The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

If it was someone flaming and making online threats, that's entirely one thing. However, at the time, they displayed every indication of following through on Emma's maiming,
I was referring to the (implied) sexual slavery, however please note they were deliberately trying to terrify Emma. We have no idea how far they'd go with that, or how common such acts are.
And you're comparing this to cutting in line at a supermarket?
No, I said the difference between someone who actually did what you imagine they were going to do to Emma, and the Nazis is as far as the distance between someone who is mearely rude and someone who is an actual violent criminal.

the canon murderthug Lung.
That's no more canon than the "King Log" Lung, or even the "honorable warrior" Lung. What little we see of him is fighting/preparing to fight targets that an honorable warrior would see as suitable targets and even then only after significant goading so "king log" is also a valid interpretation of canon.
That's no more canon than the "King Log" Lung, or even the "honorable warrior" Lung. What little we see of him is fighting/preparing to fight targets that an honorable warrior would see as suitable targets and even then only after significant goading so "king log" is also a valid interpretation of canon.

Except that his gang did horrible things. If he was just a protector of his people with some drugs and non-slavery prostitution on the side, he would not have tolerated the behaviour of his gang.
Pretty sure that the whole "sex slavery" thing is fanon born from literally a single unverifiable line in the entire story.
Worm Interlude 19 said:
"We could send this bitch out of town," one of the guys said. "Stick her in one of the farms and hold her for a while. She's got tits, could auction her off.

"Don't be a moron. White girl goes missing, they look."
Interpret that how you will, but it sounds distinctly as if they are referring to selling women based on physical appearance, which would strongly suggest sex slavery.
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Interpret that how you will, but it sounds distinctly as if they are referring to selling women based on physical appearance, which would strongly suggest sex slavery.
Or just regular slavery, wich still would kill the entire honorable dragon thing.

But fanfic be fanfic, and our dragons can be as great as we want!
If he was just a protector of his people with some drugs and non-slavery prostitution on the side, he would not have tolerated the behaviour of his gang.
1)No one is "Just" one thing.
2)This is the first mention of "protector of his people with some drugs and non-slavery prostitution on the side", and that is not required for making him an "honorable warrior" type.
3)We don't know what Lung's reaction to what those kids did to Emma would have been if someone told him about it, nor do we know how far they'd have gone with it. i.e there's nothing in canon to prove he wasn't a protector of his people with some drugs, gambling and non-slavery prostitution to pay the bills.

Interpret that how you will, but it sounds distinctly as if they are referring to selling women based on physical appearance, which would strongly suggest sex slavery.
That's a possible interpretation. It's could even be the correct interpretation for the story the kids were trying to present, but since they were trying to terrify Emma there's no reason to assume they were telling the truth.
That's a possible interpretation. It's could even be the correct interpretation for the story the kids were trying to present, but since they were trying to terrify Emma there's no reason to assume they were telling the truth.
There's also the possibility that they were just misinformed themselves. Thinking the gang is actually tougher and horrible-er than it actually is because they're edgelords.
That's a possible interpretation. It's could even be the correct interpretation for the story the kids were trying to present, but since they were trying to terrify Emma there's no reason to assume they were telling the truth.
There's also the possibility that they were just misinformed themselves. Thinking the gang is actually tougher and horrible-er than it actually is because they're edgelords.
...that's true enough. But at the end of the day, both the canon ABB and E88 seem about the same level of shittiness, although the E88's hypocrisy in attempting to justify their actions because of ethnic minorities is rather more insidious.
No, I said the difference between someone who actually did what you imagine they were going to do to Emma, and the Nazis is as far as the distance between someone who is mearely rude and someone who is an actual violent criminal.

Surely the difference is between someone who claims that they would commit violent crimes, and someone who actually does. "merely rude" implies "you're a poopyhead" would qualify, while cutting in line at the supermarket is, on the rudeness scale, not really any worse than the guy calling people the very mature insult "poopyhead". It's something that people do, all the time, and while yes it's insulting and rude, it's not really impactful. Many otherwise ordinary, friendly, nice people don't consider stuff like this to be wrong at all, let alone terribly wrong... much more virulent cursing is considered socially acceptable behavior in very nearly every facet of modern society (I find this alarming).

Most people would still not threaten to mutilate people via violent assault, whether they intend to do so or not.

I don't even understand how you could possibly say this:

2)I never claimed they were saints, but trying to claim any group that attacks people like the ABB attacked (or even if they actually did what they only threatened) Emma is equivalent to the Nazis is like saying that cutting in line is the same as beating someone with a baseball bat.

It says something about a person that they would even threaten to do it. And if we're taking it for granted that they would actually do it, then there's definitely a difference between "socially rude vs. evil" and "evil vs. mega-evil".

Rather than all the bad comparisons, why don't we point out that the ABB are violent thugs, who at a minimum end up in a situation where initiation rites turn into "carve out some random civilian's eye with a knife to prove how tough you are". Now, it's possible this is an outlier, it's... unlikely. It's also exceedingly unlikely that Lung is the type of person to fundamentally disapprove, loudly, of this sort of behavior... because if he did, his underlings wouldn't dare be that kind of casual cruel, now would they?

Against this, we have... "they're the Asian equivalent of Nazis". Nazis. NAZIS. People who are going down in history as the epitome of evil. The Empire 88 considers to be civilization's heroes: the people who perfected the art of killing millions of people through long, drawn-out starvation and torture with explicit intent to make "people" into "not-people" before finally ending their life. The people who scientifically categorized their enemies by race and declared intent to eradicate said races from existence, that it doesn't matter where in the world you are, "we will eventually find you and wipe you out because we think you're incompatible with the world". The people who did all this as a holy calling, rather than a spur-of-the-moment "I want your money so I'll kill you and laugh at your pain because I suck as a human being".

So, we need an argument to disprove this???

I have to disagree. The ABB are basically Asian Nazis - they need to go down just as much as the Empire.

I don't mean Nazis in the literal sense, but just like the Empire, the ABB attacked, raped and killed people of other races. And unless the reasons for Emma's betrayal have changed, Emma was threatened by the ABB with being forced into sexual slavery, and mutilated as part of an initiation ritual (and Emma herself was 12/13 at the time).


It's literally impossible to be even as bad as the Nazis unless you're actually trying with the explicit intention of being as outrageously evil for the sake of evil in order to prove you're the most evil possible.

You cannot get lower than Nazis. The ABB are better than Nazis by mere dint of the fact that they "are not Nazis".

This doesn't make the ABB good people. You don't need to prove that the ABB are bad people by calling them Nazis. There is lots of evil in the world, but not all of it needs to be that particular type of evil. The ABB don't even do some of the things that characterized Nazis as Nazis, and they certainly didn't do all of them!

Going around calling everyone Nazis just because they aren't good people, then artificially introducing race-based discriminatory evils into your analysis of their behavior (which is not upheld by the source material) will simply continue to perpetuate the great injustice whereby the word "Nazi" is losing all meaning and no one seems to comprehend what the word actually means!

So your rationale here is what? "I don't mean Nazis in the literal sense" but (paraphrased) "they're also ethically bad people, so the word Nazi seemed like a fitting description, and also let's emphasize the fact that in one case the victim wasn't Asian". What even is this logic?

  • The ABB are evil
  • You represent Godwin's Law in this thread
  • The ABB are not an exception to Godwin's Law
I don't even understand how you could possibly say this:
You clearly misread what I wrote. What I was trying to say is basically
It's literally impossible to be even as bad as the Nazis unless you're actually trying with the explicit intention of being as outrageously evil for the sake of evil in order to prove you're the most evil possible.
So I'm not going to get try and explain any details since we agree with the basics.
You clearly misread what I wrote. What I was trying to say is basically

So I'm not going to get try and explain any details since we agree with the basics.

Oh, I agree we agree, and I said that to the person you were arguing against. :)

I just felt you were saying it inefficiently and getting slightly lost in a bad comparison in the process...

"Rather than all the bad comparisons, why don't we point out that [...]"
thinking of Bonesaw.

at least she reformed, but it still doesn't change that she was possibly the greatest monster in human history before it.
Correct me if I´m wrong, but I had the impression that Bonsaw never eally got up to scale. Yes, her abominations were utterly and completly evil and in most cases made "I have no mouth but I must scream" look like a pleasant vacation, but at the end of the day she did it to far far less people than the other runner ups to that postion.

And that is disregarding that Zion wins by hanging out on Bet.
Correct me if I´m wrong, but I had the impression that Bonsaw never eally got up to scale. Yes, her abominations were utterly and completly evil and in most cases made "I have no mouth but I must scream" look like a pleasant vacation, but at the end of the day she did it to far far less people than the other runner ups to that postion.

And that is disregarding that Zion wins by hanging out on Bet.
Yes, in terms of scale the Nazi's have beaten Bonesaw, but is scale the only important thing when measuring evilness?
Yes, in terms of scale the Nazi's have beaten Bonesaw, but is scale the only important thing when measuring evilness?
I have a long and thought out argument, but I feel this is moving a bit away from "Mayor Missy" so perhaps we should let it rest.

At least I hope Bonesaw won´t tear around the corner as a suprise plot twist...
I have a long and thought out argument, but I feel this is moving a bit away from "Mayor Missy" so perhaps we should let it rest.

At least I hope Bonesaw won´t tear around the corner as a suprise plot twist...
But she's the perfect counter-candidate! Who else could win a political battle against an adorable badass little girl than an adorable bad-to-the-bone little girl?
I have used the "Funny" emote to respond to your post because there is no option for screaming.
But she's such a sweet cinamon roll. And she cares for the environment:

How can you say no to her?

But really, I know how it feels when you need a smiley, for example, and don't have a fitting one. Sometimes I use :D as "I'm gonna eat you", which is needed a lot more often than you would think.
But she's such a sweet cinamon roll. And she cares for the environment:

How can you say no to her?

But really, I know how it feels when you need a smiley, for example, and don't have a fitting one. Sometimes I use :D as "I'm gonna eat you", which is needed a lot more often than you would think.
More often than I would think? More than once per sentence? I am impressed at a safe distance.

Also, this thing is perfect where do I find more.