The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

Okay. Mental, you forgot to resize the canvas underneath the picture when you dropped the old one on top. As such, it was only showing the selection that was over the canvas. I just copied it, put it in a new doc, and resized the canvas to fit, as I couldn't in the old one.
Here is the map link: Xarmarazdik

Here is the map:
Oohkay, with the clarified rules for Production Increase, my proposed Research penalty is vastly more crippling. Should Build Projects have a similar effect?
I'm imagining Build projects include 'Boost Production' and 'Fortify' as options. We'd also need a project limit.
@Gears I have to say, for a bunch of fractious city states that need a leader and are waiting to fall under my sway as @Mental Omega stated, they certaintly are very assertive. If they don't need me at all why am I here?
So I was told that opening a second front on a Zombie Horde wouldn't work because being Zombies makes them magically immune to being attacked by two armies instead of one somehow? WTF?
I think at this point....

I should just put up the diplomacy talks on the IC so people get a idea of WTF we're actually talking about.

EDIT: aaand got ninja'd? Someone doesn't like editing the quotes out apparently.
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and now that it has been fixed, there are two issues:
1.) His position is completely elsewhere than I thought he was at
2.) This google photomanip is the worst mistake we could've ever made.

One wrong click and somebody can accidentally rearrange all the other dots/shapes players put down.
Seriously, who the hell designed this cluncky nigh useless editor?
Fixed the map. Again. If that keeps happening, I'll change the permissions so that people can only make suggestions which I'll then add. Ok?
So, while I'm waiting for Chimera to finish his stuff and get the time to write my results, can I get another trait pair, bringing me up to the 3 max?

Neither of them have come up so far, and they'll have little mechanical effect (as I think we're running on them anyway) but just to have them there, you know?

Monsters Without Compare: The Orks do not fear death or their foes. They never have and they never will, instead finding conflict and war to be joyous things. As a result, they are almost impossible to break, practically never fleeing a fight (sometimes even when ordered to) and almost as hard to corrupt, as the war torn landscapes are their perfect life, and their innate biology only boosts this mental hardiness.

Readin'? Wot's dat? The Ork Kommandos are some of the most intelligent and well educated of all the various roles and sub-species. However, even they can find it difficult to analyze stolen documents and listen in on enemy commands without jumping out from hiding and killing everyone. Although sabotage and assassination are unaffected, the Orks take a very large penalty to all intelligence gathering attempts.