The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

Bookwyrm's sheet
The Everlasting Realm

Leader: Gromrikazi (High King) Thorgrim Grudgebearer
Tier: E
Population: 64,000,000 civilians
Alliance: Minervan Oath with the Kingdom of Azjol-Nerub Expeditionary Force and the Vinci Kingdom
Why am I here?: Slumbering in the deepest roots of the Dwarven world Valaya Called her people to her. Half-awake, she sensed a coming doom and commanded the Dawi to do as they have always done- dig deeper and entrench. But as they did so they became lost in the labyrinths of a realm twisted by sleeping Gods. In the dark and stone they were transported into Xaramazdik. But not before meeting and making a pact with their fellow travelers the Odrolugi, the spider-folk who call themselves Nerubian. Not bad as far as foreigners go, sensible clan divisions, and proper respect for Langkfetti (Matriarchs). As well as some Umgi who, while more akin to Tileans than Sigmar's folk, are always handy allies and have several clever ideas.

Drangthrongaz (Military):
  • 100 War Engines
    • Kahazi-A-Kar (The Throne of Power)
    • 99 Grongi-A-Dum (Anvils of Doom)
  • 20,000 Beasts of War
    • 1,750 Zharraz Baragi (Flame Cannons)
    • 2,000 Hirnaz Baragi (Organ Guns)
    • 3,500 Thrundaz Baragi (Cannons)
    • 6,250 Dammaz Baragi (Grudge Throwers)
    • 6,500 Wutraz Baragi (Bolt Throwers)
  • 80,000 Elite Infantry
    • 5,000 Rhunki (Runesmiths)
    • 5,000 Endrini (Engineers)
    • 10,000 Drengi (Slayers)
    • 20,000 Zulundrakki (Irondrakes)
    • 20,000 Zulunbaki (Ironbreakers)
    • 20,000 Grundi (Hammerers)
  • 2,000,000 Infantry
    • 150,000 Langktrommi (Longbeards)
    • 250,000 Grungi (Miners)
    • 400,000 Thrundi (Thunderers)
    • 400,000 Dreki (Quarrellers)
    • 800.000 Kazaki (Warriors)
  • 240 Heroes
    • Grombindal the White Dwarf
    • Thorgrim Grudgebearer and 46 other Riki (Thanes)
    • Grimm Burloksson and 47 other Endrinkuli (Master Engineers)
    • Josef Bugman and 47 other Doki (Rangers)
    • Ungrim Ironfist and 47 other Drengriki (Slayer Chiefs)
    • Thorek Ironbrow and 47 other Rhunriki (Runelords)
  • 80 Ships of the Line
    • 80 Nufdumi (Dreadnoughts)
  • 800 Galleons
    • 400 Zulunkladi (Ironclads)
    • 400 Varrhunki ("Ocean-riders", Nautiluses/Submersibles)
  • 800 Heavy Aircraft
    • 800 Skarrthrundi ("Sky bombers", Gyrobombers)
  • 12,000 Light Aircraft
    • Skarri ("Fliers", Gyrocopters)


++ Magic-Eaters: The Dawi where formed by the Slann and Old Ones specifically to resist the physical and mental corruption of Chaos. Even tamed and filtered into magic or concentrated many times over into solid matter, Warp energy finds no purchase.
+ Rune-Makers: Dwarfs may not be able or want to use standard magic but they can bind magical energy into runes. Though declining in power and use with the end of the Dwarven golden age they remain potent and versatile, able to strengthen almost any aspect of any machine or tool or even the bodies of Dawi themselves.
+/- Unyielding: From the hammertongue of engineers and miners, to the unspoken meaning behind an elder's tugging of his beard, outsiders have difficultly even learning the language much less finding out terrible secrets or co-opting Dwarfs who are not outcasts. The only problem is that neighbors often have difficulty understanding why dwarfs do what they do and there is a high chance of miscommunication turning potential allies into bitter foes.
- Stone-Farmers: Given the option of a wide open plain, watered by plenty of rivers and blooming with life, a good Dawaz would completely ignore it for a harsh and nigh-sterile mountain top or cave. This doesn't give the Dawi much in the way of food surpluses or population growth, to say the least.
-- Grudge-Carvers:
Once two clans became trapped in an endless cycle of blood feuds. Even as the goblins grew ever stronger and wiped out the Hold's outlying settlements, the clans continued on. Even as the Hold was near extinction and the goblin horde literally at her gates, the clans continued on. Until both clans had only enough living members for one last battle, including women and children, the clans continued on. At the 11th hour the two clan leaders actually talked to each other and discovered that the original Grudge had passed out of memory and it was not recorded by either clan. Seeing as if it was never written down, then a Grudge was never made, the two clans finally made peace in the face of greater evil. For their fecklessness and lack of honor Grungni, father of the Dawi, had his statue fall and crush the errant patriarchs.
Dwarfs have no understanding of any greater good than vengeance or tradition and are proud of that fact, oblivious to the danger of such self-destructive thinking.

(The crimson dot on the southeastern most continent)

EDIT: Okay final draft
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The Everlasting Realm

Leader: Gromrikazi (High King) Thorgrim Grudgebearer
Tier: E

  • 100 War Engines
    • 1 Throne of Power
    • 99 Grongi-A-Dum (Anvils of Doom)
  • 20,000 Beasts of War
    • 1,750 Zharraz Baragi (Flame Cannons)
    • 2,000 Hirnaz Baragi (Organ Guns)
    • 3,500 Thrundaz Baragi (Cannons)
    • 6,250 Dammaz Baragi (Grudge Throwers)
    • 6,500 Wutraz Baragi (Bolt Throwers)
  • 80,000 Elite Infantry
    • 5,000 Rhunki (Runesmiths)
    • 5,000 Endrini (Engineers)
    • 10,000 Drengi (Slayers)
    • 20,000 Zulundrakki (Irondrakes)
    • 20,000 Zulunbaki (Ironbreakers)
    • 20,000 Grundi (Hammerers)
  • 2,000,000 Infantry
    • 150,000 Langktrommi (Longbeards)​
    • 250,000 Grungi (Miners)
    • 400,000 Thrundi (Thunderers)​
    • 400,000 Kazakdreki (Quarrellers)
    • 800.000 Kazaki (Warriors)
  • 240 Heroes
    • Grombindal the White Dwarf
    • Thorgrim Grudgebearer and 46 other Riki (Thanes)
    • Grimm Burloksson and 47 other Endrinkuli (Master Engineers)
    • Josef Bugman and 47 other Doki (Rangers)
    • Ungrim Ironfist and 47 other Drengriki (Slayer Chiefs)
    • Thorek Ironbrow and 47 other Rhunriki (Runelords)
  • 80 Ships of the Line
    • 80 Nufdumi (Dreadnoughts)
  • 800 Galleons
    • 400 Zulunkladi (Ironclads)
    • 400 Varrhunki ("Ocean-riders", Nautiluses/Submersibles)
  • 800 Heavy Aircraft
    • Skarrthrundi ("Sky bombers", Gyrobombers)
  • 12,000 Light Aircraft
    • Skarri ("Fliers", Gyrocopters)


++ Magic-Eaters: The Dawi where formed by the Slann and Old Ones specifically to resist the physical and mental corruption of Chaos. Even tamed and filtered into magic or concentrated many times over into solid matter, Warp energy finds no purchase.
+ Rune-Makers: Dwarfs may not be able or want to use standard magic but they can bind magical energy into runes. Though declining in power and use with the end of the Dwarven golden age they remain potent and versatile, able to strengthen almost any aspect of any machine or tool or even the bodies of Dawi themselves.
+/- Unyielding: From the hammertongue of engineers and miners, to the unspoken meaning behind an elder's tugging of his beard, outsiders have difficultly even learning the language much less finding out terrible secrets or co-opting Dwarfs who are not outcasts. The only problem is that neighbors often have difficulty understanding why dwarfs do what they do and there is a high chance of miscommunication turning potential allies into bitter foes.
- Stone-Farmers: Given the option of a wide open plain, watered by plenty of rivers and blooming with life, a good Dawaz would completely ignore it for a harsh and nigh-sterile mountain top or cave. This doesn't give the Dawi much in the way of food surpluses or population growth, to say the least.
-- Grudge-Carvers:
Once two clans became trapped in an endless cycle of blood feuds. Even as the goblins grew ever stronger and wiped out the Hold's outlying settlements, the clans continued on. Even as the Hold was near extinction and the goblin horde literally at her gates, the clans continued on. Until both clans had only enough living members for one last battle, including women and children, the clans continued on. At the 11th hour the two clan leaders actually talked to each other and discovered that the original Grudge had passed out of memory and it was not recorded by either clan. Seeing as if it was never written down, then a Grudge was never made, the two clans finally made peace in the face of greater evil. For their fecklessness and lack of honor Grungni, father of the Dawi, had his statue fall and crush the errant patriarchs.
Dwarfs have no understanding about any greater goods than vengeance and tradition and are proud of that fact.
Dwarves. Sweet. I love Dwarves.:)

Want to be allies?

No but I'll let the observations speak for themselves, my personal theory is that they are what became of some of the survivors of Cainhurst.
Can you put the pictures under Spoilers? Right now it makes me want to scream.
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The Everlasting Realm

Leader: Gromrikazi (High King) Thorgrim Grudgebearer
Tier: E

  • 100 War Engines
    • 1 Throne of Power
    • 99 Grongi-A-Dum (Anvils of Doom)
  • 20,000 Beasts of War
    • 1,750 Zharraz Baragi (Flame Cannons)
    • 2,000 Hirnaz Baragi (Organ Guns)
    • 3,500 Thrundaz Baragi (Cannons)
    • 6,250 Dammaz Baragi (Grudge Throwers)
    • 6,500 Wutraz Baragi (Bolt Throwers)
  • 80,000 Elite Infantry
    • 5,000 Rhunki (Runesmiths)
    • 5,000 Endrini (Engineers)
    • 10,000 Drengi (Slayers)
    • 20,000 Zulundrakki (Irondrakes)
    • 20,000 Zulunbaki (Ironbreakers)
    • 20,000 Grundi (Hammerers)
  • 2,000,000 Infantry
    • 150,000 Langktrommi (Longbeards)​
    • 250,000 Grungi (Miners)
    • 400,000 Thrundi (Thunderers)​
    • 400,000 Kazakdreki (Quarrellers)
    • 800.000 Kazaki (Warriors)
  • 240 Heroes
    • Grombindal the White Dwarf
    • Thorgrim Grudgebearer and 46 other Riki (Thanes)
    • Grimm Burloksson and 47 other Endrinkuli (Master Engineers)
    • Josef Bugman and 47 other Doki (Rangers)
    • Ungrim Ironfist and 47 other Drengriki (Slayer Chiefs)
    • Thorek Ironbrow and 47 other Rhunriki (Runelords)
  • 80 Ships of the Line
    • 80 Nufdumi (Dreadnoughts)
  • 800 Galleons
    • 400 Zulunkladi (Ironclads)
    • 400 Varrhunki ("Ocean-riders", Nautiluses/Submersibles)
  • 800 Heavy Aircraft
    • Skarrthrundi ("Sky bombers", Gyrobombers)
  • 12,000 Light Aircraft
    • Skarri ("Fliers", Gyrocopters)


++ Magic-Eaters: The Dawi where formed by the Slann and Old Ones specifically to resist the physical and mental corruption of Chaos. Even tamed and filtered into magic or concentrated many times over into solid matter, Warp energy finds no purchase.
+ Rune-Makers: Dwarfs may not be able or want to use standard magic but they can bind magical energy into runes. Though declining in power and use with the end of the Dwarven golden age they remain potent and versatile, able to strengthen almost any aspect of any machine or tool or even the bodies of Dawi themselves.
+/- Unyielding: From the hammertongue of engineers and miners, to the unspoken meaning behind an elder's tugging of his beard, outsiders have difficultly even learning the language much less finding out terrible secrets or co-opting Dwarfs who are not outcasts. The only problem is that neighbors often have difficulty understanding why dwarfs do what they do and there is a high chance of miscommunication turning potential allies into bitter foes.
- Stone-Farmers: Given the option of a wide open plain, watered by plenty of rivers and blooming with life, a good Dawaz would completely ignore it for a harsh and nigh-sterile mountain top or cave. This doesn't give the Dawi much in the way of food surpluses or population growth, to say the least.
-- Grudge-Carvers:
Once two clans became trapped in an endless cycle of blood feuds. Even as the goblins grew ever stronger and wiped out the Hold's outlying settlements, the clans continued on. Even as the Hold was near extinction and the goblin horde literally at her gates, the clans continued on. Until both clans had only enough living members for one last battle, including women and children, the clans continued on. At the 11th hour the two clan leaders actually talked to each other and discovered that the original Grudge had passed out of memory and it was not recorded by either clan. Seeing as if it was never written down, then a Grudge was never made, the two clans finally made peace in the face of greater evil. For their fecklessness and lack of honor Grungni, father of the Dawi, had his statue fall and crush the errant patriarchs.
Dwarfs have no understanding of any greater good than vengeance or tradition and are proud of that fact, oblivious to the danger of such self-destructive thinking.


I'd be very happy to have you in.

Any "why are we here?"
Dwarves. Sweet. I love Dwarves.:)

Want to be allies?
Sure if no one part of the diplomatic mission had a clanmate die to a goblin's mount of course. Or is mistaken for a Beardling because we never told you that our face hair matters. Or is overly insulted by the drivel you call alcohol. Or, well... *cough* perhaps you should send the diplomatic mission? :V
Sure if no one part of the diplomatic mission had a clanmate die to a goblin's mount of course. Or is mistaken for a Beardling because we never told you that our face hair matters. Or is overly insulted by the drivel you call alcohol. Or, well... *cough* perhaps you should send the diplomatic mission? :V
If this is like previous RPs, we can start off as allies right when we arrive, with fluff of having met during the journey to Xarmarazdik, gotten along with each other well, and decided to work together. There's even a significant mountain range directly south of my territory.