The Amber Age: Pantheon Edition (Collaborative)

Oh, and if no one complains in the next short while, going to add 'Use 2x 0DE Clairvoyant' to the plan.

Why? Looking at the map, all tiles in our influence radius of 4 are already revealed. If I understand how the clairvoyance works correctly, that means we have no more 0 DE scrying targets available.
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I mean, death can be neutral as we are death not murder and all things must die.

I don't want to restart an argument that has already been had, but... no, not all things must die. Even in real life, there's hope for eventually conquering death and living forever via transhumanism, and this is a world where gods and such exist, so death is probably even less necessary.

We may be a death god, but I want to be a friendly psychopomp death god, not a "murder everyone and/or enforce the natural order of things" death god. Or better yet, be a god born of death who despite that rejects their nature and becomes a god of life.

yeah if we get a avatar what gender will it be, or will we even have a gender?

I think that's to be decided once we have an avatar, but I'm in favor of female or genderless.
Okay, Everyone voting for Plan Expanding the Kingdom I've altered it to add in using Clairvoyance twice, on tiles that cost 0 DE to use it on. Or in other words, I've copied that bit from Poking the Mystery Tile and added it to my plan, then added a bit onto the end to make absolutely sure it doesn't cost us DE to use. Even though I think the 'only do it on 0 DE tiles' was already part of the instruction. Just making sure.

As for the Shrines or Expansion... Depends on how happy you want the 'God' King really. My plan focuses on making him happy (New tribe to conquer!) and also securing access to a bunch of resources we can definitely use, whilst also opening the possibility of adding another town to our kingdom for those boosts.

As for the Avatar Gender... I'm wanting female, to play off the male God King. See if we can't get our position safe with him as his 'Queen' in the Pantheon, if (when) he ascends.

And @Calanor That might be the case, the problem is, we don't have the DE to spend on doing Clairvoyance, if it costs DE. Which I suspect means it needs to be within our Influence range.
And @Calanor That might be the case, the problem is, we don't have the DE to spend on doing Clairvoyance, if it costs DE. Which I suspect means it needs to be within our Influence range.

I know. We don't have the DE to scry outside the influence range, but all map tiles inside are already revealed. Doesn't that mean that 0 DE Clairvoyance literally does nothing?
Don't talk to me about that! I just copied that action from Void Stalker's plan, then added the confirmation that we'd only use it on 0 DE tiles.

I mean, the way it's written in Void Stalker's plan, we'd only be using it on 0 DE tiles anyway I believe and yet I don't see any of you guys complaining about that! Hell, some of you are going on about how it's an advantage that it's in the plan. If it does nothing anyway, then why is it an advantage?

For all we know though, Clairvoyance can be used to look over a tile already 'revealed' and see if there's anything interesting on it. Maybe not revealing a new resource, but perhaps something else useful or interesting.

On the other hand, maybe our Influence will expand this turn, or something else will happen meaning we can look at tiles that we couldn't before. Hell, it might combine with Astral Examination to increase what we discover about the Anomaly.

Not that I think any of that's likely, the only reason I edited it into the plan is because people kept bugging me and going on about how 'good' it was to have recon in a plan, and then no one complained when I said I'd be adding it in as long as no one complained.

If people are that annoyed at it, I'll be happy to remove it and go back to the original plan!
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Don't talk to me about that! I just copied that action from Void Stalker's plan, then added the confirmation that we'd only use it on 0 DE tiles.

I mean, the way it's written in Void Stalker's plan, we'd only be using it on 0 DE tiles anyway I believe and yet I don't see any of you guys complaining about that! Hell, some of you are going on about how it's an advantage that it's in the plan. If it does nothing anyway, then why is it an advantage?

For all we know though, Clairvoyance can be used to look over a tile already 'revealed' and see if there's anything interesting on it. Maybe not revealing a new resource, but perhaps something else useful or interesting.

On the other hand, maybe our Influence will expand this turn, or something else will happen meaning we can look at tiles that we couldn't before. Hell, it might combine with Astral Examination to increase what we discover about the Anomaly.

Not that I think any of that's likely, the only reason I edited it into the plan is because people kept bugging me and going on about how 'good' it was to have recon in a plan, and then no one complained when I said I'd be adding it in as long as no one complained.

If people are that annoyed at it, I'll be happy to remove it and go back to the original plan!
Sorry about poking you. I wasn't paying attention to Void's plan and thus missed mentions of it being in there or why it's good. The only plans I am paying attention to are yours and the Ashform + Lizard and I was merely commenting on what I knew about the mechanics when it caught my attention.
As for the Avatar Gender... I'm wanting female, to play off the male God King. See if we can't get our position safe with him as his 'Queen' in the Pantheon, if (when) he ascends.

I'm of this opinion as well. I want to have our spirit marry the God-King to ensure a power base.
The clairvoyance is more to see how it works based on the map and since we dont have other actions that can be done instead doing the 0 de cost us nothing.
Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on Apr 29, 2018 at 2:08 PM, finished with 1099 posts and 37 votes.

  • [X] Plan Expanding the Kingdom
    -[X] Preside over the Death Rites at Kut (Unlocked by Settlement DOGMA/Ritualist Skill) (Generates DE): Free
    -[X] Astral Examination (Unlocked by Mystic/Genius Loci) (Reveals greater detail about an anomaly on the map): DE 2
    -[X] Communicate your desires to An'Wah'Hei (request tile expansions, request actions, request shrines, request the hoarding of special goods, etc.): DE 1
    --[X] Expand westward of Kut through the mountains and hills, towards the cattle and gems
    -[X] Clairvoyance (Unlocked by Mysticism/Genius Loci) (Reveals a map tile up to INFLUENCE+2 away from a shrine): DE 0-2, Max 2 times per turn (based on distance from max influence)
    --[X] Any tile within Influence range (4), starting from closest to our shrine and working out, do this twice. Only use Clairvoyance on tiles that cost 0 DE to use it on.
    [X] enter torpor
    -[X] ashform
    -[X] Aspect of the Greater Lizard
    [X] Plan Poke the Mystery Tile
    -[X] Preside over the Death Rites at Kut (Unlocked by Settlement DOGMA/Ritualist Skill) (Generates DE): Free
    -[X] Astral Examination (Unlocked by Mystic/Genius Loci) (Reveals greater detail about an anomaly on the map): DE 2
    -[X] Clairvoyance (Unlocked by Mysticism/Genius Loci) (Reveals a map tile up to INFLUENCE+2 away from a shrine): DE 0-2, Max 2 times per turn (based on distance from max influence)
    --[X] Any tile within Influence range (4), starting from closest to our shrine and working out, do this twice
    -[X] Communicate your desires to An'Wah'Hei (request tile expansions, request actions, request shrines, request the hoarding of special goods, etc.): DE 1
    --[X] To build Shrines and venerate the spirit of the dead.
    [X] enter torpor
    -[X] ashform
    -[X] Element of Earth
    -[X] Inspire An'Wah'Hei!
    [X] Communicate your desires to An'Wah'Hei (request tile expansions, request actions, request shrines, request the hoarding of special goods, etc.): DE 1
    [X] Inspire in Influence (Unlocked by Inspire) (Generates Faith progress): 3 DE
    -[X] Inspire An'Wah'Hei!
    [X] Preside over the Death Rites at Kut (Unlocked by Settlement DOGMA/Ritualist Skill) (Generates DE): Free
    [X] Plan Balanced Breakfast
    -[X] Preside over the Death Rites at Kut (Unlocked by Settlement DOGMA/Ritualist Skill) (Generates DE): Free
    -[X] Astral Examination (Unlocked by Mystic/Genius Loci) (Reveals greater detail about an anomaly on the map): DE 2
    --[X] The thingy north of our shrine with the big question mark.
    -[X] Communicate your desires to An'Wah'Hei (request tile expansions, request actions, request shrines, request the hoarding of special goods, etc.): DE 1
    --[X] Expand southeast to the Citrus tile.
    [X] Preside over the Death Rites at [Kut] (Unlocked by Settlement DOGMA/Ritualist Skill) (Generates DE): Free
    [X] enter torpor
    -[X] ashform
    [X] Plan : Revelations
    [X] Inspire in Influence (Unlocked by Inspire) (Generates Faith progress): 3 DE
    -[X] Inspire to Speak Stories in [Kut] (Unlocked by Loremaker) (Generates ???)
    [X] enter torpor
    -[X] ashform
    -[X] Aspect of Humanity
    [X] enter torpor
    -[X] ashform
    -[X] Element of Fire
I'm of this opinion as well. I want to have our spirit marry the God-King to ensure a power base.
Gosh, all I want to do is have the guy's babies, why do you all have to make it weird by bringing marriage into it!?

Besides, the guy's proto!Gilgamesh. If we're going to seduce him, we're going to do it either as a guy or as an agendered being of clay-like substance. My goggles will stand for nothing else!
I'm of this opinion as well. I want to have our spirit marry the God-King to ensure a power base.

That... doesn't require us to be female. Even if we want babies, we're a god, we could probably have babies with a rock if we wanted to. The gender of the other party is probably of very little concern. Marriage CERTAINLY doesn't require us to be female.
Gosh, all I want to do is have the guy's babies, why do you all have to make it weird by bringing marriage into it!?

Besides, the guy's proto!Gilgamesh. If we're going to seduce him, we're going to do it either as a guy or as an agendered being of clay-like substance. My goggles will stand for nothing else!

That... doesn't require us to be female. Even if we want babies, we're a god, we could probably have babies with a rock if we wanted to. The gender of the other party is probably of very little concern. Marriage CERTAINLY doesn't require us to be female.

DDid you guys miss the part where I stated that I wanted to marry the guy? :???: The fact that we don't have to do something doesn't mean that I suddenly don't want to do it.
DDid you guys miss the part where I stated that I wanted to marry the guy? :???: The fact that we don't have to do something doesn't mean that I suddenly don't want to do it.
Okay, I get why you quoted me (really, I was just making a joke on how screwed my priorities are in that particular shipping war), but what part of Indophenol's post assumes you felt forced to marry Goldie?

They were just pointing how Siah'Ah Ikki being female is fully unrelated to whether or not they can/will marry our God King.
(meanwhile, I objected on the grounds that GilgameshXEnkidu is my OTP and I shall support it through all dimensions and all variations)
Okay, I get why you quoted me (really, I was just making a joke on how screwed my priorities are in that particular shipping war), but what part of Indophenol's post assumes you felt forced to marry Goldie?

We don't have to marry the guy and yet that doesn't change the fact that I want to do it anyway the same way that we didn't have to play as a Death Spirit and I still wanted to anyway.
We don't have to marry the guy and yet that doesn't change the fact that I want to do it anyway the same way that we didn't have to play as a Death Spirit and I still wanted to anyway.
You seem to be completely misunderstanding everyone's point. We can marry the guy while also being a guy, or while being a genderless being.
You seem to be completely misunderstanding everyone's point. We can marry the guy while also being a guy, or while being a genderless being.

But I don't want to do that. Which is my point. My preferred turn of events would be to have a female avatar and marry the guy and have us, him and our family as our power base. Pointing out that we don't have to do that and there are alternative options isn't going to change my opinion unless those options are something I haven't thought of.