[x] Plan Last chance for chaos
Depatmento Munitroum 80 years
Continuous Expansion- 25 Years
-Helltrooper Harvester Regiments 12 years
-Power-Armoured PDF: Scout 7 years
- Power-Armoured PDF: Jetbike 7 years
- Power-Armoured PDF: Armour 6 years
-Power Armoured PDF: Siege 7 years
-Macro Scale Organisation- 20 Years
-Power-Armoured PDF: Shocktroopers 6 years
-Advanced Power Armour: Helguard Scout Regiments 9 years
-Implement (Sotek Serpent,Sotek Serpent, Sluggish Sloth, Dread Saurian, Psyrodactyl, Salamander, Razordon , Cold Ones) 2 years times 8 for 16 years
-Follow Up Projects: Departmento Munitorum 16 years
Helhiem Void command 145
-Balance Void Defences 24 years
-Expand Shipyards: Huge 20 Years times 4 for 80 years
-Ship Design Investigation (Battle Barge)
- Expand Shipyards: Large 4 years times 6 for 24 years
-Follow Up Projects: Helheim Void Command 14 years
Adeptus Administratum 135 years
-Expand (Swenett, Baranis ) to Small Hive 16 years
-Administrative Shake-Up times 10 for 20 years
-Educational Review times 20 for 20 years
-Ion Projectors: Defences: Key 18 years
-Carniflower Investigation 6 years
-Build Hive (Dis) 13 years
-Build Hive (Dis) 13 years
-Follow Up Projects: Adeptus Administratum 24 years
-Klovis-Ultan's Final Act- 35 years
-Sound out using Honorbound favor to improve Administratum of the trust 2 years
- Use Honorbound Favor for Guiliman to Improve adminstratum 1 year
-sound out using Major Eldar favor to permanently have eldar help us with spies and cultist 2 years
-use major favor if council agrees 1 year
- Ask Nynye to coordinate when fighting Chaos 1 year
-Ask Trolls to coordinate when fighting Chaos 1 year
-Ask Asgard for help traing Psy Titans
6 years of open diplomacy
-Assisting Klovis-Ultan: Arbites 20 years
-Counter-Intelligence 40 years
-Greater Psyker Hunting 40 years
Adeptus Mechanicus
Tranth 46 Years
-Technology Fundamentals: (food production) 4 years
-Technology Fundamentals: (Industry) 4 years
-Technology Fundamentals: ( Advance material production) 8 years
-Technology Fundamentals: (Exotic Material Production) 12 years
-Technology Fundamentals: ( Cognators) 8 years
-Technology Fundamentals: (Auspex ) 4 years
-Adapt Stealth Technology: Vehicles 3 years
-Very Advanced Reactors: Stable 1 year
-Very Advanced Reactors: Overcharged 1 year
Maximal 39 Years
-Tyranid Blades 6 Years
Complete Examination (Bloom Bees ) 6 years
Complete Examination (Razorgrass) 6 years
Complete Examination (Sargasso Kelp ) 6 years
Complete Examination (Citybane termites) 6 years
Follow Up Projects: Adeptus Mechanicus 9 years
really not sold on these may change it to do some follow up actions on thunder warriors.
Fabricator Genreal 23 years
-Adeptus Mechancius Civil War and Reconstruction
-Follow Up Projects: Adeptus Mechanicus
Free Action 41 years
Follow Up Projects: Adeptus Mechanicus 41 years
Adeptus Telepathica
Forty-Seven Ridcully Action years available (20 Greater Divinations) +10 Free Greater Divinations
-Greater Divination (Arhra Location, Deciever plans, Silent King's Plans, Abaddon's Plans , Nature of the Destroyer , Nature of the Deciever, Nature of the Void Dragon, Sanguinius, Fabius Bile, Local Necrons, Custodes ) Repeat till successful 10 Year use 8 free divinations and 8 DOUBLE DOWNS for 8 triple down
-Greater divination ( Local Necrons, Custodes) 2 DOUBLE DOWN
-Greater Divinatin ( Eldar Assistance)
-Assisting Klovis-Ultan: Divination 15 years, 4 Greater Divinations, 1 Free Greater Divination
-Disrupting the Grand Ritual 2 Greater Divinations, 1 Free Greater Divination 10 Years
Greater Divination (Support Rotbart campaign ) 2 times 2years DOUBLE DOWNS
Fifty Tamia Action years available
-Research: Conceptional Bonding: First Stage 12 years 1 DOUBLE DOWN
- Research ( Nord Queen) 1 Year 1DOUBLE DOWN
-Research ( Cleaners) 1 year 1 DOUBLE DOWN
-Anti Nurgle Powers: Grand Countering 6 years 1 DOUBLE DOWN
-Anti Nurgle Powers : Grand Banishing 6 years 1 DOuble DOWN
-Examine: (Rune of Wind, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Ice, Stability Rune , Rune of Reinforcement, inverse Stability Rune ) 3 years for 18 years
Research: Destructive Resonances (Chaos God) 6 years
Forty-Six Xavier Action years available
-Anti-Changer of Ways Powers: Countering 6 years 1 DOUBLE DOWN
-Anti-Changer of Ways Powers: Banishing 6 years 1 DOUBLE DOWN
-Anti-Abomination Powers: Countering 6 years 1 DOUBLE DOWN
-Anti-Abomination Powers: Banishing 6 years 1 DOUBLE DOWN
-Follow Up Projects: Adeptus Astra Telepathica 22 years
Fifty Aria Action years available
-Expand Psyker Quarters: All 15 years
-Boost Psyker Hunter Wards: Major 4 years
-Boost Psyker Hunter Wards: Minor 8 years
-Implement Runes ( Rune of Wind, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Ice, Stability Rune , Rune of Reinforcement, inverse Stability Rune) 2 years times 6 for 12 years
-Follow Up Projects: Adeptus Astra Telepathica 11 years
-Eldar Assistance- 20 years
-Build Hive (Tarascon) 13 years
-Build Hive (Tarascon) 13 years
-Build Hive (Tarascon) 13 years
-Build Hive (Tarascon) 13 years
-Administrative Shake-Up times 10 for 20 years DOUBLE DOWN 10
-Educational Review times 20 for 20 years DOUBLE DOWN 20
-Implement Technology (PsyKnights) 2 years
--Follow Up Projects: Departmento Munitorum 16 y
I have a different plan to present besides shard's as always if you have a suggestion please suggest it and why we should. I need 6 more diplomancy actions.