[X] Luka likes to have hot, spicy food.
Looking though the menu of Olir's Authentic Corellian Cuisine, you decide to go for a spiceloaf alongside a couple of spicy Nerf sauages, grilled spiced potatoes and a grilled spiced salad. A glass of milk to go with all of that spicy food.
Aunt Mission goes for a steak with mushrooms cooked in a variety of manners while Kira goes for a variety of high quality meats. The latter throws you for a moment before you remember that Togrutas like her are carnivorous and given her background, it makes sense that Kira isn't going to give up the chance to eat like a rich individual.
"So how goes Jedi business these days?" asks Aunt Mission while your group waits for your food to arrive.
"Both more and less action than I was expecting," you answer, "I've already had three run-ins with the Exchange, but the all three got resolved without any violence on my part. I figured that we wouldn't see much action except for when I did and then I would see plenty of it. Instead, I keep running into situation that should be full of action, but they end up not being. Not that it is bad...it is just not what I expected based off of what everyone told me about life outside the Temple."
"You got it from your old man," says Aunt Mission, "Revan couldn't stop himself from stumbling across trouble and odd situations even if his life depended on it."
"Has he told you about the Sith agent he took out on Ord Mantell with Dustil?" you ask your aunt.
"Yup," replies Aunt Mission, "Also nice to hear about Sith scum getting what they deserve. By the way, has Revan spoken to you yet about the whole pilot thing?"
"He has and I agree it is a good idea," you reply as both you and Aunt Mission look at Kira, "Dad says he'll pay you five hundred credits every Galactic Standard week out of the family accounts, making you a retainer for our family, the Shan family. You will be flying the
Red Banner for me and Mum as we go about our Jedi business and look after the ship when we need someone to remain aboard."
"That sounds like a good deal and certainly a better one than what I've currently got going for me," replies Kira, "I'll do it."
"Great," says Aunt Mission, "I would offer you a job myself, but personally, I think you would do better with Bastila and Luka. They'll give you more chances to free slaves than I could. Downsides of being a businesswoman is that you don't get to on many adventures."
"Hey Aunt Mission," you say as a thought from earlier occurs to you again, "I was wondering how you are related to Mum and Dad legally speaking. I'm pretty sure you aren't technically my sister..."
"You know, I could have been," replies Aunt Mission, "I was only fourteen when we took Malak and I might have been a kickass warhero, but I was still a kid right? So Revan, he offered to adopt me as his daughter. It nice and all, but it would have been weird and while I could see myself calling Revan dad, there was no way I was calling Bastila mum. So he fostered me instead and he was my legal guardian, but I was his ward not his daughter. Revan sponsored me into some fancy, prestigious school on Coruscant for my secondary education and then with his backing, I got into the University of Coruscant after I graduated from school."
"Did you enjoy it?" asks Kira and Aunt Mission shrugs.
"I certainly appreciated it," replies the Twi'lek woman, "It was a change to go from street urchin to rich private schoolgirl, but I made it work. Even then, I'm pretty sure that they were willing to overlook some minor problems from someone who had fought multiple Dark Jedi, lived through the destruction of her home world, earnt a Cross of Glory and might as well have been the daughter of Supreme Commander Revan.
So I made sure to pay attention in class and learn because it was darn good opportunity that Revan got for me and I wasn't going to waste it. I never quite fit in, but I made friends, learnt a ton of stuff and was almost top of the class. When it came to uni, I had some experience under my belt with that sort of stuff so I just fitted in, even if I fitted in more with the merit students and the rich kids. I got a business degree, a loan from Revan and I set up my business."
"And after a decade, you have turn it into a thriving business," you say.
"It helps that I had Revan and Canderous turning to me as their go to choice for interstellar shipping," says Aunt Mission, "And-oh look, the food is here."
The trip to Nar Shaddaa is a quite peaceful by far. A quick check in Mum before you leave so she knows to be expecting you before letting Kira takes the helm of the
Red Banner as your new pilot. The Togruta woman proves to be a capable pilot and while she is nothing special, Kira is competent at the job.
The hyperspace only takes a couple of hours between your high-end hyperdrive and the major hyperspace lane and once you are at Nar Shaddaa, things continue to go smoothly. You set down at a landing platform and contact Mum to arrange somewhere for you to meet up with her and Knight Vokru.
Having made your plans and having put on your combat suit, you exit the
Red Banner as you leave the starship in Kira's capable hands. As you walk off of the exit ramp, you spot a human man in the garb of an official approaching you.
"Welcome to Nar Shaddaa," says the man as he reaches you, "First time to the planet?"
"Second time, but the first with my own ship," you answer truthfully.
"Well, I am sure that I can provide you with some information, but before we got any further, you will need to pay a docking fee. A couple hundred credits should cover it."
"I don't need to pay the fee," you tell him, putting the power of the Force behind your words as you discreetly wave your hand.
"You don't need to pay the docking fee," agrees the official, "Ah yes, where was I?"
"Letting me go about my business," you inform him before pulling another mind trick, "You aren't interested in me or my business."
"I don't care about you or whatever you are getting up to," agrees the man and you walk past him as you head towards upper city of the rotten world.
With your lightsaber hidden behind your cloak, nobody should be able to recognise you as a Jedi. Yet as you walk through the pristine streets of the Nar Shaddaa, you can't help, but feel that someone is watching you. And not just the ordinary sort of watching as you aren't drawing any sort of attention from any passers-by that you can see.
So someone is watching you and they are trying to do it in secret. You wonder what you should do before deciding to go ahead with your current plans. You are already on your way to meet up with two other Jedi and you aren't exactly a pushover yourself.
Yet the number of people around you thin, you are certain that you are being followed and as you casually look around, you spot some figures moving off to the sides, on the other sides of the buildings around you. They've done a good job of remaining hidden, but you got your sensory visor and the Bothans know their stuff. You can just about pick them out and as they begin to close in, you pull our lightsaber.
And with that motion of yours, your not so hidden stalkers decide to rush in. There is a dozen of them in total, but they come in a variety. Half of them are street thugs with blaster pistols and cheap armour while another four are Sentinel war droids though you can't tell just which variant from looks alone.
It is the final two that are both the most dangerous and the most concerning for reasons outside of the immediate threat they pose. You've seen plenty of old Sith troopers in their shiny silver armour in pictures and videos, but this is the first time that you seen people wearing it. Combined with the way that they move and how they carry their blaster rifles, this duo clearly knows their business and aren't a couple of posers who found the armour.
As if to confirm your thoughts as you ignite the yellow blade of your lightsaber, a man in dark black robes while his pale face is cover in Sith tattoos jumps down from the rooftops. You can feel the Dark Side coming off of this man and as you spot the lightsaber in his hand, you can only hope that he is an apprentice of Darth Malice and not an equal of hers.
"Luka Shan," says the man in a husky voice as he looks you in the eye, "You will be coming with us. Are you going to do this the hard way or the easy way? I can assure that I am fine with whichever you choose."
What does Luka do?
[] She attempts to fight.
-[] She focuses on the thugs.
-[] She focuses on the war droids.
-[] She focuses on the Sith troopers
-[] She focuses on the Dark Jedi.
[] She attempts to flee.
-[] She makes a run for the meeting place.
-[] She makes a run for the
Red Banner.
[] She decides to surrender.
[] Write-in.
Current Stats
Vitality: 30/30
Force: 30/30
A pleasant chat and nice dinner out with Mission before going back to Nar Shaddaa for an ambush. Have fun trying to get out of this!
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