[X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training

These plan names are so similar aargh! I want to sneak out and learn poetry and start planning next turn for the progress but i'll take what I can get and support the leading plan with training in it, city wont get up and walk away. probably?

Rhaenyra/Alicent/Jeyne/Rhea would be a powerful polycule if I'm honest
These plan names are so similar aargh! I want to sneak out and learn poetry and start planning next turn for the progress but i'll take what I can get and support the leading plan with training in it, city wont get up and walk away. probably?
The city itself won't dissapear but the event that is causing such a festive mood and that the QM has gently nudged us toward won't be available...
Particularly now as the city seem to be in such a festive mood, who knows what could happen on a night like tonight.
That is why I am voting for [] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery, at the beginning it was not my cup of tea and I wanted not to rush immediately for the Royal Rogress but as it is right now it the only plan that has a chance of winning that goes to the city (Ulness [] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party magically gets a dozen people voting for it).

And honestly, I cannot understand the obsession with prioritizing training over literally everything else and how some people think that if we don't do 3-4 training actions per year we are neglecting it, despite what the QM himself told us this (with 2 training actions per year)
I was hesistant to make Rhaenyra this skilled so quick but you guys have put in some very heavy training a number of times, and I figure if Barristan Selmy at 16, with trainers probably less skilled then a knight of the Kingsguard, can beat the pants of Duncan the Tall in a Tourney then we should be at least nearing that same ballpark.
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Yeh bu the thing is I like brick wall Rhaenyra who can trump other duelists so I like training, it also just pushes hr in the direction im wanting, which is going and bailing daemon out of the Stepstones after the progress
Yeh bu the thing is I like brick wall Rhaenyra who can trump other duelists so I like training, it also just pushes hr in the direction im wanting, which is going and bailing daemon out of the Stepstones after the progress
Then we should train with Syrax and spend time with Viserys so that he gives us permission, or we should have chosen the Stepstones Boon...

And with the Royal progress being a year off it is likely that the situation would have solved by itself without our intervention, unlike in the series the Corlys-Deamon alliance is clearly winning, not in a stalemate...
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Thankfully this is not Cersei Quest so the odds of us burning the entire city to the ground are...I won't say zero cause Dragons but remote.
You are more optimistic than I am... Unless we can prevent a civil war between the riders of magic WMD, there is a decent chance that the cities caught in the crossfire will be, at least, partially burned.

I mean the combination of wooden buildings and fire (and in this case massive AOE attacks with magic napalm) doesn't work very well for cities...
Voting closed New
Voting Closed. Next update will be Royal Progress Preperation

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Oct 2, 2024 at 3:55 PM, finished with 196 posts and 48 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyman Beesbury
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Plan: Sneakery, Songs and Progress
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan: Progress, City, Training
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan So Much To Do
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyonel Strong
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[x] Challenge to a Duel: Gwayne Hightower
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Planning for the Progress and Johanna
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Lyman Beesbury
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
    [X] Plan: Progress, Investigation, and Sneakery
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Investigate the Death of King Aenys
    -[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Gwayne
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Plan: Progress, City, and Training
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Music, Training and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[x] [Action] Study Music
    [X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
    -[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
    -[x] [Action] Train
    --[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
    ---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
    -[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
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I figure that at least part of Rhea Royce's thing for Rhaenyra is so she can tell Daemon "that Rhaenyra has replaced you in every way" and revenge for the whole Mysaria marriage incident.

The rest of it is because we are smoking hot.
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Royal Progress Preperation New

Royal Progress Preperation

A Royal Progress was no minor thing as you quickly discovered. It was in effect organizing a second royal court, one that could travel to all corners of the realm. Even a minor progress could represent a massive undertaking. The crown could afford it of course, your father had not only inherited a peaceful and prosperous realm, but had kept it so for over a decade now. Whatever else one could say, the crown did not lack for coin.

Since this was your gift, your father gave you almost complete control over planning the affair, which meant you would spend hours a day for weeks on end planning out the Royal Progress, talking with maesters, Lord Beesbury, the Lord Hand and numerous officals over various details. A royal progress was no trifling matter, even if they were done regularly as they had been under the Conqueror. Not only would this be the first progress in years, it would be your first Royal Progress ever. This would in many ways be the realm's first look at you as your father's heir.

That wasn't to say this progress would be of realm shattering importance. Lord Beesbury was quick to remind you that first impressions were important, yet they weren't everything. A good first impression could be a stepping stone to an important friendship or a powerful alliance, but a bad first impression was very rarely impossible to recover from.

Your father said much the same, telling you in so many words that you were to take this seriously, but not so seriously to feel like you were choking.

While the lords of the Small Council, Maesters and other advisors were keen, often insistent, on offering advice on how you should organize this whole ordeal, ultimately the most important decisions were made by you.

One of the first and decisions, and the one with the greatest impact, was quite simply what you inteded to be the purpose for this trip. A royal progress could be done for a variety of reasons after all. It could be done simply to remind people of the Iron Throne's authority, or focused on introducing yourself to realm at large, or ensuring the King's Justice was done in parts of the realm that had little contact with King's Landing, or any other number of goals that you could think of.

Purpose of the Royal Progress
Pick as many as you like though the more options taken the less focused the Progress will be and may have less impact

[] [Purpose] A Reminder of the Throne's Authority
Your father had not toured the realm in many years and there were lords who had not seen a dragon since the days of the old king. While you doubted many, if any, of the lords had grown rebellious in the shadows, you wouldn't be surprised if some had grown lax in their fealty to your father. A visit from the the royal family would be a good and gentle reminder of who is in charge.
  • If taken greater focus will be given to visit nobles that have been out of touch with the crown, and efforts will be made to make the progress more of a showcase of the crown's wealth and authority.
  • More effective if Syrax is taken

[] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
By the time this Progress begins, you will be ten and six years of age, effectively an adult to the eyes of most of the realm, fit to rule in your own right if the worst should happen. Ideally, your status as heir would soon no longer be just a title and a promise, but will come with responsibilities and hopefully power as well. While many lords swore fealty to you, a lifetime spent largely in King's Landing meant very few lords outside of the Crownlands knew much about you besides the fact you were woman who had been named heir to the Iron Throne. A few visits could change that, give your future vassals a sense of who you were and begin building relationships. Even if you did not make full alliances, when the time came the lords of the realm may side with you over your roguish uncle simply because you were a known quality to them.
  • If taken, greater focus will be given on having you meet with the most important lords of the realm. Lords will be encouraged to hold feasts with you as the guest of honor and overall the trip will put more effort into presenting you as the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

[] [Purpose] The Queen's introduction to the Realm
While Johanna Westerling was a fairly known figure within the Westerlands, she was basically unknown elsewhere in the realm. And from what you hear,d many lords considered her to be simply the King's second wife. Too young and inexperienced to be a true Queen-Consort yet. While this was useful for you, having the Royal Progress serve as a way of introducing both your stepmother and her new child to the realm would go a long ways to improving your relationship with Johanna. It would also boost her and her child's image and prestige, which could prove problematic for you down the line. Of course, you'd have to wait until her child was born to even consider this.
  • Royal Progress would be delayed until at least turn 10
  • If taken, focus will be given to presenting Johanna Westerling as the new Queen Consort to various important lords, also likely introducing her child as well.

[] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
The realm was full of rivalries and petty disputes. House Bracken and Blackwood had clashed over their borders and other, often exceptionally petty, concerns for countless generations. House Florent viewed their own liege lords the Tyrells as up jumped stewards and barely hid their contempt. The numerous houses of the Iron Islands often clashed over any little thing when given the chance. While the worst of these disputes make their way to the Small Council or were handled by their liege lords, that was not always the case. The smaller cases often did not reach the attention of Kings Landing and in many instances the authority of the lords paramount were not fully respected, particularly in the Reach and Riverlands, allowing the issues to sit unresolved and fester. With your father's approval, you could act as his proxy during your Royal Progress, and weigh in on these matters. Successfully settling some of these disputed would go a long way to establishing yourself as someone with a keen mind, well suited for ruling. Failure however could inflame tensions and cause lords to feel slighted by you.
  • If taken, the Royal Progress will often act as a mobile court of law of sorts, with the princess acting as the King's authority and weighing in on various matters in each Kingdom.

[] [Purpose] To Find a Consort
You would be an adult by the time this progress began. While you were still young enough that you were certain your father would not force the issue for another year or more, you knew many lords were going to be wondering when you intended to get married. No doubt you would receive countless offers of marriage on your journey no matter what you did. As much as you disliked it, perhaps things would be simpler if you made clear your intention for this progress was to find a husband and future consort. Such an act would undeniably turn the Progress into a cattle show as every lord in the realm tried to win your hand, but if nothing else, it would give you a wide list of options to choose from and ensure the choice is yours to make, even if you weren't feeling ready to make that choice yet.
  • If taken, basically every lord in each of the kingdoms will present who they feel is a suitable candidate to be your future husband.

[] [Purpose] Write in
There is something else that you wished to achieve with this.

Of course, beyond the public purpose of the Royal Progress, you had your own private goals as well. You would be spending months away from home. That would give you time to do things you might not normally be able to. You could finally find a tourney to enter as a mystery knight, or spent some private time with Alicent away from both your fathers.

Private Goals for the Progress
Pick as many as you like though the more options taken the less focused the Progress will be and may have less impact

[] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
Your sworn shield had made it clear to you that winning a tourney as a mystery knight was your best chance at attaining your long desired knighthood. There had not been any tourneys of note near King's Landing since the one held the day your mother and brother died and your father was unlikely to hold one again for quite some time, if ever. But there would be plenty of tourneys while your were traveling the countryside, small and big ones alike. You saw no better chance to be able to enter a tourney covertly without arousing suspicion. Victory would bring you closer to your goal, if not ensuring your knighthood outright. Defeat would mean the risk of humiliating exposure.
  • If taken, you will covertly fund any tourney along or near your royal progress in effort to increase their size and thus any glory and fame you might earn from them.

[] [Goal] Train Publicly
Ser Tarly had been a great mentor, but both of you were starting to see the limits of your current training. A change of scenery might be the change you needed to improve your skills. And if you did it publicly, you could easily challenge any men and or boys who sought to duel you. Of course, you knew that while your practice spars were a common sight in the Red Keep these days, it would be new to the rest of the realm and you knew from experience that this would most likely mean hostility. Perhaps it was for the best. You may make a few enemies, but at least people would start to get used to the idea that their future queen was a warrior.
  • If taken, you will train in public whenever you take a training action, likely using the training yards of whatever lord you're visiting. This will give you more chances to duel new people, but will cause hostility among various lords.

[] [Goal] Train Privately
You might have been gone for up to a year and you needed to keep up your training while on the road. While you had achieved a begrudging tolerance of your training at home, you knew the same would not apply as you traveled. Normally you were not one to care what others thought, but, as much as you may have hated it, you did realize that your training would interfere with the more diplomatic aspects of your trip. So, perhaps it would be best to keep it hidden while on the road. You doubted you would be able to spar much with anyone new though.
  • If taken, you will train in clearings and other private areas whenever you take a training action. This will decrease chances of hostile reactions among the various lords, but will give fewer chances to duel more people.

[] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
You just started something wonderful with Alicent and you had no intention of ignoring her or your relationship while you traveled the Seven Kingdoms. The nature of your romance meant you could easily get away with being somewhat public about it, with most observers just thinking the two of you were very good friends being a bit silly with each other. Still. You wanted some private moments. Alicent was not ready for intimacy yet, but some songs and poems, should be for her ears alone.
  • If taken, you make an effort to secure private moments for you and Alicent, such as arranging for it to be just the two of you in a carriage or finding private areas to camp while traveling.

[] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
You weren't ready for marriage, but you knew it couldn't be put off forever. While you didn't want to come home with a husband, perhaps you could figure out who would at least be acceptable when the time came. Try to find men who would make for a decent consort without trying to dominate you politically. Someone who could give you good heirs, while also accepting that you were a warrior and aspiring knight. And there was your relationship with Alicent to consider.
  • If taken, you will be given the option to give various men you could marry a closer look, making an effort to get to know them better and figure out how well they do as your spouse.
  • Cannot be taken with To Find a Consort

[] [Goal] Find more Friends
You had one friend in your life. Your girlfriend Alicent. And while that relationship was great, you would have preferred to have more than just that one friend around you, particularly since you were more than friends now. Of course, finding a friend for someone like you was not a simple thing. You often found yourself lacking common ground with many women your age and many men your age found you off putting. But it's a wide realm out there. You're sure to find someone who would like you for who you were.
  • If taken, you will be given more options for socializing with various lords and ladies, feasts will be more common as well

[] [Goal] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)
There was something else you wanted to achieve.

Once you had the basics of what you were even going to do while on the Progress, the next big question you faced was how long of an affair should it be. A fair few voices on the Small Council supported a full tour of the Seven Kingdoms. This was your first Royal Progress and who could say when your next one would be. Better to give everyone a chance to meet you. The issue was that this would take a full year and while the Maesters were confident you would avoid the coming of winter if you left now, that would still mean a whole year away from the royal court and your normal routine. That was a daunting prospect. Instead, you could take a shorter tour and be back in a few months.

Length of the Royal Progress

[] [Tour] Short Tour (1 Turn, 2 Kingdoms)
-[] Write-in which Kingdoms (Must be next to each other)
-[] Write-in Route

[] [Tour] Medium Tour (2 Turns, 4 kingdoms)
-[] Write-in Which Kingdoms
-[] Write-in Route

[] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
-[] Write-in Route

As you figured out the length of the tour, Otto Hightower was pointedly asking you if you intended to bring your dragon along. You were loathe to part with Syrax for any real length of time, let alone up to a year, but as Otto pointed out, Syrax traveling with you could create strain. Not only would your Royal Progress have to keep her fed on the road, the various lords you stayed with would have to do the same. The Lords of the Crownlands were used to hosting dragons near their keeps, though the same could not be said for those elsewhere in the realm.

On the other hand, Syrax was in many ways a symbol of your might and powerful. Without her there, you looked and felt weaker and it would be harder to get home quickly if the need arose.

Your Dragon

[] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you

[] [Dragon] Syrax will stay in the Dragonpit

Next was the question of the size of your group while traveling. This would be the one area your father asserted himself in after Lord Beesbury had mentioned that King Aegon travelled with a thousand lords, ladies, knights and maesters. The King quickly stepped in and assured you he would provide a 'reasonably sized' retinue of a hundred or so, one fit for whatever you had planned. Though he did note that if you planned on a particularly long and winding route, they may have to trim back the retinue to keep a reasonable pace. Thankfully your father still left you in charge of deciding who of note was to travel with you.

This was mayhaps one of the bigger questions you faced. Depending on who you invited this could change your relationship with them for better or worse. You could use this to heal the rift growing between your family and the Velayrons, you could also use this to improve your relationship with Gwayne and or Rhea.

Travelling Companions
Take as many as you want. Some may refuse.

[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
As your Handmaiden, Alicent must come with you. Something your both glad for.

[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
As your sworn shield, Ser Tarly is bound by oath and creed to follow you.

[] [Companion] Otto Hightower
Otto and the rest of the Small Council have made it clear their duties mean they simply cannot afford to travel at this time.

[] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
Despite his duties to the City Watch, Otto wants Gwayne to travel with you to protect Alicent.

[] [Companion] Viserys Targaryen
Your father is hesitant about the idea of traveling. He admits he would enjoy getting out of the Red Keep and getting some fresh air, though the Maesters not sure if him traveling is a good idea or not. Some think the fresh air will help while others worry the strain of travel will tax his health.

[] [Companion] Johanna Westerling
Your step-mother is all for the idea of traveling. Once her child is born that is and provided she doesn't have to travel to the Iron Islands.
-Unavailable until at least Turn 10

[] [Companion] Rhaenys Targaryen
While Corlys wars in the Stepstones, Rhaenys holds court on Driftmark. While things between you and the Velayrons are strained at the moment, your cousin strikes you as more reasonable and understanding then her husband. Perhaps she would be willing to see this tour as a chance to begin healing the rift.

[] [Companion] Laena Velaryon
If her family agrees, having Laena come along as a guest of honor could help smooth of tensions between the two families, but there could be complications. Laena has recently tamed the massive dragon Vhagar, the last living dragon of the conquest and the mount of Aegon's sister-wife Visenya. Having such a massive dragon around could upstage you and Syrax.

[] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
The Sea Snake's heir traveling with you wouldn't smooth things over as much as Laena might, but you know there could be very distinct advantages to marrying Laenor. If he came along, it might give you the chance to get to know him better and see if his family is willing to consider such a match eventually.

[] [Companion] Rhea Royce
Traveling with Rhea would be a sure sign your family still supports her despite the recent annulment, and a clear insult to her former Husband Daemon.

[] [Companion] Jeyne Arryn
Having Jeyne as your traveling companion would further show the crown's support for her. But she may be hesitant to travel so soon after recent troubles, and having her as traveling companion will lead to rumors much like the dance did.

[] [Companion] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)

Finally there was the issue of when you should leave. Most suggested you leave around your name day but a few voices urged you to wait for the birth of Johanna's son or daughter, and a few even suggested waiting until spring


[] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)

[] [Date] Leave after Johanna has her child (Royal Progress will begin no sooner than Turn 10)

[] [Date] Delay until Spring (Royal Progress will not begin until Spring)

Vote By Plan

QM's Note: I hope this doesn't overwhelm you. I wanted to make sure the Royal Progress was as much in your control as reasonable without being too much. Also, the Laena thing was a bit an oversight by me. I meant to mention her taming Vhagar in a turn update but I forgot. My bad.
Purpose of the Royal Progress
Pick as many as you like though the more options taken the less focused the Progress will be and may have less impact

[] [Purpose] A Reminder of the Throne's Authority
Your father had not toured the realm in many years and there were lords who had not seen a dragon since the days of the old king. While you doubted many, if any, of the lords had grown rebellious in the shadows, you wouldn't be surprised if some had grown lax in their fealty to your father. A visit from the the royal family would be a good and gentle reminder of who is in charge.
  • If taken greater focus will be given to visit nobles that have been out of touch with the crown, and efforts will be made to make the progress more of a showcase of the crown's wealth and authority.
  • More effective if Syrax is taken

[] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
By the time this Progress begins, you will be ten and six years of age, effectively an adult to the eyes of most of the realm, fit to rule in your own right if the worst should happen. Ideally, your status as heir would soon no longer be just a title and a promise, but will come with responsibilities and hopefully power as well. While many lords swore fealty to you, a lifetime spent largely in King's Landing meant very few lords outside of the Crownlands knew much about you besides the fact you were woman who had been named heir to the Iron Throne. A few visits could change that, give your future vassals a sense of who you were and begin building relationships. Even if you did not make full alliances, when the time came the lords of the realm may side with you over your roguish uncle simply because you were a known quality to them.
  • If taken, greater focus will be given on having you meet with the most important lords of the realm. Lords will be encouraged to hold feasts with you as the guest of honor and overall the trip will put more effort into presenting you as the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

[] [Purpose] The Queen's introduction to the Realm
While Johanna Westerling was a fairly known figure within the Westerlands, she was basically unknown elsewhere in the realm. And from what you hear,d many lords considered her to be simply the King's second wife. Too young and inexperienced to be a true Queen-Consort yet. While this was useful for you, having the Royal Progress serve as a way of introducing both your stepmother and her new child to the realm would go a long ways to improving your relationship with Johanna. It would also boost her and her child's image and prestige, which could prove problematic for you down the line. Of course, you'd have to wait until her child was born to even consider this.
  • Royal Progress would be delayed until at least turn 10
  • If taken, focus will be given to presenting Johanna Westerling as the new Queen Consort to various important lords, also likely introducing her child as well.

[] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
The realm was full of rivalries and petty disputes. House Bracken and Blackwood had clashed over their borders and other, often exceptionally petty, concerns for countless generations. House Florent viewed their own liege lords the Tyrells as up jumped stewards and barely hid their contempt. The numerous houses of the Iron Islands often clashed over any little thing when given the chance. While the worst of these disputes make their way to the Small Council or were handled by their liege lords, that was not always the case. The smaller cases often did not reach the attention of Kings Landing and in many instances the authority of the lords paramount were not fully respected, particularly in the Reach and Riverlands, allowing the issues to sit unresolved and fester. With your father's approval, you could act as his proxy during your Royal Progress, and weigh in on these matters. Successfully settling some of these disputed would go a long way to establishing yourself as someone with a keen mind, well suited for ruling. Failure however could inflame tensions and cause lords to feel slighted by you.
  • If taken, the Royal Progress will often act as a mobile court of law of sorts, with the princess acting as the King's authority and weighing in on various matters in each Kingdom.

[] [Purpose] To Find a Consort
You would be an adult by the time this progress began. While you were still young enough that you were certain your father would not force the issue for another year or more, you knew many lords were going to be wondering when you intended to get married. No doubt you would receive countless offers of marriage on your journey no matter what you did. As much as you disliked it, perhaps things would be simpler if you made clear your intention for this progress was to find a husband and future consort. Such an act would undeniably turn the Progress into a cattle show as every lord in the realm tried to win your hand, but if nothing else, it would give you a wide list of options to choose from and ensure the choice is yours to make, even if you weren't feeling ready to make that choice yet.
  • If taken, basically every lord in each of the kingdoms will present who they feel is a suitable candidate to be your future husband.

[] [Purpose] Write in
There is something else that you wished to achieve with this.
I think we can safely pick two things here and my pick would be:
[] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
[] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs

Both of these go well with each other and both are important aspects to cement our position as heiress.
Private Goals for the Progress
Pick as many as you like though the more options taken the less focused the Progress will be and may have less impact

[] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
Your sworn shield had made it clear to you that winning a tourney as a mystery knight was your best chance at attaining your long desired knighthood. There had not been any tourneys of note near King's Landing since the one held the day your mother and brother died and your father was unlikely to hold one again for quite some time, if ever. But there would be plenty of tourneys while your were traveling the countryside, small and big ones alike. You saw no better chance to be able to enter a tourney covertly without arousing suspicion. Victory would bring you closer to your goal, if not ensuring your knighthood outright. Defeat would mean the risk of humiliating exposure.
  • If taken, you will covertly fund any tourney along or near your royal progress in effort to increase their size and thus any glory and fame you might earn from them.

[] [Goal] Train Publicly
Ser Tarly had been a great mentor, but both of you were starting to see the limits of your current training. A change of scenery might be the change you needed to improve your skills. And if you did it publicly, you could easily challenge any men and or boys who sought to duel you. Of course, you knew that while your practice spars were a common sight in the Red Keep these days, it would be new to the rest of the realm and you knew from experience that this would most likely mean hostility. Perhaps it was for the best. You may make a few enemies, but at least people would start to get used to the idea that their future queen was a warrior.
  • If taken, you will train in public whenever you take a training action, likely using the training yards of whatever lord you're visiting. This will give you more chances to duel new people, but will cause hostility among various lords.

[] [Goal] Train Privately
You might have been gone for up to a year and you needed to keep up your training while on the road. While you had achieved a begrudging tolerance of your training at home, you knew the same would not apply as you traveled. Normally you were not one to care what others thought, but, as much as you may have hated it, you did realize that your training would interfere with the more diplomatic aspects of your trip. So, perhaps it would be best to keep it hidden while on the road. You doubted you would be able to spar much with anyone new though.
  • If taken, you will train in clearings and other private areas whenever you take a training action. This will decrease chances of hostile reactions among the various lords, but will give fewer chances to duel more people.

[] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
You just started something wonderful with Alicent and you had no intention of ignoring her or your relationship while you traveled the Seven Kingdoms. The nature of your romance meant you could easily get away with being somewhat public about it, with most observers just thinking the two of you were very good friends being a bit silly with each other. Still. You wanted some private moments. Alicent was not ready for intimacy yet, but some songs and poems, should be for her ears alone.
  • If taken, you make an effort to secure private moments for you and Alicent, such as arranging for it to be just the two of you in a carriage or finding private areas to camp while traveling.

[] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
You weren't ready for marriage, but you knew it couldn't be put off forever. While you didn't want to come home with a husband, perhaps you could figure out who would at least be acceptable when the time came. Try to find men who would make for a decent consort without trying to dominate you politically. Someone who could give you good heirs, while also accepting that you were a warrior and aspiring knight. And there was your relationship with Alicent to consider.
  • If taken, you will be given the option to give various men you could marry a closer look, making an effort to get to know them better and figure out how well they do as your spouse.
  • Cannot be taken with To Find a Consort

[] [Goal] Find more Friends
You had one friend in your life. Your girlfriend Alicent. And while that relationship was great, you would have preferred to have more than just that one friend around you, particularly since you were more than friends now. Of course, finding a friend for someone like you was not a simple thing. You often found yourself lacking common ground with many women your age and many men your age found you off putting. But it's a wide realm out there. You're sure to find someone who would like you for who you were.
  • If taken, you will be given more options for socializing with various lords and ladies, feasts will be more common as well

[] [Goal] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)
There was something else you wanted to achieve.
@Teen Spirit, if we go with tourneys, does that cover our training needs?

Presuming that to be the case, my pick would be:
[] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
[] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
[] [Goal] Find more Friends

I think balancing these three things is important. Scouting for hubands is not an immediate concern and we should be able to get a feel for that anyway, though not in as much detail, by talking with our new friends.
Length of the Royal Progress

[] [Tour] Short Tour (1 Turn, 2 Kingdoms)
-[] Write-in which Kingdoms (Must be next to each other)
-[] Write-in Route

[] [Tour] Medium Tour (2 Turns, 4 kingdoms)
-[] Write-in Which Kingdoms
-[] Write-in Route

[] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
-[] Write-in Route
Full Tour. No question there. We want the entire realm to know us after all.
Your Dragon

[] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you

[] [Dragon] Syrax will stay in the Dragonpit
No way we are leaving Bestest Lizard alone at home to sit in a damp pit for a year.
Travelling Companions
Take as many as you want. Some may refuse.

[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
As your Handmaiden, Alicent must come with you. Something your both glad for.

[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
As your sworn shield, Ser Tarly is bound by oath and creed to follow you.

[] [Companion] Otto Hightower
Otto and the rest of the Small Council have made it clear their duties mean they simply cannot afford to travel at this time.

[] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
Despite his duties to the City Watch, Otto wants Gwayne to travel with you to protect Alicent.

[] [Companion] Viserys Targaryen
Your father is hesitant about the idea of traveling. He admits he would enjoy getting out of the Red Keep and getting some fresh air, though the Maesters not sure if him traveling is a good idea or not. Some think the fresh air will help while others worry the strain of travel will tax his health.

[] [Companion] Johanna Westerling
Your step-mother is all for the idea of traveling. Once her child is born that is and provided she doesn't have to travel to the Iron Islands.
-Unavailable until at least Turn 10

[] [Companion] Rhaenys Targaryen
While Corlys wars in the Stepstones, Rhaenys holds court on Driftmark. While things between you and the Velayrons are strained at the moment, your cousin strikes you as more reasonable and understanding then her husband. Perhaps she would be willing to see this tour as a chance to begin healing the rift.

[] [Companion] Laena Velaryon
If her family agrees, having Laena come along as a guest of honor could help smooth of tensions between the two families, but there could be complications. Laena has recently tamed the massive dragon Vhagar, the last living dragon of the conquest and the mount of Aegon's sister-wife Visenya. Having such a massive dragon around could upstage you and Syrax.

[] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
The Sea Snake's heir traveling with you wouldn't smooth things over as much as Laena might, but you know there could be very distinct advantages to marrying Laenor. If he came along, it might give you the chance to get to know him better and see if his family is willing to consider such a match eventually.

[] [Companion] Rhea Royce
Traveling with Rhea would be a sure sign your family still supports her despite the recent annulment, and a clear insult to her former Husband Daemon.

[] [Companion] Jeyne Arryn
Having Jeyne as your traveling companion would further show the crown's support for her. But she may be hesitant to travel so soon after recent troubles, and having her as traveling companion will lead to rumors much like the dance did.

[] [Companion] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)
Leaning towards Gwayne, Laenor and Rhea. Laenor to scout him out as a beard and the other two to form friendships. Rhea would also likely be happy to help us get some private time with Alicent.

[] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)

[] [Date] Leave after Johanna has her child (Royal Progress will begin no sooner than Turn 10)

[] [Date] Delay until Spring (Royal Progress will not begin until Spring)

Vote By Plan
Start right now I'd say or we end up going in winter.
I think if we're trying to go for a Tourney, we'd be actually incredibly stupid not to do training?

At the very least, the North seems like an interesting place to get some duels in.
Definitely want to bring Syrax along, both for loveable lizard and because I don't want to miss out on training with her for several turns.

Not too interested in most of the available companions as they overshadow us by quite a bit.
[X] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Kings Landing
--[X] Storms End
--[X] Rain House
--[X] ship to Driftmark
--[X] ship to White Harbor
--[X] Winterfell
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Deepwood Motte
--[X] ship to Bear Isle
--[X] ship to Pyke
--[X] ship to Seagard
--[X] detour through the northern Vale along the coast
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock
--[X] Oldtown (via Ocean Road)
--[X] Highgarden
--[X] Kings Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
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