The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

So when he meets Fury in person, will he flip out because of the resemblance to Mace Windu?
So its not Tony at all is what your saying. Hmm, hope you notice how much that takes away from the fic.

If you say so becuase he doesn't invent the same thing with the same potency like Tony in the MCU did, that doesn't pan out. Even if I inserted the MC into Hammer, or an OC, Tony would still be under the same limitations in this stroy. It's only because of Tony's genius, combined with Veil's memories and knowledge, they'll be able to get as far as they will in this timeline. I dislike comic-like science, or geniuses inventign what they needed just to be cool and because the plot requires it, even if it makes no sense that with the available tech base and theoretical knowledge Tony could invent armor and weapons that are on par or better, than interstellar civilizations use.

I'm not a fan of the superscience thrope.

"Their memories mixed up. While he is more Veil than Tony, there are reactions that show Tony wasn't simply erased or his body became a puppet. Otherwise, he wouldn't care at all about Pepper, Rhodes, Happy, or had any reactions at watching the death of Tony's parents. Or particularly caring that Tony might have had a daughter, which considering how much he slept around should come as a no real surprise. That said, due to all his memoris of war and how in his view, democracy at large scale failed catastrophically, Tony's memories won't much effect his decision making morality wise."

It doesn't take from the fic, Veil is a character we all know from a dozen of other Illuviar fics.

For himself and his PMC or just himself? I can see the advantage, but imagine if Earth was lost to an invasion because Tony wanted better generator for himself.

An edge for himself and his PMC. Sith Tony would certainly want the odd ace in the hole to better ensure he would be less and less vulnerable in the future.

So when he meets Fury in person, will he flip out because of the resemblance to Mace Windu?

The uncanny resemblance won't endear Fury to him. Then Fury will likely open his mouth and make things worse...
Phase 4: Changing world II Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 4: Changing world II


Part 4


Tony Stark was cleared of suspicion in illegal weapons sales and espionage! Obadiah Stane was confirmed as the mastermind of the conspiracy to murder Tony Stark and was the man behind subverting parts of Stark Industries over the past two decades!

Washington Post

Pentagon sources confirm the US military is negotiating with Stark Industries to develop new weapons and armor systems!

USA Today

Rumors that Tony Stark is working on practical fusion technology affect oil prices worldwide!

Financial Times

Tony Stark files patents related to fusion technology and the creation of new alloys! A day later, he published a paper on practical fusion technology, which is undergoing peer review. The preliminary analysis points to a possible way to finally achieve a viable commercial fusion reaction!

Science Magazine

US Army signed a contract with Stark Industries to develop new types of hard body armor.

US Army Magazine

General Dynamics and Toshiba are negotiating with Stark Industries to form a consortium to explore fusion energy!

Forbes Magazine

Oil and natural gas prices are in sharp decline!

Financial Times

European Commission brought a proposition in front of the European Parliament for the EU to explore and invest in green fusion technology.


EDF Energy, the consortium running the remaining UK and French nuclear reactors, opens negotiations with SI to explore the development of fusion power in the EU!

BBC News

Russian officials warn against over-reliance on unproven experimental technologies!


OPEC foreign ministers to meet in Dubai next week.

BBC News


Stark mansion
New York, US

Hannah jumped in excitement on a dragon-shaped bed secluded in the corner of my lab. She was busy watching the first Harry Potter movie and loving the hell out of the damned thing.

By the end of the movie, she would be nagging me again to make her a flying broom. Did I mention how much I loathed Harry Potter these days? I was sure I could easily make a passable impression of Snape whenever someone mentioned Potter.

Fucking Wizards. I shook my head, and my gaze drifted over Hannah's new minder. That was one Joanna O'Reilly – a US army veteran with Ranger credentials until she fucked ankle and had to accept a medical discharge. She had recovered, but not fast enough to make the military happy. So now she worked for me.

My security detail wisely stayed out of the lab. Was it like they thought me a crazy scientist or something?

"Process five seems to work, sir." Jarvis brought me back to my current work.

I already had permex patented and created in laboratory conditions. It was an important building material that, back in the day, was famous for its ease of production. The ease of production assumed worlds were more advanced than Earth. It was still a low-hanging fruit to focus on after "inventing" synthcrete. That was a cheap crap that was still easy to produce and durable enough to build primitive spaceports with.

We could produce it with lightly modified existing processes. However, it was as expensive as it was superior to what we had available on Earth as equivalents. For example, you would need bunker busters to fuck up a military airfield built with synthcrete. Then, if the airfield support personnel had the equipment and material at hand could repair the field within a few hours.

Permex was much better in all regards. It was made of mineral-infused plastic. The issue was recreating high-quality, durable plastic to serve as the base for the building material because even the best and toughest plastics made on Earth weren't solid enough.

Recreating the process to build proper cast-plast might have taken me years, even without sourcing much of the work to SI's R&D Department. Fortunately, this was one of the occasions when running a few worlds back when I served the Sith Empire came in useful. Unfucking the economy after murdering the previous ruling and corporate elite for sheer incompetence was a pain in the ass. Certain bastards made a last stand in a complex that built cast-plast as a foundation for permex. The production lines didn't survive taking the place by force, and when I took over, I had to improvise. I spent weeks reviewing options to rebuild the modern production lines, which was prohibitively expensive if I wanted it done in a reasonable amount of time. My advisers eventually suggested we explore older and less efficient methods of making cast-plast.

Cast-plast was also one of the primary components in plastoid. Getting even basic versions of that produced might take years, however, once we had it, it would be of great use. Cheap thin plates made the standard Clone Phase I and II armors. Much thicker composite armor based on the same material featured heavily in the next generation proper combat armor Republic R&D developed in the middle of the Clone Wars. If we ever got anything in that vein mass-produced, it would be a game changer.

Fortunately, with some meditation and the right techniques, I could clearly recall the needed memories, as long as I acquired them after awakening in the Corcusca galaxy. My previous memories might have faded, but those earned while having access to the Force were mine to keep.

It took me a few days of meditation to recall what I needed. After that, it was a matter of figuring out how to make it happen with the tech I had available. The first four attempts produced all kinds of crap.

The fifth time was the charm.

I returned to a sealed portion of the lab and looked into the containment chamber. Spectral analysis and microscope images both agreed. I had the necessary building materials.

"Jarvis, call Dr. Shaw and send her the results. She knows what to do."

It would be up to one of SI's research teams to refine the chemistry process needed to create the right building blocks for heavy polymers. Then we would have to see if existing machinery could get us a passable imitation of cast-plast or if we would have to design something new.

Another use for cast-plast was alloying it with metals, which produced plasteel. While not useful for personal armor, it scaled well when the volume was less of an issue. It could practically armor wet navy ships or be a part of the composite armor of starships. A thick layer could be added to defend large reinforced installations. In combination with Permex variants, it could make for structures sturdy enough to survive light orbital strikes.

I sensed a familiar signature approach and looked at the lab entrance. Rhodey was here, and he looked exasperated in his parade uniform.

"Tony, I've got news."

"It's nice to see you too, James." I looked pointedly at him.

"I'm not in the mood, Tony. We both know you finally grew up, so please act like it. It's good for what's left of my nerves." Rhodey grumbled.

"That bad?" I waved him to crash into a nearby chair.

Rhodey did so and sat, then glanced at Hannah.

"Potter again? What happened with Star Wars?"

"According to her therapist, it's too violent." I made air quotes with my fingers.

"And Potter isn't?"

"Don't look at me. I'm not a fan, but I won't be mentioning that aloud anytime soon."

"People thought you were joking about cold fusion, Tones. Isn't that a myth? Everyone wants to know why we aren't going to build that instead."

"First, we need materials and components that we can only develop when we have a mature orbital industry. I'm sure I put that in the memo outlining the future development of commercial and military fusion reactors. The processes I'm theoretically aware of getting there and miniaturizing standard fusion reactors require a tremendous amount of energy to create certain alloys. Which in turn means we need fusion reactors to make that feasible. Does no one read the whole memos and skip to the cliff notes?" It was my turn to be exasperated. Why did I bother to dictate whole novels worth of ideas and explanations to Jarvis, so he could compile them in readable files and then print them as necessary?

"Most people aren't interested in the science details, Tones. The regular mortals around you need to know what's possible and what we need to do to make it happen. The details are usually only relevant to the science and engineering types." Rhodey had to be reasonable again.

"You didn't come here just to complain, did you?"

"Among other things, yes. People run me ragged these days, I don't get to fly, and it's all because of you."

"One day, I'll make you an X-Wing as an apology." I offered.

"That thing, as much as I love it, has nothing on a Raptor."

"Wanna bet?"

Rhodey rolled his eyes and sprawled bonelessly in my chair.

"The DOD had DARPA contractors look over your theoretical designs and new patents. They believe it's all viable. The Joint Chiefs will meet tonight and draw a memorandum to send to the President and select Senate committees. Stark Industries should be in a position to make priority requests for anything you need in a few days, Tony. As long as any part of our military-industrial complex or a company contracted with the government produces it anyway. You'll soon have access to classified DARPA research, ongoing projects, and human resources. In exchange, the Pentagon requires you to accept further liaisons and work closely with a newly established task force. Its purpose will be to procure and field test advanced technologies for the US military."

"Which means it will be working directly with me. Then we can finally begin."

Rhodey opened his eyes and stared at me.

"I was expecting a temper tantrum about people breathing down your neck." He admitted.

"Didn't you just tell me to act as a grown-up now that I grew up?"

Rhodey groaned and put his cap over his eyes.
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MCU won't be ignored, however genius or no, Tony isn't inventing tech with 21st century Earth techbase and understanding of physics that can rival even just the masss produced stuff from interstellar civilizations that are thousands of years old. That goes for other Earth geniuses.

The Hulk for example was an accident based on science and theories that won't be fully understood for decades if not centuries.

We will see IM suits with similar capabilities of those in the early movies after years of research and development to get the tech there. In theory, Sith Tony can create an early IM suit in the shape of for of his MK 2 one. However, with the tech available, trying half the maneuvers we saw him do in the first movie, would break a regular human, and the damn thing would be nowhere near durable. Even if the suit itself somehow survives the punishment we saw it tank in that movie, many of those hits should have killed the man inside.

In this timeline, there was no stabilizing Extremis formula while drunk of hiss ass. Sory, there will be as little as possible of such comic-like science just because the plot demands it. While genius, Tony isn't the only one. People almost as smart, or as smart in their fields worked on Extremis and the super-soldier serum and couldn't crack either easily or at all. Tony won't be able to do better, just because plot said he should.

The issue with self-enhancements and cybernetics is that Sith Tony has no idea how the former would play with the Force. The latter for sure would further weaken his connection with it.

It's been over a hundred years since he watched any of the movies and most things from them have faded away. He certainly didn't get to watch them all anyway.

That's true. While there are ways to better focus them in atmoshpere, various conditions like fog, dust, rain, etc... can greatly reduce their effective range and striking power. Practical mass produced railguns aren't exactly a low-hanging fruit. Much of the tech needed to make effective laser cannons and blasters has overlaps with railguns. This includes compact potent power-sources, material science, etc... with blasters having the benefit of needing a single type of ammo - pressurized gas, for anything from hand-held weapons, to vehicle mounrted ones, to hybrid-capital scale weapons.

Lasers have the benefit of not needing ammo, but they have more issues than the particle, or particle-plasma hybrid that are blasters, and hybrid weapons. Yes, Tony will have handpicked teams eventually working on both Extremis and the super-soldier serum. If not for him, then for his security detail and Hannah when she grows up, alongside trusted allies.

He's keeping arc reactors as an ace in the hole so to speak.

Hmm... It definitely sounds like the MCU tech will be taking a back seat, then. Oh well! Will Sith-Tony be looking into Force friendly self enhancements that he might be familiar with from his Star Wars memories and/or mining the fact that SW exist as fiction in this universe for ideas?
I believe it's been mentioned somewhere in a subclause I couldn't find again, so how does an Arc Reactor compare to a fusion reactor of the same size(volume)?
My gut feeling says one has a higher energy output while the other is easier for people without several scientific degrees to build/maintain, but I'd like to make sure.
I hope every power armor gets a backup reactor coz running out of power shouldn't happen. It won't make them more powerful, as so much energy can flow...
Speaking of, Iron Man should be melted armor and body within with how much heat should be generated just by conducting energy to repulsors. I take it we will forgive comic science on this one?
How come no one reacted that he has memories of Star Wars? Even if he doesn't say it, war + telekinesis, Shield would be wary if he's a Sith.
Why are we jumping from Part 2 to Part 4? Was there a post that wasn't threadmarked?

Because I forgot to post part 3 here.

I believe it's been mentioned somewhere in a subclause I couldn't find again, so how does an Arc Reactor compare to a fusion reactor of the same size(volume)?
My gut feeling says one has a higher energy output while the other is easier for people without several scientific degrees to build/maintain, but I'd like to make sure.

The Arc reactor we saw in the MCU is complete bullshit. That said, in this story, it will depend. Generally, the Arc reactor will be better in smaller applications, while huge fusion reactors will be much easier to build and maintain, because the material science won't be there for a long time to scale up an Arc reactor to compete. Bunch of smaller Arc reactors won't be a substitute either, depending for what you intend to use the power. Because let's be clear, just like the repulsors, the Arc reactor is pure magic that works like plot requires it.

I hope every power armor gets a backup reactor coz running out of power shouldn't happen. It won't make them more powerful, as so much energy can flow...
Speaking of, Iron Man should be melted armor and body within with how much heat should be generated just by conducting energy to repulsors. I take it we will forgive comic science on this one?
How come no one reacted that he has memories of Star Wars? Even if he doesn't say it, war + telekinesis, Shield would be wary if he's a Sith.

Yes, and that's going to be one of the big trade-offs of repulsors. They can generate great power in a tiny package, but that will be most useful as weapons and large-ish engines, otherwise the heat would be murderous. When the tech develops further, Tony can use them as IM suit engine without baking himself. Trying to use them as weapons, likely will fry his arms, if he's lucky.

Why would they make a connection with Star Wars? The only time that he did something that is like that was when he emulated Vader at the kidnapper's compound. That's something anyone with telekinetic powers can do.
Phase 4: Changing world II Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 4: Changing world II


Part 3


The Triskelion
Theodore Roosevelt Island, US

Fury sat at the head of a horseshoe-shaped table and checked his note for the damn meeting. He was too busy trying to figure out which power block in his organization tried to fuck everyone by murdering Stark. Fury had other issues to deal with instead of today's political bullshit. However, he had no choice but to be here. One way or another, this meeting would change the world, not necessarily for the better.

In front of the table, dozens of people sat, chatting quietly. When they deigned to arrive, the table was reserved for the full SHIELD Oversight Council. The people already present were high-ranked government officials from NATO and US allies, alongside military advisors in the know.

The Council finally deigned to enter, bringing the conversations to a sudden stop. Fury sighed and stood up. He schooled his expression into a mask of indifference. At least one of the bastards calmly strutting towards the table had their fingers all over the Director's current troubles. He knew it for a fact. Tracking down which clique was responsible was proving fiendishly hard, and that was something Fury loathed.

Hawley and Rockwell walked beside each other, chatting like old friends. Pamela was unlikely to be the one who tried to off Stark. From what Fury could gather, her group approached Stark first. By all accounts, Stark quickly struck a good working relationship with them. Rockwell was probably the straightest arrow on the Council right now. On the face of it, that bunch had no reason to kill the former playboy.

Alexander and Malik came next. As far as Fury knew, they were gleeful at Stark's performance as of late, even before he changed in Afghanistan. The Jericho missiles were something SHIELD contracted for in large numbers. After Afghanistan, the only reason they would have Stark killed is if they believed him to be compromised. Neither man would tolerate such a high-profile threat to the US or the world at large. Sadly, this didn't exactly remove them from the suspect list. Fury harbored such worries, and if it came down to it, he would act on them if he had even a shred of proof.

Chao Yen and Ben Goldstein were next. As of late, Israel and China have pursued closer ties. Israel provided certain advanced technologies in exchange for better trade deals. Notably, the Chinese went out of the way to ensure everything going to Israel was of high quality. Then again, at least some of what one could see on the news about Chinese production defects and low-quality products was overblown. If anyone took it at face value, China's coasts would constantly be on fire due to incompetent idiots continuously fucking up in their industry.

The truth was simple – due to capitalism with Chinese characteristics in action, some of China's manufacturers happily cut corners to make more money and damn the consequences. They were far from unique on that front.

Israel was the only country in the region that could buy Stark weapons. Fury was pretty sure that China got some samples that way. From what he could gather, the Chinese were more than content to get Stark's weapons that way for the foreseeable future. Knowing that much of their saber-rattling was to help pad up the military budgets of rivals in response helped in that regard. That was especially true when those stunts directly increased SHIELD's funding. For now, at least, China was going for economic dominance. That was the only angle that might give them a motive to go after Stark. However, SI would have been the better and more logical target. Despite being the majority shareholder, Stark didn't run his own company. He had never done it.

On the face of it, Israel had no such motive.

This, of course, meant they were less likely to use their factions within SHIELD. And Fury knew that someone in SHIELD was involved because three of the commandos Romanoff and company took out were SHIELD Agents.

Fury's primary issue was that, as far as he knew, they were loyal and not part of any of the factions he was aware of. SHIELD was a vast organization, and besides national ties, most of its agents were loyal to its ideals.

Most but not all. Never all. Fury knew better than ever to think that was possible!

Jakuna Sign and Douglas Brand walked next, letting a bit of a gap between them and the previous two Councilors. That was a pointed reminder of the latest clash between China and India over that useless piece of the Himalayans they had as a border. It wasn't like anyone could sustain an invasion through that corridor.

As the representative of Australia and New Zealand, Brand did his best to at least in public distance himself from their Chinese colleague.

Neither country nor their factions had any reason to go after Stark.

Gabriel Monet from France and Aurora Stefano from Italy were the next couple. The reason there had nothing to do with politics. Monet has been trying to get into Stefano's pants for as long as those two were on the Council. Italy and France had a profitable relationship with SI and wanted more business with Stark. The only angle there was local companies aiming at SI through Stark to protect their market shares.

Sadly, people got killed over less. Because of that, if nothing else, Fury couldn't exclude those two from his list of suspects.

The last three Councilors entered together. Daphne von Holstein, the German representative, did her best to keep the peace between John Hei from South Korea and their Japanese colleague – Hinata Akira. One of Japan's ministers managed to put his foot in his mouth not a week ago. That once again mucked up the sore topic of the Imperial Japanese Army rampages in Korea.

Those two had to be seen at each other's throats for appearance's sake, if nothing else. Of course, solving that issue couldn't be as simple as the Japanese properly apologizing. Every such attempt so far practically required a member of the Japanese government to publicly fuck it up. That has been ongoing for decades now. If Fury didn't know better, he would be investigating a conspiracy.

The reason was simpler—good old-fashioned dumb pride and nationalism.

Both countries bought a lot of Stark weapons and wanted more, especially Korea.

Then there was Germany. The country was one of the largest weapon exporters in Europe, and some of its companies were in direct competition with Stark Industries. While unlikely, there was always the possibility someone had persuaded von Holstein to do something stupid. She was a new face on the Council. While she was extensively vetted, Fury wasn't sure about her character and the full extent of her connection with Germany's business circles.

The last Councilors sat down, and agents sealed the conference room. The lights subtly shifted, indicating that all available counter-measures were now in effect.

"Good, now we're all here." Fury leaned forward and put his hands on the table. "Most of you should have received at least an outline of the situation in the briefing that brought you here today. I will nevertheless summarize the important points to ensure we're all on the same page," The Director took charge of the meeting. "Little over four months ago, Anthony Stark got himself abducted by a Ten Ring's terrorist cell in Afghanistan. While in captivity, he encountered an alien artifact, and the US military later recovered. Stark claims the artifact contained a memory engram of an alien soldier and officer. Examination of the device confirms its alien origin. Our best scientists aren't sure about its purpose. However, the device does contain a crystal matrix, which might have been a crystal-based computer and data storage device. This gives credence to Stark's claims."

Fury struggled not to roll his eyes at the surprised, excited murmurs that engulfed the room.

"Investigations, interviews, and analysis conducted after Stark's escape from captivity offer a few plausible explanations. First, and currently deemed unlikely, exposure to the device sent Stark over the edge. That would be a simple explanation." Fury carefully smiled. "We are unlikely to be that lucky or unlucky as that might be the case. Option two is that the device overwrote Stark's mind. We're instead dealing with an alien entity that wears his body as a sock-puppet. While possible and something to keep in mind, our best psychologists and analysts agree that this is unlikely to be the case."

The murmurs increased in volume and got progressively louder. The odd exclamation by some witless bastards who likely didn't bother going through their briefings was particularly lould. It was fucking sloppy.

"We shouldn't necessarily apply human motivations to alien intelligence. However, actions and interactions with Stark point out that if he tries to be an alien infiltrator, he is terrible at the job. There were multiple incidents when not revealing anything about his changed status would have been the pragmatic thing to do. This leads us to the third option, which is in line with and closest to what Stark claims. The device imprinted the memories of an alien soldier and general into Stark's brain. Analysis of his interactions after escaping captivity suggests we're looking at a new personality for Stark. It is a melt between the alien entity and Stark's memories, shaped by both their experiences. Needless to say, if true, that's the best option for us. It's a game changer and too good to be true." Fury glowered. "I don't trust such good luck. However, various analytics made good points. Because of all available evidence and the best information we have, I recommend we proceed with cautious optimism." The Director bit off.

"For those who haven't had enough time to think through our situation and its implications, I'll state it bluntly and clearly." Alexander took over. "We know for a fact that advanced alien civilizations exist in our galaxy. We know they're aware of us and have hostile intentions. In the mid-nineties, SHIELD managed to prevent a subversion operation executed by the alien species known as the Skrull. They're reptilian shapeshifters, which makes them an extreme subversive threat. We know they're at war with imperial alien power, the Kree Empire. In nineteen eighty-nine, a Kree covert operation attempted to retrieve a critical asset on US soil, proving them hostile."

"Don't mince words, not now, Alexander." Fury scoffed. "Let me spell it to you all. Hostile aliens are real, and we're hilariously outgunned and outmatched. Until now, the most optimistic scenario in case of an invasion was grim. We would expend Earth's combined military forces in a desperate bid to earn conditional surrender if at all possible. The odds of doing so against an enemy holding the orbitals would be low and only if they felt nice enough not to conduct indiscriminate bombardment."

"I wouldn't put it in those precise words, but that was and is the case. SHIELD's primary purpose is to combat alien subversion attempts and covert operations. We lack the technology and industry to resist a dedicated invasion attempt." Pierce grimaced at the admission.

"Tony Stark, or whoever he really is now, just changed the paradigm," Hawley announced. "You can open your sealed folders. They briefly summarize what Stark claims he can offer Earth."

The commotion that followed ensured there would be a brief recess. Fury leaned back into his chair and spent the next few minutes examining the Councilors, wondering whose head he needed on a silver platter.

The noise level kept increasing as people began to get the implications of Stark's latest stunt. Fury gave them a few more minutes to get it out of their system and slammed his palms on the table.

"That's enough!" His exclamation earned him more than a few long-suffered looks from the Council and a knowing smirk from Alexander. "We have decisions to make. Do we accept what Stark offers us? If so, how do we go about…." Fury paused briefly, "uplifting Earth to better resist alien incursions. Please make no mistake, we are looking at a potential game-changer! If Stark can deliver, and if we can buy enough time, we're looking at the best shot we have at ensuring humanity's independence and future! Is this a good plan? No. It is still the only viable option we have." It pained Fury to admit that openly, but he did his God-damned job anyway.

The following discussion was heated. If they were to do this right, it would require fast-paced changes that would make the incredible advantaces of the past century and change pale in comparison. The world order as they knew it was also about to change irrevocably. No one with two brain cells to rub together had any illusions about the consequences. There would be upheavals. Countries might shatter in the process. Others might go to war while still having a theoretical chance to win. It was going to be a mess of unfathomable proportions.

There was a simple truth that was above all of that. SHIELD's very existence was proof of that.

The alternative was simply worse. Otherwise, no one would have allowed an organization with the reach and power of SHIELD to exist, even if it was an imperfect, divided compromise.

Slowly but surely, the discussion shifted from trusting Stark to live up to his lofty promises. Then it stalled on the question if pursuing an uplift strategy was worth it. Finally, people focused on figuring out how to better guide and implement such an effort.

Fury wasn't surprised that, beyond everything else, most people focused on the distribution and production of advanced military technology. They agreed that Stark was right in one regard, if nothing else. Access to plentiful cheap energy would be the vital foundation for everything else. The details would have to be ironed out over the coming months. At least in principle, there was no disagreement about backing the rapid-pace spread of commercial fusion the moment it became viable.

"Training cadres and quick reaction forces first!" Fury snapped at the bickering. Somehow, he kept a sneer from his face. "We won't have the industry to rearm our armies worldwide in short order with advanced weaponry. Focus on building training cadres to figure out how to best utilize the new equipment and train people with it first. Second, equip and train quick reaction forces to better deal with small-scale alien incursions and enhanced threats. Third, Special Forces. Then gradual distribution among regular combat forces. This goes for everything – from infantry-scale equipment to tanks, fighters, and bombers. We should focus first on global reach and have Stark and other scientists and engineers work on fast-armed transport aircraft. Such vehicles will allow us to deliver strike teams with the best equipment available to hotspots worldwide as fast as possible."

It was never as easy as giving a sensible option and people accepting it. An endless back and forth followed until everyone got a sullen agreement that SHIELD would get the best toys first. That way, SHIELD could protect all its supporting members better. Through SHIELD, everyone would get access to the new technologies, if not the ability to put them into production immediately.

Of course, no one said aloud what one of the bigger stumbling blocks would be – soon, all the people present would have to break the news to their governments and get them on board. Meanwhile, Fury would have to figure out a good way to keep an eye on Stark and get counter-measures in place if he ever turned hostile. Perhaps find a way to bind him to Earth better as well.
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Because let's be clear, just like the repulsors, the Arc reactor is pure magic that works like plot requires it.
I'm not sure why you're so up in arms about the willing suspension of disbelief. It's hardly like SW doesn't have it's fair share of it. Hell, basically every story that isn't set in the real world requires that one suspend certain sensibilities.
I'm not sure why you're so up in arms about the willing suspension of disbelief. It's hardly like SW doesn't have it's fair share of it. Hell, basically every story that isn't set in the real world requires that one suspend certain sensibilities.

It's the implication of the tech, and how ahead of everything else on Earth is that is an issue and has the potential to be story breaking. Just like the repulsors ridiculous versatility with no practical trade-offs.
It's the implication of the tech, and how ahead of everything else on Earth is that is an issue and has the potential to be story breaking. Just like the repulsors ridiculous versatility with no practical trade-offs.
It really only became an issue with the miniaturization of the arc reactor. Prior to that point, the repulsors are much like the large scale reactor at the SI building, i.e, a curio.

Could canon Tony gave revolutionized pretty much every field with clean, cheap energy and a gadget that converts said energy into thrust... Or beams, or whatever the repulsors use? Yes. Did he? No. Why? From a Watsonian perspective, it's because he's a deeply traumatized individual and a control freak. From a Doylist perspective, it's because that's not the story the creators of the comics were interested in telling.

Repulsors and the mini arc reactor are certainly revolutionary tech, but they're no more revolutionary than the introduction of the Star Wars tech base. They certainly aren't remotely game breaking when you move into space and have to deal with the kind of shenanary that goes on in the MCU's space based adventures.
To be fair, I think people coming into a SW/MCU crossover are willing to accept a certain amount of ridiculous magic gizmos that pretend to be tech (like hand-held plasma blades whose existence doesn't set everything within several meters - including the wielder - on fire).
Now, I'm not saying "bring the gonzo" as you obviously want this story to have a slow uplift arc running in the background. Humm...maybe lean more on the AU elements, as in: how this universe differs from the MCU apart from including Star Wars?
It really only became an issue with the miniaturization of the arc reactor. Prior to that point, the repulsors are much like the large scale reactor at the SI building, i.e, a curio.

Could canon Tony gave revolutionized pretty much every field with clean, cheap energy and a gadget that converts said energy into thrust... Or beams, or whatever the repulsors use? Yes. Did he? No. Why? From a Watsonian perspective, it's because he's a deeply traumatized individual and a control freak. From a Doylist perspective, it's because that's not the story the creators of the comics were interested in telling.

Repulsors and the mini arc reactor are certainly revolutionary tech, but they're no more revolutionary than the introduction of the Star Wars tech base. They certainly aren't remotely game breaking when you move into space and have to deal with the kind of shenanary that goes on in the MCU's space based adventures.

To be fair, I think people coming into a SW/MCU crossover are willing to accept a certain amount of ridiculous magic gizmos that pretend to be tech (like hand-held plasma blades whose existence doesn't set everything within several meters - including the wielder - on fire).
Now, I'm not saying "bring the gonzo" as you obviously want this story to have a slow uplift arc running in the background. Humm...maybe lean more on the AU elements, as in: how this universe differs from the MCU apart from including Star Wars?

My stories do focus on the logistics, industiral capacites, and all other "boring" details that can make or break a setting, or a faction if not ignored. The MCU generally went for the rule of cool, which worked for the story it told. That doesn't work at all for the story I'm telling, because I like exploring technological limitations and what the implications of the tech are.

I can't close my eyes, wave it away, and just have Sith Tony build the MK2 suit with the same performance we saw in IM MK 2. Doing so, meaning basically breaking the setting as soon as his magic tech doing what the plot requires gets mass produced and deployed. Just the impliations of the suit not killing tony when he was testing it and what it punishment could survive without the man inside turning into a sack of meat holding shattered bones, uterly trivializes almost everyone and everything else on Earth if mass produced and deployed. Exploring that angle can work for a different kind of story. Not for the one I'm interested in writing.

Watching a singlular movie with a tech relying on the rule on cool can be great, I can shut down my mind and that's it. However, when you're doing so in a larger setting with multiple stories then there are issues - both obvious and not so obvious.

To put it bluntly, I'm not writing a story where a few Avengers, or the magical super tech used by a couple of people could and should make almost everyone else irrelevant. This means the setting will be brought to ground in various aspects. Industry, logistics, tactics, the time needed to do proper R&D, prototyping, testing, etc... will matter. Regular soldiers with advanced equipment when it becomes available will matter. Armies will matter, and won't be just the stage for a few people to shine. Thus politics and political shenanigans will matter because they influence much of the above.

That's the kind of story I want to write and I am writing.
That's the kind of story I want to write and I am writing.
That's great! That's the story I'm interested in reading. I like a good nation building story just as much as I like a rule of cool power fantasy. I'm just advocating for a marriage of the tech trees, rather than discarding what the MCU has to offer.

Star Wars generator powering MCU repulsors* to generate lift, to jump start space mining, or zero-g manufacturing, that sort of thing.

*I may be conflating the gravitic reversion technology used for Howard's hovercar with repulsors.
uterly trivializes almost everyone and everything else on Earth if mass produced and deployed
I do believe that was the point. And he pointed that out to congress on live tv. (Not the best move..) Its just comes across as really heavy-handed your tossing everything in the trash but SW tech. That has all kinds of bullshit asspulls on its own (hyper matter anyone). You could have proper build-up, industry, and logistics with the full deal build-up with tony's stuff to if you wish, hell that would be really interesting.
. No need to cram it all in a 2 hour movie in this setting.

As it is, its not just you tossing it out or ignoring it, It's you seem to be trashing on it over and over every chance. This leads to the question of why tony in the first place.

Still enjoying the fic, and I like the idea of world-building and more effective group tactics. But the rest really stands out.
loving the hell of the damned thing
Add 'out' after 'hell'
have Stark killed as if they
topic of the Imperial Japanese army rampages
'Army' needs to be also capitalised
briefings was particularly would
by the alien species the Skrull.
Add 'known as' after 'species'
at war with imperial alien power,
Add 'an' after 'with'
make the incredible advantages of the past
how to guide better and implement
Have 'guide' and 'better' exchange places

work on fast-armed transport aircraft
Is Tony going to crib from X-Com Enemy Within and make the Skyranger?
That's great! That's the story I'm interested in reading. I like a good nation building story just as much as I like a rule of cool power fantasy. I'm just advocating for a marriage of the tech trees, rather than discarding what the MCU has to offer.

Star Wars generator powering MCU repulsors* to generate lift, to jump start space mining, or zero-g manufacturing, that sort of thing.

*I may be conflating the gravitic reversion technology used for Howard's hovercar with repulsors.

I won't be discarding either the repulsors, the arc reactor, or the satelite grade armor that OTL Tony used to build his MK 2 Iron Man. They will all be useful for different things, have their own limitations and drawbacks, that in the long term can be somewhat sorted out by both developing the individual technologies and eventually merging the tech bases. For the time being, Tony is focusing on critical foundational technologies that he knows for sure would work and can be scalled up to do what's needed. In future chapters we'll see him giving ideas and pointers to many ressearch teams, and then he could finally focus on both personal projects, which like the future IM sutis would be bleeding edge technology testbeds, and down to ground version shat are feasible to be mass produced.

We're practically in the baby steps phase of a proces that will take a decade or two in universe time.

I do believe that was the point. And he pointed that out to congress on live tv. (Not the best move..) Its just comes across as really heavy-handed your tossing everything in the trash but SW tech. That has all kinds of bullshit asspulls on its own (hyper matter anyone). You could have proper build-up, industry, and logistics with the full deal build-up with tony's stuff to if you wish, hell that would be really interesting.
. No need to cram it all in a 2 hour movie in this setting.

As it is, its not just you tossing it out or ignoring it, It's you seem to be trashing on it over and over every chance. This leads to the question of why tony in the first place.

Still enjoying the fic, and I like the idea of world-building and more effective group tactics. But the rest really stands out.

@Pai look at my reply above in this post. Tony's tech - repulsors, arc reactors, the alloy he made the MK 2 IM suit in the first movie will matter. However, they will have various practical limitations, just like the SW tech he can introduce. The big difference so far, is that he knows for sure what the SW tech he is aware can do, knows that it can scale up to give Earth what it needs if they get enough time. He can not be sure the same is true about the arc reactor, which he would love to keep as an ace in the hole, or the repulsors for example. OTL Tony didn't know himself until he super-scienced it.

Now about the point that Tony being smart enough to break the world with super tech, sory that can't happen in a practical timespan in this story. He still has to work with the established Earth technological and theoretical base.

In isolation, as dumb as that plot point in the move was, it was kind of amusing. Taken seriously, it's not a good storytelling, and doesn't fit at all with the story I'm trying to tell. Finally, if it wasn't for Tony's genius, even with all the help Sith Tony is getting, he wouldn't be able to get done even a fraction of what he needs done in the time available.

I did warn at the start of the stoty that this wouldn't be a typical MCU story for a reason.

Is Tony going to crib from X-Com Enemy Within and make the Skyranger?

Thank you, it's fixed now. As far as the Skyranger goes, Fury wants a heavy armed and armored, super-fast Quinjet before those are a thing. Considering that the events of Captain Marvel movies were very different, and Project PEGASUS didn't really pan out, so far SHIELD has to make do with more traditional jets and helicopter transports. I might eventually cover some of those different details in story in a future conversation between Sith Tony and General Danvers, when they're swapping stories. Basically, the Tesserract was more or less inert, the project to "awake" it and make super engines didn't pan out. However, there were alien infiltrators sniffing around, which is how Danvers is in the know.

A bunch of Kree infiltrators concluded that it was a false lead, and a waste of time, get to kill a bunch of people for wasting their time, and then went home to get a new, hopefully more interesting and meaningful assignment.
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Phase 4: Changing world II Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 4: Changing world II


Part 5


Stark mansion
New York, US

It was late autumn and perhaps one of the last lovely sunny days of the year. That's why we were in the large backyard of the mansion, which now had tall reinforced walls that would give a bomb truck pause.

Hannah didn't get a broom to fly on despite her best attempt to blackmail me with puppy eyes. Instead, I got her a small drone to fly around, which now buzzed over the yard. So far, it crashed twice but still could get into the air.

I wisely did get a box with spares, just in case.

Speaking about the drone…

"A pet drone, really?" Pepper asked me over the phone after I explained that, for once, I wasn't in the lab tinkering.

"It's not a pet." I pointed out.

"A cat, a dog, a bunny! Those are pets, Tony! Drones don't count!"

"Hannah is a Stark. Of course drones count. How do we get to talk about Hannah's new toy anyway?"

"Tony, the last time I heard buzzing around you, I found you in the basement with live wires sparkling near you, and you were too busy to fix them! How you didn't fry yourself, I'll never know!"

In my defense, I was drunk like a skunk, and still, I have no idea what I was tinkering with then. After recovering from that bender, spare parts were all over the basement. Even Jarvis couldn't tell me what I'd been trying to do.

Despite what I often claimed, I didn't do my best tinkering when drunk or after a few days without sleeping. Doing so led to mistakes I had to spend more sleepless nights tracking down. If it wasn't for Jarvis' helping, I am not sure I would have done anything constructive in the last few years before Afghanistan.

Hannah's drone buzzed overhead, missed the stairway leading up into the manor, then made a sharp turn and managed to avoid slamming into a window. I raised an eyebrow at Hannah, who paid me no attention and kept driving the drone around with a huge smile on her face.


"Yes, I was distracted watching Hannah play."

"She's good for you," Pepper muttered in a wishful tone. "I've scheduled a remote meeting with the R&D team leaders like you wanted. It's at four this afternoon, your time."

"Thank you, I appreciate it. How's Grant handling being interim CEO?"

Grant was the leader of the legal department. Considering the ongoing investigation and the new contracts being negotiated, he seemed a fitting fellow for the post. He would hold it for no longer than a year before returning to his previous job. By then, I hoped to have Pepper trained for the position because I wouldn't have the time to play CEO.

As things stood, this was my first kind of free day in weeks, and I would be busy from four to late in the evening.

"He's not happy and already regrets accepting your offer. Grant's busier than ever, and everyone knows who is to blame, Tony."

"I aim to please. Grant is getting a fat paycheck for his trouble, isn't he?"

"You were overly generous. You're a good boy, yes. That's true." Pepper sang. "You offered him enough money he couldn't possibly refuse to take the position, Tony. You knew exactly what you avoided by sticking him with the job, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charged."

"Try to stay out of trouble and say hi to Hannah for me. Now, I need to go put out another fire."

"Stay safe, Pepper." I closed the phone and picked up my tablet from the nearby table.

Hannah's drone came back, buzzed overhead, and did its best to trim the hedges surrounding the back of the manor. A whole maze of them offered too many cover spots for bastards to sneak through the backyard more easily. That's why said maze no longer existed. Now it was mostly open and a good killing field if it came down to it.

Let's see the news.

Green parties, or at least parts of them in Europe, were busy losing their minds over the incredible radiation danger fusion posed.

Like usual, the Coal Lobby here in the States were right bastards screaming about the dangers and pollution everything else under the sun produced. That was darkly hilarious, considering coal was nasty toxic stuff that let out radiation when burned. Coal plants produced more radiation than fission ones, as long as there wasn't a catastrophic meltdown.

Environmental lobbies in the US were stirring. Greenpeace were their usual delusional selves, news at eleven.

Oh, this was good! Justin Hammer vowed to sue both the US government and yours truly, over governmental overreach and creating a government-backed monopoly.

This was going to be interesting. My lawyers would be even busier soon, it seemed.

I should have a hand-crafted blaster ready for testing by the end of the following week. A prototype fusion reactor meant as a technical demonstrator was already under construction in the old industrial zone outside the city. That one would be ready in about two to three months. One of the reasons for the delay was the need to retool and upgrade various industrial lines to build the necessary components. This would be an investment in the future because once overhauled. Those plants would make components non-stop – just larger, for the commercial version of the reactors.

Once those projects were complete, no one would doubt that I could offer Earth precisely what I promised, provided I got the necessary support.

The drone screeched in distress, and the buzzing ceased. I looked up and saw Hannah staring at one of the few small trees in the garden. Her drone was now snugly parked near its top. It somehow got entangled in a pair of thin branches.

Hannah stomped with her right leg, glared at the tree as if it had just committed a particularly vile offense, and turned to look at me. Her lips twisted in a pout, and she pointed at the tree.

I looked back at the drone and raised a hand. The Force eagerly jumped to obey, and the small machine tore free from the branches, leaving behind a shower of yellow and brown leaves.

The drone flew into my open palm, and I looked at it.

"Hannah, I'll clean it up and bring it back."

Or perhaps I would have someone on the vetted staff do it later. I went to the box with drones, pulled out one of the boxes, switched their control modules, and went back out. Hannah was at the table, drinking apple juice. Her face lit up when she saw the drone. Hannah grabbed the remote and switched the drone on as soon as she put down her glass. It buzzed in my hand, and struggled to fly away. I let it go and flew straight into the hedge, where its fans spluttered in a shower of autumn leaves.

"That's not fair!" Hannah pouted.

Getting a box of those things was a good idea, after all.

The third drone managed to survive until Hannah tired out, and it was nap time.
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Well, I was going to read this, but with the 'no comic book science from Tony Stark the comic book mad scientist' I think I'm going to bow out before you annoy me with making up reasons that Tony can't invent repulsor flight and weapons.