The Best Damn Fics You've Ever Read.

That's a little nonspecific. Do you mean grammar? Content? Format?

Reading the first section, it has that highschool creative writing assignment feeling, but what is really irritating is the viewpoint swapping, or lack of a viewpoint? Here's a page or so from toward the beginning:

The Time Lords should have time looped Skaro when we had the chance, Rassilon mused. Instead we sent an idealist, albeit one our more successful members to stop them. Unfortunately the Doctor only delayed their development, but did not end their existence.

Even then it was not too late to stop them. We still had technological superiority. Instead of waging war, under President Romana's leadership, the Time Lords tried to negotiate with them. Doomed to failure. What fools the old High Council was. He wondered whether Romana regretted her decision before he had her impeached for treason for her failure to handle the third time war.

A time war involved conflict not so much for space and planets, or even the hearts and minds of sentients. It fought for the most valuable commodity there was . Cause and effect. The Time Lords of old knew the most important rule of such a conflict, having fought several themselves. Protect your own history. The other temporal powers which President, ex president Romana had tried to negotiate treaties with fell not so much from Dalek assaults, but to the rising tide of history, as it was being written and rewritten. If a planet was destroyed in the crossfire millions of years before your race evolved sentience, well then you ceased to exist in the present. Such was the fate of these other temporal powers which lacked Gallifrey's transduction barriers to protect them.

At the beginning of the war the Daleks had the numbers, while the Time Lords had the technological edge. The entire Seriphia galaxy fell victim to the Dalek Apocalypse Element, ceding control of a galaxy four times the size of the Milky Way to a resurgent Dalek Empire. Coupled with their holdings in their own home galaxy, the Dalek industrial capacity dwarfed whatever the Time Lords - with only their homeworld Gallifrey, Shada the prison planet, Gryben the world which held unauthorised time travellers and few colonies; could field.

Whereas the Time Lords of the recent eras may have tried negotiation, under Rassilon the Time Lords rediscovered their fire. They fought back with a vengeance. Type 100 + War TARDISes filled the sky. Reality bombs mined the time vortex making the vast Dalek fleet pay for every act of time travel it did. Gallifrey withstood assault after assault. Its once beautiful fields gave way to craters as Dalek weaponry leaked through the Quantum forcefield. However the littered remains of Dalek saucers were testament to the high price they paid. All the while the Time Lord citadel stood. The same could not be said of Skaro, the Daleks home planet.
I'm not sure I have rec this before, but here it is. Not sure if the links work, I took them from app.

Focus, by Sevlow is a Fullmetal Alchemist fic tho I'm not sure if it's an AU or not. Let's put it as an AU. I came by this fic when I'm in the mood of something more grim.

The synopsis is this: Mustang, Edward, and all the other Alchemists of fair Amestris are starting to lose their grip on their own minds and bodies. The Amestrian military is in chaosbas dozens of its higher-ranking officers start losing their minds to an unknown sickness.

It's a pretty amazing horror/mystery fic where all the Alchemists are going mad.

The other one is this:

Number Twenty Eight by the same author is a fic where Ed became a Chimera and it's up to Mustang to get him back to right. The Mustang/Ed bonding moments and Hughes being Hughes are what makes the fic great. There's a sequel, Snow but you don't have to read if you don't want to. The sequel is just a one-shot anyway.
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Can confirm, links are broken.
Yeah, because I can't access the links through Google, they all link back to the application. I use it because the government banned and it's easier to use, but linking things from there just got harder.

EDIT: Have to uninstall the app, change to Google dns to bypass the ban. The links are working now, I think.
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Sure, it doesn't make a lot of sense with the whole canon "nobody can kill Harry but Voldemort" thing (Harry pretty much can die to someone sneezing on him here), but it's still one of the most dark and hopeless fanfics I've ever read.
Sure, it doesn't make a lot of sense with the whole canon "nobody can kill Harry but Voldemort" thing (Harry pretty much can die to someone sneezing on him here), but it's still one of the most dark and hopeless fanfics I've ever read.
Wasn't it literally the opposite? Voldemort can't kill Harry?
I personally prefer a story to be a little more fleshed out than Sisyphus was. It reads somewhat like a spoilery summary to my ears.
I'd like to recommend StewatM's Batman: 1939 Series. Basically, stories relatively early in Batman's crimefighting career, with the first story being him first coming up against larger forces of corruption outside of Gotham, and the second being his first encounter with anything superhuman (In this case, Wonder Woman) with the interesting part being that he started being a vigilante in 1939 (The year the first Batman comic came out). There's a lot of work put in to keep everything accurate to the period, and I really like the little asides he makes about Gotham's history and culture.

The first story is The Dangers of Being Cold, a team-up with Catwoman.

The second story is Swimming in the Styx, where Batman encounters Wonder Woman and superhumans for the first time.

There's also the short story A Very Special Batman Christmas, obviously set during Christmas.

Also has a TV Tropes page.

The author has stated he has no interest in continuing the series (he wants to try to get some original fiction published) but has encouraged anyone that wants to to pick it up and run with it.
These fics are really excellent, although I think the first one is my favorite. +1.
How the hell did this thread break 100 pages and no one has mentioned Pokemon(sucessfully atleast, going off the index). Here, lemme learn ya:

Mandatory Pokemon Reading
Traveler by The Straight Elf

The Sun Soul

The Game Of Champions
and, damn it all, I just realized that there was the "complete" stipulation on them. Bollocks. Imma still post this, if only so people can read these fics, if god forbid, they haven't. Honestly, my ideal of who Professor Oak is so largely shaped by 'The Game of Champions' it's not even funny. Balls, now I'm going to be rereading all of these.
Pokemon fanfic wise, A Professor and a Student is the only complete fic I can unambiguously rec.

The basis of it is a canon compliant look at Ash and Professor Kukui in Alola(the title is a bit on the nose). It kind of breaks that conceit later on, but how would be spoilers. The real meat of it though is in the relationships, with the trust developing between characters as the fic goes on being unbearably sweet to read.

Word smithery wise, it is servicable. The flow of reading was never broken by a glaring error, and the imagery was clear, at least for fanfic standards. Fanfiction as a whole has an expectation that you know what the characters look like, so I honestly cannot recall how descriptive they were in regards to that.

I might be a bit biased due to it being of the fanfic genre where you get a look at canon through a secondary character, which is my favorite kind bar none. It also avoids the pitfalls of the Pokemon anime due to having a definite ending, if one with setup for a sequel.

Seriously though, read it. It's good.

Edit: Oh yeah, a link-
A Professor and a Student - Chapter 1 - LeDiz - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]
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Im new to this thread, but here's a few batman rec' s

These Twists and Turns of Fate by Hinn_Raven
To be born is to exist, but to live is something else entirely. Stephanie Brown falls apart, and pulls herself back together.
Stephanie Brown is assigned a different name and gender at birth. These are the changes that result.

It's a really good fic that deals really well with all the LGBT+ themes and tugs on your heart strings.

Also both parts of the Macushla series by Hinn_Raven, both complete.

It's basically what would happen if Stephanie Brown was raised in the league of assassin's, and was Damiens bodyguard, and how that affects the batman verse.

I don't think you really need a good understanding of batman to enjoy these fics either.
I would like to recommend Journey through the Hungry Jungle, a story set in Erfworld. Erfworld is a hex turn based strategy game came to life kind of world, units(people) are not born but popped out of nowhere as adults(usually in cities as members of a Side), complete with personalty. Units have Move, Attack, Defense and Hits as overt stats, plus specials if they posses one or more. Units have to obey their superiors, its magically enforced by the world, and most non-commander units are quite satisfied to follow their commander. Marco, a lowly level two piker of Tar Zhay, wishes he had a warlord to give him orders as he finds himself in the Hungry Jungle....

Warning, if you hate puns, stay away from this fan fiction and from Erfworld in general as they are a major theme. I do not think advanced knowledge about Erfworld is required to enjoy the story but I might be wrong.

I hope quoting myself is not against the rules...
Anyway, almost a year ago I recommended the above story. Ii got an immediate upvote, presumably from another Erfworld fan, then there was silence. Since its been so long I wanted to give it a second chance. Anyone willing to try out something in a new/unknown setting?
Number Twenty Eight by the same author is a fic where Ed became a Chimera and it's up to Mustang to get him back to right.

Right this could be a good fic but I doubt I will ever read it. I won't give it an official de-rec because I haven't read it but dislike it on principle. The tragedy of Nina was that chimerism isn't something that can be fixed. If the story was a tragedy of people dealing with either the loss of a loved one or a warped body that would be one thing but I feel that reading a story where said problem is fixed would be the same as someone in the same setting successfully resurrecting the dead as intended without a cost.

As for pokemon none of the stories I like are complete.
Pokemon fanfic wise, A Professor and a Student is the only complete fic I can unambiguously rec.
Seriously though, read it. It's good.

I'm only on chapter three but so far it's an amazing story. A lot of the pokemon recs are dark and depressing but this one isn't it really stays true to the feeling of the show. Ash is in character from what I remember from Indigo and Johto. I will gladly rec this story.
Oop, forgot I popped into the thread last night; I'm reccing A Professor and a Student too. It's definitely a bit of an acquired taste in its interpretation of the Pokemon world, but that's true of basically any in-depth Pokemon fic that's not a rehashed journey fic, and it's remarkably sincere and coherent in how it presents and examines its protagonists.
I personally prefer a story to be a little more fleshed out than Sisyphus was. It reads somewhat like a spoilery summary to my ears.
Yeah, but I like the story precisely because of the way it was written. I've also seen plenty of other time travel HP stories but this one makes it painfully clear that Harry is basically in Hell with no hope of ever getting out.
Pokemon fanfic wise, A Professor and a Student is the only complete fic I can unambiguously rec.

The basis of it is a Canon compliant look at Ash and Professot Kukui in Alola(the title is a bit on the nose). It kind of breaks that conceit later on, but how would be spoilers. The real meat of it though is in the relationships, with the trust developing between characters as the fic goes on being unbearably sweet to look at.

Word smithery wise, it is servicable. The flow of reading was never broken by a glaring error, and the imagery was clear, at least for fanfic standards. Fanfiction as a whole has an expectation that you know what the characters look like, so I honestly cannot recall how descriptive they were in regards to that.

I might be a bit biased due to it being of the fanfic genre where you get a look at Canon through a secondary character, which is my favorite kind bar none. It also avoids the pitfalls of the Pokemon anime due to having a definite ending, if one with setup for a sequel.

Seriously though, read it. It's good.

Edit: Oh yeah, a link-
A Professor and a Student - Chapter 1 - LeDiz - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]
I haven't read all the way through it yet, but I have to say that this is excellent. Double points for letting me enjoy Alola without listening to VA's mangling pronunciations.

EDIT: Having finished it, definitely adding my rec to this fic.
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Anybody ever recced The Dresden Fillies before? That fanfic was actually what got me into reading the Dresden Files. It's a cross between DF and MLP. Does characterization really well, and has a lot of Dresden-style snark.