I turn away for just a moment and I miss Embers being brought back up in the thread!?!?!
*vibrates in place*
Unfortunately, it's actually been recced and debated several times already. It's a very controversial work; while I believe the thread agreed the writing and worldbuilding was at least competent, it was also uneven, prone to introducing new elements at a whim, and perhaps disrespectful of the original series, since its worldbuilding so thoroughly supplanted that of the original, making it feel incongruous with the parts it retained.
EDIT: A quick conclusion regarding Embers might be that it would've been better off as a thoroughly original work, since Vathara clearly had certain elements of ATLA that they liked and used well, then failed to meaningfully accommodate the parts they didn't. A work built from the ground up around the themes and cultures they wanted to use would've stood the test of time better, since it wouldn't clash as much with ATLA as a whole.
... This is acceptable.
Time for a rec, with caveats. This is the first book in a... trilogy I think. The first book is complete, the second is in progress. I haven't finished the last handful of chapters because I naturally lose interest in things over time, even if they're really great (I'll finish you one day, Xenoblade Chronicles, I swear). So no comment on the very last handful of chapters for the first book.
Talia - Fires of Ferelden » The Mage-Four manage to botch a simple scroll, and are sent a thousand miles the wrong direction. Before they know what's happening, Talia and Onmund are assumed Apostates, while Brelyna and J'zargo are nowhere to be found. Ferelden does not make a good first impression. Non-Dragonborn-fic.
Elder Scroll series & Dragon Age, T, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, chapters: 104, words: 754k+, favs: 318, follows: 344, updated: Nov 28, 2017 published: Jun 28, 2014, Brelyna Maryon, OC, Alistair, Cousland
It's a world-fusion, where the strange continent in Elder Scrolls is Thedas and there's actually a world west of the Anderfels. Also lots of (in-character) speculation on how the religions mesh. Tons of worldbuilding involved.
I can't really say much about it other than it's very well-written, lots of attention to detail, a lot of effort to make it a true fusion, with really good characters, etc. I should go back and read it again at some point to have more to say, but as it's been updating over the past few years and I probably devoured hundreds of thousands of words of fics in between the updates, I seem to have forgotten a lot about it other than its quality.
The primary focus is an OC, Talia, a firebrand of a young mage who escaped the prison of court life in High Rock to study at the College of Winterhold in Skyrim. She and her fellow students end up in Ferelden, and Talia and Onmund end up at the Ferelden Circle while Duncan is out scouting for more Gray Warden recruits.
From there, it's an epic tale that covers DA1, with some elements of later DA entries as the story goes on, especially once Tamriel and the Empire get involved. Tamriel magic, religion, and society is an Outside Context Problem for the denizens of Thedas, and the dragons, Fade, Blight, and Darkspawn are an Outside Context Problem for agents of Tamriel. Once they start to interact, both realize the world will change forever... just as soon as the malevolent intelligent plague gets addressed.