The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

i mean yeah if you take the thing as separate but when you put it all together you have 2 asian dudes one called lee and the other nicknamed "my dragon in brockton" bay where there is a rage dragon who fought off what the people of bet see as the equivilant of a sentient tsunami and a bomber named oni lee leading an asian you seriously not see how people might put that together or are you just being contrary for the sake of it?
You are putting it together based on your reader knowledge that the only characters with those names appearing in the story are the ones in the forefront of your mind. Missy and Taylor don't have the benefit of such a myopic view of their world.
You are putting it together based on your reader knowledge that the only characters with those names appearing in the story are the ones in the forefront of your mind. Missy and Taylor don't have the benefit of such a myopic view of their world.
no i am not using meta knowledge in fact i am using the oposite it is public knowledge that oni lee is called oni lee, it i public knowledge that lung is a rage dragon(dragon being the key word) and it is public knowledge that he apparently pushed back leviathan (an endbringer, which in universe are seen as natural disasters) none of this is meta knowledge about the worm verse also no i was not saying they are likely the only characters with that name because the one steve limit is stupid i am saying that they are propably the only 2 asians in brokton bay that would both have the name lee and also nicname the other "my dragon"
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I've seen a few clever ways authors reconcile an honorable Lung and the rape farm thing. My favorite one's involved:
1) The ABB had stripper joints, where management didn't care if a girl took a client home for a "private" lapdance, and the whole "rape farm" thing was a rumor started by someone (probably E88).

2)Where the gangs that Lung took over and formed into the ABB *did* have rape farms, but Lung put a stop to that right quick the moment he took over.

In the second scenario, one example that sticks out to me was one where Taylor never ran across Lung giving his "kill the kids" speech. So, Lung catches up to the Undersiders, and just before he flambės them, Tattletale blurts out something about the rape farms. Lung responds by grabbing TT by the neck and tells her he forbid such things in the ABB. Tattletale then tells Lung that word on the street is one of his Lieutenants has started one up. Lung promptly drops TT and leaves with a "let this serve as a lesson to you", and promptly goes to free the victims of the rape farm and burn it down with the lieutenant inside.

Wish I could remember what it was from though.

Might it be Worm in Waiting, by The Watchers Network? Not quite what you said, but it does have Tattletale telling Lung about the farms still being operational.
young american children

Why do people keep saying that? How does the nationality matter? At all?
yeah see that is an interesting way to deal with the problem i was talking about and very believable
normally fanfics with honorable dragon lung trope dont do that and just handwave it

AUs will AU buddy.

I love everything about this, but Nazi should be capitalized. It's a political descriptor akin to Republican, Democrat, Whig, Tory, etc.

Who's gonna be offended, the nazis?

You are putting it together based on your reader knowledge that the only characters with those names appearing in the story are the ones in the forefront of your mind. Missy and Taylor don't have the benefit of such a myopic view of their world.

Honestly, I'd totally buy that Raven is trolling us and it's just a rather intense local buisness owner.
no i am not using meta knowledge in fact i am using the oposite it is public knowledge that oni lee is called oni lee, it i public knowledge that lung is a rage dragon(dragon being the key word) and it is public knowledge that he apparently pushed back leviathan (an endbringer, which in universe are seen as natural disasters) none of this is meta knowledge about the worm verse also no i was not saying they are likely the only characters with that name because the one steve limit is stupid i am saying that they are propably the only 2 asians in brokton bay that would both have the name lee and also nicname the other "my dragon"
Didn't Taylor not know that he could change into a dragon on her first night, she knew that he transformed and that some people said he grow wings later into his transformation, but she didn't know dragon was part of it.
The 'honorable warrior' thing is at least partly a reaction to all the annoying fanon about him having "rape farms where he prostitutes young american children for petty cash" which has no support in canon.

From 21.2 in canon:

They didn't act on this scale when the ABB was dealing in hard drugs and ambushing people on the street to tell them that because of where their parents were born, that they had to be soldiers, prostitutes or pay money every month in tribute. They were doing that to middle schoolers.
No, that's pretty in context. They were abducting girls into forced prostitution. That's rape farming.
That's not supported by the quote that was posted. Heck, even rape or forced prostitution isn't supported by that, although I agree that would definitely be something all the gangs did.

All the quote in question says is that they threten kids to get them to pay the gang or otherwise support it. While forced prostitution would have occurred, the quote doesn't actually say it does, much less kidnapping for prostitution.
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That's not supported by the quote that was posted. Heck, even rape or forced prostitution isn't supported by that, although I agree that would definitely be something all the gangs did.

All the quote in question says is that they threten kids to get them to pay the gang or otherwise support it. While forced prostitution would have occurred, the quote doesn't actually say it does, much less kidnapping for prostitution.
what do you think it means to tell someone that they have to be a prostitute? (and have the power to enforce it)
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what do you think it means to tell someone that they have to be a prostitute? (and have the power to enforce it)
A threat. A credible threat of forced prostitution, but the quote has no evidence the threat was carried out when someone refused to pay. I agree it likely was, but that has nothing to do with "rape farms"
I think that you're allowing preconceptions to twist your views. While I don't mind the honorable warrior thing, it does seem based on the above that middle schoolers are told to pay up, fight for the ABB, or have s** with others for money. Given that I doubt middle schoolers can pay, the last two seem to be applied to middle schoolers, at least in the absence of contravening evidence. Therefore, we must assume that Lung likely (based on non- first hand knowledge, possibly) uses middle schoolers as cannon fodder/ sex slaves.
Furthermore, if you threaten five hundred people, you have to follow through on the threat if somebody refuses, or the rest of the people will stop obeying. Therefore some forced soldiery and forced prostitution is happening.
As for whether this means Lung had "rape farms", I'm not sure exactly what that's supposed to mean. I do believe, based on the text, that significant numbers of people, some minors, were told to have sex for money or else, which seems like rape and robbery by proxy to me.
Edit: Also, congratulations for getting me to make my first post on SV be about rape farms.
I think that you're allowing preconceptions to twist your views. While I don't mind the honorable warrior thing, it does seem based on the above that middle schoolers are told to pay up, fight for the ABB, or have s** with others for money.
Given that I doubt middle schoolers can pay
They can, especially as the ones making the demands would generally be other middle schoolers or be talking to the older siblings/parents.

However that's not really the point, as I said I have no doubt forced prostitution does occur, but that's a FAR cry from rape farms people build from the line in Emma's interlude.
So you basically are stating that while forced prostitution was a part of the ABB business model (on an undetermined (though likely significant?) scale, you think many people take the idea too far?

Definition of SCALE

an instrument or machine for weighing; a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends —usually used in plural; either pan or tray of a balance… See the full definition
Entry 5, part 4b.
I love your dry sense of humor. :)

To belabor the point: the internet has a well-known tendency to be wrong on the internet and the fandom community has a well-known tendency to take everything too far. Most commonly seen with "escalation" memes. It could be reasonably described as "people here have no sense of scale".

Which leads us to... I was trying to make a joke. The only scale likely to be seen here is entry 1, if used as a bludgeon due to lack of a convenient crowbar.
I wasn't making a joke, though it is funny in retrospect.
And yes, the internet long ago forgot the word "restraint".