The INDEX Initiative: Not!XCOM Planquest

Q4 2016 Results Voting Closed
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Mar 10, 2022 at 1:48 PM, finished with 34 posts and 27 votes.
Q1 2017

Q1 2017

[X] Licence out the Defender to Council countries and outsource production of the Defender Jet-Interceptors. (+15 Resources per turn, +5 PS, -15 Resources per turn until Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment is complete, +25 Progress to Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment per turn)

Council Members
Argentina = Strong Support (+15 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Australia = Mild Support (+24 Resources)
Brazil = Mild Support (+18 Resources)
Canada = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
China = Strong Support (+45 Resources)
Egypt = Full Support (+9 Resources, +2 to Dice Rolls, +1 PS per turn, +5 Progress to Charlie Base per turn)
France = Neutral (+20 Resources)
Germany = Neutral (+20 Resources)
India = Mild Support (+24 Resources)
Japan = Mild Support (+24 Resources)
Mexico = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Nigeria = Strong Support (+15 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Russia = Neutral (+20 Resources)
South Africa = Strong Support (+7 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
Turkey = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
United Kingdom = Strong Support (+30 Resources, +1 to Dice Rolls)
United States = Neutral (+40 Resources)

Resources (R): 395 + 36 in reserve. (+10 per turn)
Political Support (PS): 42 (-1 per turn) (+2 per turn)
Free Dice: 1

Basing: Major Surpluses (+18)
Logistics: Moderate Surpluses (+6)
Manpower: Massive Reserves (+24) (+1 per turn)
Gear: Moderate Surpluses (+7)
Fuel: Moderate Surpluses (+7)
Medical: Massive Surpluses (+12)
Supplies: Moderate Surpluses (+9)
Salvage: Massive Surpluses (+12)

Infrastructure (3 Dice): +15

[] Alpha Base (Stage 2)
Located in the middle of Kansas in the United States, Alpha Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in North America. Alpha Base is planned to have substantial airpower and air-based logistical facilities to make up for a lack of sea access.
(86/150, 10 Resources per Die) (+4 Basing)
(0/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Aerial Division Dice)
(0/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Basing, +3 to Aerial Division Dice)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+8 Basing, +6 to Aerial Division Dice, +1 Military Die)

[] Bravo Base (Phase 2)
Located in the Falkland Islands, Bravo Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in South America. Bravo Base will start off as the British government transferring their military facilities in the Falklands to INDEX so the international organisation can use them to fight alien menace.
(51/150, 10 Resources per Die) (+4 Basing)
(0/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Military Dice)
(0/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Basing, +2 to Military Dice)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+8 Basing, +4 to Military Dice, +1 Military Die)

[] Charlie Base (Stage 2) (+5 Progress Per Turn)
Located in Egypt along the Suez Canal, Charlie Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in Africa and the Middle East. Charlie Base will both provide a naval centre for INDEX and help secure the important trade route against the alien menace and more terrestrial hostiles.
(53/150, 10 Resources per Die) (+4 Basing)
(0/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Naval Division Dice)
(0/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Basing, +3 to Naval Division Dice)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+8 Basing, +6 to Naval Division Dice, +1 Military Die)

[] Delta Base (Stage 3)
Located in the Scottish Highlands, Delta Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in Europe. Located in his home country, the Director has indicated that he intends for Delta Base to be the unofficial primary HQ for INDEX.
(166/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Administration Dice, +1 to all Dice)
(0/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Basing, +2 to Administration Dice, +2 to all Dice, +1 Administration Die)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+8 Basing, +4 to Administration Dice, +4 to all Dice, +1 Free Die)

[] Echo Base (Stage 2)
Located in Hong Kong, Echo Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in Asia. While heavily urban civilian areas around it will limit military potential, Echo Base is intended to be a major R&D location for INDEX.
(42/150, 10 Resources per Die) (+4 Basing)
(0/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Research Dice)
(0/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Basing, +3 to Research Dice)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+8 Basing, +6 to Research Dice, +1 Research Die)

[] Foxtrot Base (Stage 2)
Located in the Australian Outback, Foxtrot Base will be the centre of INDEX operations in Oceania. Relatively isolated, Foxtrot Base is intended to be a training site and unofficial HQ of the rapid response teams.
(33/150, 10 Resources per Die) (+4 Basing)
(0/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to SpecOps Division Dice)
(0/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+6 Basing, +3 to SpecOps Division Dice)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+8 Basing, +6 to SpecOps Division Dice, +1 Military Die)

[] Enigma Site (Stage 3)
While INDEX has laid claim to the crashed UFO in the Antarctic, it still needs to make use of it. With the lack of local facilities, INDEX will need to build some of its own and given the potential treasure trove of the ship, Director Ambrosius wants his organisation to get started on it sooner rather than later.
(155/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+1 PS) (+1 to Research Dice) (High Priority)
(0/400, 10 Resources per Die) (+2 PS) (+2 to Research Dice) (High Priority)
(0/500, 10 Resources per Die) (+2 PS) (+3 to Research Dice) (High Priority)

Industry (4 Dice): +20

[] Stockpile Mechanical Parts (Phase 3)
Purchase or otherwise acquire additional spare parts for the mechanical equipment used by INDEX. While INDEX is not currently suffering a shortage, the relatively calm may be a good point to stockpile for future emergencies.
(14/100, 5 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing)

[] Stockpile Fuel Reserves (Phase 3)
Purchase or otherwise acquire additional fuel reserves for the vehicles used by INDEX. While INDEX is not currently suffering a shortage, the relatively calm may be a good point to stockpile for future emergencies.
(17/100, 5 Resources per Die) (+2 Fuel, -1 Basing)

[] Stockpile Medical Supplies (Phase 4)
Purchase or otherwise acquire additional medical supplies to be used by INDEX. While INDEX is not currently suffering a shortage, the relatively calm may be a good point to stockpile for future emergencies.
(29/100, 5 Resources per Die) (+2 Medical, -1 Basing)

[] Stockpile Basic Supplies (Phase 3)
Purchase or otherwise acquire additional basic necessaries to be used by INDEX on a day to day basis. While INDEX is not currently suffering a shortage, the relatively calm may be a good point to stockpile for future emergencies.
(95/100, 5 Resources per Die) (+2 Supplies, -1 Basing)

[] Stockpile Raw Materials (Phase 1)
While INDEX can reply upon being supplied by outside organisations to keep its factories fed with the necessary raw materials, this leaves INDEX vulnerable to being cut-off. By stockpiling various raw materials in its bases, INDEX can maintain a reserve of raw materials for its factories.
(0/100, 5 Resources per Die) (+2 Logistics, -1 Basing)

[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Factories (Stage 1)
The new standard interceptor aircraft of INDEX, the Defender Jet-Interceptor is something that INDEX will need plenty of. While they can rely upon external organisations to produce more Defenders for them, INDEX can also set up its own in-house production by building a factory in its bases.
(0/120, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
(0/120, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
(0/120, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
(0/120, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
(0/120, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)

Services (4 Dice): +15

[] Boost Recruitment Efforts (Phase 1)
While INDEX currently has no shortage of manpower, there may be a time when it does require additional recruits. Preparing a reserved of manpower before such a time is needed
(0/120, 10 Resources per Die) (+1 Manpower)

Research (4 Dice): +22

Human Technology (-5 PS each turn when less than two dice are assigned to this subcategory)
[] Functional Laser Weaponry
Between power and ranged concerns, functional laser weaponry is something of a pipe dream at the moment. While INDEX can investigate the possibility and fund development, your researchers warn you that it will be years before you see any return.
(227/900, 40 Resources per Die) (+1 PS)

[] Functional Railgun Weaponry
Between material and power concerns, functional railguns are a fantasy for the time being. While INDEX can investigate the possibility and fund development, your researchers warn you that it will be years before you see any return.
(11/1,000, 40 Resources per Die) (+1 PS)

[] Functional Exoskeletons
For a variety of reasons, functional exoskeletons remain in the lab and the dream of having one fit for field use belongs in the realm of science-fiction for the foreseeable future. While INDEX can investigate the possibility and fund development, your researchers warn you that it will be years before you see any return.
(11/1,200, 40 Resources per Die) (+1 PS)

Alien Technology
[] Alien Power Core
Between the crashed UFO and those shot down by our interceptors, INDEX has access to several alien power sources that are used to power their UFOs. Operating using unknown materials and methods, studying them would help humanity understand how the aliens power their technology.
(122/480, 40 Resources per Die) (-3 Salvage)

[] Alien Computers
The alien computers aboard the crashed UFO at Enigma Site are completely intact. While INDEX doesn't currently know how to access or operate them, it can study them to learn such knowledge and possibly figure out ways to upgrade their own computers.
(18/480, 40 Resources per Die) (-3 Salvage)

[] Alien Engines
Between the crashed UFO and those shot down by our interceptors, INDEX has acquired multiple alien engines. Studying them could reveal how the aliens are able to fly their UFOs in both vacuum and atmospheric conditions in addition to gaining insights into how to improve INDEX's own engines.
(18/480, 40 Resources per Die) (-3 Salvage)

Military (6 Dice): +10

Ground Division
[] New-Gen APC Development
INDEX's Ground Division wants a new Armoured Personnel Carrier to transport its infantry about in a timely manner. While they have been provided with plenty by the Council, the Ground Division desires one more specifically designed for their purposes.
(69/100, 20 Resources per Die)

Naval Division
Currently none available.

Aerial Division
[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment (Stage 1: Primary Squadrons) (+25 Progress Per Turn)
With the Defender Jet-Interceptor entering production, INDEX will need to upgrade its fleet of interceptor aircraft. While doing so will be expensive in both terms of time and money, it is predicted to enhance INDEX's ability to intercept and take down alien UFOs.
(0/200, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 PS) (-1 Gear, -1 Fuel)
(Stage 2 Secondary Squadrons, 0/200, 15 Resources per Die) (+1 PS) (-1 Gear, -1 Fuel)
(Stage 3 Reserves, 0/300, 15 Resources per Die) (-1 Manpower, -1 Gear, -1 Fuel)

SpecOps Division
Currently none available.

Security Division
[] Signal Interceptor Development
The alien infiltrators sent off a signal before they were captured, but due to a lack of equipment, the Security Division was unable to intercept or trace it. To help prevent future situations like this, the Security Division would develop that missing equipment. Unfortunately, the lack of understanding of the alien technology will hinder this project, making it harder than it would otherwise be.
(376/500, 30 Resources per Die)

[] Alien Detector Development
The previously undetected presence of multiple alien infiltrators has the Security Division deeply concerned. In an attempt to prevent this from happening again, the Security Division desires research into some sort of security system to detect any future alien infiltrators. Thankfully, the new insight into the biology of the aliens should make it easier to catch any infiltrators.
(0/300, 30 Resources per Die)

Administration (3 Dice): +10

[] Security Review (Select Department)
Whether it be from a terrestrial or exterrestrial source, INDEX can expect external organisations to try and infiltrate it. Review one of its departments to see if INDEX can sniff out any spies or corruption within its ranks.

[] Request Additional Funding
While INDEX receives substantial quarterly funding from the Council, it is possible for the organisation to request additional budget for its operations. While politically unpopular, it is well within INDEX's means to successfully convince the Council to cough up a one-time influx of funding.
(DC40/80/120/160/200) (-1 PS per die) (+10 Resources/+20 Resources/+30 Resources/+40 Resources/+50 Resources)

[] Support New Council Member
While the INDEX Initiative was originally made up of sixteen countries, the success that INDEX has seen combined with the increased threat posed by the aliens means that more countries want in. INDEX can attempt to sponsor one of them, throwing their political weight behind the country's attempt to get into INDEX.
-[] Belgium (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Colombia (DC150) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Denmark (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Greece (DC125) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Indonesia (DC130) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Iran (DC140) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Ireland (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Israel (DC130) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Italy (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Netherlands (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] New Zealand (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Norway (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Pakistan (DC150) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Portugal (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Saudi Arabia (DC125) (-10 PS per die)
-[] South Korea (DC125) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Spain (DC120) (-10 PS per die)
-[] Sweden (DC120) (-10 PS per die)

[] Sell Salvage
While INDEX gets all alien salvage by default as per the terms of the INDEX Initiative, it isn't required to keep all of that salvage. The organisation is entirely within its rights to sell some alien salvage if it requires an influx of extra budget.
(Requires one die) (-1 Salvage, +25 Resources)

[] Finishing Touches
Sometimes all that is needed is a bit of dedicated administrative capacity and a small infusion of extra budget to bring a project to fruition instead of another full round of funding and attention.
(Requires one die & 10R) (Completes one non-RnD project with less progress points than the dice bonus remaining)

[] INDEX Initiative Negotiations
Having seen some substantial success against the alien invaders, INDEX has garnered enough credibility to its name that it could expand its scope. By entering negotiations with the countries that make up the INDEX Council, INDEX can gather additional resources and assets to its banner though doing so almost certainly means acquiring new responsibilities and commitments at the same time.
(Requires one die) (Cooldown period of at least two years)


Sorry about how long this update took to get done. I sort of forgot about this quest so that is on me. Anyway, start of the third in-game year and you finally get your first deployment. Also a few other things got updated here and there to reflect changes from the previou update.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel free to ask questions for more details and information.
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Ugh, now the Human Research Tax is two dice. Joy.

Making a plan.

[] Protoplan
-[] Delta Base 1D 10R
-[] Enigma Site 3D 30R
-[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Factories (Stage 1) 4D 60R
-[] Functional Laser Weaponry 2D 80R
-[] Alien Power Core 2D 80R
-[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment 3D 45R
-[] Signal Interceptor Development 3D 90R
-[] 3x Security Reviews

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The Council can keep its pants on, we're working on it. We still have three sets of alien techs to poke for more science.
But the Council wants you making human tech that can be used to fight the aliens right now rather than researching alien tech that could be useful someday in the future.
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-[] Signal Interceptor Development 3D 90R
We might be able to complete that by just researching the respective alien tech.
[] Signal Interceptor Development
The alien infiltrators sent off a signal before they were captured, but due to a lack of equipment, the Security Division was unable to intercept or trace it. To help prevent future situations like this, the Security Division would develop that missing equipment. Unfortunately, the lack of understanding of the alien technology will hinder this project, making it harder than it would otherwise be.
(376/500, 30 Resources per Die)

[] Alien Detector Development
The previously undetected presence of multiple alien infiltrators has the Security Division deeply concerned. In an attempt to prevent this from happening again, the Security Division desires research into some sort of security system to detect any future alien infiltrators. Thankfully, the new insight into the biology of the aliens should make it easier to catch any infiltrators.
(0/300, 30 Resources per Die)

[] Alien Computers
The alien computers aboard the crashed UFO at Enigma Site are completely intact. While INDEX doesn't currently know how to access or operate them, it can study them to learn such knowledge and possibly figure out ways to upgrade their own computers.
(18/480, 40 Resources per Die) (-3 Salvage)
Probably could but will have more delay than just completing the signal research directly. 3 average dice rolls would polish off the signal research. IMO that and 3 dice toward aerial make sense for the military spending.

Edit: aerial feels like something we'd want to rush even if it isn't great for value.
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Hmmmm, all these human techs seems to need more compact power supplies to reach viability, how can this ever be done? Ruddy council.
Ugh, now the Human Research Tax is two dice. Joy.

Making a plan.

[] Protoplan
-[] Delta Base 1D 10R
-[] Enigma Site 3D 30R
-[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Factories (Stage 1) 4D 60R
-[] Functional Laser Weaponry 2D 80R
-[] Alien Power Core 2D 80R
-[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment 3D 45R
-[] Signal Interceptor Development 3D 90R
-[] 3x Security Reviews

Could use an admin die to bump Basic Supplies over. Otherwise looks mostly fine.
Ugh, now the Human Research Tax is two dice. Joy.

Making a plan.

[] Protoplan
-[] Delta Base 1D 10R
-[] Enigma Site 3D 30R
-[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Factories (Stage 1) 4D 60R
-[] Functional Laser Weaponry 2D 80R
-[] Alien Power Core 2D 80R
-[] Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment 3D 45R
-[] Signal Interceptor Development 3D 90R
-[] 3x Security Reviews


Does this use the Free Die we have? I don't think it does but I wanted to check.

If it doesn't, I'm thinking we put it on Defender Deployment.
Probably could but will have more delay than just completing the signal research directly. 3 average dice rolls would polish off the signal research. IMO that and 3 dice toward aerial make sense for the military spending.

Edit: aerial feels like something we'd want to rush even if it isn't great for value.
True. Though also, we could use the mil dice to get started in finding out how to identify alien infiltrators, which we hadn't even started yet, and would be great for opsec.
True. Though also, we could use the mil dice to get started in finding out how to identify alien infiltrators, which we hadn't even started yet, and would be great for opsec.

Agreed as far as opsec. But tracing would also be good for opsec. Since infiltrator research goes hand in hand with tracing their comms, completing signal in one turn and then hard focusing on infiltrators next turn would let us start disrupting their efforts. Plus it doesn't sidetrack us on power research. If we shot for resource efficiency it'd probably take us 2+ turns on computing unless we wanted to take the PS hit and commit our free dice. Feels like we'd be looking at ~3 turns before we saw benefits from either signal or infiltrator research (guess not actual math).

If we have a decent shot at tracing/disrupting their comms starting next turn I'm advocating for trying to do so.
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[X] Plan God Damned Council
Infrastructure (3/3 Dice) Resources Spent: 40
-[X] Delta Base (Stage 3) 1 die 10R 82%
(166/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Administration Dice, +1 to all Dice)
-[X] Enigma Site (Stage 3) 2 dice + 1 free die 30R 84%
(155/300, 10 Resources per Die) (+1 PS) (+1 to Research Dice) (High Priority)
Industry (4/4 Dice) Resources Spent: 35
-[X] Stockpile Raw Materials (Phase 1) 2 dice 10R 82%
(0/100, 5 Resources per Die) (+2 Logistics, -1 Basing)
-[X] Defender Jet-Interceptor Factories (Stage 1) 2 dice 30R 69%
(0/120, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 Gear, -1 Basing, -1 Logistics)
Services (0/4 Dice) Resources Spent: 0
Research (4/4 Dice) Resources Spent: 160

-[X] Functional Laser Weaponry 2 dice 80R 0%
(227/900, 40 Resources per Die) (+1 PS)
-[X] Alien Power Core 2 dice 80R 0%
(122/480, 40 Resources per Die) (-3 Salvage)
Military (6/6 Dice) Resources Spent: 155
-[X] New-Gen APC Development 1 die 20R 80%
(69/100, 20 Resources per Die)
-[X] Defender Jet-Interceptor Deployment 1 die 15R 0%
(Stage 1: Primary Squadrons) (+25 Progress Per Turn) (0/200, 15 Resources per Die) (+2 PS) (-1 Gear, -1 Fuel)
-[X] Signal Interceptor Development 4 dice 120R 98%
(376/500, 30 Resources per Die)
Administration (3 Dice)
-[X] Security Review (Infrastructure) 1 die 71%
-[X] Security Review (Research) 1 die 71%
-[X] Security Review (Military) 1 die 71%
Resources Income 390/395 Reserve 0/36

Anyone spot any errors or have any feed back?
I'm kinda eh on the APC while we're busy with so many other high-importance Military projects.
One die should be more then enough to finish it and then we can forget about it until it's finished cooking.

Personally I think we should move the dice used for Delta Base to Echo base to speed up resurch and swarp the Signal Interceptor to Alien Detector since we already the discount from the autopsy.
But we're ether halfway through or almost finished those projects so swapping to new ones will only increase the time it will take to finish the current phases.
But we're ether halfway through or almost finished those projects so swapping to new ones will only increase the time it will take to finish the current phases.

I don't think we don't really need admin dice right now since the council insisted we get two dice on human techs and echo base just happened to provide us with science.

And we only need 300 progress for the alien dectors thanks to the discount so we have a good chance to finish it in one turn.
I don't think we don't really need admin dice right now since the council insisted we get two dice on human techs and echo base just happened to provide us with science.
Did you miss the plus to ALL DICE that the next phase of delta gives as well?
(166/200, 10 Resources per Die) (+5 Basing, +1 to Administration Dice, +1 to all Dice)

And we only need 300 progress for the alien dectors thanks to the discount so we have a good chance to finish it in one turn.
As KarmaA noted finishing interceptors could give us a further bonus to detectors so finishing interceptors this turn should raise that chance of finishing it in one turn.
I don't think we don't really need admin dice right now since the council insisted we get two dice on human techs and echo base just happened to provide us with science.

And we only need 300 progress for the alien dectors thanks to the discount so we have a good chance to finish it in one turn.
Firstly, Delta Base provides us with a +1 to all dice, as mentioned upthread. Secondly, 300 is still more than we would need for the signal detector.
Yeah, I think I see the point about stockpiling some logistics - since building those defender factories lowers logistics, we want to make sure to stay in the green for those.

[X] Plan God Damned Council