Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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Voting is open
*Looks left and right nervously.*

Well-uhh- a guy who was totally didn't take care of his teeth when he was younger. So he ended up having a lot of cavities and missing teeth. He went to the doctor, and they basically said they'd have to uproot all of his teeth and replace them. So he figured "Fine, why not. Just do the left side first so I can eat, then I'll come back and do the right side." So they went in, pulled out a few teeth, and had to put him up on morphine to block the pain.

Except, he had like five teeth removed, so he was still in a lot of pain. So, he hailed down a nurse, told her the situation, and asked if he could get moar morphine. She sort of shrugged, and said something like "Ehh, why not."

And then turned the morphine to almost lethal dosage.

Got so high even when he was released he was still out of it. They also didn't feed him during this time, since, you know, he had huge gaping holes on one side of his mouth that could easily get infected. So when his son came and picked him up, he demanded to go into Dollar General and get some snacks.

He couldn't, you know, stand without support, and he was slobbering blood and drool on anything and everything, with his head bandaged up like they just stuck his brain back together, but if there's anything I can say about the guy it's that he's hard-headed.

If there's anything I can say about the son, however, it's that he's a real piece of work.

So eventually the guy convinced his son to pull up into a Dollar General, a little store, and the son took out his phone to record.

And at least you're not going to do anything that embarrassing! I'd-uh-hate to be that guy!
Well. I suppose I'll give one.

I got piss drunk one time and since I can switch from a violent drunk to happy drunk someone I don't know who(this was at a party of some kind can't really remember) decided "hey why not give this guy special(high grade wees) brownies and say they are a gift. Having switched to violence after a while I punched the guys face in ate ALL the brownies and according to everyone who was either sober enough to remember or remembered whilst drunk: smashed my face into a cheese grater, stick my head into a microwave, electrocuted my uhh my crotch stuck my finger into a broken socketjunped of the roof, a tree and a bunch of other things and basically injured my self in increasingly hilarious yet unique and painful ways whilst getting extremely unique and creative with cursing all the while. I woke up in the hospital at some point and stayed there for...half a year or so...I think...roughly that.
Well. I suppose I'll give one.

I got piss drunk one time and since I can switch from a violent drunk to happy drunk someone I don't know who(this was at a party of some kind can't really remember) decided "hey why not give this guy special(high grade wees) brownies and say they are a gift. Having switched to violence after a while I punched the guys face in ate ALL the brownies and according to everyone who was either sober enough to remember or remembered whilst drunk: smashed my face into a cheese grater, stick my head into a microwave, electrocuted my uhh my crotch stuck my finger into a broken socketjunped of the roof, a tree and a bunch of other things and basically injured my self in increasingly hilarious yet unique and painful ways whilst getting extremely unique and creative with cursing all the while. I woke up in the hospital at some point and stayed there for...half a year or so...I think...roughly that.

Goodness. See, things like these are why I tend to avoid alcohol these days. I find I'm often stupid enough without it, thank you very much. :V

Though, to be honest, I don't really have any good drunk antics that are worth sharing either.
The Power of Music Part 2.
The power of music part 2.

Within the confines of space, the Vigilance as her little ones called her, she was thinking a little worried about The… strange thing that was spreading in her.

Your little ones lately were listening to strange audio records made by other little ones and they were causing strange reactions, such as shaking their head next to the register or moving in strange ways alone or in a group and/or speaking strangely to the register again alone or in a group out loud....

Even stranger, the little ones who were in charge of taking care of her are experiencing a similar phenomenon but with different audio records in some way? And his fellow spirits were slowly but surely beginning to do the same and react more animatedly and to wake up a little faster, some were already joining the chants in their language, gathering together talking strangely with little ones who kept it. But she couldn't understand why they did it?.

The vigilance had already checked for the influence of those filthy parasites but no one was corrupted and the exalted also seemed to do the same in his free time and he was not compromised either.

But why would they do those things if not?

The vigilance could not fully understand it, it knew that listening to the audio recordings made their little ones and sometimes other spirits happiness along with other varied emotions but could not understand why the audio recordings would make them feel this way.

Nevermind The vigilance would get to the bottom of this.

Cautiously she approached one of her little ones who cared for her and asked him to show her one of the audio records.

Tech-Priest Magus Demi of the forge-world Urge. was happy as he sang in a low voice as he blessed another of the sacred machines.

Ever since the glorious-exalted of the Omnissiah, the giver of knowledge -primarch-lord-Kesar (praise his name) had been spreading the audio records among his legion and Tech-Priestess Miko and the few mechanicus who had been present at the party that was held. shape when the records first arrived. He had told the rest of the mechanicus in the Eternal Wardens xi fleet how the spirits of the machine had awakened a bit more, reacting almost enthusiastically to the music contained in the audio records.

After the Tech-Priestess Miko showed them the truth of her words. That drove the mechanicus into a frenzy as they furiously copied the audio records before carefully and with the utmost respect to the sacred machine spirits began to test which audio record was most effective in pleasing the machine spirits. With Demi himself enthusiastically joining the effort to please the spirits of the machine listening to countless audio logs (not that he liked them or anything) and slowly finding which ones seemed to please which spirit the most.

It seemed that different spirits of the machines preferred audio records of different natures, some preferred the quieter ones for example while others seemed to prefer the louder ones.

There were already plans once the cataloging of which spirit that machine in the fleet preferred to record and in what form. (No this was not hug research, this was simply an activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the glorious spirits of the machine) This invaluable and sacred knowledge would be sent to Mars and other forge-worlds for its propagation throughout all the mechanicus.

Another great success of the exalted of the omnissiah in the search for knowledge truly his genius is only surpassed by the omnissiah himself without a doubt this was his plan from the beginning Demi could now see it (sasuga kesar-sama!).

And thanks to the audio logs that Kesar gave, the machine spirits throughout the fleet were waking up and becoming a little more aware. Surely the blessings of the glorious exalted do not end.

The Tech-Priest happily continued his work.

Then he felt it and stopped and almost immediately as the spirit of the machine contacted him.

A spirit was looking for him but it was not just any spirit of the machine, it was none other than The vigilance itself.

Then everything fell into place and Demi saw what the glorious spirit of the machine wanted from him and understood that Lord-kesar's plan that he had ho so stupidly thought had already borne fruit had only begun.

How stupid he had been underestimating the genius of the best of the sons of the omnissiah.

Demi's mind went into a religious fever as he went to find all the other mechanicus he had to say this to search the audio record to follow Lord Kesar's plan.

The little ones who kept her in good shape had gathered arguing among themselves. Many had spoken mockingly when the little one she had chosen to show her the audio records. This time she interacted with all of them at once she didn't want to accidentally cause a fight between her little ones.

Interestingly, this caused all of them to freeze before starting to fervently praise her which was nice.

And then they all started arguing about which audio record was best for her to hear which puzzled her if they were all different from each other but what difference did it make when she just wanted to see if the audio records were safe for her little ones?.

They kept arguing about it for a few hours discussing what would be the best audio record before the little one she had chosen at first for the task said something to them and they finally agreed.

They kindly put the chosen audio record so that she could listen to it.

When the audio recording started the vigilance I listened to the strange sounds while she was on the lookout for any parasites that might want to harm her little ones and herself carefully when the recording began to cause the same effect on herself. But when the voice of a little one started to sound the vigilance in the register, she finally understood.

The sounds that came out of the audio register were not malicious, on the contrary, they were harmoniously intertwined with each other to form a harmony for the little ones to share and understand the emotions of each other.

It was beautiful.

The vigilance began to sing and quickly the other spirits aboard her began to sing with her their forms becoming only a little more aware as they plunged into the melody, her little ones or at least those who kept her in good shape added to her song sung together with the spirits of the machine with joy. The Vigilance contacted Cherish Son and he also started singing with her.
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As Demi joined the chant with pure happiness, religious fervor and pure joy shared with her fellow Mechanicus as they sang alongside the machine spirits empowering them.

A part of his mind was thinking ashamed. He had thought he knew the level of Lord Kesar's genius. ho, how naïve he had been to think that a simple being like him a simple mechanicus could understand or even hope to understand the depths of the plan of a being only surpassed in intellect by the omnissiah itself. Because Kesar was his avatar, his chosen one to take his word to their servants.

But now he would no longer doubt he would fulfill his role in Lord Kesar's glorious plan because the plan or at least the incredibly tiny part that his lower mind could understand was obviously only the continuation of the path of knowledge, the restoration of all the knowledge of the ancient and perhaps ... even surpass them.

For that glorious goal, Demi would give everything.

No doubt Demi of the forge-world Urge would no longer doubt his glorious lord.

A few days later when Kesar congratulated him, he revealed the next steps he had for his humble servant. To him a humble Tech-Priest.

'Ho, thank you Lord Kesar I will not fail in the task you have entrusted to me. The first step goes to Mars and gives this knowledge before proceeding with the next step of this glorious plan'.
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This was awesome. Good to see more vigilance pov we need more of her I feel. A good idea for an omake would be how Big E is reacting to all this stuff going on with the machine spirits.
thank you and well yes that would be a good idea but I'm working on other omakes for now, I guess I can ask the rest.
Because he planned to do exactly the same thing, only for Demi to do all the work.:o
yes, that's exactly what is going to happen.
he is also going throughout the empire following the "plan" making small actions that by pure effect dominate all those actions end up having a positive effect for the empire in worlds and sometimes entire sectors at the same time reinforcing, even more, his faith on Kesar and his "plan".
to which he only replies with: sasuga Kesar-sama.
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Happy Halloween to the thread and good news people, turns out the Master of the Forge is up for design. Who wants to work on what he could be like?

@Daemon Hunter or did you have something in mind already?
Happy Halloween to the thread and good news people, turns out the Master of the Forge is up for design. Who wants to work on what he could be like?

@Daemon Hunter or did you have something in mind already?

Well, right now all I've really got on them is that they're more focused on the teaching of the discipline rather than being a good combatant or a researcher. Beyond that they're an open slate.
It's rather sudden, but has Kesar cleared the Final threshold for the Daemonsbane? Wounding an Archdaemon, I mean. The Scheming Blue was hurt when Kesar killed Changling if I remember right.
It's rather sudden, but has Kesar cleared the Final threshold for the Daemonsbane? Wounding an Archdaemon, I mean. The Scheming Blue was hurt when Kesar killed Changling if I remember right.

Unfortunately we have to do it personally. Otherwise hurting an Archdaemon would be as easy as true deathing a single low level Daemon.
Unfortunately we have to do it personally. Otherwise hurting an Archdaemon would be as easy as true deathing a single low level Daemon.
*Reading the Battle of Three Stars*
.....You made me wonder what 'easy' means in the dictionary.

And I'm sure the Changling is not a low level daemon. It's certainly a Named, or Honoured or both added to that. Like Nuggle's Bellguard, Khorne's Skulltaker and Slanesh's Mask, or-I suspect- above them.
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*Reading the Battle of Three Stars*
.....You made me wonder what 'easy' means in the dictionary.

And I'm sure the Changling is not a low level daemon. It's certainly a Named, or Honoured or both added to that. Like Nuggle's Bellguard, Khorne's Skulltaker and Slanesh's Mask, or-I suspect- above them.

Relative to even cosmetically damaging a Chaos God, the Exalted Daemons really are low level daemons. If I recall correctly, Even Skarbrand could barely nick Khornes armor in a sneak attack and Skarbrand is definitely in the upper echelons as far as Exalted Daemons are concerned. Kesar might technically stand a better chance than Skarbrand at damaging a Chaos God due to anti Daemon bonuses, but it is precisely because we have a better chance that the Gods would be very cautious of us and make it practically impossible to actually harm them.
[X] Plan How does the future look
-[X] What do you think about Vulkan's proposed reforms?
-[X] What do you think is the greatest problem with the Imperium?
Relative to even cosmetically damaging a Chaos God, the Exalted Daemons really are low level daemons. If I recall correctly, Even Skarbrand could barely nick Khornes armor in a sneak attack and Skarbrand is definitely in the upper echelons as far as Exalted Daemons are concerned. Kesar might technically stand a better chance than Skarbrand at damaging a Chaos God due to anti Daemon bonuses, but it is precisely because we have a better chance that the Gods would be very cautious of us and make it practically impossible to actually harm them.
But the point that makes me wonder is the fact @Daemon Hunter described specifically Kesar killing the Changling had hurt the Blue so bad that it left the scar which will never go away and shattered the large part of the Crystallo Regia Labyrinthus in the Warp and its Daemon Worlds.

The daemon blinked once and began to melt. With no vocal cords, the Changeling never got to say anything as it was permanently killed. The power it held fled into the warp and it propagated throughout. Tzeentch's domain shattered in a moment. The sheer power invested in the Changeling turned and boiled the warp. The crystal planets of the Architect of Fate broke and the Changer of Ways screamed in agony. The loss of so much power in a single moment tore into his form. Tzeentch screamed as a scar appeared across his ever-shifting form, and no matter what he tried, the Architect of Fate knew, that this would never go away.
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But the point that makes me wonder is the fact @Daemon Hunter described specifically Kesar killing the Changling had hurt the Blue so bad that it left the scar which will never go away and shattered the large part of its Crystal Realms.

Ya know...this makes 2 out of the 4 chaos gods that have been scarred, either by Kesar or Scafir...I wonder what happens if we scar them all before the last one gets it on us...hmm
A Witch Hunter's Testament
Another one with the Maelstrom War.

A witch hunter's testament

When I sought you out at first time, it was to gauge your warpal corruption. Looking back, it's quite funny how time changed. From a suspect, you became our savior. You saved our world and our people's souls and continued to save more out there, far from Valhalla.

As a witch hunter old enough to croak without Rejuvenation treatment, I didn't forget how hard you fought and how much you had changed our world. I was there whenever you brought the newer version of The Guide for Cult Extermination until Sovereign's Coming. I was one of many people who knew how diligent you were to save as many souls as possible. And I was, perhaps, a woman who wronged you most. Seeing you're a Primarch, you probably knew and dismissed it as an unimportant detail. And with your penchant for dismissing people's admiration out of sorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if you have buried memory about me.

I was the lead hunter to oversee the laboratory guards that day, the one failed at her duty that costed you your father's life. You didn't fault me for my failure, but I never forgot my shortcoming for failing you. It didn't excuse me to be not a Blue Revelator. I should have seen it coming since your work tended to attract cultists' attention. I lost my chance to apologize at the time, you and Aeronwen were grieving too much to care about a failure of a hunter like me. Later, it was my shame that stopped me to do so, for you didn't deserve to relive the day. I had seen the look on your face, so I decided to keep quiet. You never forget, that I knew even before Sovereign's Coming. For you, to relive is to relive every little detail. For a man who remembers everything, his memory is his worst nightmare.

Time heals many things, but my shame was not one of them. I have done everything to prepare Valhalla for any possible case of Green Outbreak and its Advent, my life work, and yet the shame remained stubbornly. It was why, when I heard your call for war to strike the Enemy, I beat other hunters out to march to the war. I was the most experienced Green Controller among volunteers and at the tail end of Rejuvenation. In short, I was the most expandable expert in Green Matter. My peers of other Color Leaders who joined in you was the same in that regard.

And I'm glad to come. This daemon-spouting world, this cursed sea of diseased water, almost got your brother. But I succeeded to keep your family from harm this time. Additional material for Green Record wouldn't hurt, either, I imagine. I wish it to be useful for your new Guide.

Kesar Dorlin, the Champion King of Valhalla, Heroic Monarch on the Ice and Grieving Father of Daemonslayers; don't stop for us who were left behind. Don't grieve over our death. You have given so much for us, and yet we haven't much for you. So, don't stop for us. So, don't grieve over us. We are glad to help. We are happy to save. Let us dead hear your triumphant roar and loud sound of victorious laughter instead, then we too will roar and laugh with you in the realm where our enemy is wailing in defeat.

The Blue Revelator Myrddina will dance on the ruined crystals.
The Purple Suppressor Palamedes will sing the terribly off-key song.
The Red Neutralizer Bran will play his fiddle on the field of dried blood.
The Green Controller Morgan will set off fireworks in the shriveling garden.
And at the front of all, the Black Master Kieran will blow Gjallarhorn into our mocking rhythm.

So, my Lord, roar and laugh along us at the enemy.
Let us give you the bright victory. Let us give you the happy glory.
From the Gate of hell, through the hellish heaven, to the heavenly future,
We, warriors of Valhalla, are marching on the Shining Path to glorious war.

Before anyone asks; Yes, I read the rewritten prologue and this came up.

Just to clarify, if this became a canon, the army group on the Daemon worlds where Color Leaders deployed would be wrecked more than other groups or annihilated as a whole without this men or women unless a Primarch came(sometimes even though one came) or Roll was high.

Think about them as Merlin, Solomon and BB at the battle against BEAST in F/GO. Background Character that [gives/removes] [Buff/Debuff] [to/from] [Ally/Enemy] to clear an unbeatable setting stage. For example, Auto-removal of the Lost, Giving some ominous warning/hint every turn, Sudden clear of a random area, et cetera.

Of course, It would be essential to protect them in that case.🤔

To where they would be deployed, this Morgan would be on the fleet going to 【The Breeding World of the Warm Ocean】 and a Primarch's presence would be essential on it.
Myrddina would be on 【The Frozen Land of the Forgotten Dead】.
Palamedes on 【The Paradise at the Bottom of the Hell】.
Bran on 【The Troubled Region between War and Peace】.

Assuming my teaser is a canon, Pert, with Kieran, would be on 【The Living Labyrinth in the Bitter Nowhere】 and Kesar on【The Nightmare of the Past Future】. It leaves.......:confused: Ugh, he will not enjoy it.

Edit: Urgh, A/N had felt too pushy! Grammar check programs don't cover the nuance part, I learnt.:frown2:
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If the Emperor Watched a Lost Primarch 3 Alt (non canon) Must Read
Although I know you wrote Part 3 as finale, I want to write the continuation since, you know, a lot of crazy-amazing things happened after.

So here comes If the Emperor Watched the Lost Primarch Part 3 Alt.
It didn't take long to reveal what had the Emperor in such a hurry. Contrary to the Magos's statement, it was a frigate, an Imperial Army frigate to be specific. In fact, two identified Gloriana battle-ships, a legion worth starships and an unknown Space station were long gone by the time he reached the hanger bay, leaving the sole frigate.

And this one was radiating PURITY so bright that two of humanity's most powerful psykers could hear the horrified scream of daemons. The Emperor also heard the enraged roar of the Whore and smug/raging laughter of the Butcher for some reason he vaguely felt, not knowing exactly what to make of them.

As per the order of the Emperor himself, it was guided toward Bucephalus with utmost respect. So, it would be understandable to say the following Primarchs(Magnus, Leman, Rogal, Perturabo, Lorgar and Horus with Konlad slinking along secretly) were aghast when an Astartes came out of said frigate. But it was not because it was a mere Astartes that the Emperor welcomed him personally. It was the presence of some kind they could feel from him, similar to the Emperor and yet different. It momently stunned them.


When the Emperor said 'here', it was not as simple as 'this place'.
Here, as in present.
Here, as in this timeline.
Here, as in an alternative universe.
All those, bundled into a simple word like 'here'.

It was an underwhelming choice of word, and it was entirely intentional. The simpler a word was the surer a meaning was. It would calm the warp and his children and anchored Scafrir here, in the timeline. And it did.

Magnus looked at the Emperor with recognition and surprise, for one needed to know what he/she intended to do to the degree of a minuscule detail for a simple method like that to work.

Scafrir sharply saluted.

"I apologize for the sudden arrival, my Lord Emperor and Primarchs. Lord Alpharius was quite insistent to hasten the journey."

Leman perked up.

"Wait, Scafrir? Ain't it the name of Kesar's Master of Scout?"

"Yes." nodded Rogal.

Perturabo facepalmed and smacked him in annoyance.

"That's not what he asks, you willfully dense moron. He asked if he really is the Scafrir we saw in the vid."

"Do you mind to explain how you come here?" Lorgar asked "With your father here was not here and all that……."

Scafrir stared at him. It shut him up.

He didn't know why, but he felt like being stared by certain death. It could be an ominous air around the marine, his finger twitching toward a Volkite Caliver or any other things about him. Whatever it was, it unsettled him.

Scafrir, after some moment of silence, took off his helmet.

"Hm, Lord Alpharius was right. You are different."

He smiled a kind, relieved smile. Tense atmosphere lost its tension with it. Lorgar sighed in relief, feeling like he passed some kind of test. Horus cleared his throat.

"I suggest we go back to the viewing room. It's become apparent Scafrir here is the Scafrir we saw from the other timeline. It would do better to introduce him to others and get some insight from him about the record. If you don't mind?"

"I don't mind." Scafrir shook his head.

"THAT SETTLES IT THEN." the Emperor clapped once and spun on his heel. "COME ALONG. THERE IS MUCH TO DISCUSS."

"Of course, Lord Emperor."

The Emperor and Scafrir headed back to the room, followed by Horus in front of bickering Rogal and Perturabo. Leman and Magnus were strangely silent after them deep in their thoughts. Lorgar was behind all of them, for Konrad whispered in his ear from out of nowhere before slinking away.

"You are lucky to redeem yourself before he comes."

"What does he mean?" Lorgar wondered out loud.

Back in the viewing room, Magos Lehm was hymning 12-layered holy cant of Mechanicum in a religious fever over a FULL STC. Already, the Fabricator-General of Mars was preparing to send their envoy and Ferrus promised to accompanied them himself.

Lion'el and Jaghatai were meditating.

Fulgrim and Sanguinius brainstormed about the effect and influence of said STC usage with Ferrus adding his point now and then.

Mortarion wondered alone in his mind if the STC would be able to help clear the atmosphere on Barbarus.

Roboute skimmed through STCs he received from exchange among brothers, with Vulcan and Corax doing the same.

Alpharius was still sulking about his counterpart one-upping him while Omegon was freaking out about Konrad having slipped out of his perception entirely.

Angron? He was busy enjoying mental suplex and flex the Nail keeping him from before, trying many, many puzzles and riddles.

They stopped whatever they were doing, except Mortarion daydreaming still, when the presence of the Emperor became close. The door opened.


And here came an Astertas whose presence was strangely similar to their father and liege.

"Oh, my……." mumbled Sanguinius widened his eyes slightly, representing the feeling in the room. They knew who the man was.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lords. I will help you understand something in my universe you might have question while you watch the vid." saluted Scafrir.

Roboute blinked. "I have so many questions."

"No shit, Sherlock." muttered Angron.

Lorgar just took his seat and began to think about Konrad's words. It somehow bothered him greatly.

"Oh, right. Questions!" exclaimed Magnus "How did you come here? What was that massive warp disjunction for? You said Alpharius sent you here, right? What had he done? And─"


"Pff……!" Rogal was too late -or too loud- to hide his mirth. Perturabo saw it and stumbled, unintentionally toppling over Konrad who tried to sneak past him.

Fortunately, Horus held him fast, preventing him from bowling over Corax's dataslate pile. Vulcan, a goodhearted man that he was, also tried to help him, only to knock down his own pile.

One of the dataslates flew past Mortarion, who was startled out
of his reverie because of it. He instinctively tried to reach toward Manreaper of which was with him currently. His hand, instead, hit puzzle collection of Angron's. It was promptly reduced to debris, scattering its remains and dust all over the place.

"HEY, WATCH IT!" Angron scowled at Mortarion.

"My eyes!" this shrieking was from Fulgrim whose eyes took some blow of small remains.

"AHCHOO!" and this was from Lion'el who was caught off guard by this absurd turn of an event and inhaled the dust. His sneeze was so powerful that it threw everything on the table off around.

Some of everything hit Ferrus' head, another some hit Lorgar's nose.

Jaghatai, who sat right opposite side from Lion'el and took the full blow of the sneeze, wiped out spit and dust it brought to his face. The twin Primarchs long since hit the deck under the table.

And Scafrir looked on everything with a polite approximation to interest. But his mind was a whirlwind of confusion. What's happening?

The Emperor stood very still, his face burning with shame and embarrassment and the halo on his head becoming brighter and brighter. Seeing what was coming, Magos Lehm immediately escaped from the room, sealing the door tight behind him.


Lehm and Constantine, who was guarding the door, looked at golden light leaking under it and each other.


The Magos gingerly walked in. What he saw baffled him. Everything was clean and neat, just like it had been before all the gathering and viewing. Huge round table in the middle of room was devoid of any nick-nacks or small machinery except Holo-projector used for viewing. The Emperor and Primarchs sat in their own thrones.

But Scafrir, he was sitting on the Emperor's laps like some kind of a Plush Astartes. And he sure as the Great Cog looked comfortable for an Astartes sitting on his own lord's laps. He even had the audacity to shrug with awkward smile when he stared at him.

'NOT A WORD.' Deadpan face of the Emperor warned him before he even thought about commenting.

"Play the next record about our lost brother's possible affair if you please."

Lehm was just thankful of Horus to give him an excuse to turn his mind away from imperial family matter. He didn't smell cold sweat some of Primarchs drenched in, and certainly didn't see burnt hair or remain of nosebleed here and there.

No. Nay. Non. No, sir. Of course not. He didn't care nor want to care. 01010001 01110101 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01100001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01100001

So he turned away from bizarre scene of an Astartes playing a plush and played the next record of TLP.

At the beginning of the year, Kesar received updates as to the cult situation on his homeworld Valhalla. It was both good and bad. Good because it weakened the cults, bad because of how bad the situation was previously. It turns out that the cults had distributed various daemonic artifacts throughout cities, which had corrupted thousands. When they were found, the objects were immediately thrown into the sun. This was a major investment by the cults, and with its destruction, future operations against them should be far easier.

"Is it common for cultists to obtain artifacts?" asked Sanguinius with some perplexity. "They seem to be omnipresent wherever any kind of warp cult set on a place."

It was Magnus who answered.

"The answer is both yes and no. Yes, because anything can be an artifact with enough warp injection and a simple ritual. No, because a thing that simple is not powerful enough to deserve to be called an artifact. It would be good at corrupting things living or otherwise at most, but that's all. It wouldn't make a significant difference to the holder sans, of course, corruption."

"Of course." said bitterly Fulgrim. Ferrus looked at him with steady gaze as consolation, Fulgrim smiled a little back as expression of gratitude.

"I'm not only one to feel uneasy at this artifact trick, am I?" Vulcan looked around for reaction.

"No." / "No, you are not." Rogal and Perturabo answered simultaneously.

"Obviously." Mortarion snorted.

Meanwhile, Kesar began looking into the information from the Library of Nalanda, specifically the section on runes. While much of the information had degraded with time, Kesar was still able to piece together how the basic parts of a rune, such as its shape, cause certain effects. This opened a realm of possibilities, such as creating runes to banish daemons. Moreover, Kesar was certain that if he was able to further understand more details of how runes function, such as how the writing instrument used affects the effect, then he could begin creating his own runes not specifically keyed towards banishing daemons. However, there would certainly be drawbacks to any runes that Kesar had yet to determine.

"YES, IT WILL BE USEFUL." the Emperor smirked with all teeth.

"It certainly was, my Lord." agreed Scafrir.

"Do you know about any of those runes, perhaps?" asked Magnus, agog.

"Unfortunately, no." Scafrir shook his head. "Librarian-brothers knew, but I'm not one of them."

Everybody took a note that the Librarium was a thing in his universe.

Corax pointed out another word to note.

"'Was"? When is the point of time you have come from?"

Scafrir smiled mysteriously.

"Quite some time later, Lord Corax, quite some time later."

With his affairs squared away, Kesar decided to assist his brother Corvus Corax with the Hitchlock. While the situation on Sakini I was desperate, it was stable. Meanwhile, his brother would only ask for help if the situation was truly dire. As such, Kesar elected to travel to the Hitchlock system.

"That's, good……." Corax slurred the end of his sentences. He didn't remember about 11th brother. That memory was sealed and gone. But he knew his name had not been 'Kesar' nor come to help him with the Hitchlock.

It was apparent he was not the only one to notice those facts.

"Who, nay, what was it that affected him so to differ from ours?" wide-eyed Perturabo nearly exclaimed. The sheer magnitude of diversions it would cause, not to mention the likelihood of which 11th to become 'Kesar' they were seeing for happening, was astronomical. If anyone asked probability for both to happen, his answer would have been smaller than a millionth.

Glancing at him, Dorn almost raised an eyebrow. Perturabo looked strangely more emotional than usual. Roboute also seemed to notice his strange behavior if a twitch between his eyebrows were to indicate.

When Kesar arrived in system, he was immediately called on board by his brother. It was the first time Kesar had met one of his siblings. While he did not avoid them, he had actions that simply required his presence at the time. As such, he was looking forward to seeing his brother.

When Kesar and his honor guard arrived, they were brought to the bridge where Corvus Corax stood. "Hello, brother. I appreciate your aid in this matter."

Kesar smiled to see the warmth in that statement. While he could tell that much of it was for the sake of politeness, there was clearly some appreciation for the assistance of the Eternal Wardens. "Think nothing of it brother, you called for aid and I answered. It is what siblings do."

"Nevertheless, I know that you are busy with your own compliance. It is still the early days of the crusade, so your compliance rate is understandable. If you require my advice, I am happy to give it after this damn system is dealt with."

"Wow, that's……." Unable to find appropriate words, Leman waved his hands toward the Holo-projector.

"Grating?" Magnus suggested innocently.

"Annoying?" / "Provocative?" Twin Primarchs participated for teasing.

"It's sure as furk inviting for me to dish out some beating." quipped Angron smiling with all fangs.

"How smug of you, little raven." smirked Konrad.

"Shut up, you lot." Corax crossed his arms and scowled. "I wouldn't insult a brother, one that came to help, in the first meeting without very good reason."

"So, you in the vid were insulting Kesar for some reason?" Horus wiggled his eyebrows.

Corax turned around to look at Horus so fast it left an afterimage.

"Et tu, Horus!"

Everyone else burst out laughing, Corax following suit shortly after.

"For real though," he continued after a moment of laughing, "it was not his intention to belittle Kesar, I'm sure."

Kesar was not annoyed at the acknowledgment of his low compliance rate. While he was in the bottom five in terms of compliance rates, it was a strategy that worked for them. Moreover, Corax was not giving an insult, merely stating a fact. "I appreciate the offer. Judging from your tone I take it casualties have been heavy."

"See?" it was Corax's turn to smirk.

"Hm." shrugged Konrad.

"Sadly, many members of the Imperial Army perished. The Hitchlock appear to turn their captives into grotesque biomechanical monstrosities. In the open, these creatures are easily dealt with, but the Hitchlock are an insectoid race and much of the fighting occurred in tunnels. As such, I ordered exterminatus to be enacted to preserve further lives."

"An unfortunate necessity. Would targeted bioweapons work?"

Corax shook his head slightly, "No, their tunnels were sealed by miles of dirt. While my sons killed millions of the Xenos, the populace numbered in the billions. Also, the situation in the asteroid belt is even worse."

"I would assume so. With their bases spread out by large distances, our forces will have trouble dealing with them. Especially if they have long range weaponry."

Corax fully grimaced at this, "That they do. The asteroid belt is littered with defenses. Point defense weapons, long-range capital ship killers, mobile fortresses, and once we land we will face forces specialized in tunnel warfare alongside a large populace."

Corax grimaced just like the visage in Holo..

"I still remember that clusterfuck of a campaign. My Ravens and I were alone, nobody came to help. Targeted bioweapons worked some extent, but not by much. The approximate four fifth of my sons deployed there died because of all that defense. And we had to chase all over the system since some of the Hitchlock escaped."

He forgot to breath when the overwhelming Back-breaking Aura of Love and Regret emerged from his next seat.

"Oh, brother……!" It was from Vulcan.

'Ah,' Corax mused, 'THIS is how I die.'


"I'm sorry, Brother! I SHOULD HAVE COME! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"O' darkness, my old friend……." *Retch* Corax threw up the blood.

"Oh, furk!" Lorgar jumped out of his seat with blazing psykic light and slapped Vulcan's cheek. "STOP HUGGING CORAX, VULCAN! YOU ARE KILLING HIM!"

That and his psykic suggestion snapped Vulcan out of hug frenzy.

The Emperor sighed and snapped his fingers once while holding Scafrir still before he vaporized Lorgar's head with his stupidly powerful, spirit-awakened Volkite Caliver. With a finger snapping, Corax was again a shine and dandy.

Only Lion'el, Jaghatai, Leman and Angron sensed something amiss. And Angron became aware of Scafrir's murderous intention against Lorgar.

He gave a look at the Emperor. He just shook his head in a bare minimum angle.

Angron decided to do not make a remark.

Kesar paused considering the situation. It would be difficult to find a solution, but there were a few ideas he had. "There are some options, we could bombard the asteroid from range, their orbits should be relatively predictable. We could also deploy large amounts of thunderhawks and go from one habitat to another, overwhelming each with massive numbers of Astartes. We could also attempt large scale infiltration and sabotage of the defensive measures."

"While those ideas have merit, one issue is many of the bases defensive firing fields overlap with other bases. This creates a truly ridiculous number of kill zones. I recommend combining our Legion specialties. While the Eternal Wardens specialize in blitzing and securing locations, my Legion would excel in crippling attacks against your sons."

Horus groaned.

"No wonder you were delayed for years, Corax. They had milked all the merits from an asteroid belt."

"A suitable fortification and the prepared escape route." Rogal nodded, "Yes, it's indeed disadvantageous for Corax alone, considering his preferred strategy."

"I agree." said Perturabo looking many thing but wanting to agree with him.

Roboute rubbed his chin. "Speaking of preferred strategy, we might as well discuss about inter-legionary warfare. We are too diverse and specialized to perform a proper cooperation on the spot."

"A topic for later discussion?"proposed Sanguinius.

All other Primarchs expressed their agreement.

To be continued.....

Edit: Huh, nobody has posted anything...?
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