The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

Another deity might offer blessings to produce normal offspring from a marriage with halflings, but Jinnari and Hiragya are very defensive of their charges. They mean well, but they have the minds of children; being overzealous, cantankerous, and seeing the world in black and white. The halfling curse is dominant because they themselves have yet to be convinced that there is any reason for an uncursed to be attracted to a halfling beyond pedo/hebephilia. They'll keep the children looked after because all children are their charges and try to direct them to their temples if neither parent will accept; but you'll still get the curse of your offspring with that halfling always being more halflings. And no, halflings can't grow up without proper application of divinia.
Oh. Right. Cooties.
(One day, I'll learn to weaponize those. Then, I'll be able to find out if it was a good idea!)
I'm a gm and I'm not even in the GM corner.

*salt is made from an acid and a metal*
Oh dear. And I seem to have filled the last spot. @go123452, are you still GMing?
Oh. Right. Cooties.
(One day, I'll learn to weaponize those. Then, I'll be able to find out if it was a good idea!)

Oh dear. And I seem to have filled the last spot. @go123452, are you still GMing?
I mean, can you name a reason for an adult human, dwarf, giant, or elf to be attracted to a halfling that doesn't make them seem creepy?
I mean, can you name a reason for an adult human, dwarf, giant, or elf to be attracted to a halfling that doesn't make them seem creepy?
Just off the top of my head:
  • The halfling acts like an adult, and the other assumes they're a pygmy of some kind.
  • The human/giant/elf/dwarf has lived in a cosmopolitan culture, and sees it as no odder than dating a dryad/nymph/other elemental.
  • The halfling wears makeup to look like a short person.
  • Due to genetics, the halfling just naturally looks like a short person.
  • They met and became friends, years before the attraction developed.
Honestly, Dragon/Elfin relationships seem a lot more worrying to me, and even then I don't know how much smarter Dragons are supposed to be. (Mother Brain doesn't have a lot of noncombat feats.)
The question was to make them not creepy.
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After a Wikipedia search redirected me to Abhuman, I'm still confused by your sentence.
Ratlings are 40k halflings, they're based on hobbits though; whereas Worlds Aflame halflings are also called "everchildren" because they still basically look like 11-14 year olds.
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Ratlings are 40k halflings, they're based on hobbits though; whereas Worlds Aflame halflings are also called "everchildren" because they still basically look like 11-14 year olds.
IoM: Oh. Well, that's just creepy now.

So halflings look like 11-14 year old children, they apparently mature at the same rate as humans, but to they still have the mindset of 11-14 year olds even when they're in their 30's?
IoM: Oh. Well, that's just creepy now.

So halflings look like 11-14 year old children, they apparently mature at the same rate as humans, but to they still have the mindset of 11-14 year olds even when they're in their 30's?
Yeah they reach the onset of puberty and then...don't mature past that. They'll still mentally grow but their physical development is frozen at puberty.
Hmm. Mines a Lawful good, edging towards neural good.
Outer Heaven is kinda hard to list.
We are generally the nice guys lending the helping hand for the weak. But we are also kind of nuts who wants nothing with established governments and think being soldier and fighting to the death is the best thing in the world. We also steal stuff without remorse and kidnap people to brainwash them into our kind.
So yeah.
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Hmm. Mines a Lawful good, edging towards neural good.
Mine is...

The Orks are more of a Chaotic Green than any sane alignment. They're aliens with alien mindsets.

They are nasty from a human perspective though. WAAAGH!Gitstompa is fairly 'accepting' of non-Orks, as much as they can be anyway, but a healthy dose of genocide and brutal slavery is to be expected.