TV room with her since.

"How does Netflix and chill sound?" Missy decided to risk it, worst come to worse she could play it off as a joke and maybe get her to spill why everyone reacted weird when she asked unlike Dennis. Laugh at her, will he...

She started to fear the worse when Taylor just stared at her blankly in uncomfortable silence before a wide smile broke across her face.

"Sounds great!" Missy was surprised she wasn't blinded by just how much the girl brightened up, "Ah, but it's been a while, and I think I wasn't doing it right back then too since my old... friend was always upset by the end of the movie."

"Hey, it's fine. We all have to start somewhere, I'll show you the ropes!" With feigned confidence Missy puffed up her chest and patted her friend's shoulder. Quickly undoing her power she ignored Taylors confused look at her shoulder, "How about this weekend you come over to my place? My parents won't be in and we can Netflix and Chill, and maybe have some coffee."

Coffee sounded really adult, she remembered something about putting it in a video game made it adults only.

"But I thought it was Netflix and chill how does hot coffee fit into that?"

Crap, she had a point. Thinking quickly Missy searched for an excuse.

"We can have cold coffee-"

"There's cold coffee!?" Oh the poor girl, Missy felt her heart go out to Taylor, who no doubt had only ever had experience with gross instant coffee.

"Yup, we can sip Iced Mochas and watch spend the whole night watching movies."

"Like a sleep over?"

"Totes," She smiled as her new friend gave her a hug, Taylor being happy enough to either not notice or care that Missy had used her powers to even their heights again to avoid inevitably swept off her feet.

Ha, suck it Dennis! she thought to herself with smug satisfaction. She couldn't wait until tomorrow so she could rub this in his face. He'd always said he was jealous of Dean since he could have a girl over to netflix and chill. Well she was having her new girl friend over to stay the night for netflix and chill. And they'd be having coffee too! Let's see if you laugh at me now!
This has got to be a side story. It's precious.
I would love it if Taylor goes biblical by accident on Mush and scares him into reforming, as he overhears a line about "cleaning up the streets".

The following day there is a massive trash golem moving along the streets that keeps traveling to the city tip and vanishing, just to start growing again somewhere else about an hour later and start heading to the tip again.
(Tip = dump = landfill)
Essentially, Mush is now volunteering with the City sanitation and garbage men out of fear of bugs.
I'd be hilarious if Taylor was actually fully aware of her scariness and the legal/moral dubiousness of her actions but it was Missy who just didn't realize what was going on as Taylor slowly takes over the city and gangs in order to consolidate power for her. Eventually Missy is just munching snacks on her skull throne and wondering why all her friends started wearing super edgy version of their costumes after joining her campaign while Taylor plans for her to become President (For Life) of the United States. For once Taylor is the terrible influence.
Because that's likely true. Still, there's no reason that the latter can't also be the former.
Campaign manager Hebert would NEVER become Warlord Skitter. General of Empress Vista's armies, on the other hand...
Amy doesn't pretend to be a Tinker, she chooses to use her power as a Bio-Tinker in that story. The only pretending going on is how she and Taylor pretend to be sane.
While Amy would likely be given a Tinker rating if she ever used her power to it's full extent, she is in no way an actual tinker. Tinker's basically get schematics downloaded into their brains as they focus on what they want or get 'inspired' by something they see, but they don't understand at all the underlying principles. Amy is pretty much the opposite. Her power gives her a complete and instinctive understanding of the biology of what she touches, but she has to figure out how to make the changes herself based on that information.

Edit: I feel I should add that I haven't read the fanfic referenced so for all I know she is portrayed as one in that story, in which case disregard the previous, but she isn't in canon.
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She didn't mention that her mom was just short of five and a half and that her dad wasn't much better. Taylor didn't need to know.
Sounds like my brother... our mom is 5'4", our dad is 5'9". I'm about 5'5".
My brother is about 5'10"... and he's 14 years old, and would probably grow further.

(Granted, he's been big pretty much since childhood.)

Generals given land and title by their Empresses are in fact, warlords.
...I can't think of any generic term for those; they're usually called by their given title. But I don't think "warlords" is appropriate.
Generals given land and title by their Empresses are in fact, warlords.
I'm pretty sure in order to be a warlord you have to be autonomous and even if part of a greater state the militia they can field has to be more loyal to them than the controlling state.

So there's 3 basic requirements:
1) They exercise control through force and/or threats of violence.
2) The area they control is sovereign under their rule and no longer acting as part of another state or regime.
3) They are capable of fielding some form of military force.

Sounds like my brother... our mom is 5'4", our dad is 5'9". I'm about 5'5".
My brother is about 5'10"... and he's 14 years old, and would probably grow further.

(Granted, he's been big pretty much since childhood.)

...I can't think of any generic term for those; they're usually called by their given title. But I don't think "warlords" is appropriate.
Try Margrave
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So there's 3 basic requirements:
1) They exercise control through force and/or threats of violence.
2) The area they control is sovereign under their rule and no longer acting as part of another state or regime.
3) They are capable of fielding some form of military force.
The meaning of the term has changed a lot, if you mean the modern usage I don't think 1 is required and 2 is debetable but I'd add "Are disliked by western media and/or governments who decide to label them warlord"
'Remember, a vote for Missy is a vote to keep kids off the streets.'

Skidmark looked around at his gang, "Its simple really. You can put up these here posters and little Miss Sunshine there will be too busy to running things to bother with us." The poster in his grip only shakes a little.

Squealer winced but joined in as if prodded to give her lines, woodenly. "Its our ci-vic duty." She grimaced. "Just load the boxes into the F..." She leans her head to one side, her eyes wild a moment. "Into the trucks and distribute them to each open store or business."

Mook 1 "Since when did Squeals go in for Goth jewelry?"

Mook2 "I dunno, but Skids has a nose ring on that looks just like those spider earrings she is wearing. And his hair is <shudder> combed."

As they work, Skidmark whispers, "Is that good enough?"

The bees manage to buzz in near human like tones. "Excellent. And just think, after the election there won't be a need for campaign volunteers."

Sweating profusely. "No ... need?"

The bees answer while a pair of extra large bumblebees hover in front of his face like eyes in a cloudy head of gnats. "Volunteer work in keeping the streets clean is appreciated. But your nights will be free for your other job." He strained to hear that over the noise in the garage, moving to help after hearing 'free' instead of 'dead'. Whoever this cape was that was holding them was one scary dude.

Three blocks away, Taylor sipped from her tea while she considered her to do list for Missy's campaign.
Volunteers, check.
Donations to fund snacks and printing costs, check.
Keeping the streets quiet so Missy doesn't have more headaches, check.
Finding ways to keep her new volunteers busy during the day ... eh, a work in progress.

She had her spiders pinch Squealer again as she swore a blue streak. Negative reinforcement does wonders. Its too bad she couldn't just --no that would be breaking the rules. She isn't outing the Merchant capes after all, she was just appropriating their resources for the good of the city.

Merchants paid taxes after all.
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Warlord is the generic term.

a military commander, especially an aggressive regional commander with individual autonomy.

I can't see Missy micromanaging her, she would have autonomy.
A thought occurs, if Panacea somehow ends up joining this insanity what are the odds of Taylor getting some inspiration from 1984?

You know, that Orwell book.

Bug Sister is watching you?

For a second I thought you were going with a different Orwell book, given Panacea''s involvement. Y'know, "Four legs good, two legs better!"
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven

"Heya Jim," Missy said.

"Heya Missy," Jim returned with a big grin that was partially hidden by the furry lip toupee Jim had on his upper lip. It was pretty impressive, like a giant caterpillar. Missy knew that it was pretty stereotypical for a cop to have a huge mustache, but Jim was really going all out with his. "How's it going?"

She would never tell anyone, but she was always curious about how it felt. But poking a buisness partner in the face was terribly unprofessional.

"Good, good. Think we can keep this one quiet?" she asked as she casually looked around the street. There were a grand total of four cop cars, sirens spinning but otherwise quiet. The last of the Merchant's were being shoved into the back of one of the cars and everything was just hunky-dory. "Keep it between us?"

"I don't know." He gave the street a look as well. "You should have called the PRT you know. This isn't our jurisdiction."

"I'm just a little girl. What would I know about jurisdiction? I just called the nice people in blue at 911 to help me out in my time of need, just like all the infomercials told me to," Missy said slyly. Jim laughed "Come on Jim, do you have any idea how much paperwork it would mean for me if I called the greens?"

She smiled up at him, trying to look as innocent as she could. She hated when PR made her pull the 'cute as a button and just as innocent' card, but damn if it didn't work.

Jim had a granddaughter that was a year her junior and who was a huge Vista fan. She knew because he would whip out his wallet and show anyone that looked even vaguely interested. Or, heck, not interested at all. Even If it meant signing some cards or doing an impromptu photoshoot later, Missy would gladly do it to avoid getting her new sidejob on the PRT's radar.

Missy had the idea that Piggot wouldn't be happy when she found out. Best to push that off for a while longer.

"Oh, fine," Jim crumbled like a milk-dipped cookie. "I can't say no to you, Missy. Saw nothing, heard nothing."

"You're the best, Jim!"

The old police officer shook his head, but she thought she detected a faint flush on his cheeks, the big softy. "I'm going to go check on my friend. Call me over if my taser skills are needed, alright?"

"Sure thing." Her battery had been running a little low, honestly. Spread out amongst five people, she was surprised it still had a charge at all.

Quality was important.

Missy waved over her shoulder as she jogged over to Taylor, who was looking lost as she stood off to the side. They had given their statements already, of course, after Missy had taught Taylor how to go about it. What to say, what not to say, all that junk.

It wasn't coaching. Of course not. Or lying. That would be illegal. PR had been pretty clear about that. It was just a case of memory failing at the most convenient time possible. Things like bugs, for example.

Bugs? What bugs?

"Hey," Missy said as she came up next to Taylor. The girl looked at her and smiled, revealing a set of teeth stained red with victory and cherry slushie.

"Hey," Taylor said back. "So, are we okay?" she wondered, voice lowered. "With the police and all?"

Missy waved her off. "We're fine. None of the idiots were seriously injured and we did the morally correct thing in stopping the bad guys. No one is going to care. That, and we were in a clear and present danger, so defending ourselves was totally in our rights."

"I guess," Taylor said as she nervously shifted her weight from side-to-side. "This kind of cuts part of our campaign short for today though..."

Missy sighed. Taylor was right, of course. Today's campaigning was over. This wasn't the best way to start things off. Not at all, but what could they do?.

"Unless you want to go talk to the news people over there."

That was something she could do?

"That sounds like that would be really good advertising." Taylor added. "People spend more time watching TV than they do looking at telephone poles. I think."

Missy craned her neck to see over the top of some of the police cars. There was, indeed, a Brockton Bay Station Five van parked at the end of the street, just outside of the range of all the police tape.

She had no idea how she'd missed them before, but Taylor had the right idea here.

Missy knew the sort of journalist that would be sent out to check on such an otherwise boring event. Young, with no seniority, underpaid and expected to smile at the camera and make the best of an otherwise rather shitty story. They were also the sort to have that idealistic naivety still intact, that one that told them they'd make a difference one day with their hard hitting news pieces.

The poor bastards.

"That's an idea, Taylor" Missy said. A terrible idea. It might mean she would appear on the evening news if it was a slow day.

It might mean that Piggot would be losing her shit earlier than she'd hoped.

Then again, flying under the radar was never going to last forever. Running as mayor kind of meant that her chances to end up on TV were somewhat high already. That she was the youngest candidate out of a bunch of forty year olds just ensured it.

Nothing ventured...

"Fuck it," Missy said. "Did you want to come?"

"No way," Taylor shook her head vehemently as she stepped under the shade of a nearby bus stop, symbolically moving out of the spotlight as she did so. "I'll make sure no one bothers you though, if that's alright?"

"Right," Missy said while carefully avoiding thinking about what Taylor had meant by that.

She straightened her blouse, made sure her jacket was presentable and ran her fingers through her hair a few times to make sure it was nice. Not exactly a trip to the boutique but it would have to do. With long strides that carried her just a bit farther than they should, but not so much that it looked too strange, Missy moved around the police cordon and straight towards the spot where the news team were unpacking all of their equipment.

The camerawoman was setting up a tripod while a young man in a smart suit spoke to one of the more junior officers, a wireless microphone poking out of his suit's pocket and a strained smile on his lips. Someone had missed their coffee that morning. "Come on, what can you tell me?"

"Not too much. The investigation is ongoing. You know how it is," the cop (she didn't know all the police, damn it) said with a shrug.

Missy was rarely served such a nice intro in her day to day, so she pounced on it. "I can tell you what happened!" she said.

The newscaster stared down at her then back to the cop. "What's with the kid?" he asked.

"The kid is the reason you're here," Missy said, any joviality in her voice fading in moments. "You can ask this guy." She nodded towards the cop.

"She's a, ah, suspect in this case?" the cop stumbled over his words.

"Suspect implies I did something wrong." She corrected him, his face turning red as she did so. Gosh darn rookies. "All I did was defend myself."

The newscaster looked between Missy and the cop before giving that empty well of information up for the moment to focus on her. "So, little miss, you're the one who apprehended all of these criminals?"

"No, that was the fine work of the Brockton PD. All I did was tase the supervillain a bunch and sometimes the others." She leaned forward with a hand cupping the side of her mouth. "They're not exactly tough you know."

He looked back at the dry well, then back to her. "O...kay. And what were you doing before that?"

"I was placing ads for my mayoral campaign."

The reporter, his camerawoman and the police officer gave her a doubletake.

"I'm going to be Brockton Bay's next mayor," Missy pushed onwards, striking the iron while it was hot as she put out a hand for a shake. It felt good to say it out loud, better to see the confusion on everyone's face. "Missy Biron, the fourth and youngest and best candidate, nice to meet you."

The reporter stared down at her extended hand like it was about to bite him before his camerawoman gave him a nudge with her tripod, breaking his stupor. His hand met hers quickly after that in a firm shake as a spark of what Missy knew to be greed appeared in his eyes. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Biron… How'd you like to be on TV?"

Missy's grin spread from ear to ear, the only answer that needed to be given. "Just let me call my good friend Officer Jim over, and we'll talk."

The local police budget needed some padding, she'd heard over the grape vine. If she won, she could do something about that. If politics was anything like life in the Wards or in the school cafeteria, favor-trading was a way of life... Having the police back her up in front of the cameras sure wouldn't hurt.

Maybe she'd be able to salvage something out of today after all.


Give @Marchenblanc, the co-author of this piece, some hugs too!

Wanted to give a shout-out to Eli who made the bad grammar go away.