The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)

Even if she could grow diamond indistinguishable from natural ones, and apparently that's just a matter of including trace amounts of nitrogen in their structure, I'm not sure that it'd be worth it to counterfeit them; just sell them in bulk or something.

The biggest problem is that it's basically illegal for her to have a income.

In a story where giant unbeatable kaiju run around, I can't believe the most stupid part of the setting is the law that make it illegal for people to use thier powers for something besides caping around in crappy spandex costumes. It amazes me that this is the real sticking point in have with Worm.
There are many different kinds of power. When you have power, people tend to let the small stuff slide. Who knows, maybe Danny found a diamond mine in his yard. Maybe he spread the shine around to people that billionaires can't even see. Its a corrupt old world and someone with billions has just as many enemies as allies and while they may pay off the politician for services rendered in those full faith and trust backed government happybucks, their opponents are getting paid in treasure.
I wasn't talking about the feasibility of a illegal career and lifestyle; if anything I was talking about the irrelevance of the feasibility of illegal lifestyles because she legally can't have a career.
In a story where giant unbeatable kaiju run around, I can't believe the most stupid part of the setting is the law that make it illegal for people to use thier powers for something besides caping around in crappy spandex costumes. It amazes me that this is the real sticking point in have with Worm.
It's actually not as stupid as you think it is; there are anti-"Dumping" laws, which basically mean that it's illegal to sell goods and services below cost because doing that is a method of market manipulation and forming a monopoly from which one can raise the cost of goods and services as high as one likes, which these sort of laws could easily be a extension of if not just considered to act as.

There are better ways to implement market-protections then that of course, ones less disruptive to lifestyles and societal improvements and whatnot, but law-makers don't have a incentive to improve it so it stuck around like a dirty bandage on a open wound.
Chapter 25: The Other Other Side Of The Street New
I'm just about to start eating dinner when an alert pops up on my phone. It's my tracking software compiling an automatic report for me. Taylor Hebert just got done with school with perfect attendance for the day. Huh. I could've sworn we killed her last night. Let's trawl through the data, make sure it isn't flinging me a false positive. My tracking software operates by trawling social media sites and any available data feed, collates it all, and gives me something to work with. This information was gained through a combination of teacher entered attendance records, and school security footage. And she is present, no doubt about that.

"Apollo! I thought you said there weren't any survivors in that explosion!"

"I said there weren't any human survivors Tech Support. If she's still alive and kicking she's either not human anymore, or she wasn't there to begin with. You know how literal my power is. And either one of those gives us valuable information."

"Well that may be, but that's a right fine mess we've made though. If she wasn't on alert before, she definitely is now. Go tell the goon squad we're not done here, I'm going to do some more in depth research on our target." He leaves the hotel room slightly miffed. Petulance doesn't really look good in a suit, but all fresh triggers need their egos pricked sooner or later.

Let's see, looking through her school records... She recently transfered in from Arcadia. Hmm, school transfers are standard practice for fresh Wards, but there aren't any of those in this town. School records in Winslow depict her as a serial delinquent, not unexpected. Social media depicts... a concerted bullying campaign that mostly succeeded in driving her off social media.

I'm sorry, what the fuck? Said campaign was orchestrated by the queen bees of the school. And the recently unmasked Ward that had her home firebombed by the Nazis. Said firebombing coincided suspiciously closely with Taylor's transfer. Looks like the only reason she wasn't prosecuted for all this was how phenomenally bad it would have made the PRT look if it ever went to court. Like wow, I'm actually kind of impressed at the balls it takes to just brazenly walk out and about after all that. Good thing we're not planning to take this to court then, isn't it?

Looking at the data it looks like we made a few bad assumptions regarding the timeline. I seem to have found a video of her trigger event. We previously assumed she had her trigger event in the confrontation with Anthony, but it seems she had a bit more experience with her power than that. She wasn't at her place because of a confrontation with the Nazis of all people. Figured they would've gotten along like a house on fire considering what they did to the girl who triggered her. And then there was the fatal mistake Randy made with the local mercenaries. Silly of him not to lean on family connections in the first place, but I'm not blaming him after what happened with Grandma.

Diving into what happened the day of my Brother's death, it seems the timeline was a little bit more impressive than I thought it was. Almost immediately after the Taylor girl ripped through downtown at speeds that should've seen every single window on her route shattered at the least. I only figured this out because my data mining programs found an anomaly with peoples clothes getting ruffles by the wind all the way down main street. I didn't even know for sure it was her until a couple seconds of footage caught her on top of the house walls scouting. Mental.

From the direction she was going, and came from, the Undersider's base of operations is somewhere in the docks district of town. Unfortunately the camera coverage over there isn't nearly enough to pinpoint their location. Apparently that, and other large sections of the city are in massive disrepair. That and the ABB have apparently made it a habit to wreck any cameras in their slice of town whenever they find them. Annoying. I guess that means I'll have to deal with the possibility of Lung, or the serial suicide bomber interrupting this operation. Good thing I'm a backline kinda guy.

Moving on with my research, I look over to the only altercation there's any footage of. The Boardwalk robbery. She wasn't moving nearly as fast here than she otherwise would have. Probably getting used to her powers then, and not at all angry enough to use it to her full potential. And the guards managed to shock her with their handheld tasers. Good to know. Getting the PRT reports are easy enough as well. They have her as a brute/breaker four plus, mover four plus, and striker five plus. That mover rating should be a six or seven from what I gathered, and that striker rating was a complete surprise to me. Good to know what I need to plan around. I take out my phone.

"Vinny! The hit didn't go as planned. I need Horrorshock, a brute immune to electricity, and three more squads of guys." He makes confused noises at me.

"No, that was a Transformers character. Hasbro actually sent us a letter about that. No, I'm talking about our electricity tinker. You know, the Russian?" More confused noises.

"Cause it's the only thing fast enough to tag her, and she's already shown a weakness to it. Look, can you get it done or not?" Affirmative noises.

"Excellent. I'll meet them tomorrow at the airport." I hang up. Honestly, he should be glad I'm going through him at all.

"Holy shit, you know how much of a pain in the ass the mercs were when I gave them the bad news?" As Apollo opens the door again.

"Quite a bit less than I care about. Now. Question time."

"Oh, son of a bitch, do we have to? The idiot grunts already gave me a headache."

"Of course we have to! I'm not letting that bitch slip through my fingers again! First question. How many of the Undersiders survive against the team I'm building in a straight fight?"

"Only Grue survives in a straight fight. What a waste of a question. This is a getaway crew, you think they're going to fight fair?"

"True, but I'm not planning on fighting fair either. Next question. What are the chances the Undersiders come after us if we kidnap Taylor's dad?"

"Forty two percent." I raise my eyebrows.

"Wow, what a cold-hearted bitch."

"Could be team dynamics. They already stuck their necks out over your brother."

"Maybe. What are the chances the Undersiders come after us if we kidnap one of them."

"I can't answer that. It's too similar to the other question." I grunt in annoyance.

"What are the chances our people run into significant trouble from the locals, other than the Undersiders, if we're careful in our search for them."

"Fifty percent."

"...Yeah, I'll take those odds. Send out the boys while we're waiting for our team to assemble. Never hurts to have more information on our targets."

AN: And just so you guys know, Taylor's blank power is fully functioning against this guy

Powers gained this chapter

Inexhaustible QE Comm Link (Eclipse Phase) (100CP)
Two fingernail-sized Quantum Entanglement communication arrays. If each is installed in a separate device, those two devices can communicate instantaneously no matter the distance. Unlike standard QE comms in the setting, the qubits are not expended when information is transmitted. It has the bandwidth of a high-speed fibre optic connection.
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These devices and items she keeps getting are neat and all, but she'd really be much better off getting some more powers, she hasn't really used any of it so far...
Maybe she'll get luckier soon
These devices and items she keeps getting are neat and all,
Sometimes random == ran dumb and other times it is ran dominant.

But this last one Taylor needs to "get in my belly!" along with some kind of matter conversion tech to make a teleport option. Even if it is only big enough for her slime form to squeeze through like a straw.

Stick the other end underground in a base with internet connection under her house, give this end to TT. Maybe even pretend to be a minion projection.
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Taylor could theoretically give out false information to thinkers, but that would require her knowing how her power works.
Tattletale needs to get her ass in gear, exposition is literately her one fracking job (story-wise)

Why the heck haven't they gone back into the workshop and looked everything over? That one little freakout when she first saw the anti-matter is fine , but the Workshop is like half of Taylor's power (or even more)

"Only Grue survives in a straight fight. What a waste of a question. This is a getaway crew, you think they're going to fight fair?"

"True, but I'm not planning on fighting fair either. Next question. What are the chances the Undersiders come after us if we kidnap Taylor's dad?"

"Forty two percent." I raise my eyebrows.

"Wow, what a cold-hearted bitch."

"Could be team dynamics. They already stuck their necks out over your brother."

"Maybe. What are the chances the Undersiders come after us if we kidnap one of them."

"I can't answer that. It's too similar to the other question." I grunt in annoyance.

"What are the chances our people run into significant trouble from the locals, other than the Undersiders, if we're careful in our search for them."

"Fifty percent."

"...Yeah, I'll take those odds.
Does that guy have Dinah's power? Because that would make him the third most powerful precog on the planet (after Contessa and the Simurgh)

The nonstop action is fun and all , but Taylor really needs to take a few hours (or days) to think and strategize about her powers.
One of the things I liked about Taylor in Worm was how hard she leveraged just 'Bug Control' (silk armor + gear , swarm clones , etc.)
This Taylor just seems to take a few lucky rolls of strong powers and uses them like a rock to bash people over the head with , and while there's nothing wrong with a bit of primal personal Violence .
Just seeing the Forge laying unused kinda hurts my soul , isn't she at least curious what all those other things in the Workshop are?
I'm just about to start eating dinner when an alert pops up on my phone. It's my tracking software compiling an automatic report for me. Taylor Hebert just got done with school with perfect attendance for the day. Huh. I could've sworn we killed her last night. Let's trawl through the data, make sure it isn't flinging me a false positive. My tracking software operates by trawling social media sites and any available data feed, collates it all, and gives me something to work with. This information was gained through a combination of teacher entered attendance records, and school security footage. And she is present, no doubt about that.

"Apollo! I thought you said there weren't any survivors in that explosion!"

"I said there weren't any human survivors Tech Support. If she's still alive and kicking she's either not human anymore, or she wasn't there to begin with. You know how literal my power is. And either one of those gives us valuable information."
"Of course we have to! I'm not letting that bitch slip through my fingers again! First question. How many of the Undersiders survive against the team I'm building in a straight fight?"

"Only Grue survives in a straight fight. What a waste of a question. This is a getaway crew, you think they're going to fight fair?"

"True, but I'm not planning on fighting fair either. Next question. What are the chances the Undersiders come after us if we kidnap Taylor's dad?"

"Forty two percent." I raise my eyebrows.

"Wow, what a cold-hearted bitch."

"Could be team dynamics. They already stuck their necks out over your brother."

"Maybe. What are the chances the Undersiders come after us if we kidnap one of them."

"I can't answer that. It's too similar to the other question." I grunt in annoyance.

"What are the chances our people run into significant trouble from the locals, other than the Undersiders, if we're careful in our search for them."

"Fifty percent."
Not a fan of how direct and general these powers are; these are like the Thinker and Tinker equivalent of Flying Bricks. I would recommend looking at the Weaver Dice guide to Thinker and Tinker Trigger/power association.
Let's see, looking through her school records... She recently transfered in from Arcadia. Hmm, school transfers are standard practice for fresh Wards, but there aren't any of those in this town. School records in Winslow depict her as a serial delinquent, not unexpected. Social media depicts... a concerted bullying campaign that mostly succeeded in driving her off social media.

I'm sorry, what the fuck? Said campaign was orchestrated by the queen bees of the school. And the recently unmasked Ward that had her home firebombed by the Nazis. Said firebombing coincided suspiciously closely with Taylor's transfer. Looks like the only reason she wasn't prosecuted for all this was how phenomenally bad it would have made the PRT look if it ever went to court. Like wow, I'm actually kind of impressed at the balls it takes to just brazenly walk out and about after all that. Good thing we're not planning to take this to court then, isn't it?

Looking at the data it looks like we made a few bad assumptions regarding the timeline. I seem to have found a video of her trigger event. We previously assumed she had her trigger event in the confrontation with Anthony, but it seems she had a bit more experience with her power than that. She wasn't at her place because of a confrontation with the Nazis of all people. Figured they would've gotten along like a house on fire considering what they did to the girl who triggered her. And then there was the fatal mistake Randy made with the local mercenaries. Silly of him not to lean on family connections in the first place, but I'm not blaming him after what happened with Grandma.
Good job with the internal narrative there; the opinions and assumptions shaped by beliefs there in that scene are a good sign of improvement in terms of first-person narrative.
Moving on with my research, I look over to the only altercation there's any footage of. The Boardwalk robbery. She wasn't moving nearly as fast here than she otherwise would have. Probably getting used to her powers then, and not at all angry enough to use it to her full potential. And the guards managed to shock her with their handheld tasers. Good to know. Getting the PRT reports are easy enough as well. They have her as a brute/breaker four plus, mover four plus, and striker five plus. That mover rating should be a six or seven from what I gathered, and that striker rating was a complete surprise to me. Good to know what I need to plan around. I take out my phone.

"Vinny! The hit didn't go as planned. I need Horrorshock, a brute immune to electricity, and three more squads of guys." He makes confused noises at me.

"No, that was a Transformers character. Hasbro actually sent us a letter about that. No, I'm talking about our electricity tinker. You know, the Russian?" More confused noises.

"Cause it's the only thing fast enough to tag her, and she's already shown a weakness to it. Look, can you get it done or not?" Affirmative noises.
I knew that she should have modified herself with superconductors and insulators, or superconductive and insulating slime, to prevent that from being problematic in the future. I hope that it being a reoccurring problem lights a taser under her ass.
Powers gained this chapter

Inexhaustible QE Comm Link (Eclipse Phase) (100CP)
Two fingernail-sized Quantum Entanglement communication arrays. If each is installed in a separate device, those two devices can communicate instantaneously no matter the distance. Unlike standard QE comms in the setting, the qubits are not expended when information is transmitted. It has the bandwidth of a high-speed fibre optic connection.
Oh cool; these should be neat. I wonder whether Taylor will be able to put those into the MAM to get some sort of advancement.
These devices and items she keeps getting are neat and all, but she'd really be much better off getting some more powers, she hasn't really used any of it so far...
Maybe she'll get luckier soon
She got a bunch of powers already and she isn't using any of them; why do you think that future powers would be used?
Sometimes random == ran dumb and other times it is ran dominant.

But this last one Taylor needs to "get in my belly!" along with some kind of matter conversion tech to make a teleport option. Even if it is only big enough for her slime form to squeeze through like a straw.

Stick the other end underground in a base with internet connection under her house, give this end to TT. Maybe even pretend to be a minion projection.
She could probably use them to remote-control some Slime easily enough; she's only got a single pair of them though so she might want to avoid damaging or expending them.
Why the heck haven't they gone back into the workshop and looked everything over? That one little freakout when she first saw the anti-matter is fine , but the Workshop is like half of Taylor's power (or even more)
Because apparently sitting on things and doing nothing with them is their MO.
The nonstop action is fun and all , but Taylor really needs to take a few hours (or days) to think and strategize about her powers.
One of the things I liked about Taylor in Worm was how hard she leveraged just 'Bug Control' (silk armor + gear , swarm clones , etc.)
This Taylor just seems to take a few lucky rolls of strong powers and uses them like a rock to bash people over the head with , and while there's nothing wrong with a bit of primal personal Violence .
Just seeing the Forge laying unused kinda hurts my soul , isn't she at least curious what all those other things in the Workshop are?
Well she canonically did fucking present herself to Lung and practically tried to fist-fight him with a Master ability and her pre-outing equipment-crafting period was only ever meant to facilitate violence which she doesn't need here so...She might pick up some non-Cavewoman behaviors if she can be traumatized into it?
With Blank running in the equations, no precog is going to get remotely correct info about what she might do.

If he's getting a 42% chance that the Undersiders would try to track down Danny, it's because Taylor is one of theirs, and "Meh, yeah, we should probably save him.", and Taylor IS NOT PART OF THE EQUATION at all. He's getting a result based on their link to her, not her basically saying "They took my father, we're GOING to get him back." Every probability a precog gets is going to be without Taylor interacting with events. The same will happen with the "only Grue survives" statement. If it were only Grue, Tats, Regent and Bitch involved, then it's accurate. As soon as you add Taylor to the mix, you can be pretty sure whoever the attackers are, will regret it for a very long time, or no time at all if they happen to truly piss Taylor off, since they'll be, you know, rather dead, dead, deadski.
With Blank running in the equations, no precog is going to get remotely correct info about what she might do.

If he's getting a 42% chance that the Undersiders would try to track down Danny, it's because Taylor is one of theirs, and "Meh, yeah, we should probably save him.", and Taylor IS NOT PART OF THE EQUATION at all. He's getting a result based on their link to her, not her basically saying "They took my father, we're GOING to get him back." Every probability a precog gets is going to be without Taylor interacting with events. The same will happen with the "only Grue survives" statement. If it were only Grue, Tats, Regent and Bitch involved, then it's accurate. As soon as you add Taylor to the mix, you can be pretty sure whoever the attackers are, will regret it for a very long time, or no time at all if they happen to truly piss Taylor off, since they'll be, you know, rather dead, dead, deadski.
There's also the fact that, in the hypothetical situation where Taylor just wasn't, they'd probably be somewhat concerned by her, you know, lack thereof. It's actually impressive how high their probability of going on a rescue mission is in light of that.
Their predictions of the Undersider's should also be inaccurate since while the perk only provides partial protection to the people and items the user hangs around with it should still be throwing their predictions way off, in all likelihood the Undersider's would do a lot better in a straight fight than the power is showing. Interestingly since Taylor has the second tier of Blank she shouldn't have shown up on the cameras or any investigative programs at all since the perk also covers technological means of investigation, and should have been able to detect when people or objects are attempting to investigate or gather information about her, so she should have been getting constant pings from what these people were doing, maybe the pings are subtle enough she hasn't noticed until now?.
The perk is actually extremely powerful once you consider the full implications, she should be able to spoof any technological sensors or powers to show whatever she wants, she could walk into the protectorate headquarters and make all the cameras show Armsmaster or a dog or nothing at all, and when she got to a fingerprint scanner she could spoof it to detect her as someone with the proper authorization to be able to open it, she should be completely undetectable to Crusader's phantoms and other projections like the Siberian, she might even be able to spoof the manton limits of powers by spoofing the senses of shards like Mantellum does, for example if Trickster tries to swap her with something his shard would not be able to detect Taylor at all so it would not let him do it and for powers in which being a living being would actually be beneficial like preventing Vista from warping the space you are standing in the perk could spoof the shard to perceive her as being a generic human standing there, technically the only powers that should work on her are the ones that can work on an empty area, like Kaiser or Sundancer since any other power would not register Taylor as a valid target by default, but giving her all those uses might be overkill for this story.
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BB is shortly going to become a blackhole to parahuman mercs.

I could see the PRT being rather happy about that. Oh, they won't put anything out or in writing/reports. It's just these are those assholes that everyone ends up being happy that they are dead and gone. It keeps happening over and over again.

The knock-on effects should be interesting. That family would be losing influence and money/wealth. I could see them also having most of their cape members end up dying off. Then they find out how many real friends they have as the remains of their family has tons of enemies that were just waiting for something like this.

I'm fine with skipping the item/warehouse perks. She's freaked out about antimatter being produced in tons. She's not willingly going back in there. So any item or warehouse expansion is just not going to be found/used unless they get forced into her warehouse.

I can't see her willingly using her antimatter production center as a fallback spot.

This fic's draw has always been how Taylor is dealing with being subjected to random perks without instructions. It's been irksome at times, but that's fine/fun overall.

Taylor is ignoring the warehouse and anything that might be in it on purpose.

There is one reason that I could see her exploring her warehouse. The Undersider's base gets exposed, and they are on the run. They can't fall back with Coil. They can use any given doorway as a brief base for bit though. It depends on what sort of tracking/movers are after them.

It might really help if she got the ability to close her warehouse with others in it or having the warehouse keys being able to open any doorway she'd previously used. I'm unsure how they'd be able to figure that out though. It would also be nice if she also got one of those housing expansions.

She's got enough perks to coast by without needing more.
I think these rolls really make my case for me that V2 and V3 of the Celestial Forge are far too bloated with ancillary powers.
The whole point of the Forge is to gradually create god level beings that are grounded in humanity, but can twist reality to suit themselves. Being OP is just how they roll.
Well V2 was seriously bloated but V3 was slimmed down and made a lot less crazy. Like Maniac said the forger will become a god like being or basically the Original version of Planeswalker who make most mythical gods look like babies.