Cawl has a ton of more important things to do once he has access to Avernus that will boost the sane. His backlog flows something like this. Primaris> Primaris Rubicon> Grey Knights and Custodes or going to Quartus to do Primaris Trueborn. Even for the amazing Custodian Genetor that's a lot of time.Making a lot of assumptions there. One of the things I repeatedly see is people always jumping on the Emperor's D and acting like no one can improve upon his work like he was the absolute best at everything. This despite ignoring the fact that the Emperor did in fact also had help with making the Space Marines IIRC and in canon Cawl was able to improve upon the Astartes after over ten thousand years of research.
I get that people are hesitant about doing the TW research which is why I suggested the comprimise that we should see about getting Cawl to come to Avernus since it was agreed upon by a lot of people that him being on Avernus would be better for everyone since it would help with his research and his specialty being in super soldiers means that he would be perfect to be the one to do the TWs research.
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