The Jedi Crusader - A Star Wars Quest (Post-KOTOR AU)

I opened a new star wars quest too a few days ago, if anyone intrested. It is about the Jedi exile appearing at the time of the early empire.

If someone is intrested:

Exiled through time(star wars KOTOR2/movies quest)

Meetra Surik, known as the jedi exile, one of the greatest jedi of the old republic, finds herself in the empire times after an anomaly.Slight AU elements
Looks interesting, watched

mmm, peace through superior firepower or peace through superior lasersword. Truly, what is the jedi way?

eh, peace is the way. let us surprise our enemy.

[X] She decides to surrender.

muhahaha, he will never see it coming. it's psychological warfare! if we just surender, he will become paranoid that somehow we knew about his trap and are counter-trapping his ambush into an amush-trap of our own. yes-yes, confuse-betray the sith-thing
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The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : The Jedi Crusader - A Star Wars Quest (Post-KOTOR AU) Sci-Fi | Page 16 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 396-403]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] She attempts to flee.
-[X] She makes a run for the meeting place.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] She attempts to flee.
-[X] She makes a run for the meeting place
-[X] she attempts to use her comlink to contact bastila while running
No. of Votes: 2

[X] She decides to surrender.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 5
[X] She attempts to flee.
-[X] She makes a run for the meeting place
-[X] She attempts to use her comlink to contact Bastila while running
Th vote is still open.
Vote Tally : The Jedi Crusader - A Star Wars Quest (Post-KOTOR AU) Sci-Fi | Page 16 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 396-408]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] She attempts to flee.
-[X] She makes a run for the meeting place
-[X] she attempts to use her comlink to contact bastila while running
No. of Votes: 4

[X] She attempts to flee.
-[X] She makes a run for the meeting place.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] She decides to surrender.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 7
Nar Shaddaa: Fighting Flight
[X] She attempts to flee.
-[X] She makes a run for the meeting place.
-[X] She attempts to use her commlink to contact Bastila while running.

"I will decline," you inform the Sith before making a run for it, leaping over the two thugs between you and the closest path to the meeting place.

As you soar through the air, you take the opportunity to activate your energy shield as it is situation like this that you brought it for. Landing on the ground, you hear shouts behind you as you break into a run. You half turn, ready to fry and deflect blaster bolts with your lightsaber.

The Sith troopers open fire, but where one has their blaster rifle misfire, you deflect the blaster bolt of the other away, reflecting it into the side of one of the thugs. You don't know if he is dead or merely injured, but the street soldier topples over as more blaster bolts come your way from the war droids and thugs. Most miss, but you end up deflecting a couple, one into the ground while the other strikes the exposed head of a Duros and you know that you have killed that one.

It is the first time that you have taken the life of another sentient, but you don't get a chance to think about it as lightning comes your way as arcs of electricity come out of the hands of the Dark Jedi. You barely raise your lightsaber in time, but your yellow blade successfully absorbs the lightning before it rakes over your body.

Running down the street as the few remaining bystanders do their best to flee, you attempt to call Mum. You don't get the chance as all of your focus is needed to deal with your attackers. Something proven when one of the Sith troopers hits you dead on as you try to call Mum. The energy shield takes it, but the current charge can only take another couple of shots at most. You do your best to block more blaster bolts as you run, successfully deflecting group back at the droids though only one falls to the reflected blaster fire. Yet for all of your skill, you still get struck by a blaster pistol though your energy shield continues to hold out for now.

Then the Dark Jedi leaps at your with a howl and you barely react in time, bringing up your lightsaber to block his red blade. You back leap into an alley, hoping to lose at least some of your pursuers and it works as only the Dark Jedi and the Sith troopers come into sight.

Yet it soon proves to be enough as both of the troopers lay into you. Unable to deflect in time with your lightsaber, you take multiple hits. Your energy shield holds momentarily, but then it fails as you take blaster bolts to the body. Your combat armour holds briefly before you cry out in agnony as pain shoots though your body as a blaster bolt burns into your shoulder.

There is another burst of pain, but this point is enough to jolt you into focus as you feel something missing.

And there is something missing as you look down to see that your right hand is gone along with half of your right forearm. From the burn marks at the new end of your limb, it is quite clear that the Sith cut it off while you were dealing with the pain of being shot for the first time.

"Will you surrender now?" demands the Dark Jedi as he points the red blade of his lightsaber.

"No," you tell him through gritted teeth and you push with the Force, sending him and one of the Sith troopers flying into a wall.

The other one takes him, but you activate another charge of your energy shield as you have seen how well it worked to save you moments earlier. Without your lightsaber, you have no way to stop the Sith trooper from hitting you, but it doesn't matter because his blaster fire once again fails to get past your energy shield. You stun him with the Force before jumping at one wall so you leap off into another wall so you can jump onto the rooftops from there in the hopes that you can lose your pursuers on the roofs since you are unable to lost them in the streets.

The hope is dashed as the three remaining war droids come running around the corner and into the alley way as you are halfway through your escape plan. You hope that the droids will miss as they open fire with their blaster rifles, but you take one shot and a second. You hear your energy shield go out for a second time and you leap for the rooftops, your chance for freedom.

The third blaster bolt cuts that hope short as the world goes black alongside a burning pain in your back.

Luka receives two Experience Level Ups due to her gains in her failed escape attempt. (Pick 2 Options)
[] Increase your Vitality by 3.
[] Increase your Force by 3.
[] Upgrade the Trait Force Sense.
[] Upgrade the Trait Tough.
[] Improve Reflex by 1.
[] Upgrade the Force Power Force Push.
[] Gain the Skill Awareness.

Current Stats
Vitality: 7/30
Force: 25/30


So things have gone poorly. Trying to use a commlink while deflecting blaster bolts with a lightsaber and running away is hard and too much for Luka at this point. She got both good and poor rolls as she almost got away at the very end despite losing her hand/arm in addition to killing or injuring over half of her foes.

Unfortunately your opponents got some good rolls at the end there and as a result, you've been captured on top of being maimed. Speaking of getting maimed, you got a bad roll on the table I was using for long term injuries. You could have gotten something that was temporary, but required a significant amount of time or some extensive medical attention to recover, but you got single digits on a d100 against a lightsaber-wielding foe so you lost a limb.

Not the best way for Luka's first proper fight against a Sith to so, but think of the narrative potential! Actually, I think this is Luka's first proper fight full stop. First proper fight, first proper fight against a Sith, first time killing someone, first time getting shot, first time being maimed and first time getting knocked unconscious in a fight. A lot of firsts for Luka today.

On the bright side, you plenty of Experience from this encounter and enough for two level ups.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Well, it's star wars. Losing an arm is not a big deal in the long run
[X] Upgrade the Trait Force Sense.
Force sense is our best defense. Let's improve it
[X] Upgrade the Force Power Force Push
[X] Improve Reflex by 1.
is approval voting okay?
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Well, it's star wars. Losing an arm is not a big deal in the long run

This is correct. It quite easy to get a replacement arm and if you can afford to buy a blaster rifle or decent arm, you can afford to get a prosthetic. Due to her connections, Luka cpuld potentially get the galaxy's finest healthcare though she is likely going to settle for something solidly good than go that far.
is approval voting okay?

It is.
[X] Gain the Skill Awareness
[X] Improve Reflex by 1.

Losing an arm, now that's just a classic.

Better yet, considering the timeline, we are now the Ur-Examples for the Skywalkwer syndrome!
You do your best to block more blaster bolts as you, run successful deflecting group back at the droids though only one falls to the reflected blaster fire. Yet for all of your skill, you still get struck by a blaster pistol bolt though your energy shield continues to hold out for now.
You do your best to block more blaster bolts as you run, successfully deflecting some at a group of droids though only one falls to the reflected blaster fire. This is in the 'Running down the street' paragraph.

So what upgrades could we get once we get a prosthetic? I'm thinking a grappling hook like what Widowmaker had for mobility an alternative would be an energy shield slot.
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The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : The Jedi Crusader - A Star Wars Quest (Post-KOTOR AU) Sci-Fi | Page 17 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 414-420]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] Improve Reflex by 1.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Increase your Force by 3.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Gain the Skill Awareness
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Upgrade the Force Power Force Push
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Upgrade the Trait Force Sense.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 5
You do your best to block more blaster bolts as you run, successfully deflecting some at a group of droids though only one falls to the reflected blaster fire. This is in the 'Running down the street' paragraph.

So what upgrades could we get once we get a prosthetic? I'm thinking a grappling hook like what Widowmaker had for mobility an alternative would be an energy shield slot.

Energy shields, hidden lightsaber port, cortosis, whatever we can get. Idk that a grappling hook is really much of an enhancement for a Jedi though.
You do your best to block more blaster bolts as you run, successfully deflecting some at a group of droids though only one falls to the reflected blaster fire. This is in the 'Running down the street' paragraph.

Fixed. Thanks for catching that.

So what upgrades could we get once we get a prosthetic? I'm thinking a grappling hook like what Widowmaker had for mobility an alternative would be an energy shield slot.
Energy shields, hidden lightsaber port, cortosis, whatever we can get. Idk that a grappling hook is really much of an enhancement for a Jedi though.

You will have a chance to get some upgrades for Luka's prosthetic in the next set of extended downtime. I've haven't decided on the options, a grappling hook is unlikely to be one of them as a Jedi doesn't exactly need one for mobility and once she has some more training and experience under her belt, Luka won't be in a position to make much use of one.

That said, if you want to make suggestions for what sort of options you want to see, leave them in the thread and I'll take them into account when the time comes.