The actions Taylor takes are extreme, but A) in the world of the fic they work, B) Alexandria was actually worse in the original work and C) her criticisms of the world as it stands are absolutely correct?The point of the fic is that capitalism is terrible, but so is Taylor. She's a fifteen year old girl, with a fifteen year old's understanding of the world, and her solutions kinda really suck. The fic is pretty careful to never say "Taylor is the good guy", which I greatly appreciated, at least until the final chapter.
The flanderization of Alexandria, though, is just stupid. The fic tries to portray her as an agent of the status quo, in contrast to Taylor's violet rejection to it. Sometimes it does a good job, sometimes she comes across as a whiny nihilistic 12-year-old.
I will admit that I'm biased because I have a very negative view of the author's political views, but I hardly think that diminishes my criticism.
i don't know if you've noticed, but capitalism is literally killing the planet right now. Current estimates are global warming already kills 100,000+ people per year, and even the optimistic estimates for mitigation call on full ww2 levels of societal mobilization.
DIs missing Taylor as a girl who doesn't know what she's talking about is just failing to engage with anything the fic is saying.