The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Honestly, the biggest thing I want to see Stark do is get away from integrated weapons.

One of the biggest advantages of power armor is that you have hands. Hands can hold weapons. Weapons that you can trivially change out to fill different mission requirements at the drop of a hat.

You don't end up with a basement full of billion dollar Iron Suits each custom built to serve some specific role, then get caught with your pants down because you wore the anti-personell suit not the anti-tank suit.

To that end, Stark's guards would best be served by using stun blasters.

Simple, elegant, non-lethal means that Stark's close in security doesn't have to worry about a murder charge if they shoot first and ask questions later. At worse they get sued and that's a problem Stark can make go away with money and lawyers.

They should have regular blaster fire as a secondary option on their main weapon. Sometimes it is appropriate to go lethal, so how useful it is that blasters can switch between stun and lethal.

Then, finally, they should have an anti-material rifle. One per squad. Something powerful enough to put a repulseor accelerated metal bolt into the engine block of an APC.

Though there are a few integrated weapons that make sense. Stun batons built into the suit hands make sense for needing to transition from "Hold person X back from getting to close to the primary" to "Neutralize target" at the drop of a hat. Being able to lightly lay hands on someone and render them unconscious is a bodyguard's dream weapon.

Oh, yeah this will be a thing. Now, repulsors, for the armors that have them are too useful not to have them integrated. That said, all kinds of other weapons, especailly with variable munitions are goint to be used.

Yes, when availagble, that tech is going to be a huge game-changer for both security forces and law enforcements. You need deent armor or shields not to get stunned. Regular criminals won't have that. Multiple stun shots suck but are not lethal as well. Some "cops" won't like that. Anyone actually interestig in doing their damn job would love the stun option.

Yes again, there will be heavy weapon options for SI's security forces, including vehicle mounted weaponry.

Why do I get the feeling that Tony is gonna go for a middle ground approach first before just giving over Iron Man armor. Something like making Exo suits that are a mechanical skeletal frame the person can wear that enhances strength, speed, carrying capacity but not to the level of a full suit of power armor. Would allow his security to reach enhanced levels of speed and strength in a subtler package and for them, and him to wear very heavy armor add one without losing mobility.

That's basically exoskeletons... which are first step to getting combat exoskeletons, which would be armored and blurr the distinction between proper power armor and exoskeleton supported armor, allowing a trooper to carry heavier loads.

remove the comma

holed up in

This should be before the Disney buyout. Can Stark buy SW instead just to prevent Disney destroying it?

Thanks, I'll get it fixed.

This. Saving the world doesn't matter if he lets Disney destroy SW.

That actually might be viable. If nothing else, Tony can justify its for propaganda purposes, and to try to distance Hannah from that damned Harry Potter. There will be no broom flying around, damn it!

Can I honestly say that I think the whole "Wait, the crossover element of this fic is fiction!" bit is overplayed. I much prefer a fic that has the crossover element removed from the fiction of the setting. "But what is real?" and "The multiverse of fiction!" are both overplayed and don't offer the story anything in being rewritten.

Why do you believe this would ever be an issue in this story? And similarities could be explained as design choices inspired by Star Wars, especially if Tony can buy Lucas Arts in this timeline. Besides, from where Sith Tony, and his previous incarnations stand, there's absolutely nothing fictional about the worlds they ended up.
5 percent of Celestial Forge
Oh you see that's the issue right there. You are reading dumpster fires and letting it wreck other fics for you.

"Now, repulsors, for the armors that have them are too useful not to have them integrated. "

Those are.. mostly for flights. Just can be cranked up to fuck everything levels. Really, they got blasters beat in every way but energy cost.
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Phase 4: Changing world II Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 4: Changing world II


Part 1


The Conspiracy of the century continues to unravel! Hundreds of SI employees were arrested on charges of bribery, fraud, weapons sale, and potential treason!

USA Today

Rumors persist in Washington about potential Senate hearing over Stark Industries scandal.


Kidnapping and shootout in Tampa connected with Tony Stark's abduction in Afghanistan!

New York Times

Tony Stark has a daughter!

US Weekly


Stark mansion
New York, US

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Investigations discovered nearly a thousand compromised SI personnel all over the continental US. Over two-thirds were among the security, engineering, and maintenance staff responsible for various manufacturing plans. Over a hundred believed they were building "ghost" weapons for the US government. According to them, it was either for special forces or to sell to allies that we couldn't offer advanced weapons without political repercussions. The rest of the bastards were corrupt crooks.

Ward's initiative got him quiet recognition because it was his contact with Stane that helped uncover the rot much faster than it would be otherwise possible. Stane's attempt to cover his tracks copied and flagged many suspicious files, some holding on ghost drives attached to the SI's internal networks. That saved a lot of time and headaches for everyone trying to excise the rot.

I wish I could be surprised. However, I knew from experience that you couldn't get such an operation like the one I suspected existed without many people supporting it. Even if the people involved knew only a fraction of the overall picture, there would have to be many who had to close their eyes and go along with the scheme to make it possible.

It was simply impossible for a handful of people to make as many advanced weapons vanish and find their way into the hands of terrorists without anyone else being the wiser.

Even if everyone burned in the combined investigations were a fraction of the SI's personnel in the US alone, those were still a lot of people. There were even murmurs about Senate hearings, and a few voices from the competition pushed for nationalizing SI.

That's where many sleepless nights since getting home began to pay off.

Despite everything that was happening, my name still had some influence left. Playing nice with the Special Task Force and the military did help.

That was how I ended up meeting a group of US military brass in my home. Since the US military helped me get Jarvis' servers back here from California, they've been impatiently waiting for a presentation about what I could offer them. Strictly speaking, this wasn't a bribe.

In practice, this meeting had the potential both to alter my future and change the world.

We met in a refurbished conference room, made to be as secure as possible. It had no windows and was deep within the mansion. Sound-dampening material lined the walls, and jammers and scanners for bugs had their slots and independent power sources. The only connection to the outside world when the room got sealed was a hard line to Jarvis' new server space in the basement.

Considering the importance of the meeting, a group of vetted SHIELD Agents led by Ward came to visit to inspect my security and ensure there were no unpleasant surprises.

I was at the head of a mahogany table, the same one that Howard once upon a time used to gather the SI's Board of Directors around, mentally preparing myself for the meeting.

Ward led the brass to the door, nodded at me, and stepped to the side.

First to enter was a striking woman in her mid-fifties wearing an Air-Force uniform. This was Carol Danvers. She was the first woman to reach a flag rank in the US Air Force. Thanks to my new contacts in SHIELD, I knew she was one of the rare people with first-hand experience with aliens.

The second was a familiar and not exactly welcome face. This was Lieutenant-General Thaddeus Ross, the same man who mucked up that Hulk fiasco couple of years back. His presence was an unpleasant reminder that there were beings on this Earth and in the galaxy that could squash me like a bug as I was right now. Well, this meeting was the first significant step towards changing this.

Next came another Army General – Samuel Scudder. He was a lean man with light cocoa skin. Notably, he was the man in charge of the US Special Operations Command. If one branch of the US military knew of the alien threat and was expected to be first responders in an accident, it was the special forces, obviously.

Finally, we had Admiral James Jones, Navy. He was a bald dark-skinned man who briefly reminded me of that bastard Windu. At a second glance, the resemblance was superficial, luckily for the Admiral.

These four had only one thing in common besides their high ranks. They were all aware of the potential alien threats.

"Lady and gentlemen, please take a seat." I gave them my best professional Tony Stark smile I had – awe the brass so that you can sell them more weapons.

"Stark." Ross scowled. "We're not here to watch a weapon demonstration. Cut the theatrics. The place is secure, isn't it?"

"A demonstration? No. A glimpse of a possible future? Certainly. Jarvis?"

"Sir, my hard line is the only connection to the outside world. All jammers operate at a hundred percent capacity. The available scanners can't detect anything out of the ordinary. SHIELD Agents swept the room for bugs shortly before the arrival of your guests, Sir."

"Some of us have been waiting to see what you can do when you put your mind to it, Mr. Stark," Scudder spoke calmly. "The suit we recovered in Afghanistan was fascinating if impractical, but that was to be expected considering your circumstances and goal."

"We all know you're very much aware we aren't alone in the universe. There are threats we're hilariously outclassed by out there." Danvers stared at me curiously. "I understand you are either a potential threat or uniquely qualified to do something about it. We're open to hearing what you have for us. But please, don't waste our time with bullshit."

"I must agree with our colleague, Stark." Ross shifted on his leather chair and crossed his legs. "For once, SHIELD came clean with what can be a piece of vital information. Fortunately for you, people above my head decided to give you a chance. Don't waste it."

"Ah, so that's how it is." I smiled and let everything that was Tony Stark leech away. I straightened up and crossed my hands behind my back. "You're right. Barring any friendly aliens who are military veterans, I doubt there is someone more qualified than me on Earth right now to figure out how to keep our world intact.

"Mr. Stark, I think it's high time we all get on the same page. Summarize your credentials and show us what you can offer. Our presence here today is a gesture of good faith and proof that we're ready to play ball." Danvers explained. "Within reason, of course."

"I've fought in three galaxy-wide wars and a series of smaller conflicts. I was first a regular soldier, then an officer in the army and navy. To qualify for warship command rank, the nation I remember being of required a degree of engineering education. I specialized in fusion reactors, energy weaponry, and shield technology. Over the years, I've picked up useful knowledge on various advanced technologies, their use, and maintenance. However, I can't recreate the whole tech base from scratch by myself." I pointed out. "I can offer useful theories and pointers to research teams to work in fields I didn't specialize in. Are those credentials enough for you?"

Wary disbelief, a hint of respect, and raw hunger washed over me as soon as I focused entirely on my guests.

In particular, Ross' eyes shone with greed.

"What about super-soldiers? Ways to enhance people?" He demanded.

"I am aware of two practical ways that can be eventually combined and know that work—genetic and cybernetic enhancements. The primary issue with the former is that, to the best of my knowledge, here on Earth, we have very few methods that can safely alter the genome of adults in any feasible way. I can be of no help in that regard. However, with the right tools and know-how, genetic manipulation can make soldiers faster and stronger, significantly increasing their endurance and the rate they heal as well. The primary drawback is the need for much more calories to fuel a potentially huge increase in peak and average performance. Other issues could be problems with the heart and an increased risk of internal hemorrhages. The reason is simple - the blood vessel system won't necessarily be able to handle the strain of the increased performance. This includes the risk of brain hemorrhages. State-of-the-art equipment, enhancement methods, and the best people in the galaxy doing the procedures can greatly mitigate some of the risks." I explained and looked pointedly at the soldiers.

"We lack some if not all of those," Danvers noted. "The other option?"

"Cybernetics. Good enough cybernetic tech can greatly mitigate most practical risks for the enhanced person. The primary downsides are reintegration in civil society and how those people handle being more machine than flesh. The latter can lead to psychological issues. Developing civilian prosthetics alongside high-performance and endurance military ones can mitigate the first issue. Needless to say, you need to be certain of the loyalty and mental stability of any candidate you want to turn into a combat cyborg. They will also need extensive training to ensure they can safely use their enhanced capabilities. While this path is both viable and certain to work, we're years of research and development from making it viable. Until then, and even then, there are more practical ways to increase combat power, which would continue to be power multipliers for enhanced troops."

"Power armor. Better weapons." General Scudder suggested.


I noted Ross was leaning forward and smiling in a way I would have found most disturbing before Afghanistan.

"I certainly like what I have heard so far, even if some of the implications are disturbing. Make your case, Mr. Stark. We'll hold any more questions until you've finished." Admiral Jones offered.

"Jarvis, spin up the holos, and put up Sunshine."

Holographic projectors came to life before me, building a 3-D image of a commercial fusion reactor.

"This is the foundation upon which we can reshape the world and prepare to defend Earth if we get enough time."
Oh you see that's the issue right there. You are reading dumpster fires and letting it wreck other fics for you.

"Now, repulsors, for the armors that have them are too useful not to have them integrated. "

Those are.. mostly for flights. Just can be cranked up to fuck everything levels. Really, they got blasters beat in every way but energy cost.

We aren't getting start of he art SW tech from Earth's tech base without years, decades even of research and development. It would be centuries, but Sith Tony can help jump over various hurdles, reverse engineered and traded for alien tech would help speed up things in a way that would be otherwise impossible. Hell, Hydra did get energy weapons and basic exoskeletons working in WWII based on the Teserakt.

While blasters will be useful and great for logistics, their first generations will be large bulky, and likely have various other tradeoffs until industry and material science catches up. We're of course talking about mass produced models that people can eventually outfit whole militaries with. A few rifles that can rival modern SW ones, but are so expensive you can buy a few tanks for each, don't help much as anything but technology demonstrators.
Interesting to see that Danvers is still military and earth locked. Makes sense that the one ace up your sleeve you wouldn't want out and about where you can't contact them.

Also wonder if the US is gonna make a space force in this universe or just hand it over to the navy and probably ironically give over their wet water assets to the coast guard some time down the line
Interesting to see that Danvers is still military and earth locked. Makes sense that the one ace up your sleeve you wouldn't want out and about where you can't contact them.

Also wonder if the US is gonna make a space force in this universe or just hand it over to the navy and probably ironically give over their wet water assets to the coast guard some time down the line

Danvers isn't Captain Marvel, just to make this clear. She was powerful enough to derail the plots of the mainline Avenger movies, and that was why she wasn't on Earth when most needed. My options were to either nerf her significantly, make her a non-entity like in the main movies, so she might not ever exist, or have her as an useful character without powers - like a high ranked, competent and reasonable officer in the US military, who has first-hand experience with aliens.

It's possible that any space force in the future is an international effort under either SHIELD's aeigis, or a sub-secition of SHIELD focusing on alien threats, while the rest of the organization deals with issues from Earth - terrorists, enhanced theats, anyone selling alien weaponry, etc... In practice, that way SHIELD will remain mostly a clandestine organization, while its military wing will focus on global defense against alien threats.
"Jarvis, spin up the holos, and put up Sunshine."

Holographic projectors came to life before me, building a 3-D image of a commercial fusion reactor.

"This is the foundation upon which we can reshape the world and prepare to defend Earth if we get enough time."
For the military people? This is fantastic. Because it changes "we don't have a chance" into "play for time, do it well enough, and this plan ends up with us actually having a chance". Is it a good plan? No. But it's A plan, and it is a plan that could be made to work.

For the civilian side, that plan will result in an absolutely insane economy boost. It hinges on uplifting Earth. Why not do it?
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Oh, yeah this will be a thing. Now, repulsors, for the armors that have them are too useful not to have them integrated. That said, all kinds of other weapons, especailly with variable munitions are goint to be used.

Yes, when availagble, that tech is going to be a huge game-changer for both security forces and law enforcements. You need deent armor or shields not to get stunned. Regular criminals won't have that. Multiple stun shots suck but are not lethal as well. Some "cops" won't like that. Anyone actually interestig in doing their damn job would love the stun option.

Yes again, there will be heavy weapon options for SI's security forces, including vehicle mounted weaponry.

That's basically exoskeletons... which are first step to getting combat exoskeletons, which would be armored and blurr the distinction between proper power armor and exoskeleton supported armor, allowing a trooper to carry heavier loads.

Thanks, I'll get it fixed.

That actually might be viable. If nothing else, Tony can justify its for propaganda purposes, and to try to distance Hannah from that damned Harry Potter. There will be no broom flying around, damn it!

Why do you believe this would ever be an issue in this story? And similarities could be explained as design choices inspired by Star Wars, especially if Tony can buy Lucas Arts in this timeline. Besides, from where Sith Tony, and his previous incarnations stand, there's absolutely nothing fictional about the worlds they ended up.
There was the comment about getting sued by disney for using starwars names, then that spiraled out. In conversation I expressed I don't think this story needs that. The story can do what it likes. YMMV.
me of that bastard Windu
If that is how he reacted to a random bald black dude I don't think anyone who wants him friendly wants to see what would happen if he ever met Fury.

Also, Earth is so lucky they are skipping almost 8k years of incremental development as the Republic adopted Blaster and Turbolaser tech during the Waymancy Storm which occurred in 7811 BBY.
If that is how he reacted to a random bald black dude I don't think anyone who wants him friendly wants to see what would happen if he ever met Fury.

Also, Earth is so lucky they are skipping almost 8k years of incremental development as the Republic adopted Blaster and Turbolaser tech during the Waymancy Storm which occurred in 7811 BBY.
Random non-canon character who is noted to "look like Windu..."

That was Fury in disguise.

Like thos is the ONE of these meetings SHIELD didn't sneak into.
If that is how he reacted to a random bald black dude I don't think anyone who wants him friendly wants to see what would happen if he ever met Fury.

Also, Earth is so lucky they are skipping almost 8k years of incremental development as the Republic adopted Blaster and Turbolaser tech during the Waymancy Storm which occurred in 7811 BBY.

Yeah, after Wundu crippled his wife, Veil has an instinctive reaction as far as bald black dudes are concerned, at least until he knows for sure they aren't Windu. The resemblance between Windu and Fury will obviously be uncanny...

Not just blaster development. In decades Earth is in position to skip thousands of years of technology and in some cases, theoretic physics development, thanks to Sith Tony and eventually alien contacts, both hostile and not.

For the military people? This is fantastic. Because it changes "we don't have a chance" into "play for time, do it well enough, and this plan ends up with us actually having a chance". Is it a good plan? No. But it's A plan, and it is a plan that could be made to work.

For the civilian side, that plan will result in an absolutely insane economy boost. It hinges on uplifting Earth. Why not do it?

Plan A was hope SHIELD could develop enough potent weapons in time using the Teserakt. Now, Earth has a plan B, that can offer a much broader uplift, and give them access to tried and testet tech, as long as scientists, engineers and industry can replicate it.

The civilian uplift, which indee means an incredible economic boost is going to be a huge game-changer.
Not just blaster development. In decades Earth is in position to skip thousands of years of technology and in some cases, theoretic physics development, thanks to Sith Tony and eventually alien contacts, both hostile and not.
Probably tens of thousands with regards to the Fusion tech, assuming the Republic used it for the entire time they were among the stars.
Why are they rude and interrupting? Is Danvers being a bitch again? Tony is being nice and about to offfer wonders, yet contradictory they don't let him speak yet still say get on with it.
Why are they rude and interrupting? Is Danvers being a bitch again? Tony is being nice and about to offfer wonders, yet contradictory they don't let him speak yet still say get on with it.
Power games. Tony made them come to him. They postured to take back authority.

One note about the chapter - America only technically has a treason charge, and it wouldn't apply in this case at all. A newspaper isn't going to run with that because they know it wouldn't even be considered. The big charge that would be thrown around is espionage.
Power games. Tony made them come to him. They postured to take back authority.

One note about the chapter - America only technically has a treason charge, and it wouldn't apply in this case at all. A newspaper isn't going to run with that because they know it wouldn't even be considered. The big charge that would be thrown around is espionage.

It was both power games, and testing how this Tony would reacat when dealing with overbering military officers of general rank or higher.

Some of the weapon sales would have happened close enough to the short actual war against Iraq, and to the wrong people, even if the Irqis didn't use Stark weapons on the US. That in theory can cross the threshold for treaason charges. Realistically, yeah it would be espionage and illegal weapons sale to hostile actors as the biggest tickets charge wise.
Phase 4: Changing world II Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 4: Changing world II


Part 2


Stark mansion
New York, US

Now I had their full attention. I could see speculaton in their eyes. Well, pure greed in Ross' case. He would have fit right into the old Sith Empire court.

"The next best thing to clean unlimited energy. Enough energy to eventually power anti-orbital weapons, city, theater, and planetary shields when we have the relevant tech. When miniaturized, fusion power cores can power up vehicles of all stripes for atmospheric and in-system travel. This includes weapon systems, engines, and shields. Tanks, APCs, and IFVs with direct energy weapons and shields. Small craft. Eventually, naval vessels, and I'm not just talking about a wet navy. That requires a single key component that makes everything else possible – enough power."

I paused and took a sip of juice. By now, my guests were busy taking notes. Good.

"The commercial uses of fusion power would change the world by itself. It will help boost the economy and allow us to pay for what comes next because a proper planetary defense is anything but cheap." I pointed out.

Danvers' eyes lit up with speculation while the others nodded.

"Next, for your military needs. It will be best to start with foundational technologies and low-hanging fruits that can be useful with current or easily developed technology. For example, a basis to work up for towards power armor. Jarvis?"

The holographic image of a fusion reactor dissolved in rays of light. In its place formed an ancient, by my standards, commercial exoskeleton.

"This is something many people are working on. I can have a working design for a prototype soon to build on. A basic exoskeleton will aid logistics. It will allow soldiers to carry larger loads for longer even in the lowest unpowered configuration." I got slow nods at that, but it was obvious they all wanted more.

I was more than ready to offer such incentives.

"Powered exoskeletons!" I announced with a flourish. "When we miniaturize fusion power cores enough to make mass deployment of combat exoskeletons practical, they will change the face of ground warfare. Even without armor addons, powered exoskeletons will allow common soldiers to use weapons that are otherwise vehicle-mounted or stationary easily. It will be relatively easy to add soft armor to make them nearly immune to shrapnel and highly resistant to pistol rounds. Later models with heavier armor, combined with advances in materials science, can allow for armor highly resistant to rifle bullets, even armor-piercing ammo. At that point, we'll be blurring the point between combat exoskeletons and proper power armor."

"I can see the logistics use. What is the difference between such units and proper power armor?" Ross demanded.

"Proper power armored suits can be environmentally sealed. Depending on the design, they offer great NBC protection and can be easily used in a hard vacuum. They can potentially mount jump or rocket packs, depending on the available tech, to greatly increase mobility. As a matter of course, power armor will be highly resistant to artillery, except for direct hits. A special gell layer within the armor would act as a shock absorber and a buffer against blunt impacts and, more importantly, the overpressure waves of explosions. In practice, with the right tech, a soldier might be able to shrug off most grenade types exploding in their face. Advanced sensor and ECM packs would offer increased situational awareness, communication, and defense against guided weapons when the tech is there. Power Armor can be extremely deadly to any ground forces in rough terrain and city fighting. They are great at boarding ships and stations as well. Not to mention that depending on the weapon tech available, troops without power armor or equivalent protection would die without achieving anything of value."

By now, I could practically read Ross' thoughts. The man wanted it all yesterday. Preferably delivered in bulk.

"This is great long-term, Mr. Stark. What else can you offer us short term?"

"I'm working on replicating various alloys and building materials I'm now familiar with. These alloys should allow for lighter, tougher armor and make for reinforced structures that can sustain more punishment. Some of what I know is possible, and I believe I can feasibly replicate will be long-term projects due to various factors. We will need to overhaul and improve industries gradually and fill in holes in the tech base. For example, I can only offer pointers for developing what I would now consider modern sensors. Some 'low hanging' fruits would require we get to the point we have an industry in orbit because practical development would require microgravity conditions. When we're deploying practical fusion, I will be focusing on developing useful engines to make access to orbit as easy as practical. In the long run, we'll need a full-scale orbital industry and mining of the solar system going."

"This covers practical defense in the short term. Can we assume we'll need a much better power source for shield technology?" Admiral Jones asked.

"I must say, this is a more ambitious vision than anyone expected," Danvers noted.

"This is my world too, you know. I keep all must stuff here. And I would prefer my daughter to grow up in a world that some two-bit space pirate hasn't been able to conquer." I reminded the General and took another sip of juice.

Besides, what did they expect? I was giving them precisely what they asked for!

"That's correct, Admiral." I continued. "Shields require sustained relatively high output and the option for a quick ramping up of power fed into the shield matrix to sustain it under duress. Further, primitive shields can have issues with radiation bleed, making them impractical for personal use without power armor or equivalent protection. Larger scale devices can get away with design choices that irradiate areas around the shield emitters but not the bulk of the defended surface. The more firepower you need to stop without adverse effects, the more advanced shield equipment you need. In that regard, considering the advanced weapons we should be able to build, infantry scale shields are likely to be only viable for power armor units."

"There are always drawbacks." General Scudder commented. "You did mention weapons?"

"Unless you have ways to consistently and safely break physics over your knee. We won't be close to that level in the foreseeable future." I noted. "Jarvis?"

The holograms of exoskeletons dissolved in their place formed drawings and notations about various blaster and laser weapons.

"Infantry scale particle beam weapons, and hybrid larger scale systems. Laser cannons. Fusion reactors for the laser cannons. They can practically scale to deal with shielded small craft and act as light artillery and direct-fire weapons for small craft. For capital ship weapons, hybrid systems using lasers to energize gas for a combination of a plasma bolt and particle beams are much more efficient. If possible, to safely create, store and utilize, antimatter beam weapons are, of course, much more destructive. However, the required support systems would make that impractical for us. Perhaps we might think about antimatter warheads in a few decades if we have the relevant technologies. The need for containment usually makes fusion warheads the better and cheaper choice. The safer one too."

"Would advanced fighters and bombers need direct-fire weapons for anything but last-ditch self-defense?" Danvers asked.

"That's a good question, General. ECM, shields, and potent point defense can make stand-off duels pointless. A fighter or bomber might be able to take out only a handful of shielded targets with missiles. After that, practical air support would be up to direct fire unless you have a huge advantage in available aerospace craft in the theater of operations. Adding point defense to small craft can further mitigate the effective kill ratio of missiles. This, of course, depends on the technology available to both sides."

"Damn, you appear to know what you're talking about, lad." Admiral Jones chuckled. "I certainly like what I've heard so far."

"I have a hundred years of additional memories and experiences to thank for that. When I have the time, I'll write down what I remember from power armor tactics training manuals and write again the orbital insertion one."

"Orbital insertion?" Scuddler asked. "Like in Starship Troopers?"

"Power Armor of the right type and the right equipment can allow for effective orbital drops of infantry and vehicles before planetary shields can fully initialize. That takes longer than spinning up city and theater shields. Thus deployed ground forces can go after power stations, shield generators, and ground-to-orbit weapon installations. Their strategic purpose is to create a safe beachhead for invading forces and their supporting fleet. Tactically, orbital drops could quickly bring down reinforcements to contested regions. I was one of the officers who tested the idea, then created a proper doctrine for the use of orbital insertions."

"That's not something we'll find useful anytime soon, but it would be good to have a doctrine for when we might need it," Ross grumbled.

Was that a hint of respect that I got from him?

"You've jumped from orbit?" General Scuddler asked.

"I remember making multiple combat drops leading regimental and army-sized battle groups. I can assure you, as Tony Stark, I was too busy drinking and sleeping around to even think about anything like that. But that's not who I am now. Our memories merged and ensured I grew up, so to speak."

By the end of the meeting, we had a preliminary agreement. I would get the commercial fusion power plant design ready for testing. Then I would have to focus on better materials and first-generation exoskeletons. Finally, I would need to give the military prototype energy weapons to demonstrate I knew what I was talking about. That would be a test. If successful, I would enjoy broad support from the US military and government.
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hey nice i called the exo skeleton idea, it only makes sense after all. When your trying to equip even just country, et alone planetary level army groups going full power armor isnt feasible unless you have the required industry which earth certainly does not. Only reason that Tony could get away with so many armors is plot BS and probably scaling back the amount of defense and utility each suit had and focusing on only realy one thing thus turning it into the cluster fuck of suits as seen in Iron man 3.
hey nice i called the exo skeleton idea, it only makes sense after all. When your trying to equip even just country, et alone planetary level army groups going full power armor isnt feasible unless you have the required industry which earth certainly does not. Only reason that Tony could get away with so many armors is plot BS and probably scaling back the amount of defense and utility each suit had and focusing on only realy one thing thus turning it into the cluster fuck of suits as seen in Iron man 3.

Next update will likely have a different meeting - Fury, SHIELD's Oversight Council, some officials and military officers from the US and NATO discussing the evaluation meeting with Stark and various practical isuses - like how feasible or hard would be to get power armor and other high end equipment in mass prodcution. The likely conclusion is going to be a gradual introduction of new tech and equipment as it becomes availabile. Special Forces and SHIELD will get first dib, then more and more units as industrial capacity increases and procuction becomes available.
Let me preface this by saying that I am greatly enjoying the story, but I have a few questions with regards to the direction:

Star Wars tech is all well and good, certainly on a societal level, but are we going to see any Iron Man stuff? And will SI(th)-Tony be doing anything with the Extremis formula that his drunken, pre-insertion self stabilized while drunk? With his access to Force abilities being limited to spoonfuls at a time, self-enhancement with a focus on healing seems like it would be pretty high.

How much metaknowledge does he have? Is he aware that the super soldier serum can be re-created and further refined to provide all the physical benefits without altering appearance, as seen in Falcon and the Winter Soldier?

I'm going to keep reading, either way, but I hope that the MCU isn't completely ignored in favor of the SW stuff.
Am I right in saying, lasers work way better in orbit than in atmo? He didn't mention railguns which should be low hanging.
Bob Doom, he didn't even remember Stane was the traitor, he won't remember Extremis but when it happens I imagine he'll take advantage of it and have someone perfect it.
Is he keeping arc reactors to himself or are they actually fusion reactors?

Looking forward to reactions chapter.
Let me preface this by saying that I am greatly enjoying the story, but I have a few questions with regards to the direction:

Star Wars tech is all well and good, certainly on a societal level, but are we going to see any Iron Man stuff? And will SI(th)-Tony be doing anything with the Extremis formula that his drunken, pre-insertion self stabilized while drunk? With his access to Force abilities being limited to spoonfuls at a time, self-enhancement with a focus on healing seems like it would be pretty high.

How much metaknowledge does he have? Is he aware that the super soldier serum can be re-created and further refined to provide all the physical benefits without altering appearance, as seen in Falcon and the Winter Soldier?

I'm going to keep reading, either way, but I hope that the MCU isn't completely ignored in favor of the SW stuff.

MCU won't be ignored, however genius or no, Tony isn't inventing tech with 21st century Earth techbase and understanding of physics that can rival even just the masss produced stuff from interstellar civilizations that are thousands of years old. That goes for other Earth geniuses.

The Hulk for example was an accident based on science and theories that won't be fully understood for decades if not centuries.

We will see IM suits with similar capabilities of those in the early movies after years of research and development to get the tech there. In theory, Sith Tony can create an early IM suit in the shape of for of his MK 2 one. However, with the tech available, trying half the maneuvers we saw him do in the first movie, would break a regular human, and the damn thing would be nowhere near durable. Even if the suit itself somehow survives the punishment we saw it tank in that movie, many of those hits should have killed the man inside.

In this timeline, there was no stabilizing Extremis formula while drunk of hiss ass. Sory, there will be as little as possible of such comic-like science just because the plot demands it. While genius, Tony isn't the only one. People almost as smart, or as smart in their fields worked on Extremis and the super-soldier serum and couldn't crack either easily or at all. Tony won't be able to do better, just because plot said he should.

The issue with self-enhancements and cybernetics is that Sith Tony has no idea how the former would play with the Force. The latter for sure would further weaken his connection with it.

It's been over a hundred years since he watched any of the movies and most things from them have faded away. He certainly didn't get to watch them all anyway.

Am I right in saying, lasers work way better in orbit than in atmo? He didn't mention railguns which should be low hanging.
Bob Doom, he didn't even remember Stane was the traitor, he won't remember Extremis but when it happens I imagine he'll take advantage of it and have someone perfect it.
Is he keeping arc reactors to himself or are they actually fusion reactors?

Looking forward to reactions chapter.

That's true. While there are ways to better focus them in atmoshpere, various conditions like fog, dust, rain, etc... can greatly reduce their effective range and striking power. Practical mass produced railguns aren't exactly a low-hanging fruit. Much of the tech needed to make effective laser cannons and blasters has overlaps with railguns. This includes compact potent power-sources, material science, etc... with blasters having the benefit of needing a single type of ammo - pressurized gas, for anything from hand-held weapons, to vehicle mounrted ones, to hybrid-capital scale weapons.

Lasers have the benefit of not needing ammo, but they have more issues than the particle, or particle-plasma hybrid that are blasters, and hybrid weapons. Yes, Tony will have handpicked teams eventually working on both Extremis and the super-soldier serum. If not for him, then for his security detail and Hannah when she grows up, alongside trusted allies.

He's keeping arc reactors as an ace in the hole so to speak.
So its not Tony at all is what your saying. Hmm, hope you notice how much that takes away from the fic.
So its not Tony at all is what your saying. Hmm, hope you notice how much that takes away from the fic.
"Their memories mixed up. While he is more Veil than Tony, there are reactions that show Tony wasn't simply erased or his body became a puppet. Otherwise, he wouldn't care at all about Pepper, Rhodes, Happy, or had any reactions at watching the death of Tony's parents. Or particularly caring that Tony might have had a daughter, which considering how much he slept around should come as a no real surprise. That said, due to all his memoris of war and how in his view, democracy at large scale failed catastrophically, Tony's memories won't much effect his decision making morality wise."

It doesn't take from the fic, Veil is a character we all know from a dozen of other Illuviar fics.
He's keeping arc reactors as an ace in the hole so to speak.
For himself and his PMC or just himself? I can see the advantage, but imagine if Earth was lost to an invasion because Tony wanted better generator for himself.
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