Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open
Alright, the vote is now closed. Looks like you'll be sharing what you know of the Sisters of Silence and organizing a test that requires the presence of a few of them. Looks like you only pull one Sister of Silence to Luna, but the good news is said Sisters if Krole.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Oct 30, 2023 at 12:42 AM, finished with 83 posts and 18 votes.
  • 20

    [X] Plan: Birdie
    -[X] Share what you know of the Sisters of Silence
    -[X] Do some teleportation psykery exercises that will require a greater sisters of silence presence.
    -[X] Request Roboute's aid in improving your administrative skills as well as his expertise to aid your domain in all areas that he is best suited to help, while also providing suggestions on who to go to for aid in finding solutions where he is not the best suited in return for the help.
    [X] Plan Leave it be
    -[X] Stay out of it
    [X] Stay Out Of It
    [X] Plan Keeping This Low-Key
    -[X] Provide the Rune of Subtlety to the participants of the coup
    [X] Subtlety to the tee…
    -[X] Share what you know of the Sisters of Silence
    -[X] Provide the Rune of Subtlety to the participants of the coup
    -[X] Arrange for a psychic experiment to go wrong when the coup starts so that the Sisters are distracted
    [X] Plan: Keep It Simple
    -[X] Share what you know of the Sisters of Silence
    -[X] Request Roboute's aid in improving your administrative skills as well as his expertise to aid your domain in all areas that he is best suited to help, while also providing suggestions on who to go to for aid in finding solutions where he is not the best suited in return for the help.
November 1st, 2023 Omake Rewards
The Value of Kindness

Alright, omakes. First up we have Kesar looking at reports from Perturabo and realizing some pretty fun lessons from it. Overall it's a great look at one of the most ideal ways to train psykers, which is to essentially just be kind. Sadly the Imperium has yet to learn that lesson. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +5 Corruption Resistance for Alma
[] Perturabo makes progress towards ???

Ravenloft Analysis: Bio-Etherics

Up next we have Ravenloft conducting a research program on bio-etherics, a rather fascinating field to say the least. The omake itself covers the experimentation very well, and it captures a good bit of the scientific process in a neat way. And I can confirm this is a very active area of research for Ravenloft. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Ravenloft gets a free (time wise, not cost wise) action to iterate upon the Nexus
[] Ravenloft is able to create practical applications of this research earlier than normal (will not be at full capacity however)

War Report: Threats within the Halo Stars (Part 2)

Then we have a continuation of threats within the Halo Stars. Of these, all of them are fascinating, but I will say my personal favorite are the Geists as there is something menacing about them. That being said, all three species have their own unique designs to them, which is always fun to read. As for your reward, this was already provided:

[X] +15 to Atani rolls against non-Outsider threats for the turn

Budget Concerns and Solutions

Up next we have Davin, one of Corvus' main econ guys planning a series of financial adjustements to Ravenloft. I do enjoy seeing this aspect of the organization as well, it's a rather complex field, and I do love additional worldbuilding on the topic. And the Shrike Commission is certainly a useful asset for Corvus. As for your reward, that was already given:

[X] Minor economic boost to Ravenloft's earnings

Abdul Being A Beta Boy

Then we have an omake covering Abdul's compliance against a chrome insectoid alien race. This was a rather fun read overall, displaying what makes Astartes terrifying and keeping the stakes reasonable but high throughout. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Abdul's rolls for the turn
[] Slightly reduced casualties to the compliace Abdul is sent to

Here is a short omake showing just how broken history is in a world with even Federation and Solar Exodus records. Lets just say that the average world has even less than this.

Here we have a rather fun timeline from Skysoph which is an intentional mess. I do like how broken it gets, with Tony Stark the leader of a nation, and repeated references to the Americas as propaganda. Overall it's a great look at the situation at hand. As for your reward, that was already given:

[X] +10 to compliance rolls for Skysoph

The Tallymen of the Death Guard.

Then we have the Tallymen of the Death Guard, a unique set of Astartes within the Legion that display quite the talent with numerology. I do enjoy how this omake covered them, and just how well it incorporated multiple aspects of canon with TLP's lore. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Slightly decreased costs for one of Mortarion's projects
[] Reduced casualties among the Death Guard for the turn

Flash Point: Orus (Part Four)

Here we have continued discussions on Orus, and quite a few of these topics have a surprising amount of relevance almost a year later. Horus' Red Telephones and Perturabo's discussion of AI in particular. Overall, this entire omake was quite a bit of fun, and fluffed out the conference nicely. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Horus' Red Telephone's reliability is slightly improved
[] Perturabo gains slightly more insights into AI

Here is an omake that kicked my butt for days to write, and I think it came out pretty terrible overall, but I dont think I can improve it currently.

Up next we have a visage of Sanguinius that shall turn into an artifact for him. This was a fun read, providing a fair bit of insight into some of the politics that happen on Skysoph that arise due to its unique temporal nature. Overall it's a very fun omake, and for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Sanguinius' rolls for the turn
[] Sanguinius makes progress towards ???

Up next we have a fun omake on the rune of fate, and how Kesar unlocked the ability to make it. This was a pretty fun omake to read, providing some very fun prose, and the spoilered section is a fun bit of foreshadowing. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +5 to rune rolls next turn
[] Ask the GM a question and they shall answer (subject to veto)

Here we have an incredible omake covering Vect and Morianne's dinner. Some of these lines are amazing, and just so fitting for the Drukhari. Malys is also really fun, and I do like how complex of a character she is here. As for your reward:

[] 2 +10s to rolls of the GM's choice
[] +20 to Morianne's rolls next turn
[] GM reveals what Vect wants from Oriacarius and the Wardens

There was never a normal moment when at the border of a time shard.

Up next we have a rather fun description of the ingredients for Sanguinius' Death mask being collected. It is a rather complex and involved process, and it does provide some interesting lore for the artifact itself. As for the reward, that was already given:

[X] Sanguinius' death mask slightly improved

The Golden Ring and the Philosopher's Egg.

Here we have a rather fascinating example of a possible enemy to face within the Malestrom. It's a nicely detailed world, and the lore on it is chilling yet incredibly fitting for Warhammer. Overall it'll certainly be a unique enemy to face. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to compliance rolls when this world shows up
[] Decreased casualties for a randomly chosen Maelstrom World this turn

Here is another omake on Skysoph only much shorter and about the lord of the iris

Next up is a neat omake covering the Timeless One, a unique type of god on Skysoph. It's a rather fun perspective to see, and I do like them commenting on some of the major events that have happenned in TLP. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Auro learns slightly more from the Timeless One than normal
[] +5 to Auro's roll should he die (does not count towards the omake bonus limit)

Nuada Preta, Champion of Aleph and Warden of the Warp.

Here we have one of the groups of Wardens lost in the warp. Like Durante and Vergil, it seems that Nuada is also stuck in the warp. But unlike them, he is alone and on quite the journey. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Nuada's rolls in the warp
[] Wardens within the warp provide increased knowledge of the warp than normal

Enbarr, the Steed of Kesar Dorlin.

And here we have an omake that references quite the ancient events that happenned in 2020. It's a great callback, and Enbarr is certainly and interesting steed to say the least. There's a good bit of detail in this omake and it makes for a fun read. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Gain Enbarr - Reduces travel times across a planet by a minor amount
[] Gain Enbarr - Slightly reduces the chance of ambush when traversing a planet

Here is the next info post revealing the traits of the Eldar to the thread in a sensible manner.

And lastly we have a list of Eldar hero traits that have been revealed over time. It's a rather extensive list, and covers some of the more dangerous Eldar well. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Slight increase in trait gain for a randomly chosen Eldar hero for the turn
[] +10 to the Eldar's rolls to hide their involvement with Corvus
[] Ravenloft is able to create practical applications of this research earlier than normal (will not be at full capacity however)
[] Perturabo gains slightly more insights into AI
[] GM reveals what Vect wants from Oriacarius and the Wardens
[] Ravenloft is able to create practical applications of this research earlier than normal (will not be at full capacity however)
[] Perturabo gains slightly more insights into AI
[] GM reveals what Vect wants from Oriacarius and the Wardens

Vect essentially has a multi-pronged approach when it comes to what he wants from Ori and the Wardens. The first is a simple desire to use them as an anti-daemon asset, as he figures if he's ever threatenned by the Chaos Gods, having a Warden on speed dial would certainly help matters. Second is that he expects the Imperium to collapse, and in such a situation, he'd very much like to be the kingmaker, and Ori is someone that would likely be well positioned for that in his eyes. Thirdly, he thinks getting closer to the Wardens will be amusing, and so far it has been.
[] Sanguinius makes progress towards ???
[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Auro learns slightly more from the Timeless One than normal

These are what I choose
omake rewards? for so long, a distant memory, yet now back? can such a thing be true?
Then we have the Tallymen of the Death Guard, a unique set of Astartes within the Legion that display quite the talent with numerology. I do enjoy how this omake covered them, and just how well it incorporated multiple aspects of canon with TLP's lore. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Slightly decreased costs for one of Mortarion's projects
[] Reduced casualties among the Death Guard for the turn
I'm glad that you enjoyed this! I had a lot of fun with this idea when I came up with it, as it is rather fitting with that dreadful Hrud war and the results that sprang from it and the Death Guard's general culture. Numbers are a big deal! 😮

In the spirit of what the omake was about, and due to 'cost' being a big deal now more than ever, I choose the second reward, Slightly decreased costs for one of Mortarion's projects, as that seems the most fitting to me.
Here we have a rather fascinating example of a possible enemy to face within the Malestrom. It's a nicely detailed world, and the lore on it is chilling yet incredibly fitting for Warhammer. Overall it'll certainly be a unique enemy to face. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to compliance rolls when this world shows up
[] Decreased casualties for a randomly chosen Maelstrom World this turn
I keep forgetting that I wrote this omake, perhaps due to repressing the knowledge of what had inspired this hellish world, but I am glad that it fits well in your opinion. It will be a dream of kings and gold, a nightmare of want and desire, and one day its riches shall be unveiled by the Eternal Wardens in this cycle of divine conflict.

As much as I think the second choice is fitting, due to current circumstances I will pick the third choice, Decreased casualties for a randomly chosen Maelstrom World this turn, to better suit the Eleventh Legion's pursuits.
Here we have one of the groups of Wardens lost in the warp. Like Durante and Vergil, it seems that Nuada is also stuck in the warp. But unlike them, he is alone and on quite the journey. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Nuada's rolls in the warp
[] Wardens within the warp provide increased knowledge of the warp than normal
It is beyond fascinating to me that this is rewarded after we got a different Warden Within The Warp who came back from that realm and back into the galaxy. It will be a delight to get the other two back where they belong, as Heroes of the Legion from the ordeals and trials they faced as they journeyed through hell and back. This one-armed champion will do well, I'm sure.

With that said, after a lot of deliberation and a dice roll, I pick the third choice, Wardens within the warp provide increased knowledge of the warp than normal, due to its long-term and immediate use. And being so fitting, with what these three (well, four) have seen.
And here we have an omake that references quite the ancient events that happenned in 2020. It's a great callback, and Enbarr is certainly and interesting steed to say the least. There's a good bit of detail in this omake and it makes for a fun read. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] Gain Enbarr - Reduces travel times across a planet by a minor amount
[] Gain Enbarr - Slightly reduces the chance of ambush when traversing a planet
bike good. fast nice. vroom.

I pick the second option, Gain Enbarr - Reduces travel times across a planet by a minor amount, because fast bike is best bike.
What is the extent of that looking like anyway?

He has made a wide range contect network in the Desolation from where he has been recruiting deserting guard at an alarming rate. Additionally, he has contact with one of the Lord Commanders consistently, and maintains a network of Lord Generals and Generals within the Imperium that he uses as dealers for Dark Eldar drugs within the Imperial Army. This has so far proven to be a rather successful adventure. He also has plans to expand links into other aspect6s of the Imperium's government.
He has made a wide range contect network in the Desolation from where he has been recruiting deserting guard at an alarming rate. Additionally, he has contact with one of the Lord Commanders consistently, and maintains a network of Lord Generals and Generals within the Imperium that he uses as dealers for Dark Eldar drugs within the Imperial Army. This has so far proven to be a rather successful adventure. He also has plans to expand links into other aspect6s of the Imperium's government.
The more you pull back the curtain on this stuff, the more you start to realize that there is a vast conspiracy of Dark Eldar across the Imperium, beyond just what even we, the players now.
The more you pull back the curtain on this stuff, the more you start to realize that there is a vast conspiracy of Dark Eldar across the Imperium, beyond just what even we, the players now.
And beyond what the big players like Malcador, Emps, Lion, and the Twins know. They're focusing on Eldrad and the Craftworlders because he's a scary precognitive and they are basically all his subordinates. Unwittingly, they're allowing something far worse to slip through the net.
[] Perturabo makes progress towards ???

As you stated on the discord that this is related to a trait Perturabo is working towards I think this will be the best in the long run. The extra CR for Alma would be nice given how low it is right now but that can always be trained up with Wardens or Thousand Sons.

[] Ask the GM a question and they shall answer (subject to veto)

What are the biggest unknown problems facing Project GI?

What other unknown factors are contributing to embezzlement in Kesar's domain?
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Unknown Questions for DaemonHunter
Unknown Questions for DaemonHunter

1. What is the effect of 'X' unknown trait?
Baldur- Sigilite's Shadow

Abdul- The GM Cackles
He's Got Jokes
Streams of Power
Listen to the Currents

Beltran- I Worry About Him

2. What gods are each of the Primarchs made of?

3. What are the requirements and effects of this technology?
Webway Mirroring
Void Shield Mass Upgrade Implementation
The 'Dorlin Device' (Technology capable of mimicking Kesar's Warp signature)

4. What are the effects of Soul Runes?

5. What are the Daemonsbane requirements of 'X' hero?

6. What are the unknown factors affecting embezzlement in our domain? Asked

7. What are the requirements/effects of this Rune?
Primal Rune of Hero

8. What is Primarch 'X' tech list currently?

9. What is the status/plans of 'X' Black Covenant?

10. Who are the secret heroes of each legion?

11. What is going on with this legion secret?
????????? (Stirrings of Something More, A Second Stirring - Omake Reward, A Third Stirring - Omake Reward)
Mystery Box - ???
Bader - ???

12. What are the hidden traits of this Exalted Daemon?


Nurgle's Manor

Shalaxi Hellblade

13. What are the biggest unknown problems facing Project GI?

14. What are the current plans of one of the Chaos Gods?

15. What is the best way to finish the Rune World?

16. How can Karcer unlock her full potential?

17. How can one ascend to the level of a Grey Soul?

18. How can the Skeleton Key be improved further?

19. Who made the Sisters of Silence and how?

20. How can the Thunder Warriors flaw be fixed?

21. What's the overall plan of the whispers (lion's dark eldar infiltrators)?

22. What are the Twins doing with the Harlequins?

23. Were the assassinations of the World Eaters and Death Guard heroes orchestrated by a single individual/group and if so then by who?

24. What can you tell us about the 'Sets of Eleven' omake reward?

25. How do you make Eidolons?

AN: If anyone else has any good questions that require a GM question to learn or other additions they want I'm open to editing this list.
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What other unknown factors are contributing to embezzlement in Kesar's domain?

If you want the unknown factors, right now what's contributing to embezzlement in your domain is a combination of rapid economic growth providing less oversight, decreasing morale among the Imperial Army causing them to stay within their job description more and more, and Malcador no longer actively using resources to assist your native arbites. However, the largest of these would be the decreasing morale among the IA, which the rapid economic growth exacerbated.

In terms of what you're losing money to, that would be Imperial Army incompetence (20%), Imperial Army corruption/embezzlement (5%), planetary government incompetence (10%), planetary government corruption (15%), the Alpha Legion (20%), Malcador (5%), piracy (20%), and private contractors slightly overcharging where they can (5%).
Jupiter Calls
Jupiter Calls

The screeching of an eagle jolted Orbán awake. He gradually opened his eyes, feeling like he had emerged from a deep slumber. A peculiar red light radiated above him, and he instinctively raised a hand to shield his eyes. To his astonishment, he observed that his skin was now hale and unblemished. His entire body was free of pain!

Observing his attire, Orbán noticed that he was clothed in a peculiar garb, a uniform of red and white that bore a resemblance to a military outfit. A short, two-sided sword hung at his side, and a silver cloak was draped over his shoulders. The ensemble gave him the air of a noble or lord akin to those he had seen in the Realm of Ultramar or Olympia.

As the perplexing events continued to transpire, Orbán endeavored to regain his composure. At first, he wondered if he had indeed met his end, and this was a strange manifestation of the afterlife. However, a sense deep within him urged that this was something different. It was evident that he was not in the treacherous realm of the warp, and the present circumstances were far from auspicious.

Because surrounding him was a violent red storm, akin to a tempest of blood and fury, its swirling tendrils reminiscent of a sandstorm. Astonishingly, Orbán stood unscathed within the eye of this storm as though he were granted sanctuary from its destructive forces. However, the same protection that spared him kept him trapped within its tumultuous grasp. A pervasive red haze of a metallic substance, tin, enveloped the land around him.

Before Orbán could even begin to fathom this surreal landscape, the piercing screech of the eagle broke through once more. From the tumultuous sky descended a familiar yet altered symbol – a living embodiment of it – a messenger of sorts.

Intriguingly, the storm began to transform, the once-fiery red morphing into hues of gold and tin, though the vision remained obscured. An eagle perched before him, bearing a single Aquila – a stark contrast to the usual pair – with items clutched in its talons. In one claw, it held a bolt of shimmer silver lightning, and in the other, three scrolls.

The Aquila regarded Orbán with eyes of tin and gold, acknowledging his presence and purpose. With a deliberate gesture, one of the scrolls was released from its grasp, and the messenger abruptly took flight, vanishing back into the sea of red and gold.

Orbán looked around for any trace of the departed Aquila, exclaiming in confusion, "What in the hell just happened?" His voice echoed futilely in the maelstrom that surrounded him. He bent down to retrieve the remaining scroll, his curiosity overpowering his disorientation. With the storm still raging, he carefully unfurled the scroll, his eyes narrowing as he read the familiar-looking contents inscribed upon it.

"I, Captain Orbán Vilmo of Arzoka Primarcy, do solemnly swear to bear the burden of the Emperor's will. I pledge my loyalty to the Imperium of Man to stand as a bulwark against the encroaching darkness, to push it back with fire and steel upon this great undertaking, and to defend humanity from all its threats, both within and without. I swear to serve with unwavering devotion and to uphold the values of honor, courage, loyalty, and duty. I willingly lay down my life, should the Emperor require it, to safeguard the Imperium and its people. This I vow, in His name, for the glory of the Imperium."

He remembered this oath, one that Orbán swore to uphold and had done so upon joining the Imperium of Man. Why the Aquila left such a thing was one more confusing element to his situation. But upon looking up from the scroll, Orbán saw that a path had cleared in the few seconds he had looked down, leading…somewhere.

Opting to cease his inactivity and discern the purpose behind this path, Orbán took his first steps along the cobbled trail. Despite the preceding violent storm, the path was remarkably well-preserved, free from the ravages of dust and dirt. As he advanced, he observed peculiar tracks, hinting at a sense of order amidst the surrounding chaos.

Trying to make sense of this place was difficult. It was almost like reality was trying to "remember" its surroundings. Oddly enough, Orbán suspected it relied on him to provide additional context. This place had to be the warp, in some sense, but again, nothing like the nightmarish depictions the Wardens talked about. If his soul was already damned, it was quite a boring damnation in this place.

That was until he heard the sound of a jingling bell approaching from the distance. Orbán narrowed his eyes as it got closer. He reached for the small blade at his side, as it was the only weapon in his possession as the source of the sound appeared before him.

Orbán watched in awe as the peculiar creature, no larger than a large dog, approached him on all fours. Its body was covered in soft, grey wool and hair, and it bore a small bell tied around its neck, creating a gentle jingling with every movement. The creature wore a laurel wreath upon its head, giving it an almost regal appearance despite its diminutive size. It was almost comical in a way. As it drew near, the creature began to bleat, emitting a series of soft "baaing" sounds that seemed to be its form of verbal acknowledgment to him.

Amidst the chaos of the warp and the bizarre presence of the regal ewe, Orbán felt the warp's whisper in his mind, identifying the creature as a "sheep," specifically an ewe. Despite this newfound knowledge, he remained perplexed about why this ethereal animal had appeared before him and its purpose in this surreal landscape.

The ewe approached him with deliberate steps, emitting soft baaing sounds as if trying to convey a message. After a moment, it turned around and began to walk back the way it came. Orbán hesitated briefly, then decided to trust the enigmatic guidance of the creature.

With a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, he followed the ewe along the cobblestone path, still uncertain of what awaited him. The absurdity of the situation did not escape him; it felt like he had stepped into a fantastical tale guided by the whims of the warp itself. An eagle delivering an oath he had already sworn, and now some terrestrial animal acting as a guide; this whole situation was starting to sound like a bedtime story Orbán would have told Amelia when she was a child. He sardonically thought that perhaps a fish or butterfly would appear before him to offer him further wisdom.

Nevertheless, he pressed forward, eager to figure out what was happening here. All the while, the storm was raging around him, and reality tried to recreate itself before his very eyes. Was this what psykers saw in their visions of the warp? Orbán would have to ask one.

Orbán found himself in a sprawling city, and the sudden transition from the ethereal landscape to this urban setting had taken him by surprise. He couldn't pinpoint when he and the guiding sheep had arrived in this unfamiliar place. It was as though he had blinked, and the surroundings had shifted entirely.

The city was eerie in its emptiness. Desolate streets and quiet alleyways stretched out in all directions, and the ever-present red storm loomed above. Despite the lack of visible inhabitants, he could still sense the remnants of life in the air. Faint echoes of conversations, distant laughter, and the alluring aromas of freshly baked bread and simmering stews hung in the atmosphere. In the background, the soft chiming of distant bells provided an eerie backdrop to the silence.

As Orbán followed his guide, the regal ewe with its occasional baaing and the soft jingling of its bell, he couldn't help but notice the peculiar details of the city's architecture and decor. The first striking oddity was the presence of depictions of Imperial Aquilias, but each one had a singular head, distinct from the double-headed eagle he had known in the Imperium.

The further Orbán ventured into this peculiar city, the more he marveled at the stark contrast between the primitive, feudal architecture surrounding him and the advanced, technologically advanced worlds he had known throughout the Imperium. While feral and feudal worlds weren't uncommon in the vast expanse of the Imperium, they typically possessed at least basic technologies like electricity and industry.

Orbán's perplexity grew as he pondered why the warp had chosen to reveal a city so seemingly out of sync with the times. Despite its temporal incongruity, he couldn't deny the city's remarkable sense of order and organization. The architects who had constructed this place demonstrated meticulous attention to detail, which he found intriguing and puzzling.

As he continued his exploration, he couldn't help but observe certain recurring architectural themes. The city was adorned with domes, arches, and vaults, each element crafted with an unmistakable dedication to craftsmanship. Columns and pillars, hewn from marble and stone, stood resolute in their grandeur.

But while this was all nice to look at, Orbán wanted to know what the point of all this was. He got a small hint as he and the ewe approached what looked to be a large, imposing structure that seemed utterly impossible as it seemed to be the epicenter of the red storm.

Then, a familiar eagle screeched from up above before it landed once again. It gazed once more into Orbán's eyes before dropping another scroll from its claws before flying off again into the air. The ewe seemed to wait for the man to examine the discarded scroll. Orbán picked it up and was confused when he saw another oath.

"I pledge my unwavering loyalty and undying allegiance to the Imperium of Man, its Emperor, and the eternal glory of humanity. I vow to serve with honor, defend the Imperium against all threats, and uphold the ideals of order, unity, and progress. I willingly lay down my life for the Imperium, embracing my duty steadfastly. By the Emperor's divine will, I am bound, now and forever."

Orbán was trying to decipher the meaning of this, "It's just a generic oath?" He looked around expectantly, both at the sheep and then toward the great building, trying to get an answer, "I don't understand."

The sheep started baaing again, gesturing him to move by pressing its head against his right leg before Orbán got the hint. It wanted him to head toward the building, but the storm hadn't receded as he attempted to pass through it. The winds were howling around his ears, although he felt no pain to his skin from any pebbles or rocks that got caught in the windstorm. If anything, he was completely unharmed.

What confused Orbán was that he knew if the sheep wasn't guiding him, he'd have likely gotten lost in this chaos. He didn't like to think about the implications of the ewe being his spirit guardian or some other nonsense. Nothing about this situation made sense. Especially when, after what felt like hours, he reached the other side of the storm.

His journey through the chaotic storm had been nothing short of disorienting, and the inexplicable transformation of the building only deepened his confusion. It was as if reality itself had shifted, and he now stood before a structure that rivaled the grandeur of the Imperial Palace, a monument of staggering proportions, as if hewn from materials that mankind was incapable of producing.

This didn't seem like a palace. The fact that Orbán could see plenty of open entrances hinted more that this was supposed to be a meeting place for lords, or maybe lords of the warp. So why was the ewe leading him to this place? Upon setting foot on the steps of the building entrance, the group began shaking while the storm around him intensified.

"Shit!" Orbán exclaimed as he felt it was imperative to not stay outside any longer. The sheep beside him seemed to have the same idea as it started baaing and scrambling up the steps. Orbán started running. While the ground shook and the air grew fierce, he idly noticed that the building seemed completely undisturbed by the cataclysmic force around it.

Orbán finally reached one of the entrances just as the storm threatened to overtake him. Inside, he was greeted by an unsettling scene – the interior was dimly lit, and the air bore the musty scent of age and neglect. The building seemed untouched as if abandoned by any caretaker or inhabitant, which struck him as odd, considering the numerous access points to the outside world.

Following the jingling sound of the ewe's bell, Orbán pressed onward. Their footsteps echoed through empty hallways and rooms that bore the hallmarks of scribes, clerks, bureaucrats, and ministers who might have toiled here, though their absence was palpable in the desolation that hung heavily in the air.

"This place is a maze," Orbán muttered under his breath. He felt a subtle sense of vertigo, as though he were walking within a space that defied the laws of physics, a feeling akin to being inside a moving elevator or experiencing odd shifts in elevation despite the absence of such movement.

Curious and unsettling sounds pervaded the environment, faint whispers and distant chants that played tricks on his senses. And in the dimly lit recesses of the corridors, Orbán's eyes occasionally caught fleeting glimpses of shadowy figures akin to the specters of people long gone. Orbán did not like this place at all. It felt like he was treading upon something unnatural, although not necessarily profane.

Orbán followed his peculiar animal guide through the winding passageways until they reached a vast, open chamber. The dome-shaped ceiling arched overhead, and in the center of that ceiling was the chaotic red storm swirling ominously. As they arrived, the screeching of the eagle resonated once more, and the Imperial Aquila descended to the chamber's heart, its gaze fixed on Orbán with a sense of anticipation.

He watched in astonishment as the final scroll descended from the eagle's claw before the creature hovered mid-air. His eyes followed the eagle's gaze toward an ornate door made of gold, silver, and gemstones adorned with the letters SPQR and a depiction of the Singular Aquila. Then, the bolt of lightning shot from the eagle's talon, producing a resounding thunderclap as the majestic door swung open, revealing a passage beyond.

As Orbán read the ominous oath inscribed on the final scroll, a deep foreboding gripped him. "I, Eli Lanatus," Orbán muttered softly.

"I, Eli Lanatus, hereby swear my allegiance to the Emperor of Mankind and the Sigillite and their great work. I shall never falter in my duty nor forsake the knowledge granted to me. The burden of truth has been laid bare upon my soul, but I have the strength to persevere. Non-Desistas Non-Exieris: I shall never surrender. For all Mankind."

The words spoke of allegiance only to the Emperor of Mankind and the Sigillite, a duty never to be abandoned and a burden of truth laid upon the soul. But most notably, there was no mention of allegiance to the Imperium, a fact that heightened the sense of unease that had been building within him. This wasn't like the other oaths. What had Eli gotten himself into?

Orbán didn't have time to question it as he felt the sheep pushing him forward once more with her head toward the door that just open. This damn thing was incessant, he thought to himself, but tossing the scroll, the pair made their way.

As soon as he passed through the doorway, Orbán felt like he had crossed a threshold of some sort of metaphysical barrier as he followed the persistent guidance of the sheep and ascended what appeared to be stone steps. The air around him seemed to shimmer momentarily as if acknowledging his passage into an unknown realm.

He continued upward, the steps beneath his feet firm and unyielding. The sheep trotted ahead, its bell jingling softly with each step. Crossing into an unfamiliar domain heightened Orbán's senses, making him acutely aware that something was aware of his presence here.

The corridor before him was dimly lit, and the walls were adorned with intricate engravings depicting scenes of ancient battles and events in some ancient human culture. The sheep led him further into the depths of the mysterious structure, leaving behind the stormy chaos he had traversed earlier.

And then Orbán heard music from a room that was at what he assumed to be the top of this place. It was hard to tell. There were signs this must have been some lordling home, what with the rugs and expensive-looking amenities all around.

As he cautiously approached the door, a powerful, regal voice called, "I hear footsteps. Is that you, Rain King?" Booming laughter followed, "Ah, you finally arrived. Enter! Enter!" Caught by whoever was on the other side, Orbán approached while his sheep companion waited for him to open the door. Keeping one hand on his only weapon, Orbán carefully opened the door and was promptly blinded by an all-powerful light!

When his vision finally cleared, he and his ovine companion were no longer in the corridor but amid a magnificent and regal chamber, one that rivaled the grandeur of an Emperor's palace.

The room's appearance resembled a noble's dwelling, replete with opulent furnishings and regal accouterments. Yet, in stark contrast to the technology of the Imperium, the surroundings were conspicuously devoid of any visible signs of machinery or advanced technology.

But it was the presence of a colossal man resting upon a lectus that truly captured Orbán's attention. This titanic figure possessed a sun-bronzed complexion, a powerful and muscular frame, and a resplendent beard of jet-black hair. His regal bearing was crowned with a magnificent diadem from gleaming bronze and tin.

The aura of the mighty figure suggested that he had just roused from a profound slumber, and his very presence resonated with authority and majesty, surpassing even the most revered lords of the Imperium. He then yawned before waving lazily to Orbán.

"Salve," The giant of a man greeted with regal grace, his deep voice echoing through the opulent chamber. "Do forgive the lack of amenities. My servants don't seem to be in today, nor is any of my family. I can but offer only hearth and a seat." He gestured toward a wooden throne, inviting Orbán to take a place of honor.

Orbán's bewildered gaze shifted from the grand throne to the imposing figure. "Thank you?" he replied hesitantly, his senses still struggling to grasp the surreal nature of his surroundings.

The colossal man appeared unfazed by Orbán's confusion. "It's quite alright," he responded with a regal air. "I appreciate you taking on the clothing of my people, Rain King. Most barbarians are content to just walk into my realms looking pitiful. Granted, I suppose since you summoned me, you made sure to dress appropriately."

The flood of questions swirling in Orbán's mind threatened to overwhelm him. "I summoned you?" he inquired, his brow furrowing in perplexity. "We need to take a minute to step back here. Who are you? Why am I here? Where are we?"

Jove, the colossal figure, chuckled heartily. "Such questions," he mused. "The day hasn't started yet; there is a storm outside, and I haven't even fully awoken yet." Jove paused, allowing Orbán's inquiries to percolate. "Very well," he conceded with a yawn. "My family calls me Jove. Your actions summoned me. We are in Rome," he declared with nonchalant grandeur. "Have you come to kill Caesar, Rain King?"

Orbán was still trying to piece together the bewildering puzzle of this encounter. "Who?" he inquired, genuinely perplexed by the reference.

"Caesar," Jove elaborated, his massive hand reaching for an empty chalice. He chuckled as he realized the vessel was devoid of its contents. "Though I suppose you can call him the emperor as well. But yes, you are off to kill a man. Not an unusual affair in this land, but I'd like to think you had a bit more cunning in your plans."

"I have quite literally no idea what you are talking about," Orbán admitted with growing bewilderment. This situation was approaching levels of absurdity he had never experienced. "I just awoke in the middle of nowhere; there was a storm around me, an Aquila left me scrolls, and this sheep escorted me here."

Jove remained unfazed, his massive frame at ease on the lectus. "She's in your seat, by the way," he remarked, pointing to the now-occupied wooden throne where the ewe had comfortably settled. "You should be careful; she desires your mantle," Jove cryptically warned.

Orbán raised an eyebrow, finding it challenging to grasp the meaning behind Jove's words. "It's an animal," he retorted. "She'd probably be just as interested in a pile of hay as a throne."

Jove's amused chuckle reverberated through the room. "Is it?" he mused. "Right. It's an animal." He appeared to be enjoying Orbán's bafflement as he continued to laugh. "In either case, you aren't here to kill Caesar?"

"I don't know who that is, nor am I here to kill any Emperor of Rome," Orbán reiterated with increasing exasperation. "Look, did I die or something?"

Jove dispelled any concerns about death with his response. "Oh no. You are still alive." However, he didn't provide a straightforward answer. "Where did you say you were from, Rain King?"

"I never did," Orbán noted, suspicion growing. "And how do you know that title?"

Jove chose to avoid the question, further deepening the mystery. "If you aren't from Rome and aren't here to kill Caesar… hmm. You must be off to kill someone else. Are you an oathbreaker?"

"No," Orbán responded curtly, his patience dwindling. "I kill oathbreakers."

Jove's demeanor shifted from playful to contemplative. "Is that right?" he mused, "So the man you seek to kill has broken his oath too…wherever you hail from."

Orbán wasn't about to explain his plans or reasoning for committing a coup to this entity. "It's complicated. I would rather not discuss it. In any case, I don't think there is much for either of us to gain here. So wherever this place is, I'm politely but firmly requesting that I leave."

"Yes, yes," Jove said indifferently. He glanced at the ewe on the throne. "Say…kill that sheep for me in my name."

Orbán was bewildered by the sudden, strange request. "I... What are you even…?" He struggled to make sense of the situation. "Are you a daemon? Am I in the warp? Daemons are the only ones that ask for a sacrifice, and I can quote an expert on that."

Jove simply laughed heartily at Orbán's reaction. "I assure you, I'm no daemon, and this is not the warp, at least not the one you are referencing," he stated. "But I wish to render my blessing on your mission. I am someone who takes oaths seriously. So, kill the sheep in my name, and you'll have it."

"I don't really care to spill the blood of an animal right now," Orbán replied firmly. Besides, that sheep got him this far. It seemed cruel to kill it for some cockamamie excuse to appease whatever sort of entity this Jove creature was.

"Why not?" Jove sounded genuinely curious, "Man has been slaughtering animals for almost an eon now. What's one little ewe?"

"Man kills animals for food and materials. The slaughter serves a practical purpose," Orbán argued, "Not for sacrificing to creatures that wish to have their ego soothed or soothsayers to read entrails so they can predict the next time it rains."

Jove scoffed, "You are simplifying something extraordinarily complicated, but I'll let it pass because you are an ignorant barbarian."

Orbán glared at him, "Then excuse me from your presence, Jove. I have no reason to stand before you to answer questions or perform what you might call a sacred ritual."

"Bah!" Jove sounded more annoyed than frustrated, "If it bothers you so much, then the blasted sheep can live." The ewe bleated at him, "Such a waste too. The blood in that thing was clearly blessed."

Orbán didn't entertain Jove's comment further. Instead, he was relieved that he wouldn't have to harm the innocent animal. "If you're finished with your games, may I leave this place now?" He asked impatiently.

Jove yawned for the fourth or fifth time, resting his head on his right hand, "Hold on, I'm here to give you a few pieces of advice. Now that I know you aren't going to kill Caesar, I feel a little better telling you these things."

The fact that his body didn't hurt anymore didn't stop the feeling of a headache from forming, "Alright, what do you have for me?"

The titanic man stared intently at Orbán, "The first is that gods are watching."

"Chaos is watching me? Lovely," Orbán responded, nonplussed. That didn't surprise him so much. The Wardens warned him long ago that such entities like the Archdaemons tended to have their vile claws in many things across the galaxy.

"Not just Chaos," Jove clarified, "Other gods as well. Be mindful of that in whatever you do."

How very cryptic. Orbán didn't believe in the gods, even after everything he had seen in the Maelstrom. He wasn't a Truther, but he hadn't seen anything like a miracle in his long life, just many nightmares. "Anything else?"

"Second, you will not save the life of your son." Jove spoke once more, "He is lost to you. Accept that now, or you will come to regret it." Orbán didn't have a son, but he realized Jove was referring to Eli. Orbán didn't respond to this.

"Finally, you will have the chance to escape." Jove gave him a piercing look, "The opportunity will only come once, and it will be up to you to decide to take it or not. After that, the consequences will be on your head."

Orbán didn't like the sound of that, "Thanks for the advice, I guess."

"If you want more and my blessing, my previous request still stands." Jove glanced over at the resting sheep.

"Why don't you just kill it?" Orbán couldn't help but question, though he didn't want to put the life of the innocent animal at risk. He couldn't exactly stop Jove from killing, but he tried to understand the peculiar nature of this request.

Jove chuckled, "Hmm, it's not the same thing." He looked lazily at Orbán, "A god shouldn't have to work for his own offerings?"

"You're a god?" Orbán couldn't help but express his doubt. "No offense because you are an impressive-looking figure, but I've been in the presence of Primarchs, and you don't exactly compare to them."

Rather than get offended or insulted, Jove merely smiled at Orbán, which unnerved him quite a bit. "You might change your tone soon enough…"

"Anyway," Jove started, "You are free to go. She'll find her way out soon enough." He remarked, gesturing to the sheep. "Keep my words in mind, and if all goes well or not, perhaps we shall meet again someday."

"I'd rather we don't." Orbán couldn't wait to be out of this bewildering situation. "And don't call me again. I'm not interested in speaking with supposed gods. I have too much on my plate regardless."

"Yes, yes," Jove waved dismissively. "Go on, Rain King. You are free to return to your mortal machinations. Good luck with your plots, and watch out for knives in the dark."

"Right." Orbán was eager to leave this place. Something was nagging at the back of his mind, "I might as well ask, but you are supposed to be a god? Which god are you?"

"Just look out your window for that answer," Jove remarked with a knowing smile and a wave. "Valeas in Pace, Rain King."

Orbán awoke with a start. A familiar pain returned to him, almost comforting with its presence. For a moment, he didn't know where he was; the room was completely dark before he remembered that this was his office onboard the Bladed Sojourner.

Reaching out in the dark, Orbán flicked on the lamp of a nearby desk, which revealed the empty bottle of whisky he had been drinking before falling asleep. He didn't focus on that but rather on the dream he had just experienced.

He could recall every detail with absolute clarity, even the sensation of the winds within the red storm and the distinctive scents of that mysterious, deserted city. It couldn't have been a mere product of his imaginative subconsciousness; it felt far too real. Perhaps it was some form of psychic intrusion into his mind?

As Orbán moved about his quarters, he became acutely aware of the sluggishness of his physical body compared to the one he had inhabited in that vision or dream. He pushed aside these contemplations, knowing that indulging in such thoughts was dangerous. The pain he felt was a constant reminder of his purpose.

He remembered the last words Jove had imparted to him and, with some effort, raised the shielding over the window in his cabin. Jupiter loomed beyond, its colossal and tumultuous red storm. The Bladed Sojourner was en route to Terra, stopping by Jupiter to gather supplies and weaponry. However, it was impossible to dismiss this as mere coincidence. Something had reached out to him in his dreams.

Orbán was no believer in the gods, so he assumed it must have been a warp entity that had contacted him. But as he gazed down at the immense planet, he pondered the first warning issued by Jove, "Gods will be watching." It seemed that this statement held true. The more he contemplated the events that lay ahead, the more he realized that the conclusion of this coup might bring about profound changes in the Imperium.

He understood that success was imperative. Anything less would render the turmoil and insanity meaningless.

Meanwhile, in another part of the galaxy…

Karcer Urial awoke from a perplexing dream. It remained somewhat foggy, a vision of a man and a turbulent storm. In her dream, the man had a companion, a sheep with a bell, guiding him through the storm. When they reached a certain point, a mysterious entity demanded that the man kill the sheep.

The man had refused, and the entity had relented, allowing them to continue unharmed. Karcer couldn't comprehend the significance of the dream, but she felt an inexplicable sense of gratitude toward the man in her vision. It was as though he had saved her from a threat neither of them had considered.

Normally, she didn't put much stock in dreams, leaving such matters to her small cadre of soothsayers and mystics. However, Karcer decided to visit them to discuss this unusual dream. Perhaps they could provide some insights and answers.


@Daemon Hunter One more omake to add.

If people are wondering why Karcer is here, it's because she's one of those people that could make for a splendid Lord-Militant and the fact her last name, Urial, is the name for a wild sheep.
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right now what's contributing to embezzlement in your domain is a combination of rapid economic growth providing less oversight

Which is fair and a teething issue for such growth in general. Only so much that can be done unless we'd done a write in to try to keep pace but as that wasn't brought up in discord or thread, eh. Will roboute be able to help with this?

decreasing morale among the Imperial Army causing them to stay within their job description more and more,

They stay in the army more and more or what is this describing? Not very clear I have to admit.

Malcador no longer actively using resources to assist your native arbites.

Piteh, but understandable. Ah well, the training wheels had to come off sometime.

However, the largest of these would be the decreasing morale among the IA, which the rapid economic growth exacerbated.

How so? Beyond what was previously mentioned with the REMFs and other thefts essentially swiping their pay and recreational means (gas guzzlers i swear) that is.

In terms of what you're losing money to, that would be Imperial Army incompetence (20%), Imperial Army corruption/embezzlement (5%)

Are these being handled by the Eli and Dark Angel kill teams or is this *after* they were sent out and so this is the percentage of the remaining embezzlement that escaped their efforts? (which considering that at least a quarter were likely innocent with another quarter with 'good intentions'...le oof)

planetary government incompetence (10%), planetary government corruption (15%),

Will Roboute be able to help with this as well when he aids Kesar in his efforts to tidy things up?

the Alpha Legion (20%), Malcador (5%),

...I don't suppose the twins are open to negotiations on this at all?

Well this is planned for both in the military deployments and next turn's economic efforts.

and private contractors slightly overcharging where they can (5%).

Is this pre our purchasing the 2.2 trillion and negating the need for the IA to use their services or just in general the cost of doing business?
Then we have an omake covering Abdul's compliance against a chrome insectoid alien race. This was a rather fun read overall, displaying what makes Astartes terrifying and keeping the stakes reasonable but high throughout. As for your reward:

[] +10 to a roll of the GM's choice
[] +10 to Abdul's rolls for the turn
[] Slightly reduced casualties to the compliace Abdul is sent to

Thank you for the praise! Obviously, Abdul is a monster in his own right, so when I was making this I definitely felt like I had to make the Chromes an absolute powerhouse to match. Especially because I wanted it to be reasonable for Abdul and Oricarious to have a conversation later, though I'm unsure if I'll ever write out that conversation nowadays. Nevertheless, I remember wanting to show off both how much Abdul has grown since his outing in the Trials Of Purity, since he's more than doubled in age and picked up like six traits since then, and likely has dozens if not hundreds more Biomancer and Divination spells.

To me, one of his greatest combat powers has always been his regeneration. So showing it as overwhelming as I've always imagined it, both in this Omake and its sequel was also something I was really looking forward to. As well as showing how having that much Psykic power, skill, and his Astartes body could make Abdul a true monster that could single handedly bring down the enemy's flagship, and bring it into the hands of the Imperium.

Truly monstrously powerful, that one.

As for my reward, I think I'll go with:

[] +10 to Abdul's rolls for the turn

My logic being: Even if Abdul's gonna be playing like third fiddle here, and there's a Hero, having +35 from tactics (presumably he can add +15 to the Hero's tactics), or +81 to combat, and between those two Abdul alone will probably give a pretty similar casualty reduction as the dedicated boost. Not to mention the +10 applies to training the Antigains which will help with permanent casualty reduction, even if the boost is, like, .01% at this point.
A Dance of Ice and Fire, To Cross Two Runes Into One.
Hiya! Decided to make an omake on a Crossed Rune that we nearly made this turn, the Basic Rune of Fire and the Basic Rune of Ice, because it's truly a fascinating idea, a useful tool and a great example of what more can be done with the Rune system than just the obvious. This one went a little weird, but I hope ya like it! 0u0
A Dance of Ice and Fire, To Cross Two Runes Into One.

You are Kesar Dorlin, Primarch of the Eternal Wardens and Runelord of the Imperium, and you drift within psychic fantasy in your sleep.

In your dreams, you see two figures that dance. Twin stars of brilliance that are as pieces of a whole, disparate yet conjoined, free yet bound, flowing and still. Comparisons worm with separate ideas, stitching them together, sealing it with a promise you could only faintly understand. The two whisper with music that few beings have ever heard, they are moving in ways few have properly recognised.

You do not know why you knew this, but you knew it as you knew the back of your hand and the breath in your lungs. You watch from the distance, as though a spectator from an audience looking upon a stage. You feel like you were being told a secret, shared a hidden fragment of knowledge in a language you knew deeply, and yet…

Lucidity comes within a few moments as you enjoy the show, your gaze sharpening as you brought focus to this unfocused realm. No matter how tired or deeply fallen into the land of wayward thoughts and unconscious fantasy, your mentality was a fortress that was always alert. No daemon could claw its way to your soul, no influence could tear down your defences, not even your creator could break into your mind without permission.

You cannot see their faces or their forms, the barest outlines visible in this golden hall you knew was like the Imperial Palace and yet not. This was a place that was familiar to you, and the dancers were familiar to you as well, and even this situation was strongly familiar, but something simply didn't fit as you looked upon.

The two in the distance dance not as a human would play with a partner, whirling around in a party or in joyful celebration, but a calm affair that is juxtaposed by the emotion you could feel wash over you. There is a inhuman quality that does not conform to the subtleties of life, only the abstract silhouette. It is like watching the stars dance, the rivers flowing by the earth, the wind in the breeze, the snow falling around the bonfire.

You should know this. You know that you should know this. Yet there were pieces missing from your comprehension. This was familiar as much as it was unfamiliar.

You take out a sword that would never leave your side and you begin to rise. You try to move forward. Your lips moving to demand an answer. You stop as the space warps completely, the solid gold shimmering into the mist of distant summer, the image of the stage flashing with starlight as darkness emerged.

There is a dissonant chord that rings across the dream. The unheard melody that surrounds you breaks into a cacophony, a whirlwind of noise, roaring and screeching. The stars burn and the void responds in kind. As gravity tears apart the unstable floor. As stones melt and are hurled to both sides, water flooding in jagged masses, as distant explosions seemed to burst across a cosmic distance. The chill of death. The heat of war. The imbalance that had to be.

The dancers now wield swords and they were the swords, and they fought and they danced and they were in perfect unison. They were meant to be, and meant not to be. 'Together' was a concept written in blood and fury across countless pages. Their equilibrium was based around opposition.

They are fighting each other because they have always fought together. They have fought each other since the birth of time and space. In that boiling point of reality, when the newborn laws began to govern the stars and void into absolute order, they were already some of the oldest enemies that ever could be.

You stepped backwards, to the same place you had been just moments ago, and stability is restored. The discord is pulled back, like a curtain coming away, and the harsh noise of conflict transforms into a tranquillity of silent harmony. You had been in a small island of existence where you could witness a different perspective, a moment of alignment in the disorder that was so inherent in the twin presence of these beings, where the frenzy was calm and toxic refusal did not billow out.

From here you could still call out to the distant figures, or try to discern what they truly were from afar, but further awareness and experience comes to your mind.

This was a dream, a psychic vision wrought by your mind, and you knew what it had meant before.

This was a conflux of inspiration, a time of enlightened understanding, a place where you were meant to witness a higher level of what you already knew or were searching for. To grasp the connections that you innately knew were there. To reach for something that you knew was there, but had been just beyond your fingertips.

It was a riddle that you were meant to decipher yourself, something that fit with your mind, so you looked towards the figures and their dance. You saw how they moved and the patterns that formed, the colour of their hazy forms, the things that were brought up to your mind as you considered it all.

They were enemies that were inherently against one another, but able to come together as the dancers that you saw together. Like light and dark, forming shadow. Like the Materium and the Immaterium, forming souls. Like life and death, forming the undead. Like heat and cold-

Like Fire and Ice, two wholly disparate and incompatible concepts, come together as one.

Your gaze focuses and with your vision, the dream shifts by your lucid will. There is a feeling that the world was being pulled closer together, joining as one, as the stage shrinks until the dancers are almost directly in-front of you. The familiarity grows deeper as you witness their true forms, hear the soft music that they dance to, feel the heat and cold that emanate from their humanoid presence.

The first figure is a being of passion, fury, warmth and fleeting wonder. They are shaped with the

half-molten cores of the rocks that were the sun-scorched planets and asteroids, the cores of stars that came alight when the universe began, their body was a living flame that snaked across as a pillar of flame. Flowing across the ground as much as they took precise steps, the avatar of Fire was a beautiful spectre that reflected the aspects of embers and inferno and everything in-between.

Their partner, the second figure, was a being of composure, calm, cold and everlasting beauty. They were a giant of solid frost, clear water cascading from their frame as they grasped the amorphous hands of the other dancer, a cold fog rising that was winter and ending and stasis. They were the void between the stars, they were the chill that came to countless beings and worlds and the dead. They were what came after, as grim as the reapers of old myth, a looming entity that reflected the power behind all that was chilled and frozen.

Together they could not have been more different, despite both being forces of nature. Their forms were different in shape, in how they acted, in how they danced, in how they moved, in how you saw them. Their vaguely similar outline, a result of all the bipedal life in the Warp that granted personification all concepts that could be thought of and mythologised, and that was it.

The two could not be together, the two could not be in peace with their nature as enemies, and yet they were calmly swaying with the simple melody that guided them. Drawing patterns on the floor, left by trails of warmed water and cold ash, moving across a distorted stage based upon the Imperial Palace where you slept.

You could not answer if they brought you here to this dream, if you had brought them here as you slept, but you knew that there was a reason that you had come to see the pair together than in conflict. In this island of cohesion, this was an opportunity to understand the pair of concepts as they could be together.

You knew that the idea that the two dancers couldn't be together at all was not quite true, as memory bubbles up to your mind. From the moment you had come out of your glass and metal pod, delivered to Terra by the hands of the Archenemy you would eternally war against, you knew that there was one thing that brought Fire and Ice together. At least, in terms of emotional resonance and understanding.

They both burned.

As the dread chill sapped the life of a living being, quickly causing blood to recede as the frost worked its needle-claws into the body, so too did the open flame scald and scorch the flesh of any beast that came forth, spreading across in a reaction that could not easily be contained lest one had the water or chill to douse it.

The wild forces of nature were not easily beholden to life, they did not bring comfort without effort and understanding. They were destruction as much as they could be shaped for creation.

To bring opposites together was such a human way of mind and understanding. To find the connections, the comparisons, the conflict. To delve in and see where there could only be destruction and war, as well as where there could be balance and peace.

In this sight of harmony, this inspiration of two concepts you had already carved separately, you try to see the bigger picture. The threads of connection that pull at your fingers, your eyes, your mind. You reach out without moving, letting the dream play along as the music courses around your soul, the flickering patterns illuminated by starlight.

There is a feeling of a pull, of waves, of the Warp shifting. A lens over your vision. The music reaches a pitch that goes beyond your hearing.

You opened your eyes once more.

The two were now one.

They were a figure that danced in impossibility, in scintillating colours, something that could not exist in nature but came to be by a shared resonance that existed in the minds of life in the galaxy. Twin unnatural points wrought into a singular naturality, the tip of juxtaposition, something that could only exist in dreams and mythological comparison. A figure of cold flame.

They moved as fire, burning from a solid core, the water that had been left now freezing back under the humanoid comet's presence. They wore a jagged crown of a glacier, their breath was a snowstorm that moved as a roaring inferno, a cold that burned as fire, an ice that spread like a living tide. The strengths of fire and ice wrought to one burning existence, worn by a figure of blazing winter.

The patterns crack and break as they figure stamps upon the lines and circles, the ritual alignments becoming as shattered glass, and they form new patterns as the fragments connect in new ways. The ice melts and rehardens into new shapes. You watch fascinated by the display, as your mind translates everything into a shape that you could understand.

It was not just one Rune and the other combined or layered over each other, this was more than elements being shared and blended, this was akin to a whole new design entirely. In this dance, there was a revelation of what could be. The passion and cool emotion, the structure that was carefully made by wild movements, the very shape of the twin-forged avatar. It all becomes inspiration, a muse that carries to you enlightenment.

They were older than heat and cold, they were as old as the very beginning and its recent aftermath. As reality chilled and burned in the new ways of existence, as the laws settled in, as all physicality was gas and rock formed by this balance and conflict of forces that shook the fabric of the Materium. When all was cold and hot, when all was alive and dead, when things began to be determined.

In your dream, in this connection, you see Fire and Ice as one. The beginning and their impossibility. Something that could be almost described as 'love', as 'hate', as 'unity' between such disparate concepts.

The Rune of Burning Frost.
TBH if Alpharius needs the money he's doing more than enough for us to justify him taking a slice out of our budget. And we can't just carve an official piece out of it because he needs it to be off the books for clandestine reasons.

But we could probably talk to him about optimizing how he extracts wealth from local black market so more of the money and assets lands in his pockets and less of ours is stolen.
Voting is open