The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food

Eversor also tend to be consumables. They are insane and very much fire and forget weapons.
They can be recovered and returned to stasis for a later deployment.
Just like how there's variations in how capable people are, there are some assassins that are just better than their peers.
Like the Eversor who has been active since the Horus Heresy.
The big danger here is the assassin squad exfiltrating into far orbit, where they can then just tattle to the next imperial ship that comes to visit; depending on a number of factors, them getting the next ship that comes here to glass the planet surface isn't super unlikely, which basically culls Tide down to anything far enough below ground, on the distant hulk, and flung off with his imprecise Mind throwing, which to put it mildly would put a crimp in his plans
As Tide's now a Keymind, he may have the range and precision to throw a capsule full of Flork spores at the nearest planet and use those as a back up in case the Imperium decides to revoke the planet's existence privileges
As Tide's now a Keymind, he may have the range and precision to throw a capsule full of Flork spores at the nearest planet and use those as a back up in case the Imperium decides to revoke the planet's existence privileges
Yes, but as pointed out in an earlier post, there is a risk of flood going feral if they get tossed out of Tide's range, so any pod toss would need at least a proto-mind ready to go.
Kinda like 'nid Synapse Creatures in that regard, but favoring security over redundancy
Hmm, so there's something special that's been scried about Cass, or her child, but whatever it is isn't so special that it would warrant the Aquiline Shield to intervene, so this isn't from the Emperor himself, probably.

Yet an (at least) three man squad of Assassins itself represents an enormous investment of resources and lost opportunities elsewhere, this action was almost certainly sanctioned by the High Lords of Terra directly or at the very least The Grand Master of Assassins is sticking his neck way out under a guillotine blade for whatever the hell this is.

I'm somewhat less confident that a Culexus is involved now, because if I wanted someone spiritually healthy I wouldn't allow them to be in the same star system as one of those walking atrocities.
Yall, I'm fucking hyped for this and next chapter. I had a lot of fun writing them and I even managed to get myself ahead of my posting schedule for once. I've already got Chapter 53 ready to go and part of me wants to post it right now, but I also worked hard to get that lead, so I'll be keeping the schedule I've made so far.

The Flood compels you to give in to your cravings. post the chapters, POST THEM!

:) just kidding, thanks for the good work
I'm somewhat less confident that a Culexus is involved now, because if I wanted someone spiritually healthy I wouldn't allow them to be in the same star system as one of those walking atrocities.
Ehh, it's so so. They are actually one of the few who can control their aura with certain level of finesse. Otherwise they just won't be able to work as assassins. Also they are useless against Blanks.
Ehh, it's so so. They are actually one of the few who can control their aura with certain level of finesse. Otherwise they just won't be able to work as assassins. Also they are useless against Blanks.
Also might be an "expert" brought in to assess Cass and her child. If Cass' kid is strong enough to become a Culexis, I can see that maybe warranting a team being sent. Blanks strong enough and with the aptitude to be able to become Culexis are rare.
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The big danger here is the assassin squad exfiltrating into far orbit, where they can then just tattle to the next imperial ship that comes to visit; depending on a number of factors, them getting the next ship that comes here to glass the planet surface isn't super unlikely, which basically culls Tide down to anything far enough below ground, on the distant hulk, and flung off with his imprecise Mind throwing, which to put it mildly would put a crimp in his plans

I don't think thats whats going to happen though if they escape, because Tide isn't a part of their mission or their masters plans presumably. The assassins are strange in the sense that they are separate from the inquisition. Once they get away Tide effectively becomes someone else's problem and with the current state of the imperium that means ignoring it for as long as possible given the lack of resources. A fleet that can glass the planet is a massive investment of resources that cannot be called up on a whim.
The most common type of weapon similar to an energy blade is a power sword, which can essentially slice through almost anything like a hot knife through butter. They usually possess a physical blade as well, in case the charge runs out so the wielder isn't defenseless. However, the effect looks more like lightning crackling around the projected area, rather than a plasma blade like the Elite sword.

The Sollex-Aegis energy blade is classified as a type of power sword, at least in the lexicanum (wiki), but it operates by projecting a blade (or blades, in this case) made of plasma.

Yeah, this. Assassins are overpowered to all hell because otherwise they wouldn't be effective against all the overpowered to all hell monstrosities they're expected to routinely kill.
How do they compare against Custodes? I would assume they're better in their niche, but I would still bet on the Custodes in a 1:1 due to greater flexibility, both tactically and mentally.
How do they compare against Custodes? I would assume they're better in their niche, but I would still bet on the Custodes in a 1:1 due to greater flexibility, both tactically and mentally.
One on one Custodes die. They may be able to deal with Callidus, since a big part of their training is countering infiltration but against every one of the others they die. For all their superhuman abilities they can't shoot as good as a Vindicare, they are slower than Eversor and have little defenses against a Culexus without Sisters of Silence assisting them.

Tactical flexibility doesn't help against a guy hopped up on super meth running at you faster than a sports car.

Assassins are weapons. Their whole purpose is to kill.
How do they compare against Custodes? I would assume they're better in their niche, but I would still bet on the Custodes in a 1:1 due to greater flexibility, both tactically and mentally.
Custodes are superior all-around, with Assassins at best capable of matching (or mildly surpassing) a Custodian within the Assassin's specialty but falling short everywhere else. An Eversor could probably stall a single Custodian for a decent time, but shouldn't be able to win outright. Although, the Eversor Failsafe might be enough to score a mutual kill. OTOH, Custodians aren't hyper-specialized the way Assassins are.
Twin plasma blades burn to life, like the claws of some beast pointed in the same direction, a small gap between them. Perhaps it is of xenos make or simply an unusual design, but the Callidus recognizes the Sollex-Aegis energy blade for what it is.
Fucking called it.
I do wonder whether anything was altered to give it more sustain, but at the speeds both combatants usually fight at I'm not sure it would matter.
Fucking called it.
I do wonder whether anything was altered to give it more sustain, but at the speeds both combatants usually fight at I'm not sure it would matter.
Yeah, this is about to be monsters of two different worlds colliding. Tide doesn't even know what's going on but man finding out will be something else. The blanks have to be something insane for this to have happened.
Were the assassins just immune to infection, or were they using equipment? I know that Astartes are potentially vulnerable to genestealers, so I'd be surprised if the assassins are inherently immune.
Im guessing the "PDF" the Eversor just dropped into aren't going to remain PDF-shaped for long, and not just because of the Eversor.
It's going to be a very grumpy Eversor when he realizes that these things do not die when they are killed. Not permanently anyway. He's not fighting people, he's fighting the fingerpuppets of a god, and that god has regeneration.
Were the assassins just immune to infection, or were they using equipment? I know that Astartes are potentially vulnerable to genestealers, so I'd be surprised if the assassins are inherently immune.
Callidus assassins do wear full-body suits (don't ask me how that works with their shapeshifting) so 'Sulla' being entirely environmentally isolated isn't impossible.