During the final months of the year, only a single UFO is sighted and engaged by INDEX. One of the larger D-Classes, the UFO was spotted out over the ocean, significantly north-east of the Hawaiian Islands. A squadron of the new
Defender Jet-Interceptors shoot down the alien spacecraft with the wreckage being lost to the ocean. As is usually the case, the exact purpose of the UFO remains unknown though INDEX can only hope that it wasn't fulfilled before its destruction.
In other news, South Korea is petitioning to join the INDEX Initiative. While the decision is ultimately up to the INDEX Council, prominent and influential figures with INDEX can exert their clout to sway the outcome.
[] Support South Korea. (-10 PS)
[] Stay out of it.
Council Members
Argentina = Strong Support (+15 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Australia = Mild Support (+24 Resources)
Brazil = Strong Support (+23 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Canada = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
China = Strong Support (+45 Resources)
Egypt = Full Support (+9 Resources, +2 to Dice Rolls, +1 PS per turn, +5 Progress to Charlie Base per turn)
France = Neutral (+20 Resources)
Germany = Neutral (+20 Resources)
India = Mild Support (+24 Resources)
Japan = Mild Support (+24 Resources)
Mexico = Full Support (+36 Resources, +2 to Dice Rolls, +1 PS per turn, +1 Fuel per turn)
Nigeria = Full Support (+18 Resources, +2 to Dice Rolls, +1 PS per turn, +1 Logistics per turn)
Poland = Full Support (+27 Resources, +2 to Dice Rolls, +1 PS per turn, +10 Progress to
Defender Jet-Interceptor Factories per turn)
Russia = Neutral (+20 Resources)
South Africa = Strong Support (+7 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Turkey = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
United Kingdom = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
United States = Strong Opposition (+12 Resources, -1 to Dice Rolls)
Resources (R): 432 + 3 in reserve. (+10 per turn) (-25 per turn)
Political Support (PS): 48 (-1 per turn) (+5 per turn)
Free Dice: 1
Basing: Overwhelming Surpluses (+38)
Logistics: Moderate Surpluses (+7) (+1 per turn)
Manpower: Massive Reserves (+25) (+1 per turn)
Gear: Major Surpluses (+10)
Fuel: Major Surpluses (+9) (+1 per turn)
Medical: Massive Surpluses (+12)
Supplies: Moderate Surpluses (+9)
Salvage: Overwhelming Surpluses (+48)
[-] Echo Base (Stage 2)
Located in Hong Kong, Echo Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in Asia. While heavily urban civilian areas around it will limit military potential, Echo Base is intended to be a major R&D location for INDEX.
(345/150, 10 Resources per Die) (+4 Basing)
(195/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Research Dice)
After two years of no additional progress, INDEX has finally returned to building up Echo Base. The Asian base of the INDEX Initiative is swiftly built up to higher standards of the other INDEX bases. Despite the difficulties of working with limited space, INDEX is able to set up more barracks, armouries, hangar bays and other various bits of infrastructure at Echo Base via a mixture of building tall and digging into the ground.
INDEX also works on expanding the research capabilities located at Echo Base, focusing on more mundane lines of research as opposed to the more exotic research being prioritised at Enigma Site. While the various scientific equipment is purchased and set up at Echo Base, the final installation isn't finished before the end of the year. Nonetheless, it is expected that INDEX will finish the job in the first few months of the next year.
Blackwing Rapid Global Transport Factories (Stage 1 Delta Base)
While INDEX doesn't currently need too many
Blackwing Rapid Global Transports, it does need some and by setting up an internal factory, it gains access to a secure, in-house source of them.
(137/100, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
(Stage 2 Charlie Base, 37/100, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
Even with the current deployment of all required
Blackwings, INDEX doesn't want to be dependent on external providers for them. As a result, INDEX has constructed a factory for its special operation transport. Brought online by the end of 2017, this factory will be responsible for providing spare parts for the current
Blackwing used by INDEX and construction of the replacements for any losses suffered.
Sentry-class Frigate Shipyard
With the
Sentry-class Frigate ready for service, INDEX can construct a shipyard for them at Charlie Base to produce them in-house.
(216/200, 15 Resources per Die) (-1 Manpower, +2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
To support the deployment of the
Sentry-class Frigate, INDEX has constructed a shipyard for the warship at Charlie Base. While not enough to support the deployment of the
Sentry-class on its own in a timely manner, the shipyard will assist in the rate of construction and provide an in-house location for maintenance and repair work.
[-] Warsaw Reconstruction (Stage 1)
Though the attack was ultimately defeated, the aliens did do substantial damage to the Polish capital. While others such as the Polish government will be involved in the reconstruction efforts, INDEX can do its part to help Warsaw recover from the alien attack.
(222/175, 20 Resources per Die) (+3 PS)
(47/200, 20 Resources per Die) (+2 PS)
INDEX continues to provide aid to the rebuilding of the Polish capital, both helping rehome those made homeless by the attack and garnering goodwill from both the Polish government and the global public.
[-] Vehicular Laser Weaponry
With the breakthrough with functional laser weapons, INDEX can now design laser weapons to put on its vehicles. While more weapons may be invented in the future, for now, INDEX merely desires a laser cannon to put on its interceptors, warships and ground vehicles.
(165/500, 40 Resources per Die) (+1 PS)
At the urging of the INDEX Council, INDEX has begun to build upon the new breakthrough into viable laser weaponry by looking into developing laser weapons big enough and powerful enough to be mounted on its vehicles.
[-] Alien Computers
The alien computers aboard the crashed UFO at Enigma Site are completely intact. While INDEX doesn't currently know how to access or operate them, it can study them to learn such knowledge and possibly figure out ways to upgrade their own computers.
(199/450, 40 Resources per Die) (-3 Salvage)
In the hopes of figuring out how to operate the alien battleship captured at Warsaw, INDEX begins to research how to operate the alien computer systems.
Sentry-class Frigate Deployment (Stage 1 Block I) (+25 Progress Per Turn)
Due to the
Sentry-class Frigate beginning production, INDEX can take its first steps towards securing the seas. By producing four sets of
Sentry-class Frigates, INDEX will have enough warships to cover the world's oceans.
(244/200, 15 Resources per Die) (-1 Manpower, -1 Gear, -1 Fuel)
(Stage 2 Block II, 44/200, 20 Resources per Die) (-1 Manpower, -1 Gear, -1 Fuel)
INDEX has not forgotten that the best time to build your fleet is before you need it due to the long construction times of warships. To this end, they have put substantial action into getting external producers to construct
Sentry-class Frigates for them. The first planned block is always fully underway and expected to be ready for deployment in mid 2019.
Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment (Stage 3 Reserves) (+25 Progress Per Turn) (+10 Progress Per Turn)
With the
Defender Jet-Interceptor entering production, INDEX will need to upgrade its fleet of interceptor aircraft. While doing so will be expensive in both terms of time and money, it is predicted to enhance INDEX's ability to intercept and take down alien UFOs.
(274/250, 15 Resources per Die) (-1 Manpower, -1 Gear, -1 Fuel)
The last reserves of
Defender Jet-Interceptors are filled out, leaving INDEX with a substantial amount of spare birds to swiftly replace any material losses.
[-] Signal Interceptor Deployment (Stage 2 Bravo Base)
With the signal interceptor having finished development, it is just a matter of deploying it to each INDEX base.
(129/50, 15 Resources per Die)
(Stage 3 Charlie Base, 79/50, 15 Resources per Die)
(Stage 4 Echo Base, 29/50, 15 Resources per Die)
Two more signal interceptors are set up by INDEX, one at Bravo Base and the other at Charlie Base. Work on a fourth signal interceptor begins at Echo Base though the project is only halfway done at the end of the year, requiring more time and funding before it can be completed.
[-] Alien Detector Deployment (Stage 4 Echo Base)
With the development of the alien detection system, INDEX desires to set them up at each of its bases. While their large and complex design combined with their long and impractical usage means that they aren't an instant cure to alien infiltration, they will certainly help with alien spies and keep them out of important designs.
(119/50, 20 Resources per Die)
(Stage 5 Foxtrot Base, 60/50, 20 Resources per Die)
(Stage 6 Alpha Base, 19/50, 20 Resources per Die)
Alien detectors are constructed and installed at both Echo Base and Foxtrot Base. Meanwhile a final set of alien detectors is being set up at Alpha Base, the only INDEX base that still lacks one.
[-] Security Review (Services) (Cannot choose Research until Q3 2018)
Whether it be from a terrestrial or extraterrestrial source, INDEX can expect external organisations to try and infiltrate it. Review one of its departments to see if INDEX can sniff out any spies or corruption within its ranks.
(137) (DC???)
The security sweep of the Services Department turns up a handful of infiltrators. Unfortunately, the aliens seem to have gotten warning ahead of time and by the time that the Security Division has identified them, the infiltrators had always fled beyond INDEX's grasp.
[-] Finishing Touches
Sometimes all that is needed is a bit of dedicated administrative capacity and a small infusion of extra budget to bring a project to fruition instead of another full round of funding and attention.
(Requires one die & 5R) (Completes one non-RnD project with equal or less progress points than the dice bonus remaining)
-[-] Charlie Base (Stage 3) (+5 Progress Per Turn)
Located in Egypt along the Suez Canal, Charlie Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in Africa and the Middle East. Charlie Base will both provide a naval centre for INDEX and help secure the important trade route against the alien menace and more terrestrial hostiles.
(205/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Naval Division Dice)
A small bit of extra budget along with assistance from the Egyptian government sees the third stage of Charlie Base completed by the end of the year.
A somewhat triumphant return after the hiatus. While not a perfect turn, you had a pretty good one in my opinion. Not much of a vote to this update, just deciding whether or not to influence the likelihood of South Korea joining INDEX.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel free to ask questions for more details and information.