The Miserable Misadventures of Mayor Missy

This... This is going to end up wonderfully.

And I am quietly hoping that they actually are a gay couple. Plenty of fanfics gives them a tight bromance, why not take it a step further and make it actual romance? Makes Oni Lee's gradual decline even more tragic, which is fitting for Worm.
Lung only has a 50 inch TV? Alucard would be depressed, as his is a70" plasma screen TV, with Netflix.
Should it have 3D too?

Missy: "I just wanted to say I respect people of your orientation."
Lung: "Lee, tell everyone to vote for Missy in the election. She respects the Orient."
So he just heard a little white blonde girl telling him "We respect your Orient, Asian." There's no way she's from Empire territory. Nup.
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My... dragon? Missy puzzled over that for a long moment before it clicked. There were no pictures of any families on the walls and, while the house was well decorated, it was with a very masculine touch. There was a katana on the mantelpiece and some demon masks hanging off the walls. A big ol' buddha statue too.

She had just met a gay couple. This wasn't the demographic Taylor and her had come to see, but this was good too. No, it was great. Two birds with one stone!
... Okay, show of hands: who here reacted with any form of amusement as soon as the implications hit? I know I did, I woke up my mom with my laughing...

Also, how many of you here have wondered/thought of/read/heard about a Lung/Oni Lee gayship fic? Well, if you previously didn't... now you'd have the seed of an idea. (See what I did there? Eh? Eh? XD)
Missy was a firm believer of people being able to love who they wanted to love, so it wasn't a hard step to take. Little barriers like gender, race, and a tiny, minuscule, unnoticeable age gap shouldn't even be a matter of consideration.
Depending on how Missy words this part, she could very easily convince Lung (and indirectly, the ABB) to vote for her.

Although she'll need to be a little more careful in Max's territory, since (AFAIK) the E88 tends to take a dim view of the 'gender' side of her opinion.

This... This is going to end up wonderfully.

And I am quietly hoping that they actually are a gay couple. Plenty of fanfics gives them a tight bromance, why not take it a step further and make it actual romance? Makes Oni Lee's gradual decline even more tragic, which is fitting for Worm.
This! THIS is what I was looking for!
That a coup if she gets e88 support
Something to think about:

Near as I can remember, Mayor Christner didn't have the outright support of either ABB or E88, much less the Merchants (but when did they even care who's in power, anyway?).

Now, imagine Brockton Bay, with (possibly) its youngest mayor to date, AND with visible support from E88 and ABB. Just, without divine intervention from a certain Good doG.

Then imagine Thomas Calvert Coil doing a stupid.
The last chapter pretty much takes the cake of silly fic ideas. I had to laugh and smiling way to much for that line of mistaking Lee and lung for gay. I can not wait to see how screwed up the next chapter goes. I really want to see the reaction from her bosses for her running for mayor. You really need a misunderstanding with the Nazis somehow also.
The last chapter pretty much takes the cake of silly fic ideas. I had to laugh and smiling way to much for that line of mistaking Lee and lung for gay. I can not wait to see how screwed up the next chapter goes. I really want to see the reaction from her bosses for her running for mayor. You really need a misunderstanding with the Nazis somehow also.
Night and Fog are a Stepford Couple, brainwashed to obey - I can think of a few possibilities there...

... Also, I just realised; they're an asian gay couple. Missy is going to promise to dismantle the E88, which will lead to Kenta asking about the ABB. Missy, not being an idiot, will probably acknowledge that Lung is too powerful to go after immediately... Or better, give a suspiciously detailed description of how Vista could utterly curbstomp the rage-dragon. And either way, follow up with something about how if the ABB cleaned up its more unseemely acts - the forced prostitution, the (overt) drug-dealing, etc - there wouldn't be any need to 'poke the dragon'.

Cue embarassment as she remembers that 'dragon' is Lee's nickname for Kenta, his gay partner, and Kenta will read it as her being flustered over skirting so close to the Unwritten Rules.

He'll vote for her chutzpah if nothing else.
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... Also, I just realised; they're an asian gay couple. Missy is going to promise to dismantle the E88, which will lead to Kenta asking about the ABB. Missy, not being an idiot, will probably acknowledge that Lung is too powerful to go after immediately... Or better, give a suspiciously detailed description of how Vista could utterly curbstomp the rage-dragon. And either way, follow up with something about how if the ABB cleaned up its more unseemely acts - the forced prostitution, the (overt) drug-dealing, etc - there wouldn't be any need to 'poke the dragon'.

Cue embarassment as she remembers that 'dragon' is Lee's nickname for Kenta, his gay partner, and Kenta will read it as her being flustered over skirting so close to the Unwritten Rules.
. . . I can actually see this happening.

Anyone from the ABB will have trouble keeping a straight face if/when Missy wins the mayoral race, and gets gifted a pair of balls. Made of brass (or steel, take your pick).
Or better, give a suspiciously detailed description of how Vista could utterly curbstomp the rage-dragon.
If Raven doesn't write this, I really hope someone else does as an omake. Because it'd be the best thing ever. I've never read anything with Vista as the tactician genius. Especially not right to the face of her enemy.
Something to think about:

Near as I can remember, Mayor Christner didn't have the outright support of either ABB or E88, much less the Merchants (but when did they even care who's in power, anyway?).

Now, imagine Brockton Bay, with (possibly) its youngest mayor to date, AND with visible support from E88 and ABB. Just, without divine intervention from a certain Good doG.

Then imagine Thomas Calvert Coil doing a stupid.

Cue Sir Pelo-esque curbstomp. That would be epic.

Coil looked blearily on what just happened.

He just ordered his men to kidnap the Mayoral wannabe and then...

"Didja touch-a the child?" Armsmaster spoke in a strange accent.

"Uh..." Then Dinah interrupted him.

"He is touching the child!" Dinah squeaked out, but in truth he did not.

The people in front of him now looked at him menacingly. Some of them even posed with ethereal beings behind them.

Then at that moment, he heavily regretted that he needs to stop removing the second timeline after he succeeds in something.
If Raven doesn't write this, I really hope someone else does as an omake. Because it'd be the best thing ever. I've never read anything with Vista as the tactician genius. Especially not right to the face of her enemy.
It's less "tactical genius" and more "Shaker 9 applied to its fullest extent, the way Taylor fuck-mothering Hebert would have done it."

But Vista is admittedly uniquely suited for pulling the "Impossible! Only a tactical genius could have- CREEEED!"
It's still a stupid fucking gimmick, even if there are some who'd vote for it. Like some world leaders being stupid as fuck, even though a bunch of people voted for them, and ardently support them.
I would like to congratulate Raven on an entirely new twist to the tired old trope that "Taylor encounters Lung on her first night out on patrol"...
And either way, follow up with something about how if the ABB cleaned up its more unseemely acts - the forced prostitution, the (overt) drug-dealing, etc - there wouldn't be any need to 'poke the dragon'.
I have to disagree. The ABB are basically Asian Nazis - they need to go down just as much as the Empire.
There isn't enough about them in canon (at least before Bakuda took over and what they were is "bakuda's slaves") to say that is true. I'll grant it's a plausabile canon, but we don't know that's what this story is going with.
I don't mean Nazis in the literal sense, but just like the Empire, the ABB attacked, raped and killed people of other races. And unless the reasons for Emma's betrayal have changed, Emma was threatened by the ABB with being forced into sexual slavery, and mutilated as part of an initiation ritual (and Emma herself was 12/13 at the time).
I don't mean Nazis in the literal sense, but just like the Empire, the ABB attacked, raped and killed people of other races.
1)Fixed that for you.
2)We don't know that either made a habit of raping and killing people, although again it's plausible they did.
Emma was threatened by the ABB with being forced into sexual slavery,
1)Key word threatened.
2)I never claimed they were saints, but trying to claim any group that attacks people like the ABB attacked (or even if they actually did what they only threatened) Emma is equivalent to the Nazis is like saying that cutting in line is the same as beating someone with a baseball bat.
1)Fixed that for you.
2)We don't know that either made a habit of raping and killing people, although again it's plausible they did.

1)Key word threatened.
2)I never claimed they were saints, but trying to claim any group that attacks people like the ABB attacked (or even if they actually did what they only threatened) Emma is equivalent to the Nazis is like saying that cutting in line is the same as beating someone with a baseball bat.
I... what?

"even if they actually did what they only threatened"

If it was someone flaming and making online threats, that's entirely one thing. However, at the time, they displayed every indication of following through on Emma's maiming, and the reason that did not happen was because of Emma's retaliation and SS's intervention as a result.
I mean, I know that Emma's actions afterwards against Taylor are entirely unjustified, and SS is a complete and utter bitch doing this because of her own fucked-up headspace, but really? And you're comparing this to cutting in line at a supermarket?

No, they're not Asian Nazis - but they do need to go down as much as the E88 does.
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This is a universe were people can be Mayor at 13.

I would not rule out honor dragon.

And honestly I always liked the fanon "I am a great andd honorable warrior" Lung a lot mire than the canon murderthug Lung.

Sure it's not canon complient but it makes for a great characte.