Ok, I see the disconnect here, so let me explain my position here so you might understand :
1. Right now I see no particularly good uses for the Primaris Execution Force. As such, they should be kept on reserve until something that they'd be particularly useful for comes up. So yes, I want nothing written in this turn for the Primaris Execution Force.
2. We don't know every possible permutation of enemy action, so I'm not going to advocate doing something absurd like throw up a bunch of if-then-else statements for every possible situation. That's what N Steps Ahead is for anyways. Such conditionals are only useful if you have a specific situation in mind, like firing LEF Deathstrikes at the enemy when you know something is going to be distracting them.
3. The next update should cover the crash landing and the initial push into the city, and will conclude at some important juncture where we've got enough new information to make decisions on what to do. The climactic final battle between our heroes and the enemy heroes isn't going to be happening this update, and before such a battle happens we should have a chance to determine which forces we want with us there guarding Saint Lin, and N Steps Ahead means that any force not already committed elsewhere that could logically be able to be there can be made to be there. So when I speak of keeping the Primaris Execution Force in reserve for countering enemy elites in such a battle, I'm speaking of that in the context of updates that aren't this next one, and as such the current plan doesn't need to mention them. When that turn comes, they will need to be mentioned.
I have some things to say in response to this, with the first being a rule clarification.
We don't know every possible permutation of enemy action, so I'm not going to advocate doing something absurd like throw up a bunch of if-then-else statements for every possible situation. That's what N Steps Ahead is for anyways.
1. That is not what N Steps Ahead is for. N Steps Ahead selects the optimal composition of force for any given mission. What it does not do is provide missions, determine scale (if applicable), or free up committed units. Automatically countering enemy action is done, but it's not because of N Steps Ahead that it's done. N Steps Ahead just helps with the auto countering.
2. Writing in nothing for a choir is not a lack of commitment, it's a commitment to resting. If you have a choir rest, N Steps Ahead will not assign them to a mission, even if the optimal composition for the mission requires them.
3. If you want a choir to do nothing unless something "particularly useful" for them comes up, you have to write that in. Example: "[] Choir will rest/do nothing unless something particularly useful for them comes up." That allows them to be used by N Steps Ahead. Otherwise, see 2.
4. If you want to commit a psyker choir to resting and doing nothing but resting on a given turn, check their exhaustion level. If it's 1 or 0, you are using them sub-optimally. Have them Deny the Witch - or indeed
anything - for half a turn. Doing so is objectively and purely better as it will still decrease their exhaustion level by 1. If you instead want them to potentially do something that turn (such as countering a permutation of the enemy plan), see 3.
5. A nitpick.
We don't know every possible permutation of enemy action
Actually we do. We stole their plans.
So yes, I want nothing written in this turn for the Primaris Execution Force.
If you want them to absolutely nothing this turn (N Steps Ahead will absolutely not use them this turn if so), have them Deny the Witch for half a turn. If you want them to do nothing unless something particularly useful comes up, write that in. (N Steps Ahead will potentially use them this turn if so.)