The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)

That highlighted part is the important thing.
It specifically doesn't mention a limit.

Unfortunately it is specifically limited by inventory space. And I'm gonna have to say it can only work on buildy gun constructed things. Otherwise miners wouldn't exist.

if Alex gets Taylor to agree to become his girlfriend. He going to try to do weird shit with the multiple mouths that the internet has no tag for.

'There are no words in the Tongues of Men to describe what is happening in that bedroom. Only the Dark Eldar have a vocabulary vile enough to understand it'

I think it's funny that you think there's no words for it. I may not be 'cultured' enough to know them myself, but I have absolute faith they exist.

Also please don't do anything too explicit guys. Implications are as far as I'm gonna go here.

Heck, it I ship it! they are both the right kind of messed up for each other for at least a casual teenage snort to medium term thing. Alec doesn't have to be worried about losing gaining control and Taylor doesn't have to worry about her new 'true form' being unattractive. Both need to learn how to communicate and be in a relationship.

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Also alcohol is just a two-Carbon Hydrocarbon with a Oxygen atom between a Carbon and Hydrogen atom. This whole molecular family makes sugar molecules look overly complicated.
That is specifically ethyl or grain alcohol. Other types of alcohols have different numbers of carbons, e.g. methyl aka wood alcohol has one carbon. Propyl alcohols have three carbons. That's the point where you have to start specifying what carbon the -OH is attached to, e.g. rubbing alcohol is called isopropyl alcohol because the -OH is attached to the middle carbon, i.e. is equidistant from both ends of the chain. Technically rubbing alcohol is propan-2-ol whereas a propanol with the OH at one end would be propan-1-ol.

BTW, the Wikipedia article considers sugars to be a class of alcohols and that's separate from actual sugar alcohols.
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Perhaps cut the thermite with a silicate to bind the molten iron byproduct, and something else to lower the threshold of combustion to something more reasonable? Or else, something with a lower combustion temp that reaches the required combustion temp of termite, and a silicate to bind with the molten iron for a cleaner burn? There's a lot we can do here.
Unfortunately it is specifically limited by inventory space. And I'm gonna have to say it can only work on buildy gun constructed things. Otherwise miners wouldn't exist.
Well that makes the question of how one gets things into the Buildy Gun if it can only make things out of things inside of it.
That is specifically ethyl or grain alcohol. Other types of alcohols have different numbers of carbons, e.g. methyl aka wood alcohol has one carbon. Propyl alcohols have three carbons. That's the point where you have to start specifying what carbon the -OH is attached to, e.g. rubbing alcohol is called isopropyl alcohol because the -OH is attached to the middle carbon, i.e. is equidistant from both ends of the chain. Technically rubbing alcohol is propan-2-ol whereas a propanol with the OH at one end would be propan-1-ol.
Yeah "Methanol" as in "Methane but of the Ethanol family instead of the Alkane family"; a prefix to designate the length of the carbon-chain involved attached to the molecular-family suffix; reasonable enough nomenclature.

Adding a second-order, or whatever it's called, prefix or suffix onto the compound word to designate molecular branching off from that primary molecular chain, and which molecules composed that branch, also makes a lot of sense. I do think that you mean that it would be "Prop-[number]-anol instead though since the "Prop-" prefix is what is designating the molecule-length.

I'm still bothered that they made the molecular-family suffixes for double-bonded carbon-chain hydrocarbons "Alkenes" though; that was some bullshit.
BTW, the Wikipedia article considers sugars to be a class of alcohols and that's separate from actual sugar alcohols.
Every time I think that chemistry nomenclature makes sense I come across some officiated bullshit like this.
Perhaps cut the thermite with a silicate to bind the molten iron byproduct, and something else to lower the threshold of combustion to something more reasonable? Or else, something with a lower combustion temp that reaches the required combustion temp of termite, and a silicate to bind with the molten iron for a cleaner burn? There's a lot we can do here.
Grenades already have a explosive in them; I would think that that would remove the need for any sort of starter-combustible. If necessary the explosive itself could probably be modified to burn hotter.
Storage for it is gonna be the warehouse
Well I guess that that checks out; it is meant to synchronize with other storage-Perks. I would hope that this would at least increase the storage-space?

Relatedly a completely unupgraded Buildy Gun apparently has eighteen, two rows of nine, storage slots that each fit stacks of one-hundred of a item so...That's kind of a lot of space.

Edit: also it's got a maximum of, like, eighty-one slots but that's only enforced in-setting and for the Jump the Perk comes from; Taylor could presumably get it upgraded beyond all reason given the ability to upgrade things or the services of someone with such.

"Explosions", as I understand them, are just high rates of expansion (often of the gaseous byproducts of a chemical reaction), and heat is an optional thing that you'd have to be specific with. Any demo experts in the forum?
I did have some thoughts about replacing gunpowder with Fullerened Antimatter so...No.
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Chapter 14: Arcadia!
Settling in to live with some supervillains was shockingly easy. Bitch was the simplest to deal with. I pressed her on details on how to interact with her dogs which pissed her off, but prevented most other problems from coming up. Boiled down to not letting them jump on me, and only petting them if they've crawled on top of me in some fashion. Bitch herself just ignored me when she was here. Alec was... Well I have undeniable proof he still finds me attractive even at my most monstrous. Normally I would've socked him in his stupid face for the shenanigans he pulls, but when Mom gave me the talk she told me never to lie to myself in matters of romance. And the fact is no matter how hamfisted he is about it, his blunt and incessant flirting is a massive ego boost.

Lisa comes over sporadically. Ostensibly to check up on us. Probably even the truth too. Also to communicate to us jobs the boss wants done. Nothing going on so far though. No updates on Coil either. Brian is actually the one I get along with the most. We scheduled regular spars and coaching in the mornings. A real consistent guy who's teaching me genuinely useful ways to leverage my strength and a few martial arts stances to ground myself. Apparently I'm a good student.

I'm also keeping in contact with my Dad through a proxy. I'm visiting a certain restaurant for dinner every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Unfortunately I missed this Monday due to how busy I was with the meeting and sparring with Brian. A dockworker meets me there and he passes messages back and forth for us. That is how I found out that my transfer went through and I start attending Arcadia on Monday. Oh joy, school again. Hopefully it goes light-years better than last time, my God.

Using the route Lisa made for me was easy enough. I just walked a little bit quickly through some alleyways, which both obscured my origin point, and lost any tails I might have had. We made sure nobody was keeping an eye out here either. During the day at least. I brought the paperwork to the front gate, and they let me in without a fuss, with instructions to go to the front office. I ended up having to stay and do scheduling paperwork until lunch, at which point I was given a voucher because I wasn't in the system yet. Being in a new cafeteria was nerve-wracking, but I muddled through and sat down at a relatively isolated table. Unfortunately somebody sat down right next to me almost immediately.

"Hello there, my name is Dean Stansfield. What's yours?"

"..." Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away. I start eating my food faster.

"So are you new here?" Aw crap he's engaging me.

"How do you figure?"

"You underestimate the power of the rumor mill. Also you're the only one here with a faded gray sweatshirt." I look around. Everybody is in vibrant colors. Hell, even the goths are dressed in crisp blacks. Just about the only color absent here is of the melatonin variety. Oh wait no, I see a black guy over there.

"What do you want?"

"I was curious about the new girl."

"What, come to gawk? Fuck off." He frowns as I start eating again. He's about to open his mouth again when I feel weirdly elated.

"Hey there Dean! Who's this?" I feel the slightest bit of trepidation at the question. I look over to see a blonde bombshell hovering slightly off of the ground. Victoria Dallon then. Glory Girl.

"I have no idea." As she floats over to his shoulder and hugs him from behind. Her breasts have taken an interesting position in relation to his face, and she's staring at me like she's expecting me to start something for some reason. I give her a suspicious look, but quickly go back to eating my food. I feel like I missed a memo here somewhere, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna go searching for it. Enough for me that they're actually leaving me alone.

"So, there's a party going on at Dean's place Friday night. Wanna come over?"

"Buh-wha?" Party?

"Yeah a party. Short skirts, buff dudes, big pool, and lots of booze. We never bring that last one but it never fails to appear anyways." She winks. "What'ya say?"

"Sure, yeah." I mumble into my food.

"Cool. I'm gonna take you shopping later. Can't show up in that. C'mon Dean." As she practically drags him away. As she leaves that nice feeling that started when she got here fades away. Must've been her aura.

Wait a minute.

What did I just agree to?

The rest of the day wasn't all that eventful. I got to the rest of my classes relatively pain free. Had to share books when the work required it, but nobody gave me shit over it. Nobody gave me shit over anything. It was weird. Made me feel paranoid for the complicated routes I took through the school. After all the classes ended I went to the office to get my books and locker combination. Got my update to Dad at the restaurant and went back to the loft. About an hour after that Brian and Lisa came in at the same time.

"Guys, we got a job!!" From Lisa. Me and Alec both set down the controllers and look behind us. Once they're both in view Alec kisses me on the cheek. I shove him off of the couch. Bitch walks in followed by two of her dogs as he's picking himself up.

"What?" She demands.

"Boss wants us to knock over three ABB safehouse over the course of the week. It can be all at once or throughout the week, but it's gotta be done by Friday. We taking this job?"

"Yes." From Bitch.

""Yeah."" From Alec and Lisa.

"Yes." From Brian.

"Uh, what's going on?"

"We're voting to take the job or not." Says Brian. "Do you not wanna do it?" Ha! That's a trick question. One nay to four yays isn't gonna make any difference.

"Yeah, I'll do it. But I'd like a little more of a lead up than that! Like how many goons are we likely to be facing?"

"Usually only about three to four per location." Answers Lisa. "The gangs run a pretty decentralized shindig. Only central depots and Cape hangouts have any real heavy security. These are more like apartments that are over capacity with drug pushers than anything."

"Drug pushers? Hey, does that mean I could turn any drugs we find into diamond? I might not get a perfect one to one ratio, but that's gotta be worth more by weight. Whole helluva lot less risky to carry around too. Legally speaking that is." Brian looks like he's thinking it over.

"You know what? Yeah sure. I got family that's hooked on a couple hard substances, and I say fuck that noise. We'll have to test the markets to make sure it's worth it first though."

"Hey, uh, guys." Says Alec. "Oo ra ra, fuck drugs and alcohol, stay in school, all that jazz, yeah. But if there's weed could we save some for me? Shits less of a drug than beer." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Sure." From Brian. "Anything else you need to know?"

"Well this would be my first time doing something like this. What's the plan?"

"You know this is less dangerous than that surveillance van stunt you pulled, right?" I frown at him. "So the plan is to break the door down and bruise, taze, threaten them with a gun, or whatever needs doing to incapacitate them, and tie themselves up with zip ties. You good with that?"

"I'll need the zip ties."

"When we get there. Go get dressed everybody, we're hitting the first location tonight." Everybody files into their rooms and I do too. Well... I guess I'll have to go naked. Technically. Slime biology really isn't all that titillating unless you're into silhouettes, and at that point it's kinda pointless trying to dress modestly. And I can always fake wearing clothes if I need to. Given this non choice in apparel, I'm one of the first two ready in the living room. The other is Brian.

"Hey, uh... You missed practice today."

"Ah crap. The transfer went through on Friday. I'm going to Arcadia now. I forgot to tell you, sorry. Should we move it up to before school?"

"Sure, sure. I might not make it the day after we do a job though."

"That's fine..." The next ten minutes are spent in awkward silence.

I ended up riding with Alec to the job location. Riding on an enhanced dog was an experience, let me tell you that. Good thing I can't get saddlesore. We cased the location for about a half hour so Lisa, Tattletale in that ridiculous purple spandex of hers, could tell us if there were any nasty surprises for us. There weren't.

Getting in and finishing the job was contemptuously easy. Grue didn't even use his power. Tattletale just punched in a code for the door, and me and Grue broke down the door of the apartment we're robbing. Two of the guys were taken down immediately to Grue and me cause we caught them with their metaphorical pants down, and the third one got tripped by Alec. We ziptied them real quick. Tattletale found most of the cash and drug stashes. I found one hidden deep in the couch. We skedaddled real quick after that cause apparently there was a fourth dude who was just out to get some smokes or something.

All in all we got two thousand dollars cash and a half kilo of various drugs. Mostly low quality or cheap stuff. Once we were back at the base I started converting it to diamonds. Lisa tried to help advising me on the shapes and tiny sizes I should make them, but it's kinda hard to make a straight edge with this. I mean I'll probably get it eventually, but this is only my second time doing this kinda stuff.

"So I was thinking we would do the same thing for the next two days with the other location." Says Brian.

"Not tonight?" I ask.

"No not tonight. I had things to do today, and I'm beat. Why, you got anything going on this week?"

"Glory Girl is gonna be taking me shopping sometime this week. I don't know how long it's gonna take."

"Glory Girl." He breathes in and out. "Explain."

"Hey it's not my fault this happened! Her boyfriend tried to strike up a conversation with me during lunch. I told him to fuck off, but he didn't leave before she came over and started acting all territorial. Thought she was gonna start dumping on me, but I got invited to a party and a shopping trip instead."

"Oh my God!" From Alec. "Do you have mad game Taylor?" I stop what I'm doing with the diamonds to walk over to him.

I start beating the crap out of him with a couch cushion.
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And I'm gonna have to say it can only work on buildy gun constructed things. Otherwise miners wouldn't exist
Sure they would, a limited version of the building gun aimed at extracting from rocks, to gain the benefits of parallelism.
Possibly with greater optimization for the task of pulling stuff out of rocks.
After all both Satisfactory and Factorio are about items/time, so two producers at x/min are better than one, and twenty are better still.
I mean you *can* do everything most things manually, but it gets really painful to do so fast...

Still author fiat is a thing
"Boss wants us to knock over three ABB safehouse over the course of the week. It can be all at once or throughout the week, but it's gotta be done by Friday. We taking this job?"
I'm going to be honest here my first thought was that Taylor could literally demolish the buildings by dissolving the concrete holding the pieces of it together.
"Yes." From Bitch.

""Yeah."" From Alec and Lisa.

"Yes." From Brian.

"Uh, what's going on?"

"We're voting to take the job or not." Says Brian. "Do you not wanna do it?" Ha! That's a trick question. One nay to four yays isn't gonna make any difference.
Honestly yeah I'm not sure why they bothered to keep answering after the third vote.
"Drug pushers? Hey, does that mean I could turn any drugs we find into diamond? I might not get a perfect one to one ratio, but that's gotta be worth more by weight. Whole helluva lot less risky to carry around too. Legally speaking that is." Brian looks like he's thinking it over.
Not quite as many buyers for it though.

Also Taylor can literally get Carbon out of thin air.
All in all we got two thousand dollars cash and a half kilo of various drugs. Mostly low quality or cheap stuff. Once we were back at the base I started converting it to diamonds. Lisa tried to help advising me on the shapes and tiny sizes I should make them, but it's kinda hard to make a straight edge with this. I mean I'll probably get it eventually, but this is only my second time doing this kinda stuff.
It might help to think of crystals as really big molecules since she can shape molecules? Literally count how many atoms she wants it grown in any given direction in.


Just stop going "to" nin, and you're good.
Nope; Melanin is...*Checks Google* Yeah I was right; even outside of skin Melanin is just brown.
Taylor was just assaulted by glory girl joy. This will not go well. Also fuck you Dean your not a white knight at all.
Yeah she was basically drugged. She should return the favor.
I wouldn't be shocked if his power doesn't work on her, and he made a beeline to try and figure out why not. That, and he barely knows how to function without his powers giving him cheat sheets.
He barely knows how to function with his powers.
Unfortunately it is specifically limited by inventory space. And I'm gonna have to say it can only work on buildy gun constructed things. Otherwise miners wouldn't exist.
I wouldn't be shocked if his power doesn't work on her, and he made a beeline to try and figure out why not. That, and he barely knows how to function without his powers giving him cheat sheets.
Well the Portable Miner does exist so yeah kind of. On the other hand the Portable Miner uses grinders so even if it can absorb chunks of stone from solid stone it almost certainly isn't efficient.

On the third hand though it would make sense if it could disassemble and absorb anything made out of distinct components even if they were bonded chemically.

Edit: also even when mining thing manually you need to use a chisel (if I remember correctly) so there's probably something like a size-limit. Probably also other factors given the size of some of the products that you make in the game...Possibly also some kind of recycling function; I think that you can convert Foundations into each-other?
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