The Best Damn Fics You've Ever Read.

So I dont think anyone has mentioned this yet. But my personal favorite is
A:TLA 750k
Dragon's fire is not so easily extinguished; when Zuko rediscovers a lost firebending technique, shifting flames can shift the world...

I just really love how the author expanded on the different cultures, for me it added a new depth to an already beloved series.
So I dont think anyone has mentioned this yet. But my personal favorite is
A:TLA 750k
Dragon's fire is not so easily extinguished; when Zuko rediscovers a lost firebending technique, shifting flames can shift the world...

I just really love how the author expanded on the different cultures, for me it added a new depth to an already beloved series.
Unfortunately, it's actually been recced and debated several times already. It's a very controversial work; while I believe the thread agreed the writing and worldbuilding was at least competent, it was also uneven, prone to introducing new elements at a whim, and perhaps disrespectful of the original series, since its worldbuilding so thoroughly supplanted that of the original, making it feel incongruous with the parts it retained.

EDIT: A quick conclusion regarding Embers might be that it would've been better off as a thoroughly original work, since Vathara clearly had certain elements of ATLA that they liked and used well, then failed to meaningfully accommodate the parts they didn't. A work built from the ground up around the themes and cultures they wanted to use would've stood the test of time better, since it wouldn't clash as much with ATLA as a whole.
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Unfortunately, it's actually been recced and debated several times already. It's a very controversial work; while I believe the thread agreed the writing and worldbuilding was at least competent, it was also uneven, prone to introducing new elements at a whim, and perhaps disrespectful of the original series, since its worldbuilding so thoroughly supplanted that of the original, making it feel incongruous with the parts it retained.

Ahh my bad. i tried to search the thread to see, but im very new and didn't want to go through 102 pages.
I can understand that view point, but to me good fanfiction has always been about pushing boundaries and what ifs. And if you say that about one fanfiction that diverged from canon you can make the argument for all of them. And there are a lot of truly good fanfiction that completely deviated from the original such as crossovers. I dont think the creaters of avatar had any intention of there characters ever meeting stargate characters (ala The Dragon King's Temple).

A good story has a lot of mechanics that make it good.
An awesome story is one that you can connect with on a personal level, and it makes you want to share it with others. Despite the apparent flaws.

I think Vathara had a crazy idea, ran with it, and did their best to make an enjoyable story.

And as the thread createrlRonan O'Brien said themself back on the first page, awesome is subjective. So its up to each person to decide if its worth it.
Ahh my bad. i tried to search the thread to see, but im very new and didn't want to go through 102 pages.
I can understand that view point, but to me good fanfiction has always been about pushing boundaries and what ifs. And if you say that about one fanfiction that diverged from canon you can make the argument for all of them. And there are a lot of truly good fanfiction that completely deviated from the original such as crossovers. I dont think the creaters of avatar had any intention of there characters ever meeting stargate characters (ala The Dragon King's Temple).

A good story has a lot of mechanics that make it good.
An awesome story is one that you can connect with on a personal level, and it makes you want to share it with others. Despite the apparent flaws.

I think Vathara had a crazy idea, ran with it, and did their best to make an enjoyable story.

And as the thread createrlRonan O'Brien said themself back on the first page, awesome is subjective. So its up to each person to decide if its worth it.
No need to apologize! And definitely agreed--Embers is undeniably a great story, even if it's not to everyone's tastes. But it's controversial enough that the thread argued its way to the consensus that they couldn't give it the universal recommendation that the thread topic implies.

Just for this thread in general, it's good to remember that a de-rec here isn't a condemnation; lots of excellent, thoroughly enjoyable stories have been recced here, and just couldn't reach the rather high bar set by "The Best Damn Ever."
The Contentious Countess: Ardyn Edition by ohmyfae (on AO3)
Summary said:
Instead of Ardyn taunting Noctis during the events of Chapter 13, Ardyn amuses himself by reading aloud from the worst erotic romance novel known to man.

Time for some humor! It's a Final Fantasy XV (not very serious) fic, but you can probably understand what's going on without full knowlege of the source material. I'm not linking because of creatively terrible descriptions of sex, but no actual sex happens in it. It's silly fun and the only negative I can think of is the ending is a bit abrupt, but I think it's an awesome fic with great bad writing.:D
The Realization of Perfection. Honestly probably the best Phoenix Wright fanfic I've ever read. It takes the character of Franziska von Karma, completely breaks her down and then slowly and methodically builds her up again. The fic carefully takes us through the process of her life, her weaknesses, her strengths, her passions. It does it deftly and carefully, leaving plenty up to implication, though much is simply stated upfront. The characterization is simply sublime for Franziska and Miles, the two main players, but for basically everybody in general. The author has played the games very carefully and it shows. The pacing is incredibly solid and doesn't falter, making the climactic moments all the more interesting, even if we've experienced them from a different angle before. It has a thoughtful perspective throughout, leading to an effective and decently powerful conclusion.
Ahh my bad. i tried to search the thread to see, but im very new and didn't want to go through 102 pages.
I can understand that view point, but to me good fanfiction has always been about pushing boundaries and what ifs. And if you say that about one fanfiction that diverged from canon you can make the argument for all of them. And there are a lot of truly good fanfiction that completely deviated from the original such as crossovers. I dont think the creaters of avatar had any intention of there characters ever meeting stargate characters (ala The Dragon King's Temple).

A good story has a lot of mechanics that make it good.
An awesome story is one that you can connect with on a personal level, and it makes you want to share it with others. Despite the apparent flaws.

I think Vathara had a crazy idea, ran with it, and did their best to make an enjoyable story.

And as the thread createrlRonan O'Brien said themself back on the first page, awesome is subjective. So its up to each person to decide if its worth it.
I like a Draco in leather pants fic, when it's done well. I even enjoy the occasional MC in Slytherin story. What I do not enjoy is when Draco and the Slytherins are presented as completely in the right about everything, while Harry's friends are presented as dangerously ignorant antagonists who just don't get how important traditions are to the maintenance of Wizardling Society.

What does that have to do with Embers, some readers might ask; well just translate Embers into a Harry Potter fic, and that is essentially what you have.

Embers is a fic glorifying the traditions and honor of the warrior culture Fire Nation and the Dai Lee, while bashing most of the Gaang as inconsiderate hicks who are ruining the world.

Embers Zuko is a self-righteous edgelord gary stu that obsesses about Aang's rescue being against his code, and rationalizes that such 'dishonorable actions' entitles him to flex his mighty firebending and wipe out entire villages down to the women and children for having hosted such villains.

And he demands praise for 'graciously' not slaughtering them all as his right. And he further even suggests that Katara in particular owes him a debt for her 'dishonoring' him. (Which I suspects gets even creepier later in the story from where I had had enough.)

And the worst part is 'Canon Zuko' deserves better than the portrayel he is given in that fic. Zuko went through a not very easy redemption in the original story that is mocked by this trash!

I could really enjoy a good Zuko centered fic that delves into the history and culture of the Fire Nation, but this fic is not that.
I like a Draco in leather pants fic, when it's done well. I even enjoy the occasional MC in Slytherin story. What I do not enjoy is when Draco and the Slytherins are presented as completely in the right about everything, while Harry's friends are presented as dangerously ignorant antagonists who just don't get how important traditions are to the maintenance of Wizardling Society.

What does that have to do with Embers, some readers might ask; well just translate Embers into a Harry Potter fic, and that is essentially what you have.

Embers is a fic glorifying the traditions and honor of the warrior culture Fire Nation and the Dai Lee, while bashing most of the Gaang as inconsiderate hicks who are ruining the world.

Embers Zuko is a self-righteous edgelord gary stu that obsesses about Aang's rescue being against his code, and rationalizes that such 'dishonorable actions' entitles him to flex his mighty firebending and wipe out entire villages down to the women and children for having hosted such villains.

And he demands praise for 'graciously' not slaughtering them all as his right. And he further even suggests that Katara in particular owes him a debt for her 'dishonoring' him. (Which I suspects gets even creepier later in the story from where I had had enough.)

And the worst part is 'Canon Zuko' deserves better than the portrayel he is given in that fic. Zuko went through a not very easy redemption in the original story that is mocked by this trash!

I could really enjoy a good Zuko centered fic that delves into the history and culture of the Fire Nation, but this fic is not that.
Hmm. Adding to my earlier comment that Embers would be better as an original work, I think the story's fundamental original sin is that it picks up partway through Book 2 of ATLA, keeping the entirety of Book 1 and almost half of Book 2 supposedly intact in its storyline. It's a story choice that inevitably and perhaps necessarily forces comparison with ATLA itself, where a fanfic that laid its groundwork early and tried to tell a wholly original ATLA story might be able to stand a little more independently.

Essentially, Embers tries to have its cake and eat it too: it wants to hold onto the first half of ATLA, making it seem an appeal to canon, while actually changing everything about the story. Zuko and the world are completely different, while the other protagonists and more importantly their choices and characters have not. It's this incongruity that makes it so controversial: if you fall in love with the original bits and how this radically re-imagined ATLA world unfolds, you'll like the story. If you can't ignore how drastically it clashes with the canon, you won't. It's the same trend of a Draco in Leather Pants story: so long as you can accept the story contortions needed to make a sympathetic Draco work, you'll like it, and if you can't, you won't.
Hmm. Adding to my earlier comment that Embers would be better as an original work, I think the story's fundamental original sin is that it picks up partway through Book 2 of ATLA, keeping the entirety of Book 1 and almost half of Book 2 supposedly intact in its storyline. It's a story choice that inevitably and perhaps necessarily forces comparison with ATLA itself, where a fanfic that laid its groundwork early and tried to tell a wholly original ATLA story might be able to stand a little more independently.

Essentially, Embers tries to have its cake and eat it too: it wants to hold onto the first half of ATLA, making it seem an appeal to canon, while actually changing everything about the story. Zuko and the world are completely different, while the other protagonists and more importantly their choices and characters have not. It's this incongruity that makes it so controversial: if you fall in love with the original bits and how this radically re-imagined ATLA world unfolds, you'll like the story. If you can't ignore how drastically it clashes with the canon, you won't. It's the same trend of a Draco in Leather Pants story: so long as you can accept the story contortions needed to make a sympathetic Draco work, you'll like it, and if you can't, you won't.

The problem with leaving things this way, with the first parts unchanged, is that Embers fails to give suitable reason for why the first parts should have been the same. If the world is so massively different from the original works, then the earlier narrative events would not have occurred in remotely the same fashion. Whether you like the changes or not, that is seriously flawed writing.
The problem with leaving things this way, with the first parts unchanged, is that Embers fails to give suitable reason for why the first parts should have been the same. If the world is so massively different from the original works, then the earlier narrative events would not have occurred in remotely the same fashion. Whether you like the changes or not, that is seriously flawed writing.
Not really? It changes the interpretation and understanding of the past events, but I can't think of a time where it doesn't justify why things went the way they did. That's half the fun. Why haven't we heard of healing bending in other elements than water if it exists? Because of massive violence and events that wiped out whole peoples, cultures, and the animals that would teach it, much of that specifically targetted at healing benders as part of Koh's plan to wipe out humanity. Same for the two-element benders. Why is Zuko specifically the one to know/learn fire healing? Because of his mother who taught him when he was younger, and she knew because she's the granddaughter of Kuzon who was friends with a dragon, who are the ones who know and can teach the technique, and also they're specifically inclined to it because it's outer bending (manipulating the elements outside of yourself instead of creating from within yourself, like the difference between manipulating a stream and bloodbending) which is a specialty of the island clans that was practically wiped out with the unnatural monsoon that Avatar Kyoshi sent to punish the pirates because yada yada you get the idea. And I haven't read it in a while, but I could probably do that for any change brought up (except some of the characterization, imo Vathara's fatal weakness).

Sure there were a ridiculous number of new elements and they were all sprung on the reader jarringly sudden, but it's clear there was great effort put in to make them work retroactively/not contradict the events as shown in canon or previously in the fic. I definitely disagree that, because of the changes, logically everything should have happened differently.

Edit: and we should probably bring it to the Influential Fanfics that are Divisive on the issue of being "the Greatest" thread if we're going to continue this discussion.
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I'd Trade my life for yours- I'd have to say that this is one of the best Danganronpa AUs out there, where the culprit from the first case survives with a certain other person trading their life for theirs, and each case is as tense and mysterious as those in the game, and it explores different aspects of the certain characters, I definitely recommend this one.
I want to strongly recommend Rex Racer on the Final Turn - GrayJay - X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own] to everyone. It's a epistolary story set between X-Men #1 and X-Men #54, with Alex and Scott Summers writing letters to each other, and eventually meeting for the first time. It's probably the best fanfic I've read, ever. The characterization is perfect, the continuity is tight, and it's basically as good as fanfic gets.

(I also have a, uh, sneaking suspicion its written by one of the guys who does the X-Plain the X-Men podcast.)
I'd Trade my life for yours- I'd have to say that this is one of the best Danganronpa AUs out there, where the culprit from the first case survives with a certain other person trading their life for theirs, and each case is as tense and mysterious as those in the game, and it explores different aspects of the certain characters, I definitely recommend this one.
You linked to chapter eight, it'd be better if it went straight to chapter one.
I'd Trade my life for yours- I'd have to say that this is one of the best Danganronpa AUs out there, where the culprit from the first case survives with a certain other person trading their life for theirs, and each case is as tense and mysterious as those in the game, and it explores different aspects of the certain characters, I definitely recommend this one.
Maybe read the thread rules?
Look, we already have lots of threads about specific subjects, but why not one for the best ones we've come across? It just really has to follow a few (tentative) rules, that is:

NUMBER ONE: It has to be awesome.
NUMERO DOS: It has to be complete.
I'd like to recommend StewatM's Batman: 1939 Series. Basically, stories relatively early in Batman's crimefighting career, with the first story being him first coming up against larger forces of corruption outside of Gotham, and the second being his first encounter with anything superhuman (In this case, Wonder Woman) with the interesting part being that he started being a vigilante in 1939 (The year the first Batman comic came out). There's a lot of work put in to keep everything accurate to the period, and I really like the little asides he makes about Gotham's history and culture.

The first story is The Dangers of Being Cold, a team-up with Catwoman.
December, 1940. Bodies are disappearing from morgues. A couple lies murdered in the street. To solve the mystery, Batman must seek the help of the most frustrating thief he's ever crossed. But the conspiracy behind it may still be too powerful. Chased on the coldest night of the year, has the Dark Knight found a foe so above the law even he cannot deliver the offender to justice?

The second story is Swimming in the Styx, where Batman encounters Wonder Woman and superhumans for the first time.
August, 1941. In Gotham City they say the Four Families are untouchable, and no one is more dangerous than Batman. Both these myths are shattered in one night. The first by the Dark Knight himself. The second by a myth far older than Gotham's little tales, a myth that's fearsome and unrelenting and wondrous.

There's also the short story A Very Special Batman Christmas, obviously set during Christmas.

Also has a TV Tropes page.

The author has stated he has no interest in continuing the series (he wants to try to get some original fiction published) but has encouraged anyone that wants to to pick it up and run with it.
I don't think anyone has mentioned Inheritors of Flame by Kyogre yet. It's a Katekyo Hitman Reborn! AU with excellent planning, execution, and conception. It really stands out in my mind as one of the best AUs I've ever read, largely because of how together it feels: it reads like a polished, tightly-edited novel in contrast to the usual first- or second-draft feel of fanfiction.

Summary (from said:
The virtual reality world of the game "Inheritors of Flame" is a place where you can become anyone. Even Dame-Tsuna can become a strong, confident guild master and gain many close friends. But the game isn't just a game. It could very well hold the key to the secrets of the world, and the fabled Trinisette.
I turn away for just a moment and I miss Embers being brought back up in the thread!?!?!

*vibrates in place*

Unfortunately, it's actually been recced and debated several times already. It's a very controversial work; while I believe the thread agreed the writing and worldbuilding was at least competent, it was also uneven, prone to introducing new elements at a whim, and perhaps disrespectful of the original series, since its worldbuilding so thoroughly supplanted that of the original, making it feel incongruous with the parts it retained.

EDIT: A quick conclusion regarding Embers might be that it would've been better off as a thoroughly original work, since Vathara clearly had certain elements of ATLA that they liked and used well, then failed to meaningfully accommodate the parts they didn't. A work built from the ground up around the themes and cultures they wanted to use would've stood the test of time better, since it wouldn't clash as much with ATLA as a whole.

... This is acceptable.

Time for a rec, with caveats. This is the first book in a... trilogy I think. The first book is complete, the second is in progress. I haven't finished the last handful of chapters because I naturally lose interest in things over time, even if they're really great (I'll finish you one day, Xenoblade Chronicles, I swear). So no comment on the very last handful of chapters for the first book.

Talia - Fires of Ferelden » The Mage-Four manage to botch a simple scroll, and are sent a thousand miles the wrong direction. Before they know what's happening, Talia and Onmund are assumed Apostates, while Brelyna and J'zargo are nowhere to be found. Ferelden does not make a good first impression. Non-Dragonborn-fic.
Elder Scroll series & Dragon Age, T, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, chapters: 104, words: 754k+, favs: 318, follows: 344, updated: Nov 28, 2017 published: Jun 28, 2014, Brelyna Maryon, OC, Alistair, Cousland

It's a world-fusion, where the strange continent in Elder Scrolls is Thedas and there's actually a world west of the Anderfels. Also lots of (in-character) speculation on how the religions mesh. Tons of worldbuilding involved.

I can't really say much about it other than it's very well-written, lots of attention to detail, a lot of effort to make it a true fusion, with really good characters, etc. I should go back and read it again at some point to have more to say, but as it's been updating over the past few years and I probably devoured hundreds of thousands of words of fics in between the updates, I seem to have forgotten a lot about it other than its quality.

The primary focus is an OC, Talia, a firebrand of a young mage who escaped the prison of court life in High Rock to study at the College of Winterhold in Skyrim. She and her fellow students end up in Ferelden, and Talia and Onmund end up at the Ferelden Circle while Duncan is out scouting for more Gray Warden recruits.

From there, it's an epic tale that covers DA1, with some elements of later DA entries as the story goes on, especially once Tamriel and the Empire get involved. Tamriel magic, religion, and society is an Outside Context Problem for the denizens of Thedas, and the dragons, Fade, Blight, and Darkspawn are an Outside Context Problem for agents of Tamriel. Once they start to interact, both realize the world will change forever... just as soon as the malevolent intelligent plague gets addressed.
I'm going to recommend

It has great characterization,intirigue and is faithful of being tragedy which is all it needs to become the best fanfic in fire emblem and personally the best fanfic that i have ever read, although perhaps it could be too dark for people taste.

So is this worthy to being seconded or i'm just a grimderp lover? :V
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I'm going to recommend

It has great characterization,intirigue and is faithful of being tragedy which is all it needs to become the best fanfic in fire emblem and personally the best fanfic that i have ever read, although perhaps it could be too dark for people taste.

So is this worthy to being seconded or i'm just a grimderp lover? :V

Was recced earlier in the thread and as I mentioned before I personally also rec it.
Reccing all of these fics.

Prototype x Fallout Crossover. The combination of those two verses seems incredibly suspiscious at a first glance but the author manages to combine the best of both verses without turning it into a curb-stomp fic.
Pokemon Fanfic Set in Gen V. It's a very short and sweet fic that ends on a poignant note and there's a very good sense of brevity between it. The author never succumbs to the trap of shipping between the two main leads of the fic as it would break the tone entirely and the fight scenes are very reminiscent of Overused or The Game of Champions, jampacked full of emotion.

It's a great AU that genuinely respects the canon source material while putting a unique twist of its own. I don't think there was a single moment where any character was OOC for me and the fight scenes are simply brutalistic.

It's Grandpa Vader babysitting Luke and Mara Jade's kid. The mere image of Vader changing diapers is enough to make my gut bust in laughter. What elses needs to be said?

Vader takes his grandson to the DMV and havoc ensues.